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Low rates of participation in parenting interventions may undermine their effectiveness. Although a wide range of strategies to engage parents in interventions are described in the literature, little is known about which engagement strategies are most effective in enhancing parental engagement. This systematic review explores effective engagement strategies to encourage initial parental engagement (recruitment, enrolment, and first attendance) in parenting interventions for parents of children aged 2–8 years old. This review was conducted based on the guidelines of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions (Higgins and Green 2011) and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (Moher et al. 2009). Electronic systematic searches from January 1996 to August 2017 were conducted in PsycINFO, Scopus, ProQuest Social Sciences Journals, CINAHL, and PubMed databases. Eight studies met the inclusion criteria representing 1952 parents from four different countries. Of the engagement strategies tested in included studies (monetary incentive, setting, testimonial, advertisement, and engagement package), three strategies (advertisement, incentive, and engagement package) showed a significant effect on a stage of engagement, but none across stages. The low methodological quality of the selected studies limits their generalisability and thus provides limited evidence regarding effective engagement strategies to increase recruitment, enrolment, and first attendance rates in parenting interventions. There is a need for further, more methodologically rigorous, research evidence regarding how to engage parents more effectively in the early stages of parenting interventions.  相似文献   

Siblings of children and young people with a chronic illness are at increased risk of poor psychological functioning. A number of studies have attempted to implement and evaluate interventions targeting the psychological well-being of this at-risk group. This systematic review summarises the evidence regarding psychological functioning of siblings following an intervention targeting their well-being. The meta-analysis considered behaviour and knowledge, two of the most frequently studied outcomes. The following databases were used: PsycINFO, EMBASE, CINAHL, PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science. Seventeen studies were eligible to be included in the systematic review and eight in the meta-analysis. Results from the systematic review reflected the inconsistency of intervention evaluations in this area with a high level of heterogeneity and a total of 23 outcomes considered across the 17 included studies. The meta-analysis estimated effect sizes using a standardised mean difference (SMD) approach. Pre-post analysis suggested significant improvement in behavioural outcomes and knowledge of their sibling’s health conditions with a SMD of ? 0.44 [95% CI (? 0.6, ? 0.29); p = 0.000] and 0.69 [(95% CI = 0.42, 0.96); p = 0.000], respectively. The SMD was not significant for behavioural outcomes when considering treatment–control studies. In conclusion, the findings suggest interventions for well-being have a positive effect on the psychological functioning of siblings of children and young people with a chronic illness, but their specificity needs to be established. There is a need for further, more methodologically robust research in this area.  相似文献   


Depression and anxiety are common during adolescence. Whilst effective interventions are available treatment services are limited resulting in many adolescents being unable to access effective help. Delivering mental health interventions via technology, such as computers or the internet, offers one potential way to increase access to psychological treatment. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to update previous work and investigate the current evidence for the effect of technology delivered interventions for children and adolescents (aged up to 18 years) with depression and anxiety. A systematic search of eight electronic databases identified 34 randomized controlled trials involving 3113 children and young people aged 6–18. The trials evaluated computerized and internet cognitive behavior therapy programs (CBT: n = 17), computer-delivered attention bias modification programs (ABM: n = 8) cognitive bias modification programs (CBM: n = 3) and other interventions (n = 6). Our results demonstrated a small effect in favor of technology delivered interventions compared to a waiting list control group: g = 0.45 [95% CI 0.29, 0.60] p < 0.001. CBT interventions yielded a medium effect size (n = 17, g = 0.66 [95% CI 0.42–0.90] p < 0.001). ABM interventions yielded a small effect size (n = 8, g = 0.41 [95%CI 0.08–0.73] p < 0.01). CBM and ‘other’ interventions failed to demonstrate a significant benefit over control groups. Type of control condition, problem severity, therapeutic support, parental support, and continuation of other ongoing treatment significantly influenced effect sizes. Our findings suggest there is a benefit in using CBT based technology delivered interventions where access to traditional psychotherapies is limited or delayed.



This systematic review aimed to examine sleep associations in a) typically developing children and their parents, and b) children with neurodevelopmental disorders and their parents. Literature search was conducted on PubMed, PsycINFO, EMBASE and Scopus databases for articles examining sleep associations between parents and children. Thirty studies were included in the final review. Based on the first aim, sleep associations between parents and typically developing children were observed for sleep quality, sleep duration and sleep efficiency. However, evidence for associations between sleepiness levels in parents and children and sleep schedules related to bedtime or waketime was limited. Based on the second aim, children with neurodevelopmental disorders and their parents reported greater sleep disturbances in comparison to typically developing children and their parents. The review concluded that sleep in parents and children is interrelated across a number of sleep parameters. It also revealed some preliminary evidence on bidirectionality in parent-child sleep, which warrants further examination. The review highlights the need to examine the mediating role of environmental factors on the interactions between parent-child sleep. Rigorous, longitudinal designs should be employed to explore the pathways through which parents may impact their children’s sleep and functioning and vice-versa.


Adoption requires thorough preparations prior to the arrival of the child and support post-adoption among parents, to promote a positive parent–child relationship and healthy family functioning. The purpose of our study was, therefore, to systematically review the literature on pre- and post-adoption interventions for caregivers, and determine the possibility for conducting a meta-analysis. We searched 12 electronic databases and identified 7574 references that were considered for inclusion by two independent raters. Articles meeting the following criteria were retrieved in full-text; studies that examined the effects of (a) a pre- and/or post-adoption intervention, (b) against a comparator (including quasi-experimental studies), and (c) report on outcomes for parents. Finally, we included 10 studies that met our inclusion criteria and which were assessed in terms of reported intervention effects and study quality using Cochrane’s Risk of Bias tool. All studies were associated with a high risk of bias in at least one out of seven domains and unclear reporting on several domains. Eight studies examined intervention effects related to interpersonal functioning; three of which found positive effects. In addition, three studies investigated effects on parenting and stress, respectively; however, only one study demonstrated effects on parenting and none on parental stress. Overall, the study designs, interventions, and results were characterized by substantial heterogeneity, making a meta-analysis unfeasible. In conclusion, the results from the included studies in our review does not point in any particular direction. The most consistent finding across studies was the lack of studies on pre-adoption interventions, and poor design and unclear reporting. Consequently, future studies should evaluate pre-adoption interventions, and need to use more rigorous design, transparent and comprehensible reporting, as well as more homogenous interventions and methods, to move the field forward in support of adoptive parents.  相似文献   

Many people use religious beliefs and practices to cope with stressful life events and derive peace of mind and purpose in life. The goal of this paper was to systematically review the recent psychological literature to assess the role of religion in mental health outcomes. A comprehensive literature search was conducted using medical and psychological databases on the relationship between religiosity and mental health. Seventy-four articles in the English and Arabic languages published between January 2000 and March 2012 were chosen. Despite the controversial relationship between religion and psychiatry, psychology, and medical care, there has been an increasing interest in the role which spirituality and religion play in mental health. The findings of past research showed that religion could play an important role in many situations, as religious convictions and rules influence the believer’s life and health care. Most of the past literature in this area reported that there is a significant connection between religious beliefs and practices and mental health.  相似文献   

A growing body of literature sheds light on occupational therapy (OT) interventions and outcomes in adult mental health. Although this research has not developed to the point where a systematic review is warranted, a synthesis of these findings is needed. This article provides an overview of OT interventions in adult mental health and their documented outcomes. Fifty peer-reviewed intervention studies targeting adults with mental illness were reviewed. Seven categories of interventions emerged: employment/education; psychoeducation; creative occupations/activity; time use/occupational balance; skills/habit development; group/family approaches; and animal-assisted therapy. Further research involving rigorous designs is needed to establish a solid evidence base for OT interventions in adult mental health.  相似文献   

Research on children and parents’ experiences of ADHD has grown in recent years, attracting attention to their subjective perception of ADHD as a disorder. Theoretical accounts of illness perception suggest that it is multi-dimensional, consisting of at least five core constructs (see the common-sense model of illness representations or CSM: Leventhal et al., in: Rachman (ed) Medical psychology, Pergamon, New York, vol 2, pp 7–30, 1980, in: Baum, Taylor, Singer (eds) Handbook of psychology and health: social psychological aspects of health, Earlbaum, Hillsdale, vol 4, pp 219–252, 1984). We suggest that the application of CSM in children/adolescents with ADHD and their parents may play an important role in understanding their coping behavior, treatment adherence, and emotional well-being. A systematic search identified 101 eligible studies that investigated the perception of ADHD among diagnosed children/adolescents and their parents. In general, these studies support the existence of the multiple facets of illness representations proposed by the CSM in both diagnosed youngsters and parents indicating substantial variability among both parents and youngsters on each of these facets. The comprehensive assessment of the representations of ADHD indicates imbalance attention to the different representations of ADHD in the literature; disproportional research attention has been paid to the perceived effectiveness of treatment (i.e., treatment control dimension) compared to other illness representations (e.g., timeline, consequence, and coherence), despite research showing their relevance to treatment adherence among other implications. The review identifies the limitation of existing relevant research, needed foci for future studies, specific testable hypotheses, and potential clinical implications of the multifaceted representations of ADHD among youngsters and carers alike.  相似文献   

This systematic review examined evidence published 2005–2015 for occupational therapy interventions for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). We identified 590 abstracts with 17 full-text articles eligible for review. Fourteen articles were included in the final analysis with two level I studies, two level II studies, eight level III studies, and two level IV studies. Occupational therapy interventions focused on play, sensory, motor, and cognitive skills. While the interventions yielded good results, there were limitations in study design, interventions, and outcome measures. Future research should include larger sample size, randomization, control groups, and interventions that can be replicated.  相似文献   

Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review - The assessment of general mental health and wellbeing is important within child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) for both clinicians and...  相似文献   

The broader autism phenotype (BAP) is a collection of sub-diagnostic autistic traits more common in families of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) than in the general population. BAP is a latent construct that can be defined using different domains, measured using multiple instruments, and reported using different techniques. Therefore, estimates of BAP may vary greatly across studies. Our objective was to systematically review studies that reported occurrence of BAP in parents of children with ASD in order to quantify and describe heterogeneity in estimates. We systematically searched PubMed and Scopus using PRISMA guidelines for studies quantifying percentage of parents of children with ASD who had BAP. We identified 41 studies that measured BAP in parents of children with ASD. These studies used eight different instruments, four different forms of data collection, and had a wide range of sample sizes (N?=?4 to N?=?3299). Percentage with BAP ranged from 2.6% to 80%. BAP was more prevalent in fathers than mothers. Parental BAP may be an important tool for parsing heterogeneity in ASD etiology and for developing parent-mediated ASD interventions. However, the variety in measurement instruments and variability in study samples limits our ability to synthesize estimates. To improve measurement of BAP and increase consistency across studies, universal methods should be accepted and adopted across studies. A more consistent approach to BAP measurement may enable efficient etiologic research that can be meta-analyzed and may allow for a larger evidence base that can be used to account for BAP when developing parent-mediated interventions.  相似文献   

Cognitive and behavioral interventions (CBI) have been used for breast cancer patients with various stages of the disease or undergoing different treatments. However, no quantitative review has summarized their efficacy on the side effects of treatment, distress, and quality of life in the acute treatment setting after diagnosis. This meta-analysis synthesizes data from 19 randomized clinical trials in order to: (a) provide an estimation of overall effect of CBI in breast cancer patients during treatment for breast cancer, i.e., neo-adjuvant and adjuvant treatment; (b) provide average effect sizes on side effects of treatment, distress, and quality of life; and (c) test possible moderators of effect size. The results show that CBI yielded a small effect size overall, specifically on general side effects of treatment, nausea, vomiting, distress, and quality of life. Individual and behavioral interventions seem to elicit better results on distress and on general side effects of treatment, respectively. While more studies are needed with regard to specific side effects (i.e., fatigue, pain, and sleep disturbance), the overall results clearly support the use of CBI in breast cancer patients during treatment.  相似文献   

Limited understanding of the challenges inherent in counselor‐interpreter collaboration may potentially result in inadequate or ineffective mental health services. To provide guidelines for effective mental health assistance of clients who are English language learners, the authors review the literature regarding the partnership between counselors and interpreters. Suggestions for collaborative practices, including pre‐ and postsession directives, are included. Una comprensión limitada de los desafíos inherentes a la colaboración entre consejero e intérprete podría dar como resultado un servicio de salud mental inadecuado o ineficaz. Con el propósito de ofrecer pautas para una asistencia eficaz a la salud mental de aquellos clientes que están aprendiendo inglés, los autores revisan la literatura sobre la asociación entre consejeros e intér‐pretes. Se incluyen sugerencias para prácticas de colaboración, incluyendo directivas para antes y después de las sesiones.  相似文献   

We systematically reviewed the evidence for the efficacy and effectiveness of brief parenting interventions, defined as <8 sessions in duration, in reducing child externalizing behaviors. While there is significant evidence to support the efficacy of parenting interventions of 8–12 sessions in duration, the public health benefit of these interventions is limited by low participation rates, high attrition rates and the lack of implementation by a wide range of practitioners. Brief parenting interventions have the potential to extend the reach and impact of parenting interventions and steer children away from a trajectory of life course persistent behavior problems. A search of four electronic databases was undertaken to identify RCTs conducted on brief parenting interventions. The primary outcome was child externalizing behaviors and secondary outcomes included parenting skills, parental self-efficacy, parental mental health and partner relationship functioning. The heterogeneity of included studies prevented a meta-analysis but characteristics of the studies were described. Nine papers summarising the results of eight studies with 836 families in five countries met inclusion criteria. All studies found significant improvements in parent-rated child externalizing behaviors, parenting skills and parenting self-efficacy, relative to control or comparison groups, with findings maintained at follow-up. Less consistent findings emerged for parental mental health and partner relationship functioning. This review provides initial evidence that brief parenting interventions may be sufficient to reduce child externalizing behavior problems for some families, however further research is needed.  相似文献   

Young people of parents with a mental illness are at significant risk of developing a mental illness. This risk may be reduced if appropriate interventions are provided. While there are several supports available, their needs are rarely heard in either intervention development or evaluation. This study presents young people’s perspectives of the types of supports they want. One hundred and seventy-two young people (13–17 years) whose parent has a mental illness completed a self-constructed questionnaire and six of these participants engaged in individual follow-up interviews. Frequency data indicated that youth want to learn how to cope or manage their parent’s mental illness and highlighted a need to access support online. Interview thematic analysis reflected a need for psycho-education, confidential and/or anonymous support, and a preference to access information from health care professionals. Given the diversity of views presented, this study suggests that “not one size fits all”.  相似文献   

Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) think tank was to bring together thought leaders in the study of digital mental health to consider ways in which the field can be advanced, as well as find methods to facilitate ABCT members’ knowledge of Digital Mental Health Interventions (DMHI).As part of this effort, we proposed this Special Series to provide C & BP readers with an update on the field of digital mental health interventions and clinical resources.The articles that follow will provide an introduction and overview of the progress that has been made in the field of CBT digital mental health interventions, discuss the limitations, risks, and considerations when using DMHI, and consider directions for future research and development.It is our hope that they can help researchers, clinicians, administrators and educators feel informed and equipped to make clinical and programmatic choices involving digital mental health tools and programs in their own settings.  相似文献   

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