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This study explored different gradations of emulation in the imitation of actions on objects by 17-month-olds. Experiment 1 established levels of behavioral reproduction following prerecorded video demonstrations similar to those levels following live demonstrations. In Experiment 2, two digitally modified videos, where object movements or body movements critical to producing the target action were highlighted in isolation, were developed. Infants produced the target action equally frequently by observing the object movement video and observing the unmodified video. In contrast, their performance was much less successful based on the body movement video. In Experiment 3, the performance obtained following the object movement video was similar to that following a further video that emphasized the object movements produced in unsuccessful attempts to produce the target action. These findings suggest that emulation in the form of object movement reenactment or affordance learning plays a role in the social learning of actions on objects during infancy.  相似文献   

The effects of different arrangements of demonstration and imitation of modeled actions on the learning of the 26 handshapes of the American manual alphabet were investigated. A concurrent group (N =16), which imitated handshapes concurrently with their demonstration, was compared with a delayed group (N = 16), which delayed imitation until 3 handshapes had been displayed, and with a combination group (N = 16), which practiced under a combination of concurrent conditions early in acquisition and delayed conditions later in acquisition. Following acquisition, learning was assessed by means of immediate and long-term recall and recognition tests. The delayed group was superior to the concurrent group in long-term serial recall and in immediate and long-term recognition of 3-letter sequences (in nonserial order); the performance of the combination group was between those of the delayed and concurrent groups. Therefore, delaying imitation in acquisition required subjects to expend more cognitive effort to retain and produce handshapes when requested than did concurrent imitation. This was beneficial to development of task knowledge that could be relied on for postacquisition recall and recognition of handshapes.  相似文献   

The study was designed to compare direct learning (learning by performing) with observational learning (learning by observing) on a memory task that assessed 4-year-old children's selective attention. 17 pairs of kindergarteners of the same sex (aged 3 yr., 8 mo. to 4 yr., 4 mo.) participated in a central-incidental memory task. Data from a retention test indicated that the performers' mean central learning score was higher than their mean incidental score, while the observers showed no difference between their central and incidental learning scores, performers had a higher mean central learning score than observers. On the other hand, the frequency of the subjects' overt visual attention to the task in their learning phase was also counted. Both observers and performers showed high frequency of visual attention.  相似文献   

In two experiments, 1.5-year-olds were taught novel words whose sound patterns were phonologically similar to familiar words (novel neighbors) or were not (novel nonneighbors). Learning was tested using a picture-fixation task. In both experiments, children learned the novel nonneighbors but not the novel neighbors. In addition, exposure to the novel neighbors impaired recognition performance on familiar neighbors. Finally, children did not spontaneously use phonological differences to infer that a novel word referred to a novel object. Thus, lexical competition--inhibitory interaction among words in speech comprehension--can prevent children from using their full phonological sensitivity in judging words as novel. These results suggest that word learning in young children, as in adults, relies not only on the discrimination and identification of phonetic categories, but also on evaluating the likelihood that an utterance conveys a new word.  相似文献   

This experiment tested the hypothesis that there is a relationship between children's comprehension of a syntactic form and the effectiveness of modeling in promoting imitation of that form. Nursery and kindergarten children received pretests for both comprehension and production of reversible passive sentences. Children who produced no passive sentences were classified either as high, intermediate, or low comprehenders on the basis of their comprehension test performance. Within each of these three groups, children were randomly assigned either to a modeling or to a no-modeling control condition. Children in the treatment condition heard a model use passive sentences to describe a series of pictures. As predicted, the imitation post-test scores of these children were significantly related to their comprehension pretest scores. No significant relationship between the post-test scores and the comprehension scores of control subjects was detected. Children exposed to the model in all three comprehension groups received significantly higher post-test scores than did their respective counterparts in the no-modeling condition. These results are discussed in terms of the hypothesis that language learning proceeds from comprehension to imitation to production.  相似文献   

Preschool children observed two models, one of whom (controller of resources) controlled rewards dispensed to the child and to the other model (rival consumer of resources). The nurturance of the controller was varied in terms of his relative generosity towards the subject and rival consumer. Controllers were imitated to a greater extent than consumers only when the controller had been more nurturant to the child than to the rival consumer. Imitation of the controller and consumer were affected differently by the various conditions of nurturance, but children's learning of each model's behaviors were affected similarly by the conditions. The learning and imitative performance of each model's behaviors were uncorrelated, and imitation of one model did not correlate with imitation of the other. However, the learning of the two models' behaviors was highly correlated.  相似文献   

We present three studies exploring 2- to 4-year-olds’ imitation on witnessing a model whose questionable tool use choices suggested her untrustworthiness. In Study 1, children observed the model accidentally select a physically optimal tool for a task and then intentionally reject it for one that was functionally nonaffordant. When asked to perform the task for her, children at all ages ignored the model’s intentional cues and selected the optimal tool. Study 2 found that when the model’s nonaffordant tool choice was emphasized by claims about its design, 3-year-olds increased imitation. They also imitated, as did 2-year-olds, when the model selected a suboptimal rather than nonaffordant tool. The 4-year-olds consistently avoided imitation. Study 3 replicated these findings with new tools and participants. Additional measures indicated that knowledge about artifact design predicted children’s tendency to ignore the model. These results shed light on developmental trends in the social and cognitive functions of imitation.  相似文献   

The success of human culture depends on early emerging mechanisms of social learning, which include the ability to acquire opaque cultural knowledge through faithful imitation, as well as the ability to advance culture through flexible discovery of new means to goal attainment. This study explores whether this mixture of faithful imitation and goal emulation is based in part on individual differences which emerge early in ontogeny. Experimental measurements and parental reports were collected for a group of 2‐year‐old children (N = 48, age = 23–32 months) on their imitative behavior as well as other aspects of cognitive and social development. Results revealed individual differences in children's imitative behavior across trials and tasks which were best characterized by a model that included two behavioral routines; one corresponding to faithful imitation, and one to goal emulation. Moreover, individual differences in faithful imitation and goal emulation were correlated with individual differences in theory of mind, prosocial behavior, and temperament. These findings were discussed in terms of their implications for understanding the mechanisms of social learning, ontogeny of cumulative culture, and the benefit of analyzing individual differences for developmental experiments.  相似文献   

Observational learning can enhance the acquisition and performance quality of complex motor skills. While an extensive body of research has focused on the benefits of synchronous (i.e., concurrent physical practice) and non-synchronous (i.e., delayed physical practice) observational learning strategies, the question remains as to whether these approaches differentially influence performance outcomes. Accordingly, we investigate the differential outcomes of synchronous and non-synchronous observational training contexts using a novel dance sequence. Using multidimensional cross-recurrence quantification analysis, movement time-series were recorded for novice dancers who either synchronised with (n = 22) or observed and then imitated (n = 20) an expert dancer. Participants performed a 16-count choreographed dance sequence for 20 trials assisted by the expert, followed by one final, unassisted performance trial. Although end-state performance did not significantly differ between synchronous and non-synchronous learners, a significant decline in performance quality from imitation to independent replication was shown for synchronous learners. A non-significant positive trend in performance accuracy was shown for non-synchronous learners. For all participants, better imitative performance across training trials led to better end-state performance, but only for the accuracy (and not timing) of movement reproduction. Collectively, the results suggest that synchronous learners came to rely on a real-time mapping process between visual input from the expert and their own visual and proprioceptive intrinsic feedback, to the detriment of learning. Thus, the act of synchronising alone does not ensure an appropriate training context for advanced sequence learning.  相似文献   

The main purpose of the two experiments reported here was to compare the potency of two types of elaboration on children's learning of sentence content: The effects of partial picture adjuncts were compared to the effects produced by answering "why"-questions about the relationships specified in the sentences. Five- to seven-year-old children heard sentences of the form, subject/verb/direct object/preposition/instrument. Sentences contained either a high-probability or a low-probability instrument given the semantic context. In Experiment 1, sentences either were accompanied by a partial picture depicting the sentence action but omitting the instrument or were presented without a partial picture accompaniment. Recall was improved by provision of partial pictures at study. In Experiment 2, the sentences were accompanied by complete pictures depicting the sentence content. In both experiments, questioning significantly reduced recall of high-probability sentences, with recall of instruments affected especially negatively. Evidence is presented that insufficient attention to instruments may have been one mechanism mediating depressed recall of high- compared to low-probability instruments in the questioned conditions. In summary, partial pictures improved cued recall of sentences in this study; in contrast, all significant effects produced by answering why-questions were negative ones (i.e., later recall was reduced following interrogation at study).  相似文献   

Zimmerman  Barry J.  Koussa  Richard 《Sex roles》1975,1(2):121-133
Sex Roles - Preschool children observed the play of a male or female model with a nonpreferred toy. The model's play incorporated a masculine or feminine storylike sequence of actions or was...  相似文献   

《Cognitive development》2006,21(1):17-35
This study compared the involvement of American and Chinese mothers in their 5- and 7-year-old children's number learning in their everyday experience and during mother–child interaction on mathematics tasks pertaining to proportional reasoning. Results indicated that Chinese mothers of both the 5- and 7-year-old children were more likely to teach mathematics calculation in their everyday involvement with children's number learning than their American counterparts. No differences were found in maternal instruction between American and Chinese mothers during the mother–child interaction on mathematics tasks. However, maternal instruction was related to Chinese children's learning of proportional reasoning but negligibly related to American children's learning of proportional reasoning.  相似文献   

The concept of imitation has undergone different analyses in the hands of different learning theorists throughout the history of psychology. From Thorndike's connectionism to Pavlov's classical conditioning, Hull's monistic theory, Mowrer's two-factor theory, and Skinner's operant theory, there have been several divergent accounts of the conditions that produce imitation and the conditions under which imitation itself may facilitate language acquisition. In tracing the roots of the concept of imitation in the history of learning theory, the authors conclude that generalized imitation, as defined and analyzed by operant learning theorists, is a sufficiently robust formulation of learned imitation to facilitate a behavior-analytic account of first-language acquisition.  相似文献   

Parents' views of natural learning environments were compared to those of practitioners having either considerable or little experience with the characteristics of everyday natural learning opportunities. 8 experienced practitioners' views were congruent with those of the parents, whereas the 8 inexperienced practitioners' views were incongruent with those of both parents and their experienced peers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify features of young children's behavior that contribute to effective problem solving. Twenty-four 4- and 5-year-old children, half from low SES families and half from high SES families, were observed while performing perceptual/performance cognitive tasks. Frequency of behavior that reflected problem-solving strategies was recorded. Results are discussed in terms of functional variables that are responsible for SES differences in performance. Problem-solving strategy score was associated with 59% of the variance in test performance. Significant SES differences were found in the strategy score, and when specific behavior categories were examined, SES differences were found in four of the five categories (Visual Scanning, Trial and Error Responding, Impulsive Responding, Helpless Confirmation Seeking).  相似文献   

The imitation and recognition ability of brain-damaged and normal subjects was tested for 30 pairs of semantically matched ASL signs and corresponding Amer-Ind gestures. Subjects were rated according to severity and site of lesion. They were 6 nonaphasic, right-hemisphere brain-damaged subjects, 12 aphasic subjects, and 12 non-brain-damaged geriatric subjects. Results indicated that the Amer-Ind gestures were significantly easier to imitate and to recognize than the matched ALS signs. The relationships between these gestural abilities and severity of aphasia, site of lesion, Amer-Ind transparency ratings, and subjects' performance on a standardized aphasia test are outlined. The theoretical implications that concern the neural systems which mediate spoken and limb gestures are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents an approach to imitation learning in robotics focusing on low level behaviours, so that they do not need to be encoded into sets and rules, but learnt in an intuitive way. Its main novelty is that, rather than trying to analyse natural human actions and adapting them to robot kinematics, humans adapt themselves to the robot via a proper interface to make it perform the desired action. As an example, we present a successful experiment to learn a purely reactive navigation behaviour using robotic platforms. Using Case Based Reasoning, the platform learns from a human driver how to behave in the presence of obstacles, so that no kinematics studies or explicit rules are required.  相似文献   

This study explored various methods of combining observational learning via demonstration with the effects of overt practice for learning a discrete action pattern. Three groups were compared that varied by the timing of demonstration in relation to practice. An all-pre-practice demonstration group viewed 10 pre-practice videotape demonstrations of an expert performing the skill, and then engaged in practice. An interspersed demonstration group viewed one pre-practice demonstration, then initiated practice on the skill. Every three attempts, practice was halted while participants viewed another demonstration, with this pattern repeated throughout acquisition. A combination demonstration group experienced elements of each schedule by viewing five demonstrations prior to practice, then five more once practice had begun (one every three attempts) so that modeling was completed by mid-acquisition. Ratings of form and accuracy were assessed in an acquisition phase, an immediate retention test, and a 48-h retention test. Group main effects for form scores were detected in acquisition, immediate, and 48-h retention, with the combination group obtaining the highest form scores, followed by the all-pre-practice group, and finally the interspersed group. These findings suggest that several modeling exposures before practice and several more exposures in the early stages of practice were optimal for acquisition and retention of form.  相似文献   

Comparison mechanisms have been implicated in the development of abstract, relational thought, including object categorization. D. Gentner and L. L. Namy (1999) found that comparing 2 perceptually similar category members yielded taxonomic categorization, whereas viewing a single member of the target category elicited shallower perceptual responding. The present experiments tested 2 predictions that follow from Gentner and Namy's (1999) model: (a) Comparison facilitates categorization only when the targets to be compared share relational commonalities, and (b) providing common labels for targets invites comparison, whereas providing conflicting labels deters it. Four-year-olds participated in a forced-choice task. They viewed 2 perceptually similar target objects and were asked to "find another one." Results suggest an important role for comparison in lexical and conceptual development.  相似文献   

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