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唐璐瑶 《心理科学》2019,(1):157-162
自我客体化的女性会内化他人的评价,把自己当做物品一样来定义和评价自我,并习惯性地对自己的身体以及外貌进行监测,从而导致身体羞耻、焦虑、“心流”体验的减少及身体内部感知的迟钝,并进一步造成更多的不良后果。以往的研究多关注于自我客体化在女性心理健康上造成的影响,很少有研究关注于自我客体户对认知表现的影响。本文梳理了自我客体户与认知表现的相关研究,以及自我客体户对认知表现可能的作用机制。未来研究需要从多方面来丰富自我客体化的操纵方式,通过实验的方式来检验自我客体化对认知表现的作用机制,以及考察不同的认知表现,并关注自我客体化对认知表现的累积效应。  相似文献   

张帆  钟年 《心理学探新》2018,(2):110-116
客体化理论提出,女性在成长过程中经历了被他人凝视、在人际交往中被强调外表的重要,以及媒体信息对女性性吸引力的突出等信息,这些直接或者间接的因素导致了部分女性接受以“第三者”的观察视角来看待自己,看重自身的生理功能而忽视了个人能力。当这种性客体化内化之后,其结果就是自我客体化。自我客体化会造成如抑郁、焦虑、身体羞耻感等情绪问题; 进食障碍以及与性行为相关的行为障碍。最新的研究在此基础上对研究对象以及研究范围进行了扩展:在研究对象上,从女性群体扩展到男性群体,从异性恋群体扩展到同性恋群体; 在研究范围上,从性客体化扩展到去人性的工具客体化。未来的研究需要从文化差异、性别趋同和配对研究三个方向进一步探讨亲密关系中的客体化形成的内在机制及其影响因素。  相似文献   

以往研究大多从社会文化的角度解释对女性身体的客体化。本研究提出,两性对女性身体的客体化以及女性的自我客体化可能是对性选择的一种适应机制。通过启动择偶动机,本研究发现,性选择情境会引发两性对于女性(而非男性)身体的客体化和自我客体化,将女性身体知觉为“物”而非“人”,更看重其身体的外形吸引力而非能力。研究揭示了择偶动机影响女性身体客体化的心理机制,为性选择对女性身体客体化的进化塑造作用提供了初步实证支持。  相似文献   

江沂芯  陈红 《心理科学》2005,(6):1462-1469
采用点探测任务和再认任务探讨高低自我客体化女性对积极身体词和消极身体词的注意和记忆偏向,探讨自我客体化女性的糟糕任务表现的内在机制。结果发现,高自我客体化女性对积极身体词存在注意脱离困难,对积极身体词的反应时显著快于低自我客体化女性。研究结果证实了自我客体化女性存在对身体线索的注意和记忆偏向,说明自我客体化使女性对身体相关信息分配了更多的认知资源,会妨碍任务表现。  相似文献   

江沂芯  陈红 《心理科学》2019,(6):1462-1469
采用点探测任务和再认任务探讨高低自我客体化女性对积极身体词和消极身体词的注意和记忆偏向,探讨自我客体化女性的糟糕任务表现的内在机制。结果发现,高自我客体化女性对积极身体词存在注意脱离困难,对积极身体词的反应时显著快于低自我客体化女性。研究结果证实了自我客体化女性存在对身体线索的注意和记忆偏向,说明自我客体化使女性对身体相关信息分配了更多的认知资源,会妨碍任务表现。  相似文献   

身体自我是个体对与自己身体有关的自我意识,它包括对自己身体的认知评价(身体自我概念、身体意象)、由此产生的对身体的满意度和个体对自己身体的管理三个方面。女性着装行为与身体自我的关系密切,本文从三方面分析了二者关系的研究进展与现状。未来研究应明确着装的暴露度与合身度的影响,探究服装选择行为的理论和机制,重视着装行为与身体自我的调节因素,并加强实验研究和跨文化研究。  相似文献   

在劳动者权利意识觉醒、工作的心理环境越来越受到重视等现实背景下,本文聚焦于工作中的客体化这一具有深远社会意义和重要研究价值的现象,从四个方面较为系统地对现有研究成果进行了评述。首先,在工作情境中,人们为何会客体化他人?其次,在工作情境中,客体化经历将引发工作者哪些心理与行为后果?第三,在工作情境中,工作者会否主动或被动地将自我客体化?最后,在工作情境中,如何减少客体化现象?未来研究应更广泛地探讨情境和宏观环境以及文化因素对工作客体化的影响;探讨工作客体化对道德感知和后续社会行为的影响;关注工作自我客体化的心理功能,以及建立工作客体化的解释框架或理论。  相似文献   

社交媒体上传播着大量的性化图片,性化能够导致客体化,但性化的哪些因素导致客体化及其神经机制尚不明确。综述以往研究发现,在认知加工过程中,对人的加工与对客体的加工是有区别的,对人的加工倾向于构型性加工,对客体的加工则倾向于分析性加工。当被加工的人体图像具有性暗示性姿势时,便会导致加工者采用分析性加工的方式进行加工,即出现认知客体化。而被加工的人体图像的高皮肤与衣服比率没有导致认知客体化。未来研究应该进一步探究以下问题:(1)身体姿势与裸体程度的作用机制问题;(2)认知客体化的其它影响因素;(3)认知客体化与心理归因之间的关系。  相似文献   

本研究采用短视频使用强度量表、自我客体化量表、身体满意度量表及流调中心抑郁量表对366名有短视频使用经验的女大学生进行调查,探讨短视频使用对女大学生抑郁的影响及其作用机制。结果显示:(1)相关分析表明,短视频使用与女大学生抑郁和自我客体化呈显著正相关,但与身体满意度呈显著负相关;身体满意度与自我客体化、抑郁呈显著负相关(2)短视频使用不仅对女大学生抑郁有直接预测作用,还能通过两种间接效应对抑郁产生影响,即身体满意度的单独中介作用以及自我客体化和身体满意度的链式中介作用。  相似文献   

客体化理论认为,对女性身体的关注会导致对其能力、热情和道德等社会属性评价的降低,然而以往研究缺乏直接证据。本研究以50名大学生为被试,采用眼动仪考察了对泳装图片和非泳装图片人物聪明程度评价过程中的眼动特征,结果发现:相比非泳装图片,被试对泳装图片人物的聪明程度评分更低;相比非泳装图片,被试对泳装图片人物胸部的注视点更多,注视时间和首次注视时间更长,对面孔的注视时间和首次注视时间更短。眼动特征表明,对泳装图片社会感知过程中存在客体化注视,直接且直观地支持了客体化理论。  相似文献   

The majority of research on self-objectification has focused on heterosexual women's experiences. This study sought to examine experiences of self-objectification in lesbian women. A path model was developed to examine the relationships between participants' feminist self-identification, levels of internalized heterosexism, objectified body consciousness, and the clinically relevant variables of negative eating attitudes and depression. As has been found with heterosexual women, body surveillance led to shame, which led to negative clinical outcomes. A direct path was also found between levels of surveillance and negative eating attitudes, consistent with previous research on self-objectification among lesbians. Feminist self-identification was not significantly related to the other variables, in contrast to previous research with heterosexual women. Internalized heterosexism was related to negative clinical outcomes, both indirectly through objectification variables and directly to depressive symptomatology. These results provide evidence that self-objectification and internalized heterosexism have negative impacts on the mental health of lesbian women.  相似文献   


Sexism and racism often imbue Asian American women’s socialization experiences. Operating from an objectification theory framework, the present article (a) examines the conceptual relevance of racial and sexual objectification in describing Asian American women’s oppressive experiences, (b) reviews empirical studies linking racial and sexual objectification with Asian American women’s mental health issues, specifically in the areas of trauma symptomatology, body image concerns, and disordered eating, (c) offers critiques of existing research and points to directions for future research, and (d) discusses clinical implications for therapy work with Asian American women based on available literature. In essence, the present review highlights how Asian American women may experience body image concerns, disordered eating, and trauma symptomatology through processes ethnoculturally and socioculturally distinct to them via experiences of racial and sexual objectification. This review calls for a more nuanced and precise understanding of Asian American women’s racial and sexual objectification experiences and associated mental health difficulties. This understanding can only occur through increased empirical research and clinical practice, as informed by feminist scholarship situated in a culturally expanded objectification framework.  相似文献   

Objectification theory proposes that the objectification of women's bodies causes women to self-objectify, adopting an outsider's view of themselves. Engaging in a high amount of self-objectification is thought to place women at increased risk for mental health problems such as body dissatisfaction and depression. It was hypothesized that self-objectification would contribute to negative body regard and depression, which would increase participation in risk-taking and self-harmful behaviors. Structural equation modeling was used to test a model of risk for self-harm based upon objectification theory in a sample of 391 college women. Results indicate that the model provided a good fit to the data, but only the paths from self-objectification to negative body regard, negative body regard to depression, and depression to self-harm were significant. Implications of these findings for objectification theory and our understanding of self-harm in women are discussed.  相似文献   

In the present study, I utilize objectification theory and compulsory heterosexuality as theoretical lenses to investigate lesbian and bisexual young Women of Color’s sexual objectification experiences. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight Black and Latina 16–19 year-old young women who identified as lesbian or bisexual. Using the Listening Guide method of narrative analysis, two voices pertaining to young women’s objectification experiences were identified: a Voice of Surveillance and a Voice of Self-Surveillance. Findings suggest that young women experienced sexual objectification as rooted in their gender, sexuality, and racial identities. Experiences were further shaped by the contexts in which objectification occurred: participants voiced distinct struggles navigating (a) sexual harassment and violence in relationships with peers and romantic partners, (b) sexual harassment and discipline in school, and (c) street harassment and violence from men. Findings highlight the importance of understanding sexual objectification experiences as they are informed by gender, sexuality, and race, as well as the ways that young women actively cope with and resist objectification. Psychologists, activists, and mental health professionals are encouraged to consider how sexual objectification is rooted in multiple forms of oppression, its implications for young women’s identity, desire, and well-being, and how young women can be supported as they struggle against it.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined objectification in the context of romantic relationships, even though strong theoretical arguments have often made this connection. This study addresses this gap in the literature by examining whether exposure to mass media is related to self-objectification and objectification of one's partner, which in turn is hypothesized to be related to relationship and sexual satisfaction. A sample of undergraduate students (91 women and 68 men) enrolled in a university on the west coast of the United States completed self-report measures of the following variables: self-objectification, objectification of one's romantic partner, relationship satisfaction, sexual satisfaction, and exposure to objectifying media. Men reported higher levels of partner objectification than did women; there was no gender difference in self-objectification. Self- and partner-objectification were positively correlated; this correlation was especially strong for men. In regression analyses, partner-objectification was predictive of lower levels of relationship satisfaction. Furthermore, a path model revealed that consuming objectifying media is related to lowered relationship satisfaction through the variable of partner-objectification. Finally, self- and partner-objectification were related to lower levels of sexual satisfaction among men. This study provides evidence for the negative effects of objectification in the context of romantic relationships among young adults.  相似文献   

Brit Harper  Marika Tiggemann 《Sex roles》2008,58(9-10):649-657
Objectification theory (Fredrickson and Roberts, Psychology of Women Quarterly, 21, 173–206, 1997) contends that experiences of sexual objectification socialize women to engage in self-objectification. The present study used an experimental design to examine the effects of media images on self-objectification. A total of 90 Australian undergraduate women aged 18 to 35 were randomly allocated to view magazine advertisements featuring a thin woman, advertisements featuring a thin woman with at least one attractive man, or advertisements in which no people were featured. Participants who viewed advertisements featuring a thin-idealized woman reported greater state self-objectification, weight-related appearance anxiety, negative mood, and body dissatisfaction than participants who viewed product control advertisements. The results demonstrate that self-objectification can be stimulated in women without explicitly focusing attention on their own bodies.  相似文献   

Sex is power belief (SIPB) positively relates to self-objectification. This research aims at expanding this finding. We propose that SIPB involves an instrumental view of one’s own body (i.e., self-objectification) that leads women to experience the negative consequences classically associated with self-objectification. We further suggest that SIPB positively relates to sexual subjectivity—multidimensional sexual self-perceptions and positive sexual experiences—and that such relation counterbalances some of the negative effects of SIPB. We examine the effect of SIPB on women’s negative eating attitudes and sexual satisfaction, and test the mediating roles of self-objectification and sexual subjectivity in three studies (N1 = 121, N2 = 296, N3 = 320). Results supported our predictions that beliefs in one’s sexual power lead both to negative (via self-objectification) and positive (via sexual subjectivity) consequences for women’s mental health. The discussion focuses on the potential consequences of SIPB at both individual and collective levels.  相似文献   

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