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The auditory stimulus characteristics of three commercially-produced enuresis alarms are described and the results of a clinical trial of the three alarm types are reported. No significant differences regarding outcome, either in terms of treatment efficiency or of subsequent relapse, were found.  相似文献   

Operant reinforcement of aggression was studied in food-deprived pigeons by delivering food for attacks against a target pigeon. The food was delivered according to a fixed-interval schedule and attack behavior was recorded automatically. Attack could be conditioned and extinguished, and the proportion of time spent in attack was a direct function of the frequency of reinforcement of the attack. The fixed-interval schedule produced an increasing rate of attack during the interval between food reinforcements. This positive curvature was an inverse function of the duration of the interval. The findings revealed that the duration and temporal patterning of the complex social behavior of attack can be influenced in a substantial and predictable manner by the schedule and frequency of operant reinforcement.  相似文献   

Four male and six female adults (aged between 16 and 23) were treated for nocturnal enuresis with bell and pad apparatus. Although the trial was based upon an atypical sample (most patients were referred by psychiatrists), the results do suggest that bell and pad treatment may often markedly reduce or entirely eliminate nocturnal wetting even when the problem has persisted into adulthood.The special problems which may occur when treating enuresis in adults are discussed.  相似文献   

The present investigation developed and tested a new percentile reinforcement schedule suited to study pattern variability, whose main feature was the relative dissociation it provided between the variability requirement defining criterional responses and overall probability of reinforcement. In a discrete-trials procedure, pigeons produced patterns of four pecks on two response keys. If the pattern emitted on the current trial differed from the N preceding patterns, reinforcement was delivered with probability mu. The schedule continuously adjusted the criterion N such that the probability of a criterional response, estimated from the subject's recent behavior, was always constant. In these circumstances, the criterion corresponded to an invariant percentile in the distribution of recent responses. Using a between-subjects design, Experiment 1 manipulated the variability requirement--the percentile--while keeping overall reinforcement probability constant. The degree of variability varied directly with the requirement. In addition, an inverse relationship existed between the requirement and within-group variance. Experiment 2 manipulated probability of reinforcement while maintaining the variability requirement constant. No consistent relationship was found between variability and reinforcement probability. A tentative hypothesis was advanced ascribing the operant conditioning of behavioral variability to a process of probability-dependent selection.  相似文献   

Three rats and a pigeon were first trained on a two-component multiple schedule in which reinforcement in the two components occurred immediately after a response. Later, reinforcement in one component was delayed by a few seconds. During both stages of the experiment, reinforcement was scheduled by equal variable- (pigeon) or random-interval (rats) schedules in the two components. The main effect of the delayed reinforcement was to increase the rate of responding in the unchanged (non-delay) component. This behavioral contrast effect did not appear in all cases to be dependent upon a reduction in the rate of responding or the frequency of reinforcement in the delay component. This finding suggests that a reduction in response rate and/or reinforcement frequency in one component of a multiple schedule may not be a necessary prerequisite for the occurrence of behavioral contrast. This finding is, however, consistent with an explanation that suggests that behavioral contrast results from the introduction of a less-preferred condition in one component of a multiple schedule, since it is known that animals “prefer” immediate to delayed reinforcement.  相似文献   

Five three-man teams were conditioned to a multiple DRL-DRH schedule during five daily sessions of 3 hr each. The teams were conditioned on the basis of their cumulative response rate regardless of the contributions of individual members. Two individually conditioned Ss were run under a similar schedule for comparison. Although all teams demonstrated some differentiation of response rate under the two legs of the schedule, this difference was not achieved as rapidly, nor was it as stable, as the differentiation in rates achieved in individually conditioned Ss. Team members displayed a variety of response rates as a result of collective team conditioning. Often, individual response rates interfered with obtainment of team reinforcement. The individual team members displayed little SD control in comparison with the individually conditioned Ss. In general the results suggest that collective reinforcement is highly inefficient in comparison with procedures employing individual feedback.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that intermittent reinforcement may be of value in reducing the rate of relapse in bedwetting conditioning therapy. An experiment was conducted with 30 enuretic boys to examine acquisition and extinction parameters of continuous (100%), intermittent (70% variable ratio), and “placebo” (0%) reinforcement schedules. Reinforced trials were administered as in the typical Mowrer conditioning procedure. Non-reinforced trials were achieved by means of a time delay with the subsequent alarm being activated in the parent's room rather than in the child's room. These procedures required the development of a new conditioning device which could be programmed to automatically administer the desired schedule of reinforcement. The results of the field investigation revealed that continuous reinforcement (CR) and intermittent reinforcement (IR) groups attained acquisition in approximately the same number of trials and with essentially the same success rate. Relapse rate was significantly greater in the CR group than in the IR group. The placebo group showed no improvement over the 6 weeks of treatment. The results of this study may be interpreted as supporting the tenet that relapse can be viewed and treated as an extinction of the acquired response.  相似文献   

Recent research concerning relapse and response to auditory alarm stimuli in the conditioning treatment of enuresis is reviewed. Both intermittent reinforcement and overlearning procedures have been found to be associated with reduced relapse rates—of 25% and 12.8% respectively, a consensus of published results to date favouring overlearning as the more effective procedure in countering relapse. Auditory stimulus intensity is identified as a critical factor affecting rate of acquisition of continence, but not relapse, and appears implicated in the improved acquisition obtained in past studies of variations upon basic conditioning treatment.  相似文献   

Aversive aspects of a schedule of positive reinforcement   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Six male White Carneaux pigeons were trained to peck at one of two keys to obtain food on several fixed-ratio schedules of reinforcement. Concurrently, the first response on a second key could, I—change the conditions of visual stimulation and remove the food reinforcement contingency, II—change the conditions of stimulation and have no effect upon the reinforcement contingency, or III—do nothing. The second response on the stimulus change key always restored baseline conditions. When second-key responses produced a stimulus change, the number of such responses was a function of the ratio value on the first key. Typically, second-key responses occurred before the start of fixed-ratio runs. The duration of stimulus change periods was an exponential function of the number of responses required for reinforcement when the possibility for reinforcement was not disturbed by periods of stimulus change (Condition II).  相似文献   

Response latency as a function of reinforcement schedule   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Four Ss were trained to press and hold down a telegraph key in the presence of a light. Subsequent release of the key during a tone was followed by water reinforcement. The schedule of reinforcement for key release was varied, and its effects on the latency (RT) of key release to the tone were studied. Both median RT and variability of RT were found to be inversely related to frequency of reinforcement as determined by the schedule.  相似文献   

Skin conductance responses were differentially conditioned using reinforcement schedules of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%, manipulated between subjects. Half of the subjects were informed about schedule contingencies, and half were uninformed. The interstimulus interval was 6 sec. Discrimination of first-interval responses (1.0-3.5 sec after conditioned stimulus [CS] onset) by informed subjects did not vary with the ratio variable, but that by uninformed subjects improved with increasing reinforcement ratio because of diminished response levels to the nonreinforced CS (CS-). Discrimination of second-interval responses (3.6-7.0 sec after CS onset) improved as a function of increasing reinforcement ratio because of elevated response levels to the reinforced CS (CS+), but the effect was not persistent across trials in informed subjects. Performance in the first and second intervals did not reflect sequential increments and decrements as a function of reinforced and nonreinforced trials. Third-interval responses (7.1-9.9 sec after CS on nonreinforced trials) were not affected by schedule manipulations, but unconditioned responses diminished with increasing reinforcement ratio. Information about schedule contingencies led to superior discrimination of first-, second-, and third-interval responses and to suppression of unconditioned responses.  相似文献   

Aversive aspects of a fixed-interval schedule of food reinforcement   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The key pecking of pigeons was reinforced according to a fixed-interval schedule of reinforcement. The pigeons were also given the opportunity to attack a restrained target pigeon. The attack rates during the sessions of fixed-interval reinforcement were higher than during the operant level sessions in four of the five pigeons. Most attack occurred during the post-reinforcement pause in key pecking. It was suggested that a fixed-interval schedule of positive reinforcement possesses aversive properties, the most aversive of which are located during the post-reinforcement pause.  相似文献   

Rats pressed a lever for a signaled brain stimulation reinforcement on either fixed-interval or fixed-ratio schedules. Both schedules induced polydipsia, with a median water intake of 22.5 ml (about four times the control level) in 3-hr sessions. The stimulation did not directly elicit drinking or other behaviors. In a second experiment, two out of four rats became polydipsic during extinction following a continuous schedule of brain stimulation reinforcement. The results were compared with previous attempts to induce polydipsia with a schedule of brain stimulation reinforcement and were discussed in terms of polydipsia as a model of human “compulsive” behaviors.  相似文献   

During training sessions, pecks by pigeons on a response key illuminated by a vertical line of white light resulted in reinforcement and an ensuing blackout according to a fixed-interval schedule. Training sessions were followed by dimensional stimulus control test sessions during which the orientation of the line present throughout the fixed interval was varied. Inverted U-shaped (excitatory) gradients of responding, with maximum responding occurring in the presence of the vertical line, were observed during the terminal part of the fixed interval. U-shaped (inhibitory) gradients of responding, with minimum responding occurring in the presence of the vertical line, were observed during the early part of the fixed interval when the preceding interval had terminated with reinforcement and blackout but not when the preceding interval had terminated with blackout only. These results suggest that the dimensional control by the stimulus present throughout the fixed interval is of a conditional variety. Whether the fixed-interval stimulus exerts inhibitory or excitatory dimensional control depends upon the presence and absence, respectively, of stimuli associated with reinforcement.  相似文献   

A response-initiated fixed-interval schedule of reinforcement   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
On a tandem fixed-ratio one fixed-interval schedule, the first response after reinforcement initiates a fixed interval of time and the first response after the interval has elapsed is reinforced. Pigeons trained with that schedule of food reinforcement paused after reinforcement for a period of time that approximated the fixed-interval duration for values of that duration ranging from 3.75 to 60 sec. Cumulative records revealed response patterns best described as break-and-run.  相似文献   

Bias and sensitivity to reinforcement in a concurrent-chain schedule   总被引:13,自引:13,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Six pigeons were trained on concurrent-chain schedules in which the initial links were either dependent (Experiment 1) or independent (Experiment 2) concurrent variable-interval schedules and the terminal links were fixed-duration delays to reinforcement in blackout. A changeover delay of three seconds operated in the initial links. Both the initial- and terminal-link schedule values were varied over 61 experimental conditions. An analysis of the data using the generalized matching law showed that the sensitivity of initial-link response allocation to the frequency of terminal-link production was independent of both the duration of the terminal-link delays and, though less clearly, of the duration of the initial-link schedules. Sensitivity of initial-link response allocation to terminal-link reinforcer-rate ratios was a joint function of the terminal-link durations and the smaller average initial-link duration. The results showed that the generalized matching law is useful in analyzing concurrent-chain schedule performance and that a changeover delay in the initial links eliminates some terminal- to initial-link interactions that have made quantitative predictions for concurrent-chain performances difficult.  相似文献   

Following 30 days of reinforcement for the bar press response of two white rats on 30-sec fixed-interval (FI), a DRL component was added so that a minimal interresponse time (IRT) for the reinforced response, in addition to the FI variable, was necessary for reinforcement. Marked control over response rate by the superimposed DRL requirement was demonstrated by an inverse hyperbolic function as the DRL component was increased from 1 to 24 sec within the constant 30-sec FI interval. Interresponse time and post-reinforcement (post-SR) “break” distributions taken at one experimental point (DRL = 24 sec) suggested that a more precise temporal discrimination was initiated by an SR than by a response, since the relative frequency of a sequence of two reinforced responses appeared greater than that of a sequence of a non-reinforced response followed by a reinforced one. This latter finding was confirmed with new animals in a follow-up experiment employing a conventional 24-sec DRL schedule.  相似文献   

Temporal schedules of negative reinforcement were derived in a manner analogous to those for positive reinforcement, and two parametric studies were carried out with two of the three defining variables. With some limiting values of the defining variables, escape schedules result and data obtained at these values were similar to those obtained in escape studies. At other values of the defining variables avoidance behavior was generated.  相似文献   

Four rats were rewarded for running in a wheel under two alternating conditions of food reinforcement. These periods of frequent and infrequent reinforcement, each accompanied by a particular stimulus, were presented a number of times in each daily session. Following shifts from high to low frequency of reinforcement, responding decreased suddenly and markedly, and then recovered within the next few minutes. The magnitude of this temporary depression was an increasing function of the duration of the immediately preceding component of high-frequency reinforcement. A transient elevation in performance, which did not vary with the duration of the prior component, was noted in two subjects following shifts from low to high frequency of reinforcement. The elevation and depression effects did not appear simultaneously during the 48 experimental sessions. A possible relation between the difficulty of the discrimination and the extent of contrast effects is discussed.  相似文献   

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