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ICT4D: Internet Adoption and Usage among Rural Users in China   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Despite its low penetration in the vast rural areas of China, the Internet is generally perceived as a new engine for rural empowerment and quite a number of experimental projects have been initiated in recent years to test this view. This study explores the effects of Internet use on various aspects of rural development, including economic conditions and education. A qualitative approach was adopted in order to gain an in-depth understanding of the diffusion process of the Internet and its implications for rural development. The data-collection methods included in-depth interviews, participant observations, and documentation reviews. The findings suggest that the rural areas included in the study have not witnessed dramatic social and economic changes resulting from the introduction of the Internet. Though the scope and depth of the changes are not significant enough to lend support to the romanticized arguments about information and communication technologies for development, the empirical findings show that the Internet has had some positive effects on the livelihood and education of the rural people. This study examines how social structures exert their influence on Internet diffusion, adoption, and use. The findings provide strong empirical evidence in support of the view that society shapes the adoption of technology. The Internet serves as an agent of change, but the extent, duration, and intensity of its impact are primarily determined by the existing socio-economic contexts of the rural settings.
Jinqiu ZhaoEmail:

Jinqiu Zhao   is Associate Professor at the International Communications College, Communication University of China, in Beijing. She received her Ph.D. from the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, in Singapore. She has been a university teacher and researcher since 1993. Her research interests include Chinese communication, comparative media systems, social impacts of new communication technologies, and media effects.  相似文献   

Raymond Williams’ work on television as a cultural form offers a theoretical basis for overcoming technological determinism in the study of the Internet. The Internet in China exerts social and political influences through the cultural forms it enables and then only when these forms respond to the human condition. Chinese Internet culture consists of new cultural forms that emerge out of the interactions between Internet and society and that are the products of both cultural tradition and innovation.
Guobin YangEmail:

Social Consequences of the Internet for Adolescents: A Decade of Research   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT— Adolescents are currently the defining users of the Internet. They spend more time online than adults do, and they use the Internet for social interaction more often than adults do. This article discusses the state of the literature on the consequences of online communication technologies (e.g., instant messaging) for adolescents' social connectedness and well-being. Whereas several studies in the 1990s suggested that Internet use is detrimental, recent studies tend to report opposite effects. We first explain why the results of more recent studies diverge from those of earlier studies. Then, we discuss a viable hypothesis to explain the recent findings: the Internet-enhanced self-disclosure hypothesis. Finally, we discuss some contingent factors that may deserve special attention in future research.  相似文献   

An interpretative phenomenological analysis explored the experiences of former Chinese international students trained as counselors in a United States-based program (= 9), both with respect to training and work experiences upon returning to China. Themes included strong counselor identity, struggles with adapting to mental health policies in China, and complications acclimating to training in the United States. Suggestions for educators include emphasis on international education and adjustments to hiring practices.  相似文献   

In this paper I discuss an intriguing and relatively little studied symptomatic expression of schizophrenia known as experiences of activity in which patients form the delusion that they can control some external events by the sole means of their mind. I argue that experiences of activity result from patients being prone to aberrantly infer causal relations between unrelated events in a retrospective way owing to widespread predictive deficits. Moreover, I suggest that such deficits may, in addition, lead to an aberrant intentional binding effect i.e., the subjective compression of the temporal interval between an intentional action and its external effects (Haggard et al., 2002a, Haggard et al., 2002b). In particular, it might be that patient’s thoughts are bound to the external events they aimed to control producing, arguably, a temporal contiguity between these two components. Such temporal contiguity would reinforce or sustain the (causal) feeling that the patient mind is directly causally efficient.  相似文献   

中国科学心理学是在20世纪初复杂的社会背景下通过传入西方心理学而建立和发展起来的.在这一过程中,心理学图书的出版和传播起到了重要作用.文章以《民国时期总书目》中收录的心理学图书为研究对象,通过对心理学图书的年出版量、编著与译著的比较、出版数量的地域差异、分支学科的出版特征等四个方面的出版状况进行计量分析,探讨其形成原因和历史背景,试图从出版视角对民国时期科学心理学在中国的发展做微观的历史考察.  相似文献   

A request from the National Academies to prepare a presentation for a Workshop on Non-Technical Strategies to Protect Youth from Inappropriate Material on the Internet occurred before much was known about children, youth, and the Internet. The author's strategy was to investigate websites that cater to children and adolescents. The developmental issue of consumer socialization was raised by a visit to the Disney website. In contrast, the developmental issues of sexuality, aggression, and intergroup relations were raised by visits to chat rooms hosted by two different Internet Web portals. Examination of existing research literature, in conjunction with visits to the websites, led to the following conclusions: (1) Many parents are aware of the problems of making children the targets of commerce; however, they are quite unaware of the kind of social and cultural worlds young people are creating online. (2) Children and adolescents are not simply the targets of adult Internet creations; they are active participants in creating their own cybercultures, for example, in teen chat rooms. (3) The nature and norms of these cultures can be very much influenced by adult rules, regulations, and participatory monitoring. (4) The important developmental issues raised by this new medium are not unique to the Internet. For example, each psychosocial phenomenon from consumerism to sexuality to aggression has important manifestations in the culture at large.  相似文献   

1918年至1937年是中国现代心理学科早期发展时期,该文论述了留学生在中国现代心理学科产生和早期发展中的作用,认为,留学生群体特征启动中国现代心理学科发展,“教育救国”观推动中国现代心理学科发展,躬身实践带动了中国现代心理学科的发展。留学生在中国现代心理学科的产生与早期发展中起到观念更新者、理论传播者、实践耕耘者的作用。  相似文献   

在网络飞速发展的现代社会,网络成瘾问题也随之引起社会的高度注意,当今大学生日渐成为网络成瘾的高发人群,一些特定的问题如社交焦虑、幸福感缺失、人际关系紧张等接踵而至。本文旨在通过对眼部情绪图片的识别来对网络成瘾大学生的社交特点进行研究。运用问卷法确定了60名被试组成实验组和对照组,再分别对其进行用DMDX软件编程的眼部情绪线索识别的心理实验。在尽力控制无关变量的影响下,经过数据分析,得出以下结论:网络成瘾大学生与非成瘾大学生对眼部情绪图片识别的正确率和平均正确反应时不存在显著性差异;网络成瘾大学生与非成瘾大学生对正性、中性和负性眼部情绪图片识别的反应时和正确率不存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

With the rapid growth of the number of netizens in China, the Internet has become one of the most important parts in the lives of people who not only can get more information on the Internet, but can also express their own views. In other words, the Internet has also become a part of real-world events. Drawing on a case study about ‘The Boycott of Carrefour’ in China during the spring of 2008, the paper first discusses the role and functions of new media during the incident. Through analyses of a story about the culture of labeling others and a conflict between burning a wrong flag in this case, the paper then explores the capriciousness of Chinese cyberspace. The author proposes an explanation on how the illusion of truth is generated on the Internet and then influences the events in the real world. The paper concludes that the Internet is not just a simple technological tool, but it is intertwined with the sociocultural contexts in which it is rooted.
Chung Tai ChengEmail:

学科规训制度是一种知识生产与专门人才培养同步进行的整合性制度,在某一知识门类学科化发展进程中起到至关重要的作用。民国时期,我国诸多大学纷纷成立心理学系,并开始着手建设中国自己的心理学,在这方面,中央大学心理学系成为了当时学科建设的桥头堡,它们的探索与实践在一定程度上与现代学科规训制度存在某种契合。  相似文献   

中国佛教伦理的理论基础可从佛教伦理内涵的旨趣、价值、自觉三个方面得到论证,即佛教伦理旨趣的根据是其人生解脱论,佛教伦理价值的基石是其因果报应论,佛教伦理自觉的本原是其心性论。  相似文献   

By advancement of Internet of Things (IoT) technology in smart life such as smart city, smart home, smart healthcare and smart transportation, interconnections between smart things are growing that complicate evaluation of efficiency factors on the intelligent systems. Energy consumption as one of the most challenging issues is increasing with the growing IoT devices and existing interconnections between cloud data centers, mobile applications and human activities. Managing energy efficiency and power consumption is one of the important issues in green IoT-enabled technologies. This paper presents an overview on the energy management solutions in the IoT based on Systematic Literature Review (SLR). The main goal of this SLR-based overview is to recognize significant research trends in the field of energy management and power consumption techniques which need additional consideration to highlight more efficient and effective methods in IoT. Also, a taxonomy is proposed to categorize the existing research studies on energy management solutions. A statistical and technical analysis of reviewed existing papers are provided, and evaluation factors and attributes are discussed. We observed that variety of published research papers in smart home have highest percentage to evaluate energy management in the IoT. Also, deep learning and clustering methods are must popular techniques that were applied to evaluate the energy management in IoT case studies. Finally, new challenges and forthcoming issues of the energy management and efficient power consumption methods are presented.  相似文献   

The sense of agency refers to the experience of being in control of one’s actions and their consequences. The 19th century French philosopher Maine de Biran proposed that the sensation of effort might provide an internal cue for distinguishing self-caused from other changes in the environment. The present study is the first to empirically test the philosophical idea that effort promotes self-agency. We used intentional binding, which refers to the subjective temporal attraction between an action and its sensory consequences, as an implicit measure of the sense of agency. Effort was manipulated independent of the primary task by requiring participants to pull stretch bands of varying resistance levels. We found that intentional binding was enhanced under conditions of increased effort. This suggests not only that the experience of effort directly contributes to the sense of agency, but also that the integration of effort as an agency cue is non-specific to the effort requirement of the action itself.  相似文献   

The article explores the different types of therapeutic relationship that can evolve both on- and offline, thanks to the use of tools, such as software and applications, which enable therapists and patients contact outside of the traditional setting. Given the premise that it is practically impossible today to maintain a relationship without the use of internet and telephones, it becomes necessary to question the ways in which the online space can become a useful extension of the therapeutic setting. The authors, starting from a consideration regarding the specificity of the online therapeutic relationship, analyze the best ways to use text and email messaging with patients. Furthermore, specific interactions via group chats are presented, for example, to coordinate a therapeutic team involving several professionals. Further, video chat settings are discussed through a clinical case presentation. Lastly, the therapist’s management of social networks is debated, underscoring the importance for the therapists that his or her online identity be consistent with the offline image which patients are introduced to in the traditional setting of the therapy room.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) recovery through the lens of the transtheoretical model of stages of change. To do this, a content analysis of online posts about NSSI from 73 participants (Mage = 19.4; SDage = 5.49) with a history or NSSI was performed. Specifically, two rubrics were used. The first examined stages of change and the other positive and negative views toward NSSI recovery. Results indicated that a preponderance of posts was in the precontemplation (39.7%) and contemplation (52.1%) stages. Individuals in the contemplation stage mentioned significantly more disadvantages than advantages to change compared to those in the precontemplation stage. Overall, the current study provides preliminary evidence for the utility of stages of change when conceptualizing NSSI recovery. Implications for research and practice are addressed.  相似文献   

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