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社会心理学脱离哲学思辩和经验描述而被引入实证方法标志着实验社会心理学的正式创立,随着社会需要的不断变化,实验技术的不断发展,实验社会心理学家正在对各种情境中的社会行为进行系统而细致的研究,取得了越来越多的具体成果。然而值得注意的是当代社会心理学有两个不良倾向:  相似文献   

动态计算模型是用数学语言进行理论描述的规范表达, 能够有效地解释理论与实证结果的冲突, 整合和发展理论, 非常适合研究复杂的、非线性的、非递归的组织行为问题, 但目前在组织行为学研究中的应用有限。本研究对基于主体的建模、系统动力学模型和元胞自动机模型等主要动态计算模型进行综述, 对已有引入动态计算模型的组织行为学研究主题、研究问题的类型及动态计算模型的实施等内容进行复杂网络分析及内容综述, 并指出动态计算模型能够帮助研究者开拓新的研究领域、改变组织行为研究的模式、继承和发展已有研究成果, 形成动态计算模型在组织行为学研究领域的应用手册。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,美国应用心理学的研究发展较快。与传统的社会心,理学基础研究比较,这一时期的应用社会心理学研究有七个特点,即:以问题为中心的研究取向;明确的价值定位;触及不同层次的社会心理和社会行为问题;注重社会效益;研究开阔的视野;强调现场情境研究方法;以及与实际应用的可能性挂钩。  相似文献   

生命史理论作为进化心理学的代表性理论之一, 同时关注了环境因素和个体经验, 是社会心理与个人心理的有机结合, 但是该理论目前在社会心理学领域得到的关注还相当有限。因此该理论具体的建立、发展过程, 主要理论观点, 以及主要测量方法、测量工具都需要进行详细的梳理和介绍, 以便于研究者对其有较为全面的理解。此外, 结合社会心理学的重要研究主题--道德行为, 可以发现不同生命史策略在个体的亲社会行为、不道德/暴力犯罪行为上可能有不同的表现, 并且控制感、安全感和调节定向理论都会是其可能的影响机制。因此在未来的研究中, 应该将生命史理论在社会心理学领域进行更广泛的应用, 为社会心理学研究者提供一个分析道德行为的新视角。  相似文献   

社会心理学多种多样的知识来源及研究取向使得社会心理学的知识显得颇为零散,因此,如何建构系统的社会心理学知识体系就成为其学科发展的一个重要问题。本文首先介绍了美国社会心理学家史密斯和马珂在整合社会心理学知识上的主要贡献:(1)提出了社会心理学的八大基本原理,找到了将多样化的研究题目贯通起来的主线;(2)将社会过程和认知过程整合起来;(3)将基本理论和应用整合起来。然后,作者简要地讨论了他们的整合工作对我国社会心理学研究的启发意义。  相似文献   

系统论方法在我国艾滋病预防控制中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
艾滋病 (AIDS)是由艾滋病病毒 (HIV )感染引起的一种传染病。在AIDS和HIV感染的预防控制中 ,有效地应用和把握系统论的整体性原则、动态相关性原则和最优化原则 ,将有助于取得减少AIDS危害的最佳效益。1 整体性原则整体性原则是系统科学方法的首要原则 ,是应用系统方法研究和解决问题的出发点和根本依据 ,从系统整体到局部要素 ,它不仅仅着眼于各个要素的优劣 ,而是从整体出发 ,着眼于要素间的联系和作用 ,通过这些联系和作用的有机组合以提高系统整体的水平[1] 。研究表明 ,艾滋病是一种由社会、心理、生物等多因素引起…  相似文献   

社会心理学作为一门应用学科,强调情境性与适用性,因此,社会心理学的本土化势在必行。在社会心理学的本土化的过程中,方法论的问题尤其重要。在一定程度上,方法论的本土化问题直接关系到研究的对象、内容的可信性与有效性;关系到社会心理学学科性质的定位乃至整个体系的合理建构。本文从哲学与思想、方法论原则和具体研究方法三个层面,探讨社会心理学方法论的本土化问题。  相似文献   

本文从四个方面概述了近一两年来国内外社会心理学研究的动态:社会认知心理学的兴起;社会心理学与个性心理学新的合流的;态度和态度改变研究的再次高潮;国内社会心理学研究的动向。文章评述了我国社会心理学研究的几个特点:适应改革开放总形势,为四化建设服务,重视基础研究;人生观、价值观、态度研究方兴未艾;题材广泛,应用性强。与此同时,也提出了我国社会心理学研究的不足之处:缺乏自己的理论;连续性研究不够;相对来说数量太少。  相似文献   

论社会心理学实验方法的有效性与现实性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过两项简单的社会心理学实验研究对社会心理学的实验方法的可用性问题从理论上作了初步探讨。讨论围绕着实验方法用于社会心理学问题的有效性和现实性问题展开,认为实验安排的现实意义是获得有效性的基础。同时,本文也涉及了实验方法的科学道德问题,定量化研究的困难性和定量性分析的必要性以及人的意识活动在实验进程中的作用等问题。从这些问题的讨论中,提出社会心理学实验方法的特点及局限性。  相似文献   

归因理论发展之概观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
归因理论是社会心理学中人们对社会行为作原因推论的一个研究领域。它研究人如何理解和解释行为的原因。人的行为原因是多重的,但人们对自己或他人行为原因的理解往往只从某一个或几个方面去推论和解释。人们怎样去解释行为的原因?各种人对行为原因的解释是否有差异?有无众人皆循的规则?不同的原因会不会影响以后的行为?对这些人们感兴趣的问题,心理学家都作了探讨,形成了现代归因理论的架构。因此,归因理论被定义为理解原因的研究。归因是观察者对他人或者自己基于外部行为的内部状态的推论。归因研究近十多年来成为社会心理学中一个最活跃的研究领域。它在社会心理学期刊的研究报告  相似文献   

Human experience reflects the interplay of multiple influences operating on various time scales to promote constantly evolving patterns of thought, emotion, and action. Although the complexity and dynamism of personal and social phenomena have long been recognized, they are difficult to investigate using traditional research methods. This article provides an overview of dynamical social psychology, an approach adapted from dynamical systems theory that is designed to capture the complementary tendencies of stability and dynamism at different levels of social reality, from private thoughts to intergroup relations. Utilizing time-series analyses and computer simulations, this perspective documents the emergence of global properties from the interaction of basic elements in mental and social systems and investigates the time-dependent relation between external influences and a system’s internally generated dynamics. The dynamical approach enables social psychology to advance as a precise science while preserving the basic insights that launched the field over a century ago.  相似文献   

立足于基本适应目标与决策原则的功能分析,致力于心理过程多维度的动态考察,动态进化心理学在坚持适应主义原则基础上,将基因与经验、环境同时纳入心理发展解释框架,更为彻底地贯彻了有机体与环境交互作用观,在一定程度上克服了传统进化心理学的局限。但由于忽略社会实践的作用,它所展示的更多的是生物学意义上的人的发展图景,对心理过程的动态分析亦难以挣脱形而上学的桎梏。  相似文献   

This essay is an expanded set of comments on the social psychology papers written for the special issue on History and Social Psychology. It considers what social psychology, and particularly the theory of social representations, might offer historians working on similar problems, and what historical methods might offer social psychology. The social history of thinking has been a major theme in twentieth and twenty-first century historical writing, represented most recently by the genre of ??cultural history??. Cultural history and the theory of social representations have common ancestors in early twentieth-century social science. Nevertheless, the two lines of research have developed in different ways and are better seen as complementary than similar. The theory of social representations usefully foregrounds issues, like social division and change over time, that cultural history relegates to the background. But for historians, the theory of social representations seems oddly fixated on comparing the thought styles associated with positivist science and ??common sense??. Using historical analysis, this essay tries to dissect the core opposition ??science : common sense?? and argues for a more flexible approach to comparing modes of thought.  相似文献   

The purpose was to specify the advantages and limits of the dynamical perspective proposed by Nowak et Vallacher (1998) for social psychology studies. This perspective contributes massively to new knowledge in economy, biology and motor control. Theoretical models, methods, self-assessment tools, and time series analyses are now available for addressing hypotheses that nomothetical approach has let unanswered, and to determine the impact of daily events on self-perception.  相似文献   

The theory of social representations occupies a place apart in social psychology both by the problems it raises and the scale of the phenomena with which it deals. This provokes many a criticism and misunderstanding. Such a theory may not correspond with the model of social psychology as it is defined at present. One attempts however to show that it answers important social and scientific questions, in what it differs from the classical conception of collective representations and, from the very beginning, adopts a constructivist perspective which has spread in social psychology since. Several trends of research have confirmed its vision of the relations between social and cognitive phenomena, communication and thought. More detailed remarks aim at outlining the nature of social representations, their capacity to create information, their function which is to familiarize us with the strange, according to the categories of our culture. Going farther, one insists on the diversity of methodological approaches. If the experimental method is useful to understand how people should think, higher mental and social processes must be approached by different methods, including linguistic analysis and observation of how people think. No doubt, social representations have a relation with the more recent field of social cognition. But inasmuch as the former depend on content and context, i.e. subjectivity and sociability of people, they approach the phenomena differently from the latter. Referring to child psychology and anthropology, one can contend, despite appearances, that it is also a more scientific approach. There is however much to be learned from criticisms and there is still a long way to go before we arrive at a satisfactory theory of social thinking and communication.  相似文献   

Recent empirical findings from social psychology, ecological psychology, and embodied cognitive science indicate that situational factors crucially shape the course of human behavior. For instance, it has been shown that finding a dime, being under the influence of an authority figure, or just being presented with food in easy reach often influences behavior tremendously. These findings raise important new questions for the philosophy of action: Are these findings a threat to classical conceptions of human agency? Are humans passively pushed around by situational factors, or are there agential aspects in the way we spontaneously experience and react to situations? How can one conceptualize the pervasive influence of situational factors on human action? What are situations in the first place, and how should the influence of these situations on action be thought of? This paper sets out to develop a new conceptual repertoire for thinking about the influence of situations on action, drawing on research from ecological psychology as well as from embodied and enactive cognitive science. The key proposal is the development of a philosophical sensorimotor account of agency: Action, it is proposed, should be conceived of as constant dynamical interaction of agential and environmental factors – factors which should all be conceptualized in new ways.  相似文献   

In this article, we set out, first, a general overview of metaphor and metaphorical thought research within cognitive psychology and developmental psychology. We claim that, although research efforts broadened perspectives that considered metaphors to be ornaments of poetic language, certain predominance of a linguistic point of view within investigations led to relatively little attention paid to (i) non-verbal and non-written metaphorical instantiations, and (ii) the pre-linguistic and cultural origins of metaphorical thought. Next, we attempt to delve into, and model, the ontogenetic origins of metaphor, taking into consideration social and cultural elements. To that end, we consider the Vygotskian perspective and contemporary research from the pragmatics of the object. We propose that metaphorical thought is an emerging result of a complex web of dynamic relationships between pre-linguistic and socioculturally regulated semiotic systems. The analysis undertaken shows the need for a research programme with a developmental orientation that considers metaphor to be a product of the intertwining between the individual and social dimensions of cognitive development. We suggest this programme should find its roots in the analysis of the semiotic skills that precede the acquisition of metaphorical language.  相似文献   

第二次认知革命与社会建构论的产生   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
第二次认知革命是后现代主义的革命。它的直接结果是促进了社会建构论的产生。社会建构论主张(1)知识是建构的,建构是社会的建构,而不是个体的建构。(2)人格、态度、情绪等心理现象并不存在于人的的内部,而是存在于人与人之间,是文化历史的产物。(3)语言并非是具有确定意义的透明的媒介,语言是先在的,规定了思维的方式。(4)没有超越历史和文化的普遍性知识,我们对于心理现象的理解是受时间、地域、历史、文化和社会风俗等制约的。(5)心理学家应该关注话语的作用,话语分析是心理学的基本研究方法。  相似文献   

We base on well known researches in pragmatics, linguistics and psychology of communication who define the schizophrenics troubles of thought according to their intrication with some properties of language, discourse and conversation. But we observe that those researches fail to represent the cognitive rationality of incoherence. We prepare a new method of analysis which takes the dynamical properties of verbal interaction sequences into account that constitute the natural context of the trouble's expression. This method connects a discourse representation theory (DRT) to aspects of pragmatics and conversational analysis. In the way we make such a model suitable to discontinuity in verbal interaction, we show it is possible 1) to describe the specific processes of thought of the schizophrenic speaker and “normal” and 2) to decipher the dialogical mechanism, probably in part archaic, which maintains the exchange despite disturbances.  相似文献   

Sikolohiyang Pilipino (Filipino psychology) refers to the psychology born out of the experience, thought and orientation of the Filipinos, based on the full use of Filipino culture and language. The approach is one of "indigenization from within" whereby the theoretical framework and methodology emerge from the experiences of the people from the indigenous culture. It is based on assessing historical and socio-cultural realities, understanding the local language, unraveling Filipino characteristics, and explaining them through the eyes of the native Filipino. Among the outcomes are: a body of knowledge including indigenous concepts, development of indigenous research methods and indigenous personality testing, new directions in teaching psychology, and an active participation in organisations among Filipino psychologists and social scientists, both in the Philippines and overseas.  相似文献   

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