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张凯 《法音》2021,(4):72-75
凡论及宋代天台宗的发展史者,山家山外之争总是绕不开的关键话题,是贯穿宋代天台宗史的一条主线。以四明知礼为代表的山家派经过与山外派、后山外派的长期理论论诤和思想交锋后胜出,成为后世天台宗人眼中的"山家"正宗,山外派则因被认为偏离"山家"正宗而被贬斥为"山外",成为后世天台宗人所批判的"异端外道"。然而,山外派的思想果然如山家派及后世所说的与天台正宗格格不入吗?山外派诸师都是侵蚀正统天台教说的"大魔头"吗?事实或许未必如此。  相似文献   

<正>作为教下显学的天台宗与作为教外别传的禅宗先后登上历史舞台,绵延至今。一千多年来,台禅二宗之间时有争竞,而兼涉互融则是二宗发展的整体态势。一、台禅争竞天台宗与禅宗之争竞主要涉及宗教之争、义理之争、谱系之争、居士之争、地盘之争等诸多方面。(一)宗教之争宗教之争是台禅二宗争竞的焦点。早在陈隋  相似文献   

<释门正统>与<佛祖统纪>是两部由宋代天台宗人编写的佛教史书,在这两部史书里,以知礼大师作为十七祖的天台宗正统谱系开始正式建立起来;同时,围绕知礼大师祖师地位的确立问题,<正统>与<统纪>在成书旨趣上也体现出了重大差异:<正统>明显更为关注天台宗传承的延续性问题,<统纪>则更为强调了本宗思想领域内部秩序的统一.明了这种差异不仅有益于我们加深对这两部天台宗史书的理解,而且亦有益于我们在进行佛教思想史研究时,对天台宗的思想发展状况做出更为准确的判断和理解.本文即从知礼祖师地位的确立这一问题出发,对二书成书旨趣的差异再做一番探讨.  相似文献   

公元八○四年(唐德宗贞元二十年),日本最澄法师(传教大师)随日本遣唐使来我国天台山,从国清寺道邃禅师和佛陇寺行满座主习天台教观。学成后回国,在比睿山延历寺创立了日本天台宗,尊奉我国天台宗创始人智者大师及其传人道邃、行满大师为宗祖。一九八○年,日本天台宗怀着对祖师报恩的心愿,提出在我国天台山国清寺建立智者大师、传教大师和行满、道邃大师的显彰碑。为了纪念中日友好的先驱者和增进两国佛教界的友谊,中国佛教协会决定随喜日本天台宗的这一殊胜功德,并商定在显彰碑落成时共同举行揭幕报恩法会。  相似文献   

达照 《法音》2012,(1):13-22
一、前言天台宗的根本思想就是圆教思想。因此,天台宗的伟大,也就在于圆教思想的伟大!而圆教思想的核心,则是"诸法实相论",这个"诸法实相"的提出,见于《妙法莲华经》(简称《法华经》)卷一的〈方便品〉第二,所以《法华经》也就成为天台宗建立宗派的根本依据。天台宗的圆教思想就是从《法华经》的"诸法实相"而来的,在整部《法华经》中,对于开示悟入诸法实相(佛之知见)的思想理论和实践方法,又作了明确的指示。  相似文献   

"一心三观"("圆顿止观")是天台宗"圆教"的重要标志性学说,其思想内核是天台宗的"性具"原理。澄观自觉地吸收了天台宗的"一心三观"("圆顿止观")学说,并将其加以理论改造、转化和发挥,使其与华严宗"性起"立场下的根本旨趣和独特观行融会贯通,成为表达华严宗"圆教"特色宗趣的基本学说。这是身处唐代中叶的澄观以"根本法轮"华严宗会通当时包括"教""禅"对立在内的佛教各宗各派分裂争论的重要内容。从中可见,天台宗和华严宗可以共同使用通常被理解为彼此差异乃至相互对立的范畴或命题,但二宗相同的文字表述背后又蕴含着彼此差异的思想内涵;而澄观对二宗思想较为成功的理论融会,反而激化了后来二宗的彼此争论。这为更准确把握澄观思想的根本内涵、更深入反思天台宗与华严宗乃至中国佛教不同"宗派"深刻复杂的理论异同与发展关联带来重要启示。  相似文献   

伊斯兰教义学源自"凯拉姆"一词,是穆斯林在以理性思辨的方式阐释信仰的过程中形成的一门伊斯兰教传统学科。伊斯兰教义学一直为中国穆斯林所重视,是明清以来经堂教育和汉文译著的主要内容。当代中国学者对于伊斯兰教义学的研究直至20世纪80年代才逐渐恢复,其研究方法局限在于"哲学研究"的框架内。自2000年进入"发展-转型"期以来,伊斯兰教义学研究出现了新的变化,不仅出现了一批新成果,而且逐渐正视伊斯兰教义学的宗教特质,而不再单纯局限在哲学研究范围内,其中一些研究体现出教内人士教义学研究特有的宗旨与关怀。其他传统伊斯兰教以及现代人文学科与社会科学都对当代伊斯兰教义学及教义学研究提出了重大挑战,但这些挑战蕴含着两者自我超越与自我转化的契机。  相似文献   

天台宗与禅宗是中国佛教的两个重要宗派,禅宗早期主张藉教悟宗,天台宗则强调解行并进。六祖以后,禅宗提出教外别传,天台宗则以教立宗。晚唐以降,禅宗依靠其对世俗势力的影响帮助天台宗恢复经典,天台宗则以经教的优势为禅宗提供教理方面的助益。两宗关系呈现出一个各自独立发展到相互对立到相互合流的过程。  相似文献   

正神照本如(980或981-1050或1051)是宋初天台宗"中兴"人物四明知礼法智(960-1028)大师的主要弟子之一,曾受师之命辩难异说,协助其师积极复兴天台之教;又被师叔慈云遵式(964-1032)识中接席台州东掖山能仁寺[1]。本如在东掖山居住达30年之久,扬大乘之典籍,弘天台之教观,培育后学,结社念佛,导化一方,为促进天台宗在宋代发展做出了积极贡献。然纵观学界以往对  相似文献   

智顗“三谛圆融”的学术分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三谛圆融,是天台宗实相论的根本原理。本文追溯了南北朝的二谛义之争,从中抽绎三谛思想的理论源起,论证法华圆教里的三谛就是二谛,揭示三谛圆融的实质就是“圆融相即”,说明智顗的实相论调和了“言教”和“境理”的矛盾,达到了本体论与真理论的统一。  相似文献   

Gregory of Nyssa's treatment of the person of Christ has puzzled modern scholars, because it does not fit easily into the dogmatic categories that have been developed, in the light of the Chalcedonian definition, to distinguish orthodox from heretical or deficient Christology. This essay argues that the main focus of Gregory's Christology, even in his debate with the Apollinarian school, is not so much on the unity and distinctions to be observed in Christ's person, but on the transformation Christ has accomplished in his own humanity by irradiating it with his own divine presence, a transformation that is the "first–fruits" of a divinization which will include the whole human race.  相似文献   

Henry Chadwick’s contention that the “nerve-center” of Cyril’s Christology is the Eucharist reconfigures the urgency of his polemic against Nestorius: it is not a question of abstract doctrine, but of the mystery encountered in the liturgy. This contention has been corroborated by patrologists, but its theological implication has not been fully drawn – viz. that mystagogy is the basis of Cyrillian orthodoxy. When this implication is grasped, it entails that the orthodox doctrine of the “unity of Christ” concerns not merely the unity of the historical Jesus with the Logos, but the unity of the encounter with Christ: “mystical union” is not an addendum to the doctrine of the “hypostatic unity,” it is basic to it.  相似文献   

This paper contends that African-centered models of psychopathology represent a heretical challenge to orthodox North American Mental Health. Heresy is the defiant rejection of ideology from a smaller community within the orthodoxy. African-centered models of psychopathology use much of the same language and ideas about the diagnostic process as Western psychiatry and clinical psychology but explicitly reject the ideological foundations of illness definition. The nature of the heretical critique is discussed, and implications for the future of this school of thought are offered.  相似文献   

The present study advances a new method for assessing teacher beliefs and priorities. This paper describes the development and psychometric properties of the Teacher Belief Q-Sort (TBQ), an assessment technique that examines teachers' priorities and beliefs about discipline practices, classroom practices, and beliefs about children (see www.socialdevelopmentlab.org. Further, this paper describes the usefulness of this tool by examining differences in beliefs and priorities among four groups of teachers (experienced teachers trained in the Responsive Classroom (RC) Approach, experienced teachers with no such training, pre-service teachers planning on teaching elementary school, and pre-service teachers planning on teaching middle/high school) with the goal of demonstrating the way priorities are sensitive to specialized training and teaching experience. The study establishes the TBQ as a reliable, valid, and useful method. Findings showed that RC teachers hold discipline and teaching practice priorities consistent with training in the RC Approach and that pre-service teachers placed greater priority on spontaneity and collaboration and held more negative views about children's likeability and motivation than in-service teachers. Findings are discussed in terms of the ways in which teacher priorities are sensitive to specialized training and teaching experience and offer an early indicator of integrity of implementation.  相似文献   

A rationale for broad-based school reform is detailed, including a brief examination of the old guidance as separate from the teaching model for school practice. Instead it is now clear that the general curriculum of schools must include psychological growth as a direct object of classroom instruction. To accomplish such “new education,” goals will require a major role shift and commitment on the part of school guidance. There are currently in place a few examples of guidance education in the curriculum at both the elementary and secondary level. These efforts serve only as exemplars of what is possible, namely that an effective guidance role can alter both classroom teaching strategies as well as broaden the curriculum content. It is most strongly suggested that guidance theory and practice take the lead in seeking school reforms.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore whether and, if so, how Jewish teachings influence strictly orthodox Jewish beliefs about depression. The rabbinic literature was searched for Jewish teachings relevant to depression. Ten consenting strictly orthodox Jews were purposively selected and interviewed using a semi-structured interview schedule focussing on their beliefs about causes of and treatments for depression. Thematic analysis was used to analyse transcribed interviews and explore relationships between community beliefs and the Jewish teachings identified in the review. The key themes in both the rabbinic literature and the community included the overriding importance in Judaism of preserving life, using appropriate, acceptable means to do so, and obligations to help others. Contrasts between rabbinic teachings and community beliefs included community concerns about stigma, generally lacking in the rabbinic literature, and greater rabbinic emphasis on spiritual exertion in dealing with depression. Findings could prove useful to those managing depressed, orthodox Jews.  相似文献   

《周易》蕴涵的自然哲学思想,可谓是一种以生命为隐喻,宇宙论、本体论、价值论统一的生成哲学,它基于道德实践与认识实践统一的生命实践。文章根据《周易》"经"、"传"本身之内涵,按现代哲学表述方法,从源于道德之宇宙论,三才圆通之本体论,知行不二之实践论,生成整体之方法论等方面,阐明中国式自然哲学的特性与意义。指出正是这种独特的自然哲学,不仅开启了中国文化超越的价值之源,为中国古代科学提供了形而上学基础,而且应在21世纪伟大历史转型和中西对话中,共同创造人类不同文化"殊途同归"、"和而不同"的世界生成之序。  相似文献   

The 1988 Education Reform Act stipulated that the character of RE should ‘reflect the fact that the religious traditions of Great Britain are in the main Christian whilst taking account of the teaching and practices of other principal religions represented in Great Britain’. The Act did not, however, ask whether multifaith RE was relevant to primary school children in predominantly white, traditionally Christian areas. This article explores headteachers’ perceptions of the relevance of multifaith RE. Attention is given to the views of headteachers in South West Wales about possible reasons for and against teaching world religions. It also looks at their views about which religions are most relevant to the primary curriculum and about the balance of time which they believe should be allocated between Christianity and the other world religions. The article concludes that, although some headteachers in predominantly white areas are aware of difficulties inherent in this multifaith RE, it is seen by the majority as being both educational and relevant to the needs of primary school children in a modem western society, whatever cultural mix or lack of it exists in the school.  相似文献   

When retrieval practice is applied in classroom settings, do K-12 students experience changes in test anxiety? To answer this question frequently asked by educators, we surveyed 1408 middle school and high school students about their study strategy preferences and their reactions to a classroom-based program of retrieval practice. For classes in which retrieval practice occurred, 92% of students reported that retrieval practice helped them learn and 72% reported that retrieval practice made them less nervous for unit tests and exams. This study is the first to examine the relationship between retrieval practice and classroom test anxiety, and self-reported study strategy use in pre-college students. In light of our results, we encourage K-12 teachers to use retrieval practice in their classrooms to reduce test anxiety and improve learning.  相似文献   

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