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The American Journal of Psychoanalysis -  相似文献   

Much of what we know about the responses of voters to Black candidates and female candidates comes from experimental research. Yet the accuracy of experimental data can be threatened by the possibility that social desirability pressures contaminate self‐reporting. We address this threat in a project that considers psychological approaches to reducing social desirability pressures. Offering participants the opportunity to explain their decisions about sensitive subjects, such as voting for a Black or female candidate, can lessen social desirability pressures. We analyze this approach across three commonly used samples: undergraduate, adult convenience, and adult national. Our results suggest that existing experimental research overestimates voter support for Black and female candidates, but these issues can be mitigated with the simple innovation presented here.  相似文献   

This study examined the utility of the K-correction procedure (i.e., raw score weights added to scales 1, 4, 7, 8, 9) to adjust for a defensive response set on the MMPI. The sample consisted of 51 patients with end-stage heart disease undergoing psychosocial evaluation for transplantation. Participants were separated into defensive and nondefensive groups using a median split on the K scale (defensive defined as T-score 59). The MMPI was scored once in the standard manner and then rescored omitting all K-scale items from the clinical scales. As hypothesized, raw score analysis after omitting K-scale items showed the defensive group endorsed significantly fewer items on three of the five clinical scales involving K-correction (scales 1, 7, 8). In contrast, analysis of K-corrected T-scores using standard procedures showed a significant group difference only on scale 4, with a higher T-score found among the defensive group. The defensive and nondefensive groups were not significantly different on numerous demographic, medical, and psychiatric characteristics, suggesting that the tendency to respond in a defensive manner is the major characteristic that distinguishes the two groups. Given this assumption, the K-correction procedure appears to appropriately adjust for a defensive response set on scales 1, 7, 8, and 9, whereas K-correction may overadjust on scale 4.  相似文献   

Research on quality of life with heart transplant patients is complicated by the physical and psychological variables associated with heart failure. This study examined quality of life with several instruments in order to sample more general and more idiosyncratic aspects of quality of life in this particular patient population. We also examined the relationship between various aspects of quality of life and several psychosocial variables, including sensitivity to social desirability effects. The quality of life measures used in this study were found to be significantly correlated with each other and with measures of psychological distress. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Psychologists are increasingly asked to make decisions regarding patient candidacy for transplantation. Despite the growing incidence of lung transplantation, normative research regarding cognitive functioning and end-stage obstructive lung disease is lacking. Hence, data are presented on 100 consecutively referred candidates for lung transplantation. The group data suggest essentially normal functioning on most cognitive tests for the majority of transplant candidates. Exceptions were seen on measures of attentional set shifting and short-term visual memory, which were impaired in nearly one fourth of this population. Additionally, one half of the patients displayed deficient performance on the Buschke Selective Reminding Test, with subjects at greater risk for severe rather than mild deficits. Unlike prior research, our group data suggest that there is potential risk of short-term noncontextual verbal memory difficulties because of end-stage pulmonary disease. Personality testing data, e.g., elevations on MMPI-2 scales measuring depression and anxiety, are also discussed.  相似文献   

Much of the research dealing with the relationship between candidate images and candidate preferences has attempted to assess dimensions of the candidate's image that are relatively “personal” in nature. By and large, most of this research focuses on static traits—for example, aspects of the candidate's persona relating to such dimensions as warmth, attractiveness, or dynamism. In contrast, the current study attempts to assess the degree to which candidate preferences are significantly associated with observable behavior. This was done by asking respondents to evaluate Ronald Reagan and Walter Mandate with an instrument normally used to assess elements of interpersonal communication. It was found that communication behavior ratings of Reagan and Mandate significantly predicted differential preferences for these candidates, even after controlling for the respondents’ political orientations.  相似文献   

The MMPI-2 is frequently used for a variety of pre-surgical evaluations that can have life changing consequences for the patient being examined. While it intuitively makes sense that a proportion of examinees will attempt to downplay distress in order to avoid any perceived questions about their surgical candidacy, this hypothesis has received scant research attention. This study cluster analyzed the MMPI-2 L, F, & K validity scales for 890 pre-surgical candidates. Depending on the standard utilized, between one-third and two-thirds of our sample displayed some degree of defensive responding. These results suggest that traditional markers of test validity may need to be adjusted in populations with high base rates for defensiveness. The difficulty in ascribing personality characteristics based on validity scale scores and directions for further research are also discussed.  相似文献   

The importance of perceptual accuracy to human resource decision processes is evidenced by better than 40 years of accuracy research. This article extends such research by presenting an examination of the situational interview format (Latham, Saari, Pursell, & Campion, 1980) as a means of inducing and maintaining high levels of rating accuracy in a context in which interviewers must evaluate candidates in rapid succession. Situational interview ratings of 48 police sergeants and lieutenants showed consistently high levels of perceptual accuracy in both their overall ratings and differential accuracy scores in rating 6 videotaped sergeant/lieutenant job candidates who were of varying quality and appeared in 4 different multiple candidate sequences. Extensive experimental controls for cueing effects and ratings gained from a separate sample of 48 sergeants and lieutenants using a highly structured conventional format and familiar rating practices indicated that the accuracy of SI ratings were due to the SI itself.  相似文献   

Although organ transplantation represents a stressful experience for the entire family, surprisingly little research has focused on the adjustment of caregivers. The purpose of this study was to examine what caregivers report to be the greatest benefits and stressors pretransplant, the prevalence of psychological distress and caregiver strain in pretransplant caregivers as compared to normative populations, and the physical, psychological, and demographic variables that predict distress. Fifty-two caregivers of transplant candidates (28 liver and 24 lung) completed a series of questionnaires, including the Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale (PAIS-SR), SF-36 Health Survey, Caregiver Strain Index (CSI), and qualitative questions about benefits and stressors. The most commonly reported benefit of being a caregiver could be categorized as Helping the Patient, and the most common stressors were associated with Uncertainty/Waiting/Fears. Compared to normative samples of caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease, caregivers of liver transplant candidates reported more caregiver strain; there were no differences for lung transplant caregivers. Caregiver social functioning was found to be the only significant predictor of caregiver distress, with those caregivers who report greater distress also reporting extreme and frequent interference with normal social activities. Implications of these findings for psychological interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

Military ‘Special Forces’ represent a high‐reliability occupation, where stress levels are often intense and failure can be costly. Selection for such jobs should pay careful attention to psychological factors associated with resiliency under stress. In the present study, US Army Special Forces candidates (N=1138) were assessed for psychological hardiness using a short form of the Dispositional Resilience Scale, and these scores were then applied to predict successful completion of the course. Independent sample t‐tests and logistic regression analyses confirmed that Special Forces course graduates are significantly higher in psychological hardiness, as compared to non‐graduates. Psychological hardiness appears to be an important individual characteristic associated with stress tolerance and successful performance in highly demanding occupations.  相似文献   

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