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In this article the most important text of twentieth-century Russian intellectual history, Landmarks (Vekhi) (1909) comes under reexamination. Looking at the rivalry of the volume's two organizers, Mikhail Gershenzon and Petr Struve, Professor Brian Horowitz explains why Landmarks succeeded in offering such a biting critique of radical ideology, while lacking its own internal intellectual unity.  相似文献   


Although unprecedented in scope and beyond all our life experiences, sweeping social distancing measures are not without historical precedent. Historically, racism, stigma, and discrimination resulted in grossly inequitable application of disease containment measures. But history also provides examples in which broad measures enjoyed remarkable public support. When it comes to COVID-19, blame and division continue to shape containment responses. But the COVID-19 pandemic also resonates with moments in which there was broad social support for containment precisely because lockdowns or stay at home orders are, on the surface, remarkably equitable. Yet even in a context in which a majority of Americans support social distancing, small but coordinated conservative groups are challenging social distancing as a matter of individual rights. In sharp contrast, vulnerable populations, who bear the heaviest burden of disease, have claimed a right to social distancing as a matter of protection.  相似文献   

This study investigated the needs of a sample of 100 women from shelters for the homeless in Richmond, Virginia. The women's responses to a 117-item interview were used to obtain information regarding their domicilary status, work history, educational background, family and health history, social support, reasons for homelessness, and social service needs. The results indicated that a significant number of the women had moved as many as six times within the past five years for various reasons, including domestic violence, interpersonal conflict, overcrowding, and eviction. Many women were high school graduates and had job skills in the health care, educational, and clerical fields. Most women were raised by their natural or extended family and the majority of them had a friend or family member who provided social support. Identified needs included housing, food, clothing, and transportation. The needs of homeless women and their children were different from the needs of the homeless chronically mentally ill and require specialized services as well as an increase in the available number of low-income housing units.  相似文献   

History of education emerges during the course of the nineteenth century in Germany and is marked by four features. It is educational, and not scientific in nature, because it was written primarily for teacher education and training; it is national, or even nationalistic; it is oriented almost exclusively towards German philosophy; and it is indebted to Lutheran Protestantism. This model of pedagogical historiography leaves its mark on the historiographies that emerged later in England, France, and the United States. Taking the example of Rousseau, this contribution makes it clear that these Lutheran and idealist premises lead to a one-sided historiography, so that the republican tradition in which Rousseau stood could be suppressed. On this basis, the paper points up the methodological necessity in historical research to examine contexts, giving up the idea of one history of education in favor of reconstruction of various traditions. The gain lies in making visible suppressed transnational languages that educational reflection made use of for centuries. In particular, a connection is revealed between the republican education of the eighteenth century in Europe and the concern with the issue of the good citizen that has preoccupied the American discussion from Jefferson to the Pragmatists to Diane Ravitch.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to describe some episodes from the life of Konishi Masutaro (1862–1940), a Japanese scholar and psychologist who obtained his theological and psychological education in Russia and who played a role in the development of psychological science in Russia. Masutaro is mostly known as a translator of Lev (Leo) Tolstoy, and the psychological side of his biography is not well studied. Masutaro's life and work in Russia occurred in the context of great political and cultural changes. He was one of the first authors who translated fragments from Eastern philosophy (works by Laozi and Confucius) into the Russian language. Personal and scientific details of the life of this educated scholar are also given in the present paper.  相似文献   

In this study, the history of psychological testing in Japan is described using the oral history method. Seven test developers discussed the development of Japanese versions of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale, Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale, and Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children. Three conclusions were identified. First, the motivation for developing the tests shifted from one of personal aspiration to a wider responsibility of specialists' desiring to make social contributions. Second, the test developers shifted from working in small, familiar, collaborative groups to working in groups of specialists conducting well-organized projects. Third, the development of tests has variously been led by researchers, publishers, researcher-and-publisher collaborations, or institutes. In addition, this study identifies contemporary challenges for developing psychological tests, specifically due to insufficient numbers of participants and test developers.  相似文献   

包皮环切术的历史与宗教   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨包皮环切术的历史与宗教起源。对包皮环切术的历史文献进行分析整理,归纳总结它们的历史。对于包皮环切术的起源肯定是在史前开始的。6000年以前的埃及木乃伊和浮雕上记录了最早的包皮环切术的过程。很多宗教都与包皮环切术有关系。包皮环切术有着很长的传统,与各民族和宗教的发展息息相关。  相似文献   

This paper addresses a specific chapter of Rollins' book in an attempt to critique the hermeneutical issue raised throughout his volume but particularly in chapter six. This issue is focused in a new way in Soul and Psyche, as it describes the history and possibilities of employing psychology as a new methodological screen with which to read and interpret the Bible.  相似文献   

For many of us academics, doing community‐engaged research means coming to terms with the significant gaps in experience, privilege, and power, and overall access to knowledge. We are trained to learn through texts, not through direct experience. In some ways, we are even conditioned to tune out experience, or anecdote, to dilute personal subjectivities in favor of a critical analysis informed by a combination of methods and sources, and a reliance on text‐based forms of evidence. Whereas for most community members, evidence is experiential. This dynamic also underscores the tremendous power and responsibility we have as historians to shape identities and legacies through the stories we tell. In the end, I believe the risks are worth the rewards.  相似文献   

Frederic Krome 《Jewish History》2006,20(3-4):283-297
Near the start of his career (1925–1930) Cecil Roth developed a vision of the significance of the Diaspora to Jewish life, which he articulated during his tenure at the Intercollegiate Menorah Society Summer School of 1930. For Roth, Jewish creativity could be expressed only by possessing a firm grasp of Jewish history and its essentials. In his summer school lectures Roth sought to integrate Jewish history into the broader sweep of European history, while at the same time he introduced students to historical sources beyond traditional Jewish texts. In the aftermath of World War II Roth entered into a prolonged correspondence with the American Jewish historian Jacob Rader Marcus, who had recently founded the American Jewish Archives, whose purpose was to forward the study of Jewish history by collecting the documents that would enable future research. In their correspondence, Roth and Marcus enunciated an approach to Jewish history that would influence the field for a generation.  相似文献   

Debate about multicultural education in the USAhas been marked by anxieties about thestability of a nation that is both increasinglyculturally diverse and increasingly resistantto coercive assimilative practices. Apolitically and morally persuasivemulticulturalism must seek to dispel ratherthan evade these anxieties. One educationalvenue in which they must be addressed ishistory teaching. The possibility ofcultivating democratic patriotism in theteaching of a genuinely multicultural Americanhistory is discussed.  相似文献   

It is a matter of common knowledge that Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) and Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) shared a common worldview. Everyone familiar with the works of these two thinkers should recognize their general philosophical affinities. Both men were pessimistic about the power of human reason and attributed human behavior to powerful unconscious forces and, as a result, both were deeply skeptical about the future of human society. Drawing from previous literature, this essay compares the philosophical theory of Schopenhauer with the psychoanalytic theory of Freud. We find that, while Schopenhauer and Freud share a common philosophical orientation and diagnosed the same fundamental problems with life in civilization, they proposed some ostensibly similar, yet ultimately very different solutions. Focusing on each thinker's respective notion of sadism and masochism, this paper tries to understand and come to terms with the dimensions of this radical pessimism.  相似文献   

Marital functioning is an important consideration in the treatment of depression. Although there are several studies of the marriages of depressed individuals, there is little data on the marital lives of those with chronic depression. In this article, we compare the marital history and marital satisfaction in a sample of carefully diagnosed outpatients with chronic depression compared to those with nonchronic depression. The groups were similar in terms of a history of divorce and for the percentage who had ever been married. However, the chronic group had significantly lower levels of marital satisfaction. Increased attention to marital functioning in this group may be beneficial during treatment.  相似文献   

百年回眸:免疫学研究进展与医学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
免疫学与医学有着紧密的联系。在免疫学的经验时期,中国医学家发明了人痘接种预防天花;1798年牛痘苗的发明,最终导致开花在地球上被消灭。在巴斯德时代,由于病原微生物的发现,人工主动免疫、人工被动免疫和三大血清学技术(沉淀、凝集、补体结合反应)使免疫学的应用扩大到对多种传染病的预防、诊断与治疗,极大地促进了医学的发展。70年代以来,由于胸腺功能的发现,淋巴细胞功能的发现阐明了免疫系统的存在;克隆选择学  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that individual differences in life history strategies co-vary with a large array of variables to the extent that latent variables from a number of psychological measures load on a single (Super-K) factor. Similar to research on the Super-K factor, the purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that various measures of identity would load on a single factor and that this latent variable would in turn be associated with other variables reflecting life history strategy and psychological well-being, making a Super-K factor. A sample of 248 university students were administered a variety of questionnaires related to identity, life history strategy, and psychological well-being. Confirmatory factor analyses revealed the hypothesized Super-K factor and the relationship remained even when controlling for variance in social-desirable responding. The results are discussed in terms of the association between Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development and life history theory.  相似文献   

肺癌外科治疗方法和观念的演变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人类采用外科方法治疗肺癌已有100余年的历史.肺癌的外科治疗从最初非解剖性的肿瘤烧灼切除,发展到了全肺切除以及肺叶、支气管袖式肺叶、支气管肺动脉袖式肺叶切除、气管隆突切除重建等多种术式.近来,体外循环和微创技术也被应用到了肺癌的外科治疗领域,使肺癌的外科治疗技术有了极大发展.肺癌外科治疗中有关规范化手术、淋巴结清扫以及外科在小细胞肺癌中的地位等观念也有了澄清和转变.在今天肺癌外科治疗方法的发展已几近极致,而肺癌的外科治疗水平又裹足不前的情况下,回顾肺癌外科治疗方法和观念的演变、探讨未来的发展就有较为重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

行为治疗与行为心理学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行为主义心理学的发展可以分成两个时期。以20世纪五六十年代之交为分界线,此前为理论准备时期,此后为形成和发展期。行为治疗的基本理论主要包括3个部分:经典的条件反射原理、操作条件作用原理和模仿学习的原理。行为治疗中的常用技术有系统脱敏法、满灌疗法、厌恶疗法和强化的方法等。行为疗法以短、平、快见长,已成为我国心理治疗的主要方法之一,为心理学的发展奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

Historians of philosophy are increasingly likely to emphasize the extent to which their work offers a pay‐off for philosophers of un‐historical or anti‐historical inclinations; but this defence is less familiar, and often seems less than self‐evident, to intellectual historians. This article examines this tendency, arguing that such arguments for the instrumental value of historical scholarship in philosophy are often more problematic than they at first appear. Using the relatively familiar case study of René Descartes' reading of his scholastic and Aristotelian contemporaries, the article attempts to problematize this notion of pay‐off from an historian's perspective.  相似文献   

The study attempted an understanding of the cognitive process involved in appreciation of history and the developmental pattern of the same. A test of Historical Understanding (HU) was constructed consisting of items which were similar to historical situations, but real historical episodes were not included in order to avoid any effect of prior knowledge and memory of historical facts. The test items were pilot tested and refined. A random sample of 15 children, 9–14 years of age (Grades 4, 6 and 8), was administered the test with clinical probing followed by an interview to assess children’s idea of past and history. The findings revealed that appreciation of the difference between past and history, chronology, and historical imagination emerged early by 9 years of age developing further with age/Grade. Development of some dimensions such as empathy and critical analysis appeared late by 13–14 years.  相似文献   

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