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This study shows how the rise of the English separatist movement in the latesixteenth century was characterized by a polemical struggle over the applicability of the epithet of ‘Donatism.’ A pejorative slur, the Donatist label was often utilized during the early-modern period against dissident movements which refused to recognize the legitimacy of the established church. It was a perfect polemical weapon, serving to connect such rogue congregations with all the dangerous implications, both theological and political, of the ancient schism. But what was ‘Donatism’ in the context of Elizabethan England? What were its characteristics and subversive doctrines? In this article, I will examine the portrait of the ancient sect as painted by both the opponents of separatism and the early separatist leaders themselves in order to assess what aspects of the Donatist label resonated with the polemical presuppositions of each side.  相似文献   

In Being Human: Human Being, Rue Cromwell proposed that scientific knowledge does not need to converge in order to progress and that embracing diversity of knowledge domains benefits researchers more than the quest for unification. Principles from Kelly's personal construct theory and Cromwell's book are used to suggest a more meta-theoretical approach to emotion research, as well as defining emotion, by explaining how (a) various theories of emotion are not necessarily in competition with one another, as one can view various theories of emotion as simply being different (and perhaps not similar enough to one another to be compared in a clear-cut fashion); and (b) one cannot definitively claim that one theory of emotion is the correct or best account of all of emotional life, without simultaneously ignoring the difficulties that arise when considering multiple theories (or alternative constructions) that rely on different fundamental assumptions. This second point draws on Cromwell's discussion of how “unity of knowledge” is an oxymoronic concept.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that different neural and functional mechanisms are involved in the analysis of irregular (caught) and regular (filled) past tense forms in English. In particular, the comprehension and production of regular forms is argued to require processes of morpho-phonological assembly and disassembly, analysing these forms into a stem plus an inflectional affix (e.g., {fill}+{-ed}), as opposed to irregular forms, which do not have an overt stem+affix structure and must be analysed as full forms [Marslen-Wilson, W. D., & Tyler, L. K. (1997). Dissociating types of mental computation. Nature, 387, 592-594; Marslen-Wilson, W. D., & Tyler, L. K. (1998). Rules, representations, and the English past tense. Trends in Cognitive Science, 2, 428-435]. On this account, any incoming string that shows the critical diagnostic properties of an inflected form - a final coronal consonant (/t/, /d/, /s/, /z/) that agrees in voicing with the preceding segment as in filled, mild, or nilled - will automatically trigger an attempt at segmentation. We report an auditory speeded judgment experiment which explored the contribution of these critical morpho-phonological properties (labelled as the English inflectional rhyme pattern) to the processing of English regular inflections. The results show that any stimulus that can be interpreted as ending in a regular inflection, whether it is a real inflection (filled-fill), a pseudo-inflection (mild-mile) or a phonologically matched nonword (nilled-nill), is responded to more slowly than an unambiguously monomorphemic stimulus pair (e.g., belt-bell). This morpho-phonological effect was independent of phonological effects of voicing and syllabicity. The findings are interpreted as evidence for a basic morpho-phonological parsing process that applies to all items with the criterial phonological properties.  相似文献   

运用关键字母法记忆英文词汇的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本研究以大学生为被试,以英文单词为实验材料,采用实验室实验法,进一步探讨了关键字母法在英文单词记忆中对汉英线索提取的作用.结果表明:在单词的汉英线索提取中,关键字母法对于整个单词的提取有一定作用,对于单词关键字母部分的提取有极大的作用.文章最后讨论了这些结果以及关键字母法的汉英线索提取机制等问题.  相似文献   

为系统探讨正字法技能不同成分的发展特点及其在英语单词阅读中的作用,对小学一、三、五年级共110名儿童施测英语正字法规则意识、正字法模式建构技能、正字法编码技能、单词阅读以及一般认知能力和英语语音意识测验。结果表明:(1)汉语儿童的英语正字法技能各成分随年级显著增长,各成分间及其与一般认知技能、语音意识的关系存在年级差异;(2)控制年龄、一般认知能力和语音意识后,正字法技能在三、五年级仍对单词阅读有显著的独立解释作用,且其独立贡献率高于语音意识;(3)进一步控制其他正字法技能成分后,正字法规则意识以正字法模式建构技能为完全中介间接地作用于单词阅读,正字法模式建构技能在三、五年级都仍对单词阅读有显著的独立解释作用,正字法编码技能在五年级中能显著地独立解释单词阅读的部分变异。  相似文献   

初中生英语学业成绩影响因素的因果模型   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
答会明 《心理科学》2005,28(4):984-988
采用英语自我效能、英语学习焦虑、英语学习策略问卷,测量研究213名初中生英语自我效能、英语学习焦虑、英语学习策略与英语学业成绩之因果关系模型。结果表明:(1)初中女生英语学习焦虑显著低于男生;(2)初中生性别、自我效能、活用策略对英语学业成绩有显著回归效应,自我效能是性别影响英语学业成绩的中介变量;(3)初中生英语自我效能与学习策略构成因果-反馈关系且对英语学业成绩有显著回归效应;(4)初中生英语自我效能是英语学习焦虑对英语学业成绩产生消极效应的中介变量.并与英语学习焦虑构成因果-反馈关系;(5)初中生英语学习策略与英语自我效能共同对英语学习焦虑构成多级链式因果-反馈关系。  相似文献   

本研究对167名三到六年级的汉语儿童进行了英语拼写测验和英语正字法规则意识测验,结果发现:(1)汉语儿童在整个小学时期的英语拼写能力都基本处于字母名称拼写策略阶段,在四年级到五年级期间,其整体拼写水平有较显著提高;(2)汉语小学儿童的英语拼写水平与其正字法规则意识显著相关,四、五、六年级儿童的英语字母可双写位置规则对其英语拼写能力具有显著预测作用。  相似文献   

Proficiency in letter–sound correspondence is important for decoding connected text. This study examined the effects of an evidence-based intervention, incremental rehearsal (IR), on the letter–sound expression of three kindergarten English language learners (ELLs) performing below the district benchmark for letter–sound fluency. Participants were native speakers of Hmong, Spanish, and Polish. A multiple-baseline design across sets of unknown letter sounds was used to evaluate the effects of IR on letter–sound expression. Visual analysis of the data showed an increase in level and trend when IR was introduced in each phase. Percentage of all non-overlapping data (PAND) ranged from 95% to 100%. All participants exceeded expected growth and reached the spring district benchmark for letter–sound fluency. Results suggest that IR is a promising intervention for increasing letter–sound expression for ELLs who evidence delays in acquiring letter sounds.  相似文献   


Adducing works attributed to Augustine in support of reformist doctrine dates back to Reformation beginnings, and in England early writers like Tyndale (Christian Obedience) and E. Fox (Determinations) appealed to him. In both cases, ancient authority is brought to bear on current issues. Such use of Augustine then and later is closely tied to contemporary events, making a clear understanding of the role of Augustine essential to interpretation of the period. Due to confusable names and variant spellings, an exact figure of editions of works connected with Augustine in English in the early modern era is not quite possible yet, but Early English Books Online (TCP) suggests up to 1000. The catalogue here is an annotated list of forty-four separate works in ninety-six editions which can fairly be described as ‘Protestant Augustinian'. These are either translations of his works, or texts substantially based on his works. Included is an appendix of a further ninety-four Protestant works in 209 editions in which a significant Augustinian element can be detected, a summary table of the pattern of publication of the items listed, and a brief survey of Augustine's English Protestant readership.  相似文献   

Annual review multidisciplinary team meetings, in which special education student cases are reviewed and placement decisions made for the coming year, depend for their effectiveness on appropriate teacher assessment of student progress. This article reports on a consultation effort, internal to a multidisciplinary team, from which were developed two decision-making models which allowed a special education teacher to assess problem areas in her typical preparation for meetings and to devise more systematic preparation procdures. Changes resulting from the consultation are discussed. General issues posing difficulties for multidisciplinary team staffing of students in classes for the emotionally disturbed are also described.  相似文献   

张野  张焕 《心理科学》2008,31(1):230-233,221
研究主要考察初中生英语自我效能感、知觉到的教师期望与英语成绩的关系.探索性和验证性因素分析结果表明,初中生英语自我效能感包括学科能力感、目标自信感、挫折效能感和策略使用感四个维度.研究得出高成绩组学生的英语自我效能感及知觉到的教师期望显著高于低成绩组学生;英语自我效能感具有显著的性别差异、年级差异与学校类型差异;年级、学校类型、英语自我效能感中的能力因子与挫折因子及知觉到的教师期望中的态度因子是英语成绩的显著预测变量.  相似文献   

Many English language learners (ELL) experience academic and reading difficulties compared to native English speakers (NES). Lack of vocabulary knowledge is a contributing factor for these difficulties. Teaching students to analyze words into their constituent morphemes (meaningful word units) in order to determine the meaning of words may be an avenue to increase vocabulary knowledge. This study investigated potential benefits of morphological instruction for learning vocabulary words and generalizing taught words to untaught words containing these morphemes. Nine fourth‐ and fifth‐grade ELL with reading difficulties participated in a multiple baseline, single‐case design study. Visual analysis of the results revealed a functional relation between the intervention and an increase in participants' vocabulary scores with 90% to 100% nonoverlapping data for eight participants. The effects of training generalized to untaught words. These findings suggest that morphological analysis is a promising approach to increase vocabulary knowledge of ELL.  相似文献   

答会明 《心理科学》2007,30(3):676-679
以501名参加过CET4的非英语专业大学生为研究对象,通过英语自我效能感问卷(ESEQ)、英语学习焦虑量表(ELAS)和英语学习策略量表(ELSI)的测量,探讨CET4成绩与其主要影响因素性别、英语自我效能感、英语学习焦虑和英语学习策略之间的结构关系模型。结果显示:(1)非英语专业大学生的英语学习焦虑存在显著的性别差异(女生低于男生);(2)性别除与英语学习策略不存在直接路径作用外,与CET4成绩、英语自我效能感、英语学习焦虑间均存在直接路径作用;(3)英语学习焦虑对CET4成绩既存在直接路径作用,又通过英语自我效能感、英语学习策略和英语自我效能感的中介产生问接路径作用;(4)英语学习策略仅通过英语自我效能感的中介对CET4成绩产生间接路径作用。研究还表明英语自我效能感在CET4成绩影响因素的结构模型中起着瓶颈作用。  相似文献   

汉语清真一词是中国穆斯林饮食文化中至关重要的词语,本文追溯清真一词的历史、探讨其词义内涵并分析国内几部大型汉英工具书中清真的不同英语译文,指出halal是清真的准确英语译文。  相似文献   


This paper examines the relationship between Reformation ideals of gender and sexuality with the reality of Reformed life in France in the late sixteenth century. Centring on the theory and practice of marriage, the paper examines Jean Calvin's discourse on marriage, noting his significant departure from pre-Reformation concepts of sexuality and his affirmation of companionship in the conjugal bond. Yet, the author also highlights the significant complications with, or even detractions from, this model inherent in Calvin's theology of the Fall, and his understanding of ‘subjection'. These strands of Reformed theory are then compared with two cases drawn from the registers of the consistories, or church courts, of two Protestant towns in southern France, in 1578 and 1595. The findings suggest that ideas of subjection and companionship, though helpful perhaps in the theory of marriage, rarely began to encompass the colourful and messy realities of daily life among the Huguenots.  相似文献   

大学生英语学习策略使用特点及发展趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用自编问卷对493名不同背景大学生英语学习策略的调查发现,大学生内隐学习策略显著低于外显策略,表明我国大学生英语学习以外显为主;外显策略中,社会/情感策略水平最高,而元认知策略水平最低;英语学习策略的使用在性别、英语学习难易程度的主观判断以及学业成就水平等因素上呈现出明显的差异性特点,女生的策略使用率总体高于男生,英语学习成就越高以及英语学习认知越积极的学生学习策略使用率越高;大学生英语学习策略的发展呈V型趋势,在大三低至谷底,男生的策略波动幅度显著大于女生。  相似文献   

We investigate a possible universal constraint on spatial meaning. It has been proposed that people attend preferentially to the endpoints of spatial motion events, and that languages may therefore make finer semantic distinctions at event endpoints than at event beginnings. We test this proposal. In Experiment 1, we show that people discriminate the endpoints of spatial motion events more readily than they do event beginnings-suggesting a non-linguistic attentional bias toward endpoints. In Experiment 2, speakers of Arabic, Chinese, and English each described a set of spatial events displayed in video clips. Although the spatial systems of these languages differ, speakers of all three languages made finer semantic distinctions at event endpoints, compared to event beginnings. These findings are consistent with the proposal that event endpoints are privileged over event beginnings, in both language and perception.  相似文献   

袁伟 《四川心理科学》2014,(23):136-137
英语阅读教学对大学生综合能力的培养有着至关重要的作用。由于英语阅读教学的现状,我们有必要对英语阅读教学进行研究并且提出阅读的策略,原则和阅读技巧,以提高学生的英语阅读能力。  相似文献   

The current paper presents two experiments investigating the effect of presence versus absence of compulsory number marking in a native language on a speaker's ability to recall number information from photos. In Experiment 1, monolingual English and Japanese adults were shown a sequence of 110 photos after which they were asked questions about the photos. We found that the English participants showed a significantly higher accuracy rate for questions testing recall for number information when the correct answer was “2” (instead of “1”) than Japanese participants. In Experiment 2, English and Japanese adults engaged in the same task as in Experiment 1 with an addition that explored reasons for the results found in Experiment 1. The results of Experiment 2 were in line with the results of Experiment 1, but also suggested that the results could not be attributed to differences in guessing patterns between the two groups or the type of linguistic constructions used in the test situations. The current study suggests that native language affects speakers' ability to recall number information from scenes and thus provides evidence for the Whorfian hypothesis.  相似文献   

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