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以维护伊斯兰教义学基本思想为使命的艾什尔里派和马图里迪派在伊斯兰教教义学派中占据着特殊地位,两派所倡导的教义学思想曾一度成为伊斯兰教的主流思想。两派根据伊斯兰教的精神性、灵活性,建构起了一个旨在论证和阐述伊斯兰教教义的学科体系,为多元的伊斯兰社会奠定了和谐的理论基础。本文通过对比研究,以深化对两派思想体系的认识。  相似文献   

伊斯兰教的"和谐"主张与构建社会主义和谐社会的思想和原则有相通之处,发扬伊斯兰教爱国、诚信、平等友爱和鼓励学习的优良传统,引导穆斯林讲和谐、促和谐,是新时期伊斯兰教工作的重要任务,应当认真研究,大力推进。  相似文献   

伊斯兰饮食作为表层的物质文化,其所反映的是伊斯兰教的信仰、价值观、审美观;是伊斯兰教天职观念在生活中的文化载体和延伸;是伊斯兰教文化与中国传统文化和谐之美的体现。  相似文献   

伊斯兰经济思想是伊斯兰各学科中直接关乎人类生产、生活和社会发展的思想体系。本文根据伊斯兰教学者对伊斯兰经济思想的阐释,对伊斯兰经济思想内涵、特点作了进一步的分析。  相似文献   

伊斯兰教倡导的"中道"思想,要求穆斯林一切以"中道"为出发点,追求一种公正、公平、平和的社会环境,一种宽容和谐的生存状态,中道的智慧昭示人们:要平等地对待人类社会的多元文化,彼此之间互相学习。  相似文献   

伊斯兰文化和《古兰经》中蕴含丰富的和谐思想。本文主要探讨伊斯兰文化中有关和谐思想的内容,涉及个人、家庭、社会、经济、文化、教育、自然等诸多方面。笔者认为这些和谐思想为积极营造和谐社会环境,构建一个和谐的社会关系提供了良好的思想基础;对构建社会主义和谐社会,具有许多借鉴价值。  相似文献   

王岱舆是明清时期系统阐释中国伊斯兰教信仰体系的著名学者,他对伊斯兰教思想的阐释过程中,不仅借用了中国社会普遍熟悉的儒学和佛教、道教的概念,还在诸信仰之间进行比较,实难能可贵。在一个多元文化共存的社会,这样做既能使伊斯兰教为更多教外人所了解,也能使穆斯林更好地坚持信仰,谨守正教。  相似文献   

中国伊斯兰文化的基本特征本刊通讯马中平●伊斯兰文化是以伊斯兰教信仰为内核的一个庞大文化体系,伊斯兰教信仰渗入到这一体系的方方面面,使之具有鲜明的伊斯兰色彩。中国伊斯兰文化是在伊斯兰教传入后千余年的漫长历史过程中发展形成的。伊斯兰文化在中国大地上与古老...  相似文献   

京津冀地区伊斯兰教历史悠久,形成了"以儒诠经、遵教随俗"的中国化经验。京津冀伊斯兰教以经堂教育、经师劝诫与汉文著述促进了本土化的思想构建,以皓首穷经、私塾教育和经外五艺推动了区域特色的文化融合。在近代转型中,京津冀穆斯林积极拥护共和与法治,投身抗日救亡推动伊斯兰教更为深入地走中国化之路。当前,京津冀伊斯兰教界应继承历史传统,在新时代的伊斯兰教中国化实践中实现创新发展。  相似文献   

在伊斯兰文化中,关于自然界的认识和理解有其独特的宗教含义,这也必然决定了伊斯兰文化中和谐自然观所存在的宗教特质,要科学地认识伊斯兰文化中的和谐自然观,就必须要坚持“伊斯兰教与社会主义社会相适应”的原则,一方面要积极肯定其和谐自然观中的和谐理念和价值,另一方面也要充分地认识其宗教特质,这也同样是伊斯兰教在中国特色社会主义...  相似文献   

阿拉伯语言与伊斯兰文化是彼此独立,而又相互联系的,阿拉伯语言是伊斯兰文化的重要组成部分,同时又是伊斯兰文化的载体。培养起伊斯兰文化意识,它可以使我们从字词、句子、语篇等不同层面上分析中阿习惯思维方式的差异,以及在语言上的表现。阿拉伯语言与伊斯兰文化尤如鱼水关系,阿拉伯语言教学如果离开了其特定的伊斯兰文化,意义也就失去了其应有的价值。  相似文献   

The Islamic understanding of the human self, its purpose and functions has a great effect on Muslims' understanding of themselves and on Islamic culture. Islamic psychology is a field that examines the Islamic perspective on health and illness and compares it to the Western perspective. The purpose of this paper is to introduce readers to the Islamic understanding of the self, its functions, and purpose, and to contrast it with Western theories about the self. It also aims at understanding Islamic definitions of health and illness and Islamic understanding of treatment.  相似文献   

Lisa Wersal 《Zygon》1995,30(3):451-459
Abstract. Mounting globed environmental challenges beg for cross-cultural discussions that highlight underlying cultural values regarding nature. This paper explores the insights of Islamic scholars as they examine the interaction of Islamic culture and the West. The Western worldview that separates religion and science, value and fact, in particular differs from Islamic tradition, which sees all facets of life and affairs as interconnected by virtue of their common source—the Creator. As traditional Islamic values have been abandoned to adopt modern Western technologies, environmental problems have intensified in the Muslim world. Islamic scholars urge a return to Islamic ideals that reflect a sacramental view of the physical universe, and they champion the revival of an Islamic science that synthesizes empirical study and symbolic cognition.  相似文献   

This article examines the need for the Muslim community of Britain to educate their youth with regard to a Muslim ‘way of life’. The aim of this study is to examine the theological basis for Islamic education. It further explores the status of Muslim schools in Britain with regard to culture and religion. This study highlights the exclusiveness of Islamic education owing to Muslim ethnic cultures and the necessity for a more intercultural‐oriented Islamic education.  相似文献   

吕耀军 《世界宗教研究》2011,(5):149-156,194
跨文化人权理论为当代伊斯兰人权哲学提供了新的思路。现代国家观念的发展和国家之间的互动是该理论产生影响的主因。穆斯林学者强调伊斯兰文化中,关于尊严、公正和平等的伦理精神是实现伊斯兰跨文化人权普遍性的基础。这就需要依据经典的原初精神和现代理念,对伊斯兰法做出新的解释。人类社会生活的共同需要、人性的共同趋向和人权的跨文化视角并不会削弱宗教的核心原则的观点,是穆斯林学者主张跨文化人权理论的依据。在此基础上,学者发展了"重叠共识"理论,结合伊斯兰国家人权情况,提出了实现跨文化人权理论的具体方式。  相似文献   

This article explores the state of mental health counseling in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Topics that are addressed include training of clinicians, theoretical developments in Islamic‐based theories of psychology, and issues related to the practice of counseling. Counseling issues in the Islamic Republic of Iran are influenced by its unique culture and history. A discussion of issues related to the prevalence and treatment of addiction is included.  相似文献   

This paper examines the concept of citizenship in Egyptian Islamic thought. It focuses on a group of intellectuals referred to as the ‘New Islamists’, who have articulated a kind of Islamic citizenship which would include non-Muslim minorities. In contrast to many Islamists, these thinkers do not advocate reviving the dhimma as a model for the treatment of non-Muslims within an Islamic state. The paper looks at the methods and arguments used for justifying citizenship within the Islamic ideological framework. It compares this conception of citizenship with Western assumptions and shows that there are a number of divergences. However, it also questions the efficacy of simply judging citizenship in Islamic thought through this lens. It asks whether a more constructive question is whether Egyptian Islamists have been able to articulate a conception of citizenship that has evolved ‘contextually’, taking into account Egyptian social, moral, and political culture.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between religious practice and the cultural marginality of Islam in the West. Its focus is the religious organization and practice of Muslim immigrant communities in Australia. It interprets immigrant religious culture as a dimension of the process of incorporation of migrants in class cultures. Its theoretical approach derives from Bourdieu's analysis of the social world as both a symbolic system and system of power relations. It argues that the process of incorporation of immigrants structures the reconstitution of religious culture in migration selectively, creating a distinctive Islamic culture linked to new social movements in the Islamic world.  相似文献   

蒋真 《世界宗教研究》2012,(2):158-166,194
霍梅尼伊斯兰革命思想是在伊朗反对君主专制、反帝反殖的历史进程中产生并形成的。霍梅尼对伊斯兰教什叶派传统教义的创新,既体现了他对君主专制和政教关系的看法,也包括了他对教法学家社会地位的思考,以及未来国家治理机制的构思。霍梅尼关于建立伊斯兰政府、改革伊斯兰教育以及输出伊斯兰革命等思想,对伊朗产生了极其重要的影响。其在教育上的主张,对革命后初期伊朗的文化和科学发展带来了消极影响。教法学家权威统治的政治纲领,奠定了伊朗政教关系的基调,也给伊朗的未来发展带来了巨大争论。  相似文献   

The common history of Islam and the hip-hop culture can be traced back to the early expression of the culture. Since the early days of hip-hop, Muslims have used hip-hop to convey Islamic messages. Artists driven, in equal parts, by a strong personal belief in Islam and a love for hip-hop music have taken Islamic-themed hip-hop outside its country of birth, the U.S., and have made it into a matter of global concern. In an attempt to contribute to and, hopefully, complicate the picture of what has been called the transglobal hip-hop umma, this article explores how Swedish Muslims articulate their beliefs through hip-hop in Sweden. With examples from both the Swedish mainstream and the underground, it highlights hip-hop music with an Islamic engagement whose aim is to promote and perform what is understood as ??Islamic values,?? such as ethics, peace, social responsibility, and a strong personal belief.  相似文献   

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