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The eternalist endurantist and perdurantist theories of persistence through time come in various versions, namely the two versions of perdurantism: the worm view and the stage view, and the two versions of endurantism: indexicalism and adverbialism. Using as a starting point the instructive case of what is depicted by photographs, I will examine these four views, and compare them, with some interesting results. Notably, we will see that two traditional enemies—the perdurantist worm view and the endurantist theories—are more like allies: they are much less different than what is usually thought, and some alleged points of central disagreement fall prey to closer scrutiny. The aim of this paper is to examine carefully all those points, and to call attention to the places where the real differences between these views lie. I will then turn to the perdurantist stage view, and claim that with respect to some central issues it is the view that is the most different from the other three, but that in some places the reason why it different is also the reason why it is less satisfactory.
Jiri BenovskyEmail:

In a recent paper, Jiri Benovsky argues that the bundle theory and the substratum theory, traditionally regarded as ‘deadly enemies’ in the metaphysics literature, are in fact ‘twin brothers’. That is, they turn out to be ‘equivalent for all theoretical purposes’ upon analysis. The only exception, according to Benovsky, is a particular version of the bundle theory whose distinguishing features render unappealing. In the present reply article, I critically analyse these undoubtedly relevant claims, and reject them.
Matteo MorgantiEmail:

Object interpolation in three dimensions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Perception of objects in ordinary scenes requires interpolation processes connecting visible areas across spatial gaps. Most research has focused on 2-D displays, and models have been based on 2-D, orientation-sensitive units. The authors present a view of interpolation processes as intrinsically 3-D and producing representations of contours and surfaces spanning all 3 spatial dimensions. The authors propose a theory of 3-D relatability that indicates for a given edge which orientations and positions of other edges in 3 dimensions may be connected to it, and they summarize the empirical evidence for 3-D relatability. The theory unifies and illuminates a number of fundamental issues in object formation, including the identity hypothesis in visual completion, the relations of contour and surface processes, and the separation of local and global processing. The authors suggest that 3-D interpolation and 3-D relatability have major implications for computational and neural models of object perception.  相似文献   

类伦理与生态问题的国际治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着时代的发展,全球性问题的普遍出现以及与此相应的人类的全球意识的产生,标志着人类已经进入了"类时代"。在类时代的背景下,与生态危机相关的种种问题日益突现,生态问题面临前所未有的现实难题和伦理困境。因此,需要从人的"类存在"的视角来审视人与自然的关系,从"类伦理"的高度来关照生态问题,从国际治理的层面来解决全球生态问题。  相似文献   

Can the principle of convergence in three spatial dimensions be reflected in drawings by the congenitally blind? A man who had been totally blind since birth was asked to draw scenes such as a tabletop with three cubes receding to the observer’s left side. He used converging lines to show the tops of the cubes receding in depth. He drew the cubes to the left smaller than the cube in front of the observer. He drew faces of cubes to the left with tilted lines, pointing to below the front face of the cube in front. The result approximates three-point perspective. We note that the directions of objects from a vantage point in touch converge much as they do in vision.  相似文献   

A series of five experiments was conducted to test the optimal speed for performing two- and three-dimensional imagery tasks. Subjects were required to keep track of the location of a pathway in an imagined matrix, as the directions of its successive movements were described verbally. Matrices varied in size and in number of spatial dimensions, with two-dimensional matrices drawn on cardboard and three-dimensional ones built from wooden blocks. When subjects were able to dictate the rate of presentation of the terms describing the pathway, they preferred slower rates for three-dimensional than for two-dimensional stimuli. In subsequent experiments, very fast presentation rates had a larger detrimental effect on performance with three-dimensional matrices than with two-dimensional matrices. A comparison of the patterns of performance for subjects who generally scored high with the patterns for those who scored low showed a stronger effect of dimensionality for poor performers, suggesting that individual differences mediate performance on the task.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to better understand the development of children's occupational knowledge, as assessed by their ability to give ratings to jobs along various dimensions that were similar to ratings given by adults, and to investigate differences in boys' and girls' ratings. Overall, younger students gave higher ratings to the jobs pictured than did older students. Also, females gave higher ratings to three of the four dimensions investigated. Girls rated traditionally female jobs higher on respect and service, while boys rated traditionally male jobs higher on respect and service. Both males and females agreed that more education would be required for the female jobs pictured, but that males would be paid more money for the male jobs pictured.  相似文献   

Mark and Todd (1983) reported an experiment in which the cardioidal strain transformation was extended to three dimensions and applied to a three-dimensional (3-D) representation of the head of a 15-year-old girl in a direction that made the transformed head appear younger to the vast majority of their subjects. The experiments reported here extend this research in order to examine whether subjects are indeed detecting cardioidal strain in three dimensions, rather than detecting changes in head slant or making 2-D comparisons of the shape of the occluding contour. Three-dimensional surfaces were obtained by measuring a real head manually (Experiment 1) and with a laser scanner (Experiment 2), and transformed to different age levels using the 3-D strain transformation described by Mark and Todd (1983). There were no statistically significant differences in the accuracy with which relative age judgments could be made in response to pairs of profiles, pairs of 3/4 views, or pairs of mixed views (profile plus 3/4 view), suggesting that subjects can indeed extract the cardioidal strain level of the head in three dimensions. However, an additional effect that emerged in these studies was that judgments were crucially affected by the instructions given to subjects, which suggests that factors other than cardioidal strain are important in making judgments about rich data structures.  相似文献   

This paper describes a system for measuring the three-dimensional movement of a point on the human body. The core components of the system are an ultrasonic computer mouse (The OWL), an IBM-compatible personal computer, and a suite of recording and analysis software written in National Instruments’ LabVIEW instrumentation programming language. The cost of these components is sufficiently low that we have been able to create a system for measuring human kinematics that is within the reach of a typical budget for student practical classes.  相似文献   

Short measures of child inattention-overactivity (IO), aggression-defiance (AG), and anxiety-depression or emotionality (EM) derived through a double validation procedure are administered to mothers of 243 clinic-referred suburban New York boys between 6 and 10 years of age. Mother-rated IO is uniquely related to poor performance on cognitive and achievement tests; observed inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive behaviors in a restricted academic setting; less father education and lower family income; and most mother-reported impairments and treatment use. Mothers of high-IO boys describe themselves and their sons as having similar childhood symptoms. AG is uniquely related to child-reported disruptive behavior and sensation seeking, many measures of family conflict and negative parenting styles, and mother-reported symptom pervasiveness and number of treatments. EM is uniquely related only to poorer cognitive and achievement test performance, living with one parent, parents who considered themselves too busy, and fewer friends. Each dimension also is associated with parallel teacher-rated factors.  相似文献   

S Palmer  E Simone  P Kube 《Perception》1988,17(2):147-163
Three experiments are reported in which it is tested whether the Gestalt effect of configural orientation on shape perception operates on two-dimensional (2-D) or three-dimensional (3-D) representations of space. It is known that gravitationally defined squares and diamonds take longer to discriminate in diagonal arrays than in horizontal or vertical arrays. In the first experiment it is shown that this interference effect decreases dramatically in magnitude when pictorial depth information is added so that subjects perceive the target shapes in different depth planes. In the second experiment this difference is shown not to be due to relative size of the target shapes or to occlusion of a background plane. It is also shown, in the final experiment, that this difference is not due to linear perspective information or merely to perception of the target figures in a 3-D scene. The overall pattern of results supports the position that this configural reference frame effect arises primarily when the elements of the configuration are coplanar, and that the principal organization underlying it is the structure of the perceived 3-D environment rather than that of the 2-D image. In all three experiments, however, there is also a small interference effect in the noncoplanar 3-D conditions. This might be due either to some aspect of reference frame selection operating on the 2-D image representation or to the failure of subjects to see depth in the 3-D stimuli on some proportion of the trials.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of formal order and spatial content on reasoning in three dimensions in view of the Formal Rules theory and the Mental Models theory of spatial reasoning. Twenty‐six subjects solved 144 spatial deductive problems that varied by the formal order of the entities (referential order, referential continuity) and the spatial content (dimension, orientation, and direction). There were two dependant variables: the correct responses and their response times. The number of mental models and the formal derivations underlying the deductions allowed comparison of opposite predictions made by the Formal Rules theory and the Mental Models theory of spatial reasoning. The results overwhelmingly supported the Mental Models theory's predictions. The effects of referential order showed that problems yielding two possible mental models were significantly more difficult than problems based on one mental model, although the former problems involved a shorter formal derivation than the latter. The effects of referential continuity also generalized the Mental Models theory's prediction to reasoning in all three dimensions. The effects of referential continuity showed that problems that required independent layouts in memory were reliably more difficult than problems that allowed the continuous integration of the entities in a mental model. We obtained these results despite the fact that the former condition required a shorter formal derivation than the latter. The effects of spatial content were also reliable despite the fact that the formal derivations were the same across spatial content. Thus, spatial deductions were significantly easier to make in 1D than in 2D and in 2D than 3D. Deductions were also significantly easier to make from left to right along the horizontal axis of a mental model, and from top to bottom along the vertical axis rather than from the respective opposite directions. The effects of spatial content suggest that mental models reproduce spatial relations relative to reference frames.  相似文献   

Five hundred and fifty-four undergraduate students attending a university-sector college in South Wales, United Kingdom, completed the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) (Form G) and the short-form Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. The results showed a number of statistically significant relationships between the two models of personality and drew attention to two substantively significant relationships. In Eysenckian terms, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator constructs of introversion and extraversion translated as “neurotic introversion” and as “stable extraversion.” The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator constructs of judging and perceiving translated as “low psychoticism” and “high psychoticism”. Based on their interpretation of findings, the authors argue that the MBTI and the Eysenckian models should be viewed as interacting in a dynamic and informative fashion, not as unrelated, totally disparate models.  相似文献   

Researchers have suggested that the psychoticism (P) personality dimension of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire may be largely redundant with the agreeableness (A) and conscientiousness (C) constructs of the five‐factor model. Little research has examined the distinctiveness of these constructs. We utilized a multi‐wave, multi‐method design to examine the ability of C, A, and P to uniquely predict a number of important outcomes amongst high school students. A total of 778 students (391 males, 387 females; mean age 15.41 years.) completed personality measures in Grade 10. Self‐reported self‐esteem, social support, health‐related behaviours, religious values as well as teachers' assessments of students, were collected 1 and 2 years later. A, C, and P were distinctive in their ability to predict these outcomes, after controlling for gender and socio‐economic status as well as Grade 10 extraversion, openness, and neuroticism. The individual P items explained unique variance over and above that explained by A and C. It was concluded that P is not merely the opposite of A and C. Implications for interventions are raised.  相似文献   

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