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Erasmus censures the musical practice of the medieval Church from ethical and rhetorical perspectives on music, and highlights decorum in delivery at the liturgical performance. His criticism of instrumental music echoes the patristic views of music, which are essentially logocentric and opposed to the use of musical instruments within the Church. The Erasmian ideal of church musicians lies in the classical model of the sacred-musical orator, with great emphasis on musicians’ moral status and intellectual ability. In relation to music (especially the Psalms) in the context of Christian worship, Erasmus regards music as a ‘spiritual sacrifice’ in which leading godly lives is combined with singing hymns and praises.  相似文献   


This essay takes a critical view of conventionally subdividing the span between the thirteenth and eighteenth centuries into periods. It queries terms like ‘Middle Ages’, ‘late Middle Ages’, ‘Renaissance’, ‘Reformation’, ‘pre-modern’, ‘early modern’, and ‘modern period.’ These macro-historical constructs are misleading, it argues, for they create the illusion of European history as a succession of relatively uniform eras separated by clear breaks, revealing a purposeful, linear ‘development’ connecting medieval premodernity with Enlightenment modernity. It is sensible to contrast the Reformation with the previous Church, theology, and piety. However, it is illadvised to interpret this religious ‘system break’ as a change of eras beyond question. The Reformation sustained a pre-existing momentum of change, but also left much culture unaltered. Accordingly, it was neither medieval nor early modern, nor an independent period sandwiched between medieval and modern periods. Instead, it was a far-reaching reconfiguration of parts of the Western Church between 1520 and 1560 that was both deeply rooted in the past and pointing to the future.  相似文献   


This essay explores the Church of England's theologico-historical sense of self during the tumultuous period of the ‘long Reformation.’ By taking its claim to be ‘primitive Christianity restored’ seriously it is argued that Church of England polemical apology was guided by Christian primitivism, an ideology shaped by a belief in the theological primacy of the beginning of Christianity. This made it intellectually possible to conceive of a past true, pure Church that should and could be re-formed in the present. In a more speculative vein it is also argued that this primitivism was formative in the Church's self-defining apologetic recourse to Scripture, reason, and tradition.  相似文献   

The essay compares and contrasts the philosophical, theological, and aesthetic approaches to Mozart in the writings of Søren Kierkegaard's aesthete A (Either/Or, I), Karl Barth (primarily Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart), and Hans Küng (Mozart: Traces of Transcendence). Whereas Kierkegaard's A outlines a non‐religious ‘daemonic Mozart’, Barth and Küng depict two contrasting theological understandings of Mozart's music. Barth's Mozart reflects a Reformed aesthetic, with Mozart as a ‘parable’ of gospel, whereas Küng's Mozart reflects a Roman Catholic ‘sacramental’ vision of music and religious faith. The essay explores how these different visions of Mozart are shaped by both their theological and aesthetic commitments.  相似文献   


The history of the intersection between women and their worship-spaces is both simple and complex. This article begins to identify ways in which women have responded to restrictions on them in liturgical space and how they have interpreted that space. This task poses serious methodological challenges, identified here, and raises questions about ways in which women have found a place in and around church buildings during a history characterized by their restriction and exclusion. Using a variety of primary and secondary sources, women's action through patronage, fundraising and benefaction, in disobedience and disorder, is explored, together with ways in which women have exercised the natural authority of their religious gifts and experience, when their temporal authority wis limited and indeed have reinterpreted the meaning of the term ‘liturgical space’.  相似文献   


On Easter Day 1617, Lancelot Andrewes, one of the foremost preachers in England in the first quarter of the 17th century, preached before King James I in Durham Cathedral. This article sets the sermon in its historical and liturgical context, including the choice of an unusual text with nautical imagery – the allegory of the ‘sign of Jonah’ (Matthew 12.39–40). The preacher is shown to move subtly through the book of Jonah, his flight from God, the storm in the sea, the three days in the whale's belly, his escape to dry land, and the repentance of the people of Nineveh, applying each episode to growth in the Easter faith. The ‘three days’ in particular are seen as the ‘Sacred Three Days’ (‘Triduum Sacrum’) of patristic tradition, which point to a journey of faith that includes repentance and forgiveness, and participation not only in the sacrament of the Eucharist, but in the great sacrament of Easter as well. Andrewes emerges from this sermon as an imaginative thinker, with an original way of handling Scripture and tradition.  相似文献   


I examine Henry More’s engagement with Stoicism in general, and Marcus Aurelius in particular, in his Enchiridion Ethicum. More quotes from Marcus’ Meditations throughout the Enchiridion, leading one commentator to note that More ‘mined the Meditations’ when writing his book. Yet More’s general attitude towards Stoicism is more often than not critical, especially when it comes to the passions. I shall argue that while More was clearly an avid reader of the Meditations, he read Marcus not as a Stoic but as a ‘non-denominational’ ancient moralist who confirms a range of doctrines that More finds elsewhere in ancient philosophy. In this sense More continues the Neoplatonic practice of downplaying doctrinal differences between ancient philosophers in order to construct a single ancient philosophical tradition. This is quite different from the approach of his contemporary and fellow Cambridge Platonist, Ralph Cudworth, who was keen to highlight doctrinal differences between ancient philosophers.  相似文献   


This essay contemplates the role of music as education (as opposed to music education) in the Western World since Ancient Greek philosophical inquiry and throughout early Christianity, the Middle Ages, and Modernism. It regards music as a potential tool for instruction and knowledge exchange. In particular, this essay examines post-Enlightenment philosophical trends that reshaped Western understandings of music. Finally, this paper explores music education within the Seventh-day Adventist educational system as influenced by both nineteenth-century thought as well as informed by the reformative attempts that followed in the twentieth century.  相似文献   


Before his flight north to teach theology in many of the leading centres of the Reformation, Peter Vermigli Martyr was, among other things, a member of the Lateran Congregation of Canons Regular of St. Augustine (Austin canons). Much Vermigli scholarship has been dedicated to exploring the continuing intellectual imprint of Vermigli’s education and years in Italy on his Protestant theology, viz. Augustinianism, Aristotelianism, and Humanism. However, less has been said about the continuing influence of his almost twenty-eight-year career as a canon regular (1514–1542). Many have noted that the books that he read in Italy still played a major positive role in his life as a Reformed theologian and churchman. Can the same be said of ‘monastic’ practice and spirituality? After clarifying Vermigli’s experience of the consecrated, conventual life in Italy, this essay will explore his understanding of it after his conversion to the Reformation. We will note both his more critical comments about Roman Catholic religious life and how he continued to be influenced by it.  相似文献   


Hip hop is a global cultural phenomenon that encompasses rap music, dance, graffiti art, and fashion as well as particular ways of being. One sub-genre of hip hop is Gospel rap, in which Christian rappers attempt to ‘represent’ the truth of God as a tangible reality, thereby ‘keepin’ it real’. This study investigates how young British Jamaican male adults in the Brixton area of London appropriate hip hop for their own ends. Based on original raps authored and performed by these young people, the research finds that their representations of spiritual reality are influenced by the conventions and boundaries of professional Gospel rap. The study describes how youth incorporate religious hip hop into their everyday lives and argues that in some cases hip hop performance becomes a method for pedagogically reshaping the body, giving religious beliefs an ‘embodied authenticity’.  相似文献   


Jain worship has always been accompanied by music and likewise for Sikhs the performance of and listening to the singing of hymns, as composed by several of their Gurus, continuously has been central to the community’s spiritual experience. For different reasons, however, Sikh and Jain devotional music, known as kirtan and bhakti respectively, until recently were neglected subjects in historiography. This article investigates the parallels and differences among the two genres from a historical comparative perspective against the successive backgrounds of the bhakti movement and Indic culture, the imperial encounter and globalization. In doing so, it particularly emphasizes the importance of identity politics to the making of modern Sikh and Jain devotional music, as well as the fact that, in comparison to Jain bhakti, Sikh kirtan generally remains North Indian ‘Hindustani’ art music, rather than regional folk music.  相似文献   

Dirk G. Lange 《Dialog》2017,56(2):156-161
The sacramental and liturgical texts in The Annotated Luther series (volumes 1 and 3) reflect Luther's ongoing concern for the faith life of the people. They also give us an insight into Luther's own struggle to find words (and, of course, practices) that reflect the fundamental insight of the Reformation: justification by faith alone. Luther refused to abandon ritual or a strict liturgical order even though it can so easily become, in the minds and hearts of believers, a work they must do. The freedom of the gospel does not dispense us from a liturgical order or from participation; in fact, for Luther, that freedom compels us to worship! This tension can be found within these writings as Luther searches for new words and redefines and/or reorients other words to express a spirituality of justification.  相似文献   

《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(2):56-64

Taking its cue from the oblique of Elaine L. Graham's ‘post/human’, this essay examines the difficult relationship between humanism and its ‘post’. If, as Graham points out, the present moment is one in which anthropocentrism is both in crisis and deferred to as ‘common sense’, what is to be done? Perhaps the answer lies in strategies for ‘obliquing’ humanist discourse, working through its contradictions in order to establish the ‘post/human’ as a figure that forever disrupts humanism.  相似文献   


One of the hallmarks of the Renaissance was the concern with authenticity, and a concern with ad fontes texts. This is illustrated in the liturgical revisions which where planned for the Breviary, culminating in the edition prepared by Cardinal Quignon, and in the methods employed by Thomas Cranmer in his compilation of the Book of Common Prayer. This paper looks more closely at these attempts at Renaissance liturgical reform.  相似文献   


Within the wider Reformation in the sixteenth century, liturgical development of the early Reformed tradition saw a major departure from the rites of the medieval Catholic church including those for baptism. Part of this shift was determined by the spatial setting for baptism as well as by differences in the form of water container used for the rite. This article explores some of the baptismal practices that developed in early Reformed churches in light of such factors, and in relation to the understanding of the notion of adiaphora. After a brief reflection on the variety of ritual usage, the study examines the setting for baptism at the heart of the worshipping community along with the three types of water container used at the critical moment of baptism: the font, the ewer, and the basin. It concludes by noting that such diversity is characteristic of the multi-stranded Reformed tradition.  相似文献   


Historians have long accepted the influence of humanism on Anabaptist origins. The emphasis on text-based support of early reforms and critiques of the Catholic Church characterize the brand of humanism in northern Europe and the Protestant Reformation. However, little attention has been given to the precise dynamics, networks, and mechanisms exposing early Anabaptists to humanism years before they even began to consider a more drastic reformation of the Church. As the martyred Balthasar Hubmaier was a central figure and the only university doctor of the early Radical Reformation, this article will study the personal, textual, and curricular components of his academic career at the universities of Freiburg-im-Breisgau and Ingolstadt; it is important for revealing a commitment to humanism that is deeper than was previously thought. It throws light on how the New Learning affected some Anabaptists, which humanists influenced their radical reforms, and which academic disciplines inspired their reforming methodologies.  相似文献   


The Sikh community in the UK consists of various ‘Jathebandia’, loosely translated as ‘units’ or ‘sects’. All of these groups have varied histories, practices, and theological beliefs. This paper examines the influence of the Singh Sabha movement on the millennial generation in some of the largest Sikh groups in the UK. Some of the groups claim orthopraxy and orthodoxy, but this essay argues the majority of these groups are an amalgamation of different influences that have adapted their practices according to the Singh Sabha movement and concludes with an analysis of how these influences play out via Sikh media and the internet.  相似文献   

Based on a discussion of Louis Bouyer's thesis about the metaphysics of the Reformation in The Spirit and Forms of Protestantism, this essay considers the methodological and hermeneutical issues involved in enquiring into the metaphysical commitments of Reformation theology. A case study of the theology of the Reformer Peter Martyr Vermigli is employed for the argument that Reformation metaphysics was a hybrid of elements pertaining both to a nominalist and a participatory ontology. This argument is then taken further by a reflection on the history of reception of the metaphysical complexity which is at the heart of the Reformation legacy.  相似文献   

The sacramental and liturgical propositions of the German theologian Johann Adam Möhler (1796–1838) have been neglected in theological inquiries thus far. This article attempts to rehabilitate them. Having established a particular perspective on the reading of Möhler's liturgical and sacramental insights, we present each dimension of them separately in order to arrive at a ‘dialectical’ sacramental model. This rereading is an intrinsic possibility stemming from Möhler's theological works themselves. In addition, it is also possible to rehabilitate these insights in interplay with some contemporary developments in liturgical and sacramental theology. In his symbolical understanding, Möhler anticipates the Realsymbol of Karl Rahner, and his understanding of the actual presence of the person and sacrifice of Christ in the Eucharist anticipates Odo Casel's Kultmysterium. Therefore, the rehabilitation of Möhler's sacramental insights exhibits its full meaning as the anticipation of a more accurate notion of Symbol.  相似文献   

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