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汉语同形歧义词歧义消解的过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实验采用启动范式,利用句子语境探讨同形歧义词(homographs)歧义消解的过程。结果表明:与语境一致的歧义词的主要意义首先得到通达,与语境一致的次要意义随后才被激活,与语境不一致的歧义词的意义没有得到激活,语境敏感模型可以较好地解释本实验的结果。  相似文献   

采用眼动记录的方法,考察在偏向句子语境中,不同类型的词汇歧义消解的不同。结果发现,歧义词不同意义的相对频率影响了不同类型歧义词的加工。当语境支持歧义词的主要意义时,被试加工同形同音歧义词要快于同形异音歧义词;当语境支持歧义词的次要意义时,被试加工同形同音歧义词要慢于同形异音歧义词。无论语境支持歧义词的主要意义还是次要意义,被试都要为同形同音歧义词从语境中寻找更多的信息来通达词义。实验证明,在偏向语境中,同形同音歧义词与同形异音歧义词的歧义消解过程不同。  相似文献   

汉语同音歧义词歧义消解的过程及其抑制机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
两个实验分别采用词语境或句子语境探讨汉语同音歧义词(homophones)歧义消解的过程。被试为112名大学生。实验通过有计划地比较不同语境偏向条件下有关探测词和无关探测词之间反应时的差异,从而揭示汉语同音歧义词消解过程中,对其适当意义激活以及对其不适当意义抑制的时间进程。两个实验的结果都表明:在同音歧义词加工的早期,语境的作用主要表现为抑制歧义词不适当意义,阻止其激活;随后,语境促进了歧义词适当意义的激活。另外,相对意义频率在同音歧义词歧义消解过程中有其影响。  相似文献   

汉语歧义词加工中抑制机制的作用过程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
两个实验探讨对汉语同形歧义词和同音歧义词不适当意义(与句子语境不一致)抑制的时间进程。被试为128名大学生,实验采用意义适合性判断任务,即要求被试又快又准地判断探测词的意义与刚呈现的句子意义是否相符合,探测词分别在ISI(interstimulus interval)为200和800ms时呈现。实验结果表明:(1)ISI为200ms时对同形歧义词的不适当次要意义的抑制尚未完成;但是对同音歧义词的不适当次要意义的抑制基本完成。(2)ISI为800ms时对同形歧义词的不适当次要意义的抑制基本完成;(3)即使延长加工时间,同形歧义词和同音歧义词的不适当主要意义还是难以被完全抑制。  相似文献   

汉语歧义句的消解过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验以汉语同形且切分层次相同的歧义句为实验材料,采用句子验证任务,着重探讨前语境或后语境在歧义句歧义消解过程中的作用及其时间进程,被试为48名大学生。结果发现:(1)抑制机制受语境位置的制约,前语境的抑制作用优于后语境;(2)ISI为300毫秒时,对歧义句不适当意义的抑制已经发生,但尚未完成;ISI延长到1000毫秒时,对歧义句不适当意义的抑制进一步加强。  相似文献   

无语境条件下汉语词类歧义词的意义激活   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
武宁宁  舒华 《心理学报》2001,34(4):18-24
以单字词为实验材料,采用启动命名任务,在孤立词条件下考察了汉语词类歧义词不同意义激活的时间进程特点。实验发现,歧义词的两种意义都能被激活,但主要意义激活得较早,次要意义激活速度较慢;当两种意义都激活之后,次要意义的激活水平降低,而主要意义仍维持在一定激活水平。结果表明,汉语词类歧义词的多重激活过程会受到意义相对频率的影响。  相似文献   

杨群  张积家  范丛慧 《心理学报》2021,53(7):746-757
词汇歧义是语言的普遍现象。在汉语中, 歧义词的种类繁多, 是少数民族学生汉语学习困难的重要原因之一。通过两个实验, 考察在不同加工时间条件下维吾尔族和汉族的大学生在汉语歧义词消解中的语境促进效应及抑制效应。结果发现, 两个民族的大学生均出现了语境促进效应, 但在短时加工条件下, 汉族大学生的语境促进效应显著大于维吾尔族大学生, 在长时加工条件下, 两个民族的大学生的语境促进效应并无显著差异。在短时加工条件下, 仅汉族大学生可以有效地抑制无关信息的干扰; 在长时加工条件下, 两个民族的大学生均可以有效地抑制无关信息的干扰。整个研究表明, 在汉语歧义词消解中, 随着加工时间增加, 维吾尔族大学生的语境促进效应和对无关信息的抑制均可以达到与汉族大学生相近的水平。  相似文献   

任桂琴  韩玉昌  周永垒 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1345-1350
采用ERP方法,考察了汉语词汇歧义消解中句子语境作用的时间进程及大脑活动。目标词与句子语境存在一致、不一致、无关控制等3种关系。结果显示:(1)一致与不一致条件下N400的平均波幅均显著低于无关控制条件;(2)SOA为200毫秒时产生的N400平均波幅的幅度显著高于SOA为1000毫秒的条件;(3)N400的平均波幅及潜伏期均表现出左半球显著高于右半球的特点。实验结果支持词汇歧义消解的模块化观点,体现了大脑两半球语言功能的不对称性。  相似文献   

通过两个眼动实验考察了在代词歧义消解中人们如何根据语境并利用语用知识理解隐含意义.实验一以24个语篇为实验材料,采用单因素两水平重复测量设计.结果表明间接方式下关键句阅读时间较长.实验二采用同样的实验设计,结果表明脱离语篇语境的关键句在不同条件下阅读时间相当.实验结果支持隐含意义的理解在句子加工的早期就已开始的联结主义观点.  相似文献   

工作记忆,意思相对频率与汉语歧义句的加工   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
杨丽霞  崔耀 《心理科学》1999,22(3):222-225
本研究选取高、低工作记忆能量两组被试,通过两个实验,考察了歧义句多种解释的相对使用频率和被试工作记忆能量在歧义句加工中的作用。结果表明:(1)意思相对频率在歧义句加工中有显著效应,主要意思比次要意思更易于提取;(2)工作记忆能量对歧义句的加工仅表现出一定程度的影响,材料难度增加时,该效应达到边缘性显著的水平。  相似文献   

黄福荣  周治金 《心理科学进展》2012,20(10):1551-1559
词汇歧义是语言歧义的一种, 词汇歧义消解受到相对意义频率和语境的影响。半视野研究发现大脑两半球都能在词汇歧义消解过程中根据语境信息选择性地激活歧义词的恰当意义、抑制不恰当意义, 其中左半球的语义选择功能更强; 脑损伤研究发现大脑左、右半球损伤都会导致词汇歧义消解中语义选择障碍, 词汇歧义消解需要大脑两半球的联合作用; 神经成像研究进一步发现额叶与颞叶共同支持词汇歧义消解, 歧义词的恰当意义的选择是由额下回执行的, 语义整合加工是由颞叶负责的。  相似文献   

两个实验以合理型主题信息条件下的句子为对照材料.其它型主题信息条件下的句子为实验材料,考察合理型和非合理型主题信息条件下汉语歧义句意义建构的时间进程和特点。结果表明:(1)合理型主题信息可以顺利地建构一个稳定的基础心理表征;不合理型主题信息则没有这种效应;矛盾型主题信息则引导读者重构一个新的心理表征。(2)在合理型主题信息条件下,语境主要起到证实主题信息区和歧义区所建构的基础表征的作用;而在不合理型、矛盾型主题信息的条件下,语境的作用首先是验证所建构的基础心理表征和歧义句的意义频率,然后有效建构歧义句的意义。  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to investigate the influence of contextual constraint on lexical ambiguity resolution in the cerebral hemispheres. A cross-modal priming variant of the divided visual field task was utilized in which subjects heard sentences containing homonyms and made lexical decisions to targets semantically related to dominant and subordinate meanings. Experiment 1 showed priming in both hemispheres of dominant meanings for homonyms embedded in neutral sentence contexts. Experiment 2 showed priming in both hemispheres of dominant and subordinate meanings for homonyms embedded in sentence contexts that biased a central semantic feature of the subordinate meaning. Experiment 3 showed priming of dominant meanings in the left hemisphere (LH), and priming of the subordinate meaning in the right hemisphere (RH) for homonyms embedded in sentences that biased a peripheral semantic feature of the subordinate meaning. These results are consistent with a context-sensitive model of language processing that incorporates differential sensitivity to semantic relationships in the cerebral hemispheres.  相似文献   

Recent research indicates that individuals with nonthalamic subcortical (NS) lesions can experience difficulties processing lexical ambiguities in a variety of contexts. This study examined how prior processing of a lexical ambiguity influences subsequent meaning activation in 10 individuals with NS lesions and 10 matched healthy controls. Subjects made speeded lexical decisions on related or unrelated targets following homophone primes. Homophones were repeated with different targets biasing the same or different meanings on the second presentation. The effects of prime-target relatedness, interstimulus interval (200 or 1250 ms), and same vs. different meaning repetition were examined. Both the patient and control groups showed priming when the same homophone meaning was biased on repetition. When a different meaning was biased on the second presentation, no priming was evident in the controls, while facilitation remained present for the NS group, consistent with aberrant meaning selection and deactivation processes. These findings are discussed in terms of age and task-related repetition effects and current conceptions of frontal–subcortical involvement in cognition.David Copland is supported by the Australian Research Council  相似文献   

Lexical ambiguity—the phenomenon of a single word having multiple, distinguishable senses—is pervasive in language. Both the degree of ambiguity of a word (roughly, its number of senses) and the relatedness of those senses have been found to have widespread effects on language acquisition and processing. Recently, distributional approaches to semantics, in which a word's meaning is determined by its contexts, have led to successful research quantifying the degree of ambiguity, but these measures have not distinguished between the ambiguity of words with multiple related senses versus multiple unrelated meanings. In this work, we present the first assessment of whether distributional meaning representations can capture the ambiguity structure of a word, including both the number and relatedness of senses. On a very large sample of English words, we find that some, but not all, distributional semantic representations that we test exhibit detectable differences between sets of monosemes (unambiguous words; N = 964), polysemes (with multiple related senses; N = 4,096), and homonyms (with multiple unrelated senses; N = 355). Our findings begin to answer open questions from earlier work regarding whether distributional semantic representations of words, which successfully capture various semantic relationships, also reflect fine-grained aspects of meaning structure that influence human behavior. Our findings emphasize the importance of measuring whether proposed lexical representations capture such distinctions: In addition to standard benchmarks that test the similarity structure of distributional semantic models, we need to also consider whether they have cognitively plausible ambiguity structure.  相似文献   

于泽  韩玉昌 《心理科学》2011,34(6):1320-1324
本研究采用眼动记录的方法,考察了被试理解层次分隔歧义句时,作为书面韵律边界的逗号起到的作用,以及逗号与语境信息间的交互作用。实验通过操纵逗号的位置,变化歧义句的句义;通过操纵语境内容,变化语境偏向与逗号解歧方向的一致性。结果发现,逗号做为书面的韵律边界促进了句子的加工。当有书面韵律边界为句子解歧时,被试更依赖于韵律边界。语境信息与书面韵律边界的交互作用发生于句子加工晚期。  相似文献   

Studies conducted on individuals with schizophrenia (SZ) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) show that they find it difficult to comprehend figurative language, and have a tendency to interpret it literally. This study examines hemispheric processing of idioms in patients with SZ, in comparison to individuals with ASD. Seventeen adults with SZ and 18 adults with ASD participated in the study. The two clinical groups were matched in age, vocabulary scores and verbal executive function scores. Using the divided visual field paradigm, the participants performed a lexical decision task for a target word related to either a literal or a figurative interpretation of an idiom. Whereas SZ patients showed the typical right lateralisation for non-salient literal interpretations of idioms, adults with ASD showed atypical bilateral processing. These findings indicate different hemispheric lateralisation in idiom processing in the two clinical groups.  相似文献   

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