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曾维希 《心理学探新》2013,(1):84-86,95
构建完整的人事测评指标体系是实现人力资源管理科学化和信息化的关键。借鉴复杂网络模型的思想,可遵循三个步骤提升人事测评指标体系的构建水平:首先,利用方格技术提取人事测评的核心素质指标,使指标元素的设定更具操作性;接着,借用复杂网络模型刻画指标之间的内在关联,基于复杂网络的一些客观度量值确定指标的相对重要性,使指标权重的设定更具客观性;最后,使用隶属网汇总指标分数,提升测评结果的可视化程度。  相似文献   

创造力测评中的评分者效应(rater effects)是指在创造性测评过程中, 由于评分者参与而对测评结果造成的影响.评分者效应本质上源于评分者内在认知加工的不同, 具体体现在其评分结果的差异.本文首先概述了评分者认知的相关研究, 以及评分者,创作者,社会文化因素对测评的影响.其次在评分结果层面梳理了评分者一致性信度的指标及其局限, 以及测验概化理论和多面Rasch模型在量化,控制该效应中的应用.最后基于当前研究仍存在的问题, 指出了未来可能的研究方向, 包括深化评分者认知研究,整合不同层面评分者效应的研究, 以及拓展创造力测评方法和技术等.  相似文献   

胜任力素质测评问卷可以将某一职业中卓有成就者和表现一般者区分开采。结合心理学研究方法和人才测评方法,对我国图书编辑人员的胜任力素质做了深入研究。初步研究结果表明我国图书编辑人员胜任力素质可从专业素质、职业精神和人格特质三大方面来考察,这一研究结果将为我国图书编辑人员的人才选拔、评价和培养提供心理学及能力结构方面的科学依据。  相似文献   

心理健康素质测评系统·基本概念、理论与编制构思   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
作为《心理健康素质测评系统的研制》的开篇报告,本文界定了《心理健康素质测评系统》中所涉及的几个基本概念:素质,心理素质,心理健康,心理健康素质。在经典的素质-应激模型的基础上,提出"应激-素质相互作用模型",作为心理素质影响健康的理论模型。确定了可以用来反映中国成年人心理健康素质的8种心理特质和"类特质"(自我概念,人际心理素质,坚韧性,弹性特质,情绪性,社会期许性,生活信念和健康信念)和两种"亚特质"(认知风格和应对风格)。制定了测评系统的研制计划,并规定了量表编制的技术要求和所要达到的心理测量学指标。  相似文献   

评价中心的结构效度研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
评价中心虽然具备很高的预测效度,但其结构效度指标却不太理想,如研究普遍发现其汇聚效度和区分效度较低。影响评价中心结构效度的因素众多,如评分维度因素(数量和类型)、评价者因素(培训方式和人员类型)、测评方法因素(情景导向特征、特质激活潜力、测评活动形式)以及系统的观察与评价程序。该文从上述因素出发,综述了评价中心结构效度的相关研究,总结了提高评价中心结构效度的措施,并指出了未来的研究方向  相似文献   

评价中心的构想效度和结构模型   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
采用多质多法和验证性因素分析的方法,对以无领导小组讨论、文件筐和人格测验构成的一个评价中心的构想效度和结构模型进行了研究。通过对136名被试在四个测评维度上的施测,其结果表明,在评价中心中会聚效度低于区分效度,影响评价中心测评结果的主要因素是测评方法而不是测评维度,从而得到了一个以测评方法为潜变量的评价中心结构模型。从该结构模型来看,评价中心之所以起作用是由于其多个测评方法(情景)的结果。表明测评情景对于构建评价中心有着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

地铁驾驶员职业人格特征模型的建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡圣刚  温鸿博  高超 《应用心理学》2005,11(3):276-281,253
采用经典的卡特尔16PF人格特征测验,对298名来自上海和广州的地铁驾驶员进行职业人格特征研究。研究结果发现,与全国成人常模比较,地铁驾驶员具有行业独特的职业人格特征。进一步运用因子分析技术发现,我国地铁驾驶员的职业人格特征主要由自制性、支配性、自立性、现实理智、社会智能五个因素构成,它们解释了总变异的60.162%。这一结果基本建构了我国地铁驾驶员的职业人格特征模型,可以为选拔和评价地铁驾驶员提供科学的参考。  相似文献   

应对行为跨文化测评的构念等同与偏差性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张卫东 《心理科学》2001,24(3):309-311,322
本文对COPE量表测评我国大学生应对行为方式的构念等同与偏差性进行深入探讨。采用验证性因素分析的方法测试了原版量表(COPE)及其中文修订本(C-COPE)的不同因素结构模型与465名大学生测评数据的拟合优度。研究结果支持C—COPE的测评维度结构,表明COPE量表对我国人群所进行的应对测评与西方社会的相比确实存在跨文化构念不等同性或偏差性,两者测评结果的跨文化比较因此缺乏必要前提条件。文中对所发生的构念偏差现象进行了详细分析。  相似文献   

不同类型的测评维度对评价中心结构效度的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
骆方  孟庆茂 《心理科学》2005,28(6):1437-1439
本研究将测评维度分为行为能力和心理特质两组,考察对评价中心结构效度的不同影响。A公司216名部门副经理级员工接受了本次管理素质评价中心测评,采用公文筐、角色扮演和无领导小组讨论三种方法,测查行为能力和心理特质两组维度,各自有三个维度被一种以上的方法测量。多质多法和验证性因素分析的结果表明,评价中心以行为能力比以心理特质为测评维度结构效度好;以行为能力为测评维度时,会聚效度和区分效度都较好。  相似文献   

驾驶适性理论若干问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代化建设的飞速发展,作为经济命脉的交通运输愈来愈显出其重要作用。要使交通运输畅通无阻、安全有序,驾驶员的素质是个关键。众所周知,人(驾驶员和行人)、车辆与道路是构成交通的三大要素,而人(特别是驾驶员)是主导的核心的因素。有些人适宜于驾驶作业,有些  相似文献   

中学生创新心理素质与心理健康的相关研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
王极盛  丁新华 《心理科学》2002,25(5):538-540
采用自编的创新心理素质量表和中国中学生心理健康量表对558名中学生进行问卷调查,以探讨中学生创新心理素质和心理健康之间的关系。结果表明:(1)自编创新素质量表包括三个子量表,分别为创新意识、创新能力与竞争心量表,经检验三个子量表均具有较高的信度、效度。(2)中学生的创新心理素质整体处于中等偏上水平。(3)中学生创新心理素质与心理健康水平较为密切,创新意识与学习压力、抑郁、焦虑显著负相关,创新能力与学习压力、抑郁显著负相关,与适应不良显著正相关,竞争心与抑郁、焦虑、学习压力、总均分有着显著的负相关关系;心理健康水平高者其创新意识和竞争心较心理健康水平低者高;学习压力对创新意识和竞争心的预测作用较大,学习压力、适应不良和抑郁对创新能力的预测作用较大。  相似文献   

Sex differences in mental rotation skills are a robust finding in small-scale laboratory-based studies of spatial cognition. There is almost no evidence in the literature, however, relating these skills to performance on spatial tasks in large-scale, real-world activities such as navigating in a new city or in the woods. This study investigates the connections between mental rotation skills as measured by the Vandenburg-Kuse Mental Rotations test and the performance of college students (n=211) navigating a 6-km orienteering course. The results indicate that mental rotation skills are significantly correlated with wayfinding performance on an orienteering task. The findings also replicate sex differences in spatial ability as found in laboratory-scale studies. However, the findings complicate the discussion of mental rotation skills and sex because women often performed as well as men despite having lower mean test scores. This suggests that mental rotation ability may not be as necessary for some women's wayfinding as it is for men's navigation.  相似文献   

心理治疗与普通医疗的平等性是美国心理健康服务系统面临的一个主要政策问题,强调健康保险应为心理健康和物质滥用障碍提供与普通医疗相同的承保范围。近20年来,平等性立法在美国得到了较快发展,并取得了一定效果。但由于立法本身存在的局限性及心理健康服务需求与提供双方的多重因素影响,平等性立法的实施及对其效果的评估仍存在一定困难。借鉴平等性立法的经验,得出了一些关于我国心理健康服务发展的启示。  相似文献   

This study explored mental health help seeking pathways followed by Black South African rural community dwellers in the Limpopo province of South Africa. Ten participants (5 females and 5 males) aged between 18 and 59 years receiving services from a rural mental health care facility in the Limpopo province were the informants. They presented with psychotic disorders?=?50%, substance-use mental disorders?=?20%, mood disorders?=?20% and epilepsy?=?10%. They completed a semi-structured one-to-one interview on their pathways to mental health care services. Data were content analysed. The results showed that help seeking pathways for mental health involve several entry points. These include the utilisation of western medicine when experiencing acute symptoms, and a preference for traditional medicine when faced with chronic but manageable symptoms. The findings suggest that families and significant others are important facilitators for individuals navigating the mental health care pathways.  相似文献   

Advocates perform an important role in representing the rights of mental health consumers, especially since mental health consumers are often marginalized. Little is known about the processes advocates use to assist mental health consumers in navigating the health care system. This study details the manner in which advocates work together with mental health consumers and health professionals through presenting a qualitative synthesis of 60 case records. Four main themes emerged: negotiating on behalf of consumers during meetings with health professionals; liaising between consumers and health professionals outside of meetings; supporting consumer decision making without the involvement of health professionals; and involvement in legal processes. The findings of this study demonstrated that advocates were primarily oriented toward the protection of negative rights, but they also promoted positive rights.  相似文献   

Mental mapping of spaces, and of the possible paths for navigating these spaces, is essential for the development of efficient orientation and mobility skills. Visual ability is a crucial component to effective mental mapping. People who are blind consequently find it difficult to generate useful mental maps of spaces and navigate competently within them. The research studies reported in this paper assume that the supply of appropriate spatial information through compensatory sensorial channels as an alternative to the visual channel may contribute to the anticipatory mental mapping of unknown spaces and consequently may improve spatial performance for people who are blind.  相似文献   

Personality and body image have been identified as important correlates of mental and physical health. This study sought to explore whether body image mediates the association between the major dimensions of trait personality and self‐reported mental and physical health. In total, 451 Australian adults (121 men, 331 women; Mage = 21.88 ± 7.65 years) completed questionnaires at a single time‐point. After controlling for some demographic and anthropometric factors (e.g., body mass index), neuroticism was associated with all components of body image and mental and physical health. Extraversion, openness, and conscientiousness were associated with mental health and some components of body image. Multiple mediator models identified body image discrepancy and appearance evaluation as mediating the association between personality (neuroticism, extraversion, and conscientiousness) and mental health. No significant mediation effects were observed for physical health, and mediation effects were not moderated by participant gender. These findings provide evidence that personality relates to self‐reported mental health, in part, through the variance shared with body image.  相似文献   

基于互联网技术的餐饮外卖催生出规模不断壮大的外卖骑手这一新兴职业群体,但其身心健康问题日益受到社会关注.员工帮助计划(EAP)是组织为员工设置的一套系统、 长期的福利支持项目.本研究在调查外卖骑手的身心压力状况和EAP服务需求的基础上,设计骑手群体的EAP服务方案,并对方案的有效性进行评估,以探索EAP服务有效性的作用...  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to construct a critical evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of the physicalistic theory concerning mental phenomena and consciousness. Physicalism can, better than other theories, explain mental phenomena, such as intentionality and reasonability of human beings and other biological organisms. Modern neuroscience corroborates the conviction that the brain is a physical mind capable of giving meaning to, evaluating and further cognitively and behaviorally transforming complex aspects of the world. On the other hand, the emergence of consciousness from brain states seems to be a paradoxical, intransparent, physical coincidence hardly explained by the mental function of the brain at the physical level. Moreover, the intentionality and reasonability of psychic phenomena per se cannot be explained as a repercussion of the same attributes characterizing the brain function. In conclusion, the old debate between physicalism and other philosophical theories remains open. It can be expected that the progress of sciences will inspire novel approaches to the problem of the relations between matter, mind and consciousness.  相似文献   

社会心理服务体系建设是我国创新社会治理的重要举措,旨在解决社会心态培育和心理建设问题,并按心理规律开展社会治理。然而这一概念的“应然意涵”是否在全国各地的建设实践中得以贯彻,仍有待探讨。本研究收集了反映全国12个社会心理服务体系建设试点地区实际工作情况的网络文本资料,按照组织架构、工作模式等6个一级指标以及其下的23个二级指标,对资料进行编码以描述各地建设的“实然状况”。文本分析结果显示:(1)各试点地区社会心理服务体系建设的内容定位“心理健康”倾向严重;(2)社会心理服务整体上仅偏重“风险防控”工作;(3)社会心理服务与社会治理关系错位。总之,全国各地社会心理服务体系建设的“实然状况”与“应然意涵”之间存在较大差距。  相似文献   

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