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This article surveys the missiology promoted in the writings of the Protestant missionary Karl Kumm during the first decades of the twentieth century. Kumm was famous as a missionary explorer. He was the first European to successfully cross the region known as the Sudan, from the Niger bend to the Nile. He was also notable because he founded two different missions in two different places in Africa, both aimed at evangelizing the peoples of the Sudan. Lastly, Kumm was significant for having constructed in his various writings a highly influential case against the evangelization of Muslims and for the evangelization of traditionalist people. Kumm, his ideas and actions helped shape government policy towards Christian missions and Christian–Muslim relations in colonial Northern Nigeria.  相似文献   

At the end of the 19th century, British missionaries campaigned to abolish the India-to-China opium trade, whose profits were crucial for British ambitions in Asia. This challenge by the missionaries had been slow to emerge, however, and focusing only on that well-known opposition masks the preceding half-century of accommodations and compromises with the opium traffic, both on the production end (Bengal) and on the receiving end (in Macau and Canton). Our research addresses the subjective calculus that was at work for the missionaries and asks how their reading of that calculus affected their movement across the spectrum from unconcern to outrage about opium. At the core of their enterprise from beginning to end was their unwavering commitment to the evangelical "Great Commission," which spelled out the obligation to bring the Christian gospel to unsaved multitudes around the world. We argue that they consistently embraced whatever was pragmatically necessary to advance that goal and resisted whatever threatened to block movement toward it. Beneath changeability on the surface, a thread of value-rational coherence ran through a century of calculated and strategic missionary activity. The same thread is likely to be in evidence in other theaters of global evangelism where missionaries were (are) involved in secular controversies.  相似文献   


When the American Protestant Mission in Syria entered the educational arena of nineteenth-century Tripoli, its administrators founded long-lasting educational institutions primarily for the purpose of converting souls to Protestant Christianity. Secondarily, missionaries sought to impose ideas of gender and class on their students. Through previously unexamined memoirs, school records, and missionary writings, this article offers a microhistorical analysis of the Tripoli Girls' School (est. 1873) and the Tripoli Boys' Boarding School (est. 1904). This study begins by situating the schools within the broader context of an increasingly peripheralized and predominantly Sunni Muslim city, showing that the geographical, social, and educational environment of Tripoli shaped and was shaped by the boarding schools. It explores two trends within the Tripoli schools, namely, the ‘professionalization’ of female students, and the reification of class divisions, as Tripoli was integrated into a system of global capitalism. Finally, it moves beyond narratives of ‘secularization’ and argues that students played a significant role in shifting the emphasis of missionary education away from religious conversion to an educational model of interreligious cooperation that saw Muslims and Christians as partners in a syncretic endeavour.  相似文献   

The missionary effort of the Orthodox Church in the Middle‐Volga—a region conquered by Russia in the sixteenth century and inhabited by an ethnically heterogeneous population practising Islam or a variety of indigenous religions—had led to the formation of important communities of converts. But until the nineteenth century, the church made essentially no effort to educate the converts in the meaning and content of the Orthodox faith and movements of apostasy were frequent. In the mid‐nineteenth century, an outstanding group of missionaries, concerned about the spread of Islam among the nominally Christian communities, began to deploy an important activity to enlighten converts in the Orthodox faith. Their methods—evangelization, education, and propaganda in native languages—were novel and radical. Concerned with the defence of nominally Christian populations against Muslim influences, anti‐Muslim activity was an important aspect of work of the missionaries. Missionaries developed a substantial anti‐Islamic literature and used their considerable influence to harm the Muslims culturally and politically. The legacy of the missionary experience contributed to the continuing distrust between Russians and indigenous peoples.  相似文献   

The paper explores the impact of two largely overlooked factors which sustained and reconfirmed the disparaging images American Protestants harboured towards Islam, particularly those which prefigured and informed the perceptions New England missionaries carried over with them in their efforts to evangelize the Orient and the Levant. First, America's encounter with the Barbary States of North Africa at the turn of the nineteenth century, are considered. Second, the life and thought of Henry H. Jessup, a leading missionary in the Levant, is examined as illustrative evidence of the reports and impressions relayed back by the missionaries themselves.  相似文献   

Fundamentalists typically avoid influences from the outside world and form intense social bonds with members of their own group. Yet, active fundamentalists must create relationships with the objects of their missionary action, the Other. In this article I address the connections between the cultural practice of missionary work and the formation and maintenance of social ties among ultra-Orthodox Jewish missionaries belonging to the fundamentalist Hasidic sect Chabad-Lubavitch. These missionaries attempt to bring Jews to the beliefs and practices of Chabad by hosting Jews at Sabbath meals. This missionary act is an utterance that "speaks" with multiple voices, indexing the missionaries as both friendly members of their local Jewish community and ideal Lubavitchers. Through these meals, the missionaries engage not only the local Jews but also other Lubavitchers in dialogue, constructing a community that transcends face-to-face interaction.  相似文献   

Zhao Aidong 《Zygon》2016,51(1):113-127
This article is based on the author's extensive research on the missionaries to Tibet from the Disciples of Christ (Christian Church) USA, and discusses various missionary efforts to transmit scientific and practical knowledge such as medicine, building, and agriculture in Eastern Tibet from 1904–1919. It shows that American missionaries played a prominent and distinctive role in the dissemination of scientific and practical knowledge as a result of their hard work and wisdom. In this sense, they made an important contribution to the development of Tibetan society and the modernization movement in early twentieth‐century Eastern Tibet.  相似文献   

This article examines the evolution of the Anglican missionary policy and the evangelization of the Zulu in the Diocese of Natal in South Africa during the early 20th century. These processes rested on colonial power in the form of what Edward Said 1 conceptualized as Orientalism. Orientalism defined and ordered relations of domination and subordination wherein the English missionaries, considering themselves as superior, justify their actions as imparting what they saw as civil and religious benefits on the Zulu, whom they regarded as not possessing them. Contemptuous settler attitudes toward missionary work and their relations with the Zulu also undermined missionary work in Natal. The evolution of missionary policy along racial lines developed from the Orientalist worldview as well as on account of relations that developed in the colony.  相似文献   

The distinguishing characteristics of dissonant missionaries were identified by examining the responses of 58 current and former Mormon missionaries to a questionnaire about missionary service, a Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) Denial scale, and Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI) Compulsive and Submissive/Aggressive special scales. The participants, 12 women and 46 men, were mailed the materials after being identified by their friends or acquaintances as current or former missionaries. Women had less satisfying missionary experiences than men and were more likely to report a loss of self-esteem due to missionary service, but were not more dissonant missionaries than men. Missionaries with lower scores on the Denial, Compulsive, and Submissive/Aggressive scales were more likely to question mission policies than subjects with higher scores. Thus, it appears that Denial, Compulsive, and Submissive/Aggressive scale scores can identify potentially dissonant missionaries.  相似文献   


Christian missionaries working in India in the nineteenth century made numerous important contributions to European and North American understandings of Islam. One such contribution was the Dictionary of Islam compiled by the Anglican missionary Thomas Patrick Hughes, who was serving in Peshawar on the border between British India and Afghanistan. Drawing upon sources such as collections of Hadith, he provided both brief definitions and some longer analyses of a wide range of aspects of Muslim beliefs, practices and history. However, his compilation was not entirely based on textual sources, but was also informed by daily contact with Muslims in and around Peshawar, particularly Maulavi Ahmad of Tangi. Hughes combined his interest in defining Islam with a passion for exploring and explaining Afghan culture and politics to his readership in Britain. Although situated on ‘the edges of empire’, Hughes nonetheless found himself at the centre of world events as the intrigue between Britain and Russia resulted in the Second Anglo-Afghan War. Although located in what some considered a minor province on the periphery of the Muslim world, he nonetheless produced a major reference work on Islam that is still in print.  相似文献   

传教士与近代新疆社会   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文研究了近代新疆天主教和基督教的传教历史,分析了他们的西学传播活动和对少数民族传统文化的研究成果与贡献,并对传教士与新疆社会民族矛盾进行了剖析。传教士对新疆少数民族的传教虽以失败而告终,但对近代新疆社会的影响是多方面的。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how the missionaries of the Church of Scotland sought to convert the Jews in Hungary. The research studies carefully Adolph Saphir's change of faith, his theological views, and his work. His family was the first “fruit” of Scottish missionary activity among the Hungarian Jews in 1843. After scrutinizing his conversion, the study proceeds to map his sphere of work as a missionary. In particular, it examines his millennial views, which gave the impetus to his missionary activity. Finally, the paper demonstrates that he became an ardent supporter of mission to the Jews not only in Britain but also in Central Europe.  相似文献   

Posing challenging questions in an attempt to answer what impact the American Protestant missionary encounter had on middle-class Syrian women, this article focuses on the experience of Syrian women with the American Presbyterian Mission in Lebanon. It discusses missionary educational institutions as the most important site of the encounter between missionaries and women in the Middle East. It further speculates as to what young Arab women took from their mission educations' ideas of gender, modernization and deculturization in order to shape their own destinies and to create their own sense of identity.  相似文献   

陈建明 《世界宗教研究》2011,(6):104-117,194
自从19世纪下半叶西方差会进入西南地区后,传教事业在少数民族中取得了长足的发展,其中文字布道起了重要的作用。传教士通过翻译、出版圣经,编撰赞美诗、小册子、课本等,使少数民族有了读书识字的条件;同时,这些出版物成为传教士传播福音的有力手段。  相似文献   


This paper argues that the multiple orientalist expressions that flowed from British pens in nineteenth century Sri Lanka are of use to the scholar of Buddhism, in that they can not only shed light on the growth of Buddhist modernism and the use of the term ‘meditation’ within it, but also on Sri Lankan Buddhist practice on the ground. It first surveys the preconceptions of the British about the concept of ‘meditation’. It then examines the writings of a representative selection of scholar civil servants and Christian missionaries who were resident in Sri Lanka within the century. This data reveal that a vibrant culture of Buddhist devotion and preaching existed throughout the century, together, among the laity, with the practice of ‘meditation’ on objects related to insight into reality. Additionally, it suggests that the jhānas, although hard for westerners to understand, were an important part of Buddhist self-understanding. The paper, therefore, argues that the priority given to vipassanā as the essence of meditation within Buddhist Modernism is a reduction of the diversity within traditional practice and a distortion of the traditionally recognised interrelationship between the jhānas and other forms of mental culture.  相似文献   

This article presents a view of missionary medicine in the Gulf and the ethical issues missionary medical practices evoked. It shows that, as both physicians and missionaries, and seeing themselves as an 'extra legible illustration' of the Christian faith (Paul Harrison, Doctor in Arabia, New York, John Day Co., 1940, 23-4), the missionary physicians gave selflessly to provide the best medical care possible according to their individual abilities and given the environment in which they worked. At the same time, they experimented, took risks that were sometimes unnecessary and were forced to make ethical choices that challenged their Christian moral compass. Furthermore, given the remoteness of their stations, they were absolved from professional oversight and second-guessing by patients who had nowhere else to turn. Drawing on this paradox of self-sacrifice and self-service, of Christian benevolence and imperial posturing, the article considers to what extent the mission was an exercise in altruism or imperialism.  相似文献   

Abstract : The evangelical ethos gives priority to grace over works and is shaped by its irrepressible missionary impulse; faith is existential rather than merely conceptual. The early roots of evangelicalism through the modern period are discussed, and put in context with other movements that grew out of the Reformation. The goal of Christian evangelizing is the creation of a person whose life bears witness to the authenticity of faith.  相似文献   

This study historicizes and contextualizes the contrasting representations of Alevism in the early writings of Stephen van Rensselaer Trowbridge, a Protestant missionary, and Baha Said Bey, a Turkish activist and researcher. Both Trowbridge and Baha Said undertook extensive research on Alevi culture in the early twentieth century. Though their works appear to be “benevolent” endeavors, giving voice to the Alevi subaltern, by first studying the political and cultural backgrounds of Trowbridge and Baha Said, this article exposes the cultural and ideological motivations that influenced their studies. It then focuses on how these political concerns are expressed in representations of Alevism. Given the dearth of postcolonial and critical perspectives on Alevism, investigating the praxis of representation can help trace overtly political concerns beyond their scholarly treatments. Based on Gayatri Spivak's theorization in her essay “Can the Subaltern Speak?,” this paper scrutinizes how these writings negate the agency of Alevis and portray them as waiting for salvation by external proxies – be they Western missionaries or the Turkish government.  相似文献   

The moratorium on Western missionary labour and financial resources has been a matter of lively interest over the past five decades. Postcolonial theologians and missiologists have blamed Western missionaries for introducing Christianity without paying attention to existing cultures of local people. Despite this, the work of Western missionaries has undeniably contributed to evangelization and the advancing of Western civilization in Africa. In this context, this paper considers Colin Morris’s views on the moratorium to prevent sending missionaries and financial resources from the West. Based on an examination of his views, it analyzes two elements that shape the discourse on the moratorium in the post-missionary era: the impact of the moratorium on Christian mission and the need for reconciliation and partnership between the churches in the global North and the global South. This paper concludes that we must promote the interdependence and mutuality of churches in the global North and the global South if the Christian imperative of making disciples of all nations is to be fulfilled.  相似文献   

The present study is a qualitative investigation of the psychological experiences of children of Korean missionaries, through the eyes of Korean missionary kids (MKs) and missionary workers. A semi-structured interview was conducted with 11 MKs and MK workers, and data were analysed using the Consensual Qualitative Research method. Several domains emerged: challenges associated with the MK experience, resiliency of MKs, intrapersonal and interpersonal coping skills, mental health concerns, religion and spirituality, a complex cultural identity, preparation for college transition, and hopes for MKs and their missionary parents. Categories corresponding to the domains are highlighted. The present study addresses a need for more attention paid to the non-American MK experience, and it presents some implications for the church and higher educational institutions.  相似文献   

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