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Surprisingly little is known about how well-being is related to social reputation, clinician judgments, and directly observed social behaviors. This study presents data that bear directly on these issues, along with comparing the personality and behavioral correlates of subjective happiness, a measurement based on a hedonic conceptualization of well-being, with psychological well-being, a eudaimonic conceptualization. The findings demonstrate remarkable consistency in the pattern of correlates of the two measures across acquaintance ratings, clinician judgments, and directly observed social behaviors. By either conceptualization, people high in well-being enjoy positive social reputations (e.g., cheerful, sociable, satisfied with life), are rated as well-adjusted by clinicians (e.g., consistent, resilient), and can be observed to exhibit adaptive social behaviors (e.g., social skill, expressiveness).  相似文献   

Previously unacquainted participants (N = 218) were assessed in small-group sessions in which they rated themselves and each other on (a) the Big Five (e.g., Costa & McCrae, 1992) and (b) an instrument assessing various traits not traditionally measured in the Big Five taxonomy as well as sociopolitical attitudes. Replicating earlier research, we obtained a significant self-stranger correlation on Extraversion; in addition, we found significant agreement on ratings of thriftiness, athleticism, traditionalism, conservatism, and attractiveness. Assumed similarity correlations were substantial for Neuroticism, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness; furthermore, consistent with previous findings, there was a strong inverse relation between agreement and assumed similarity across the assessed characteristics. Finally, the correlations between Neuroticism, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness were significantly greater in the strangers' ratings than in the self-ratings, indicating that these peer judgments are less complex. We also compared our Big Five findings with those from previous samples of varying acquaintanceship; these analyses indicated that the strangers' ratings were characterized by lower levels of self-other agreement (for all traits except Extraversion) and somewhat higher levels of assumed similarity (for ratings of Neuroticism and Agreeableness).  相似文献   

This study compared the personality attributes associated with self-report versus interview assessment of romantic attachment. Twenty-three-year-olds (N = 83) completed the Romantic Attachment Interview, the Experiences in Close Relationship Inventory, and measures of response bias, self-enhancement, and self-insight. Five psychologists evaluated the participants' personality. Although both self-report and interview assessment were related to attachment-relevant personality attributes, interview assessment was slightly more likely to explain unique variance in personality, especially regarding intrapsychic attributes. Self-enhancement was negatively related to secure attachment and positively related to dismissing attachment. The opposite pattern emerged for self-insight. A subgroup of 12 vulnerable individuals who described themselves as securely attached on self-report was judged as dismissing according to interview assessment. These individuals scored low on self-insight and high on self-enhancement and psychological vulnerability. The results are discussed with reference to the relative strengths of different measures of romantic attachment and relations among dismissing attachment, self-enhancement, and narcissism.  相似文献   

As part of an assessment centre 431 candidates completed three self-report measures: one of personality disorders (Hogan Development Survey, HDS; Hogan & Hogan, 1997), one of personality traits (NEO-PI, Costa & McCrae, 1992), and one of personality type (MBTI; Briggs & Myers, 1987). Correlational and regressional analysis tested various hypotheses about the overlap between the different dimensions and confirmed previous research using different instruments (Saulsman & Page, 2004). Results revealed highest correlation between the HDS and NEO, showing neuroticism correlating (as predicted) with excitable (borderline) and cautious (avoidant); introversion correlating with avoidant (cautious), schizoid (detached), and (negatively) with colourful (histrionic); openness correlating with schizotypal (imaginative) and conscientiousness with diligent (obsessive–compulsive). Many of the ‘overlaps’ were suggested by Widiger, Trull, Clarkin, Sanderson, and Costa (2002). The overlap and lack of overlap is considered at the psychometric and conceptual level. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Convergence of PDQ-R- and SIDP-R-derived personality disorder diagnoses was studied in a sample of 85 forensic psychiatric patients. For categorical diagnoses, the mean kappa was .34, but on a dimensional level convergence was somewhat higher. Paranoid, antisocial and borderline personality disorders had prevalence rates around 40%; the other personality disorders occurred with much lower frequency. The PDQ-R yielded more diagnoses, except for antisocial, histrionic, narcissistic, and sadistic personality disorder. Because the latter disorders are among the most prevalent in forensic settings, and because they have important risk and treatment implications, the PDQ-R is not suitable as a screening device in forensic populations. Semistructured interviews that make use of collateral information are recommended for diagnosing personality disorders in forensic subjects.  相似文献   

Hypotheses concerning the relationships among job stressors, job level, personality, and coping responses were investigated in a sample of 305 electrical contracting employees. Coping behaviors were measured with questionnaire items based on interviews conducted with a sample of the subjects. Neuroticism (N) and Extraversion (E) were the personality variables most strongly related to coping behavior. Overall, more coping variance was explained by personality than by job stressors; however, when the effects of job level and job stressors were combined, they explained more variance in complaining/quitting and seeking social support than did the personality variables. Both work situation and personality seem to be important variables in the choice of coping behaviors. There was no evidence of interactions among personality, stressors, and job level in explaining coping behavior.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with recent claims that subjective measures of word frequency are more suitable than are standard word frequency counts as indices of actual frequency of word encounter. A multiple regression study is reported, which shows that the major predictor of familiarity ratings is word learning age. Objective measures of spoken and written word frequency made independent contributions to the variance. It is concluded that rated familiarity is not an appropriate substitute for objective frequency measures. A multiple regression study of word naming latency is reported, and shows that rated word learning age is a better predictor of word naming latency than are spoken word frequency, written word frequency, rated familiarity, and other variables. Possible theoretical explanations for age-of-acquisition effects are discussed and it is concluded that early-learned words have a more complete representation in a phonological output lexicon. This conclusion is related to relevant developmental literature.  相似文献   

Based on the risk homeostasis theory, the aim of this study was to assess acceptable risk, measured by personality factors, and risk perception, measured by physiological arousal, as predictors of risky behavior in young adult pedestrians, as well as to assess for gender differences. Eighty-two young adults, aged 18–30, completed self-report measures about risky pedestrian behaviors and these personality traits: impulsiveness, conscientiousness and openness to experience. Sixty-four of these participants then took part in an experimental task designed to assess their perception of the level of risk in situations involving different interactions between cars and pedestrians. Risk perception was assessed by these physiological responses: heart rate, skin conductance level, and skin conductance response. Results showed that risky behavior had significant correlations with impulsiveness, conscientiousness, and skin conductance level. Gender differences also emerged in risky behavior, impulsiveness, conscientiousness, and skin conductance level. Finally, a structural equation model showed that impulsiveness, conscientiousness and the difference in skin conductance level between risky and neutral situations predicted risky pedestrian behaviors, and explained 23.6% of the its variance, after controlling the effect of gender. Implications for evaluation, prevention, and intervention for risky pedestrian behaviors are discussed.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that sensation seeking and impulsivity, which are often conflated, in fact develop along different timetables and have different neural underpinnings, and that the difference in their timetables helps account for heightened risk taking during adolescence. In order to test these propositions, the authors examined age differences in sensation seeking and impulsivity in a socioeconomically and ethnically diverse sample of 935 individuals between the ages of 10 and 30, using self-report and behavioral measures of each construct. Consistent with the authors' predictions, age differences in sensation seeking, which are linked to pubertal maturation, follow a curvilinear pattern, with sensation seeking increasing between 10 and 15 and declining or remaining stable thereafter. In contrast, age differences in impulsivity, which are unrelated to puberty, follow a linear pattern, with impulsivity declining steadily from age 10 on. Heightened vulnerability to risk taking in middle adolescence may be due to the combination of relatively higher inclinations to seek excitement and relatively immature capacities for self-control that are typical of this period of development.  相似文献   

We first confirmed adolescents diagnosed with disruptive behavior disorders (oppositional defiant, conduct disorder; n = 158) had lower constraint and higher negative emotionality, and greater psychiatric comorbidity and psychosocial dysfunction, relative to adolescents without (n = 755), in a population-based sample enriched for externalizing psychopathology (mean age = 17.90 years; 52% female). We then explored whether different personality types, defined by patterns of personality identified via latent profile analysis, were differently associated with clinical features in adolescents with a disruptive behavior disorder diagnosis. Four distinct personality types (“disinhibited,” “high distress,” “low distress,” “positive”) were meaningfully different from one another. Results highlight personality heterogeneity as a means of identifying individuals at greatest risk for the most deleterious forms of externalizing psychopathology.  相似文献   

Subjects were given a passage to read for meaning while at the same time checking off any misspellings. Critical words in the text were mutilated by either deleting or substituting letters. In half of these mutilations, an ascender in the word was removed, resulting in a large change in the overall shape of the word. In the first experiment, it was found that mutilations involving the substitution of letters were more likely to be noticed than mutilations involving deletions. For both types of mutilation, alterations to word shape were more often noticed than alterations that preserved word shape. When word shape cues were eliminated by using mixed-case stimuli in Experiment 2, the shape effect was abolished. The results are interpreted as evidence for a supraletter feature corresponding to word shape.  相似文献   

Three methods of personality assessment (behavior measures, behavior ratings, adjective ratings) were compared in 20 zoo-housed Great Apes: bonobos (Pan paniscus), chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus), gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla), and orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus abelii). To test a new bottom-up approach, the studied trait constructs were systematically generated from the species’ behavioral repertoires. The assessments were reliable, temporally stable, and showed substantial cross-method coherence. In most traits, behavior ratings mediated the relations between adjective ratings and behavior measures. Results suggest that high predictability of manifest behavior is best achieved by behavior ratings, not by adjectives. Empirical evidence for trait constructs beyond current personality models points to the necessity of broad and systematic approaches for valid inferences on a species’ personality structure.  相似文献   

The veridicality and reactivity of children's self-report of covert and overt memory strategies were investigated in a task allowing a direct comparison of self-report and the strategy observed. External memory strategies (e.g., moving objects) were investigated with 7-, 9-, 11-, and 17-year-old typical children and 11- and 17-year-old children with mild mental retardation. Participants placed objects in specified spatial locations after hearing sequences of tape-recorded sentences. After each trial, half of the children immediately reported the strategy used. There were strong positive correlations between the frequency of reported strategy use and observed strategy use. Self-reports were accurate but not always complete. There was no effect of the self-reporting procedure on measures of verbal strategies, external memory strategies, and accuracy of recall. Children were less likely to report strategies not related to recall; these results are compatible with a "goal-sketch" mechanism.  相似文献   

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