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In several of his writings, Bernard Lonergan emphasized the study of mathematics and especially its history as being important for philosophy and theology. In this article, I offer two examples of how the history of mathematics might inform theology. My first example explores the disparities between Euclid's Elements and Aquinas' Summa Contra Gentiles. My second example applies the idea of incompleteness to the “good and necessary consequence” clause of the Westminster Confession of Faith.  相似文献   

The three themes of perception, expression, and history proved to be significant and consistent concerns of Merleau-Ponty from his earliest to his latest writings. In turn, Merleau-Ponty was concerned to discover and show how meaning emerged within the context of each of these themes. My main goal in this essay will be to trace ways that Merleau-Ponty conceived of this emergence, and to how his conceptions underwent increasing sophistication from his earlier to later writings. In section I, I show how a kind of perceptual meaning arises out of an exchange between subject and object, perceived and perceived, and the visible and invisible. In section II, I show how expressive meaning arises out of an exchange between the spoken and speaking word, and the synchronic and diachronic registers of language. In these sections, I also point out that what starts roughly as binary dialogue (characterized by consummate reciprocity) between these matrices of meaning evolves into a more ambiguous interplay (characterized by such later ontological notions as invisibility, reversibility, and the flesh). In section III, I show how meaning arises in history out of an ambiguous interplay between past and present, ideas and institutions, the collective and individual, and the pre-determined and the free; and I suggest ways Merleau-Ponty might have integrated earlier scattered thoughts about meaning's emergence in history with his later ontology, had his work in these directions not been cut short.  相似文献   

Robert J. Deltete 《Zygon》1995,30(4):635-642
Abstract. When queried about his objectives, the celebrated theoretical physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking has replied, “My goal is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all.” In this essay, I comment on what Hawking has to say about the role of God in the understanding he seeks. I draw from his popular writings and pronouncements, since both are peppered with references to God and with statements about what God can and cannot do. In particular, I focus on his most recent collection of essays intended for a general audience. I argue that the theological implications Hawking has drawn from his cosmological models are shallow and that the narrow naturalistic path he has taken is inadequate to the large task he has set for himself.  相似文献   

In this paper, I propose to understand Freud on his own terms and within his social, intellectual and psychological context. It is my hope that such an understanding will contribute in turn to our understanding of some of the sources of the creative process. Were it not for his fame, Freud's views on religion, history and art, would at best be but a footnote to these subjects. My contention is that Freud's writings on these subjects can contribute more to our understanding of Freud, the person, than they do to some of the subjects he is writing about. Toward this end I will focus on two of Freud's works, written more than 30 years apart, his early Moses of Michelangelo and his late-life work Moses and Monotheism, which reflect the considerable changes in Freud's thinking.  相似文献   

《孔丛子》六卷当出自“汉魏孔氏家学” ,其前三卷记孔子、子思言行 ,可能是辑先秦孔氏遗文。《孔丛子·记义》篇载有一大段孔子对《诗》的评论 ,其与上博简《孔子诗论》有着内在的关系 ,可以将它们视为同一个体系而相互参释和补充。《孔丛子》“诗论”与上博简《诗论》都反映了先秦儒家早期说诗的风格和内容 ,而与汉代形成的《诗序》传统不同。《孔丛子》“诗论”对朱熹的《诗经集传》有一定影响 ,在从汉代诗学向宋代诗学的转变过程中起了一定的作用。  相似文献   

陶磊 《周易研究》2004,(4):66-70
孔子老而好易,思想也随之发生了一些变化.子思受孔子晚年之教,他的思想中也有受易学影响的痕迹.郭店楚基竹简中的儒家著作,学界一般认为是子思学派的著作,这批竹简中也有深受易学影响的痕迹.从这些事实来看,<史记>所载孔子与<易>关系的事迹是可信的.  相似文献   

In The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, published in 1868, Darwin used the metaphor of the architect to argue in favor of natural autonomy and to clarify the role of chance in his theory of adaptive change by variation and natural selection. In this article, I trace the history of this important heuristic instrument in Darwin's writings and letters and suggest that this metaphor was important to Darwin because it helps him to explain the role of chance, and gives an argument in favor of the free will.  相似文献   

Helen E. Longino 《Synthese》1995,104(3):383-397
Traits like simplicity and explanatory power have traditionally been treated as values internal to the sciences, constitutive rather than contextual. As such they are cognitive virtues. This essay contrasts a traditional set of such virtues with a set of alternative virtues drawn from feminist writings about the sciences. In certain theoretical contexts, the only reasons for preferring a traditional or an alternative virtue are socio-political. This undermines the notion that the traditional virtues can be considered purely cognitive.I am grateful to participants in the Indiana University Workshop on Social Values in the Context of Justification for their comments on an earlier, spoken, version of this paper.  相似文献   

晏子是春秋时期重要的政治家、思想家,晏子的思想和事迹在中国古代有着重要的影响。易学是中国历代学者解读《周易》而形成的一门学术,易学在中国古代属于显学,在中国古代学术领域有着非常重要的地位。由于晏子在中国古代有着重要的影响,古代一些易学家就会引用晏子的思想和事迹来解读《周易》的文本。晏子在古代易学领域的影响主要体现在三个方面:古代易学领域对晏子事君之道的称许;古代易学著作对晏子和同观的发展;古代易学领域对晏子的节俭观念的评价。深入研究晏子对古代易学的影响,对于理解晏子其人、其事、其思想在中国传统文化中的影响有着积极的价值。  相似文献   

Andrew Kelley 《Sophia》2013,52(1):159-184
In this article, I examine the issue of forgiveness of oneself by looking at the writings of two postwar French philosophers: Georges Gusdorf and Vladimir Jankélévitch. Gusdorf believes that forgiving oneself is necessary for being able to forgive others. On the other hand, Jankélévitch sees no possibility of forgiveness for oneself and for similar reasons is very suspicious of traditional views of the role accorded to repenting and penitence. In short, the main view that separates the thinkers is, quite literally, whether work on oneself—such as repentance and penitence—comes first before forgiveness, or whether repentance and penitence are the result of some prior gracious act, such as forgiveness. Somewhat ironically, their views, when all is said and done, may not really be all that far apart from each other, especially in light of how each views the nature of the self. In the end, the main factor dividing the two thinkers is metaphysical allegiances. Reflecting a tendency that is shown in most—if not all—of his early works, Gusdorf views the self more from the perspective of anthropology. Jankélévitch, like his mentor Henri Bergson, has faith in science and does not have a supernatural view of the human soul.  相似文献   

Capps  Donald 《Pastoral Psychology》2004,53(2):107-137
In previous writings, I have argued that a three-to-five-year-old boy's emotional separation from his mother is the key experience in his development of a melancholic orientation to life, and that men's religious proclivities (based on honor, hope, and humor) reflect this emotional separation. In the present essay, I argue that Leonardo da Vinci's {Mona Lisa} is the iconic center of the religion of male melancholia, and thus displaces the Virgin Mary of traditional Christianity in this regard. I provide evidence in support of this argument by focusing on Walter Pater's essay on Leonardo da Vinci, and interpreting Vincent Peruggia's theft, Hugo Villegas's stoning, and Marcel Duchamp and others' humorous assaults on the dignity of Mona Lisa as expressions of male melancholia. I conclude that the painting aids in the difficult task of transforming melancholia into mourning.  相似文献   

Although recent Kant scholarship has focused on Kant's treatment of various emotions, one that has not received much attention is love. There are three main reasons for this. First, Kant does not have a single, sustained analysis of the emotion of love; what he does say appears scattered throughout his corpus. Second, Kant identifies a number of different kinds of love, and it is not always clear which kinds are emotions or how the different kinds of love are related. Finally, in general Kant is quite critical of the emotion of love, and his critical remarks seem not to fit with the intuitions of some people when it comes to some of the more positive instances of love (e.g., the love a parent has for a child). In this paper I pursue two related aims. First, I identify and sort out the different kinds of love in Kant's writings, and I address a particular difficulty of interpretation, namely the status of love of human beings (Menschenliebe) in Kant's writings. Second, I argue that, despite Kant's criticisms of the emotion of love, he views it as an expression of our unsocial sociability, and it plays a positive and indispensible role in the moral development of human beings.  相似文献   

The major research with a theological and developmental psychological perspective on the meaning and development of faith has been produced by James Fowler of Emory University and the Candler School of Theology. In this paper, I will present challenges by important critics who pose a significant question. Is this faith of the faith development research Christian faith? To provide an initial answer to the question, I will offer brief summaries of some of Fowler's writings that he has listed as most important for responding to the question. I will also present evidence from his writings and from the writings of other authors that he is indeed interpreting Christian faith.  相似文献   

Mark U. Edwards  Jr. 《Dialog》2000,41(1):50-62
Is there a distinct Lutheran epistemology? I contend that there is. This epistemology, coming from the writings of (and subsequent reflections upon the writings of) Martin Luther, is uniquely poised–due to its emphasis on history, its affirmation of "the ordinary" and embodied life, its ability to have genuine dialogue with "secular" disciplines, and its built–in humility–for addressing the interdisciplinary political, social justice, environmental, and other issues that face us today. Likewise, one is able to embrace this epistemology whether he or she is a geneticist, a priest, a teacher, or a doctor; in fact it is this epistemology that can enable us to discern vocational goals.  相似文献   

Mark U. Edwards  Jr. 《Dialog》2002,41(1):50-62
Is there a distinct Lutheran epistemology? I contend that there is. This epistemology, coming from the writings of (and subsequent reflections upon the writings of) Martin Luther, is uniquely poised–due to its emphasis on history, its affirmation of “the ordinary” and embodied life, its ability to have genuine dialogue with “secular” disciplines, and its built–in humility–for addressing the interdisciplinary political, social justice, environmental, and other issues that face us today. Likewise, one is able to embrace this epistemology whether he or she is a geneticist, a priest, a teacher, or a doctor; in fact it is this epistemology that can enable us to discern vocational goals.  相似文献   

One particular topic in the literature on Frege's conception of sense relates to two apparently contradictory theses held by Frege: the isomorphism of thought and language on one hand and the expressibility of a thought by different sentences on the other. I will divide the paper into five sections. In (1) I introduce the problem of the tension in Frege's thought. In (2) I discuss the main attempts to resolve the conflict between Frege's two contradictory claims, showing what is wrong with some of them. In (3), I analyse where, in Frege'ps writings and discussions on sense identity, one can find grounds for two different conceptions of sense. In (4) I show how the two contradictory theses held by Frege are connected with different concerns, compelling Frege to a constant oscillation in terminology. In (5) I summarize two further reasons that prevented Frege from making the distinction between two conceptions of sense clear: (i) the antipsychologism problem and (ii) the overlap of traditions in German literature contemporary to Frege about the concept of value. I conclude with a hint for a reconstruction of the Fregean notion of ‘thought’ which resolves the contradiction between his two theses.  相似文献   

郭丽 《管子学刊》2007,(2):17-19,38
明万历十年赵用贤本《管韩合刻》本《管子》,是在南宋浙刻本和明刻刘绩本《管子补注》基础上形成的新版本。此本补充浙本、刘本没有的文句,修订讹误之字,将刘绩本注释的精华部分刊印于上栏,并将赵用贤本人补充的注释亦刊印于上栏,印刷精美。此本用字比较正规,影响很大,明清众多版本以此为母本,清代研究《管子》的学者亦多以此本为底本。  相似文献   

王红  李薇 《管子学刊》2005,(3):25-28
晏婴以极忠尽谏闻名,而其劝谏的主要内容便是要齐君效法古之贤君爱民、重民,体现出中国传统文化中的民本思想.本文以《晏子春秋》为据,描述晏婴的谏诤形象和高超的进谏艺术与技巧.  相似文献   

刘伟 《管子学刊》2012,(1):56-59
"天道"是中国思想史上的重要概念。在竹简《文子》中,天道不仅是对于世界万物起源的认识,也是对社会发展规律性的认识,它具有自然和社会双重属性。竹简《文子》的天道论继承了老子"道生于有"的思想,但否认"有生于无","有"是其终极。人的行为必须遵循天道。竹简《文子》中对于"天道"自然属性和社会属性的阐释,也为后世很多思想家所继承。  相似文献   

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