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刘颂 《心理科学进展》2008,16(3):491-496
发展性计算障碍作为一种特异性学习障碍,影响儿童的数学成就与数学学习观念,因而引起了多学科研究的关注和重视。文章分析了发展性计算障碍领域在数认知方面的已有研究,揭示了发展性计算障碍的数认知缺陷及内部差异,从一般认知加工障碍与数字加工模块障碍两个角度阐述了发展性计算障碍的可能成因,最后对当前研究进行了小结与展望,认为数认知缺陷的复杂关系、亚类型特征、成因之间的相互作用与机制还需进一步研究  相似文献   

一~四年级小学生发展性计算障碍的亚类型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究以1~4年级小学生为被试,探讨发展性计算障碍的亚类型.对筛选出的54名发展性计算障碍学生进行聚类分析,结果表明:在小学1~4年级学生中,存在着4种发展性计算障碍的亚类型,分别是听觉型、视觉型、类比型和听觉——类比型,这几种亚类型在数字加工和计算能力不同功能模块上的缺陷模式存在着差异.  相似文献   

发展性计算障碍是一种影响算术技能获得的特定的学习障碍。截至目前,有关发展性计算障碍的认知与神经机制的理论尚存分歧,有关诊断与鉴别标准也未统一。近年来,对于发展性计算障碍的理论假设有从一般认知因素取向到数学特定因素取向发展的趋势。而随着脑成像技术的不断发展,对于发展性计算障碍神经机制的研究也从针对单个脑区的特异性功能发展到从功能连接网络角度进行研究。并且研究者们开始尝试开发基于数学认知基本理论的干预方法,并采用了利用生物技术手段的新方法。基因-脑-行为的整合研究将有助于全面揭示发展性计算障碍的发生机制,而建立在系统理论基础上经过科学评估的干预手段将可能有效促进障碍者的计算能力。  相似文献   

张丽  蒋慧  赵立 《心理科学》2018,(2):337-343
本研究拟考察发展性计算障碍儿童的认知缺陷成因。实验1要求被试在三种形式(点/点,数/数,点/数)下进行数量比较,实验2仅将点集替换为汉字数字词。结果表明障碍组和正常组在数/数、点/数和汉字/汉字比较任务上的成绩存在显著差异,而在点/点和汉字/汉字比较上没有差异。据此推论,计算障碍儿童符号加工能力受到损伤,符号与非符号数量转换能力存在缺陷,但非符号加工能力和不同符号间数量转换没有缺陷,支持语义提取缺陷假设。  相似文献   

Acalculia is a loss of calculating abilities occurring as a result of cerebral damage. This paper reviews the development of the notion of acalculia from an expected concomitant of aphasia or dementia to that of a sometimes autonomous disorder. Current evidence indicates that acalculia tends to occur particularly in lesions of the left posterior hemispheric areas.  相似文献   

Semantic understanding of numbers and related concepts can be dissociated from rote knowledge of arithmetic facts. However, distinctions among different kinds of semantic representations related to numbers have not been fully explored. Working with numbers and arithmetic requires representing semantic information that is both analogue (e.g., the approximate magnitude of a number) and symbolic (e.g., what / means). In this article, the authors describe a patient (MC) who exhibits a dissociation between tasks that require symbolic number knowledge (e.g., knowledge of arithmetic symbols including numbers, knowledge of concepts related to numbers such as rounding) and tasks that require an analogue magnitude representation (e.g., comparing size or frequency). MC is impaired on a variety of tasks that require symbolic number knowledge, but her ability to represent and process analogue magnitude information is intact. Her deficit in symbolic number knowledge extends to a variety of concepts related to numbers (e.g., decimal points, Roman numerals, what a quartet is) but not to any other semantic categories that we have tested. These findings suggest that symbolic number knowledge is a functionally independent component of the number processing system, that it is category specific, and that it is anatomically and functionally distinct from magnitude representations.  相似文献   

阐述了在当今知识经济时代背景下,在网络化、电子化环境中,社会对人才的信息能力和创新能力的需求,提出了<文献信息检索>课为适应时代的要求,培养具有较高信息能力和创新能力的现代大学生的改革和创新的设想.  相似文献   

采用问题解决类比任务范式,考察了学习能力、知识经验对90名小学4年级儿童在问题解决过程中类比问题解决及策略运用的影响。结果发现:(1)在问题解决的质量上,学习能力具有显著制约作用,学习能力越高,问题解决成绩越好,而知识经验作用不显著;在问题解决速度上,学习能力和知识经验作用均不显著。(2)学习能力对问题解决策略运用的总体分布、高级类比和非类比策略运用具有显著性作用。(3)不同知识经验对策略运用总体分布及高级类比策略有显著性作用。  相似文献   

Anscombe thought that practical knowledge – a person’s knowledge of what she is intentionally doing – displays formal differences to ordinary empirical, or ‘speculative’, knowledge. I suggest these differences rest on the fact that practical knowledge involves intention analogously to how speculative knowledge involves belief. But this claim conflicts with the standard conception of knowledge, according to which knowledge is an inherently belief-involving phenomenon. Building on John Hyman’s account of knowledge as the ability to use a fact as a reason, I develop an alternative, two-tier, epistemology which allows that knowledge might really come in a belief-involving and an intention-involving form.  相似文献   

The effect of alloying on the formation enthalpy of TiCu intermetallics was investigated via first-principles calculations to propose a new design method for Ti–Cu-system metallic glasses. The calculation results showed good agreement with the reported experimental results that Ni, Pd, Sn and Zr improve this system’s glass-forming ability. According to the calculation results, a Ti–Zr–Cu–Ga system was designed as a potential new bulk Ti-based metallic glass, and a bulk sample with a 2-mm diameter was fabricated.  相似文献   

青少年元记忆能力发展的认知研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
元记忆是个体所具有的与自己的记忆活动有关的信念及监控系统 ,其发展研究包括元记忆知识的习得与发展、元记忆监控能力的发展等。 2 0年来的研究表明 :青少年元记忆能力的发展具有年龄阶段性和关键期 ,年龄和教育训练是其两个重要影响因素。但该领域研究还存在理论概括性不高、被试代表性不强和比较缺乏多因素实验研究等问题。其未来的研究中宜采用多因素实验设计 ,不断提高研究的系统性和生态学效度  相似文献   

以149名小学一年级儿童为被试,进行为期三年的追踪,采用交叉滞后的分析方法考察了儿童汉语语素意识、口语词汇知识与阅读能力的关系。结果发现:(1)儿童汉语语素意识、口语词汇知识、阅读准确性和阅读流畅性在小学1~3年级间有显著增长;(2)控制一般认知能力、语音意识、快速命名后,口语词汇知识在儿童早期的语素意识与后期的阅读能力之间起跨时间点的中介作用。结果表明,儿童早期的语素意识水平能够提高词汇知识获得的效率,进而促进阅读能力的发展。  相似文献   

The use of social networking websites (SNWs) during employee selection is gaining popularity in organizations. Using a foundation that integrates identity and situational strength theories, we develop a conceptual framework that differentiates SNW information from information gathered through traditional selection procedures, and distinguishes between SNW types. Research questions and hypotheses are tested using a survey of 291 hiring professionals. Results indicate that SNW content is considered useful and is regularly utilized during hiring. Some SNW content is viewed positively (e.g., information supporting qualifications), while other information leads to negative perceptions (e.g., discriminatory comments). Finally, results support a differentiation between personal and professional SNW, as the kind of information sought and the effectiveness of assessing various work‐related constructs differs between these SNW categories.  相似文献   

本研究采用两个实验考察了他人知识状态觉知对不同语言能力幼儿名词习得的影响。参加实验的被试是来自上海市三所幼儿园的89名3~4岁幼儿。实验一发现,高语言能力幼儿在确定和不确定两种实验条件下的名词习得有显著差异,确定条件下的得分高于不确定条件。一般语言能力幼儿未表现出上述区别;实验二进一步发现高语言能力幼儿能忽视表面的语气线索所表达的迟疑,影响他们词语学习的是对他人知识状态的深层觉知。  相似文献   

Virtual reality (VR) technology may provide unique benefits for assessing individual characteristics, in contrast with traditional assessments. This study examined validity evidence for the use of VR game (VRG) scores to indicate specific cognitive abilities. Participants completed three VRGs, three computer‐based assessments (CBAs), and additional scales. To evaluate convergent validity, VRG scores were compared with CBA scores. For divergent validity, VRG scores were compared with five factors of personality based on the Five Factor Model. For criterion‐related validity, VRG scores were compared with academic achievement (i.e., grade point average). Findings generally provided support that the VRG scores are related to certain spatial reasoning subdimensions of cognitive ability. However, further research is needed to examine the qualities of VRGs as assessment tools.  相似文献   

以71名五年级汉语儿童为被试,让他们在阅读一篇英文材料的过程中对目标词的含义进行推测,并对单词的语境线索强度、个体的推理能力、工作记忆和词汇水平进行测查,从而对汉语儿童是否能够通过阅读习得英文生词以及影响学习效果的因素进行探讨。结果发现:五年级汉语儿童能够在英文阅读中习得生词的含义,学习的可能性达到30%;语境线索强度和被试的词汇水平可影响儿童在阅读语境中学习英语生词的效果。  相似文献   

Abstract: In the present study, the effects of verbal working memory (VWM) and cumulative linguistic knowledge (CLK) on reading comprehension were investigated using an individual difference approach. We examined whether VWM and CLK are distinct verbal factors and whether each has independent influences on reading comprehension. VWM was tested using the Japanese Reading Span Test (RST). CLK was assessed using information, vocabulary, and similarity subtests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale‐Revised (WAIS‐R), as well as with the Hyakurakan kanji reading test. The differences between VWM and CLK were examined using correlation analyses between reading comprehension scores, and digit forward and backward span scores. The results showed that VWM and CLK were independent of each other, and that VWM and CLK independently contributed to reading comprehension. The obtained correlations also showed that CLK was independent of any type of short‐term memory, and that the VWM measured using the RST had little correlation with digit span.  相似文献   

Mathematics difficulties are common in both children and adults, and they can have a great impact on people's lives. A specific learning disorder in mathematics (SLDM or developmental dyscalculia) is a special case of persistent mathematics difficulties, where the problems with maths cannot be attributed to environmental factors, intellectual disability, or mental, neurological or physical disorders. The aim of the current study was to estimate the prevalence rate of SLDM, any gender differences in SLDM, and the most common comorbid conditions. The DSM-5 provides details regarding these only for specific learning disorders in general, but not specifically for SLDM. We also compared the prevalence rates obtained on the basis of the DSM-IV and DSM-5 criteria. We investigated the performance of 2,421 primary school children on standardized tests of mathematics, English, and IQ, and several demographic factors over the primary school years. We applied the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria to identify children with a potential diagnosis of SLDM. Six per cent of our sample had persistent, severe difficulties with mathematics, and, after applying the exclusion criteria, 5.7% were identified as having an SLDM profile. Both persistent maths difficulties and consistently exceptionally high performance in maths were equally common in males and females. About half of the children with an SLDM profile had some form of language or communication difficulty. Some of these children also had a diagnosis of autism, social, emotional, and behavioural difficulties or attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. Our findings have important implications for research and intervention purposes, which we discuss in the study.  相似文献   

The current study highlights the importance of inhibitory ability in facilitating performance in mathematics. To understand the role of inhibition in mathematical knowledge, this study tested 102 college students on a series of standardized complex math exercises. Inhibition tasks varied by task and stimuli (letters, numbers, and arrows). The result showed stronger associations between math abilities and strength of inhibition with more inhibition found for the flanker task (involving inhibition of peripheral stimuli) than for the Navon task (requiring inhibition of a potential response). The results supported the view that Inhibition in general (which is not unique to numerical stimuli) is associated with math abilities. General, rather than specific inhibition was associated with math abilities and finally, speed of processing masked the relationship between math and inhibition. These results confirm the assumption that the relation between inhibition and math performance is modulated by the task that measures the inhibition, and by additional predictors such as processing speed.  相似文献   

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