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To run a psychodynamic group therapeutically, the leader must understand the meanings and functions of hostility. Fundamental to this task is the leader's awareness of his or her bias toward hostility as a constructive or destructive feeling and willingness to serve as a lightening rod for it. This paper discusses the sources of hostility during different stages of group development. The therapeutic handling of hostility is discussed under the following topics: theoretical considerations, defensive functions, and communicative functions. Case examples illustrate the proper handling of contractual violations, scapegoating, and narcissistic injury. Countertransference reactions to anger and rage in the group are discussed.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between hostility and coronary artery disease; however, the pathogenic mechanisms by which hostility causes coronary artery disease have not been identified. Several studies have shown that hostility is associated with increased cardiovascular reactivity to mental stress. Sloan and colleagues used mental arithmetic and the Stroop Color-Word Task as psychological stressors and suggested that hostility is associated with diminished cardiac vagal control. It is supposed that the diminished cardiac vagal control results in uncontrollability of increased heart rate under stressful conditions so performance on mental stress tasks is poor. However, performance was not analyzed on the Stroop Color-Word Task. If hostility influences the autonomic nervous system, the performance of this mental stress task may also differ according to extent of hostility. In the present study, whether hostility disturbed performance of a mental stress task and the practice on it was examined. Subjects completed the Cook-Medley Hostility Scale and were divided into three groups (High, Middle, and Low) by their total scores and three subscales (Cynicism, Hostile Affect, and Aggressive Responding). They also completed the Stroop Color-Word Task. Analysis showed practice by High and Middle scoring groups on Aggressive Responding had a significantly smaller effect than that by Low scoring groups. The pathogenic mechanisms by which hostility may underlie coronary artery disease were discussed.  相似文献   

The presence of depression and hostility among self-mutilating patients is investigated. Mutilators, depressives and controls comprised the research samples. Non-significant differences in intropunitive hostility and depression were found between the clinical groups. Specific item differences in the depression assessment indicated a definite qualitative rather than quantitative difference in depressive symptomatology between the clinical groups. The interaction between hostility and depression and the implications for management based on these results is discussed.  相似文献   

Migration has been a global phenomenon since the beginning of humankind. But despite its ordinariness, migration is a complex issue. The arrival of refugees in another country might have significant social, economic, political, cultural, and religious repercussions for both the migrants and the host societies. In 2015, many refugees, mainly from the Middle East and the North African region, fled to Europe. Migration has become a subject of research in social sciences and, recently, in social ethics and theology. An ethical dilemma arises around the refugee crisis and the relationships between the host countries and guest communities: What is the relevance of the ethics of hospitality in a climate of political radicalization and hostility toward the “other”? This paper studies social ethical perspectives of hospitality and hostility toward refugees in the context of Sweden.  相似文献   

Correlated Cook-Medley Hostility Scale (Ho) scores with sociodemographic variables in a national survey of 2,536 adults. Multiple regression models revealed that Ho scores were associated with race (p less than .0001), years of education (p less than .001), sex (p less than .001), occupation (p = .0002), and income (p = .0025). Higher scores were found in non-Whites, men, and those of lower socioeconomic status. There was a Race x Income interaction (p less than .005), such that the greatest Ho score differences between the races occurred among those with the lowest incomes. Age was related to Ho scores in a curvilinear fashion: higher scores in the youngest and oldest age groups than in the middle-aged groups (p = .025). Marital status was unrelated to Ho scores. These patterns of hostility are similar to the patterns of health indicators in the population. Because hostility has been found to be associated with adverse health outcomes, hostility may account for some of the demographic variations in health status. However, it is argued that research must first establish the generality of the hostility-health relationship across subgroups of the population.  相似文献   

Previous research has quite consistently shown a significant positive correlation between external locus of control and the motor subscales of the Buss-Durkee (1957) Hostility Inventory. Moreover, research in the U.S.A. has tended to show that minorities (e.g. blacks) are more externally oriented than whites, although this has not been supported in South African research (Rajab and Ramkissoon, 1979) using blacks and English-speaking whites. The present study investigated the relationship between locus of control and hostility among Indians and Afrikaans-speaking whites in South Africa. The results showed Afrikaners to be more externally controlled than Indians and the association between hostility and externality to hold for Indians only. The findings are discussed in the light of South Africa's unique socio-cultural and political make-up.  相似文献   

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