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A written questionnaire or an interview was given to 517 undergraduates concerning their acquisition of illness-induced (taste) aversions to foods and drinks. The subjects reported 415 aversions, with 65% of the subjects reporting at least one aversion. The aversions were more likely to be reported as having been formed through forward rather than simultaneous or backward conditioning, and long-delay learning was frequent. The aversions usually formed to the taste of the foods, rather than the appearance or other aspects of the foods. Extinction appeared more effective in decreasing the aversions than did forgetting. The illness responsible for the aversion's forming was usually attributed to the subsequently aversive food, but for 21% of the reported aversions subjects were sure that something else had caused their illness. Aversions were more likely to have formed to relatively less familiar and less preferred foods. Aversions were also more likely to form between the ages of 13 and 20. Generalization of the aversions to similar foods occurred in 29% of the cases. Approximately one fourth of the aversions were to alcoholic beverages. Finally, instances of aversions forming without food or drink consumption and instances of observational learning were reported. The data were quite similar to laboratory taste aversion data collected using other species and can help in optimizing taste aversion treatments of eating and drinking disorders. Taste aversions among humans are frequent and strong.  相似文献   

Contrary to the belief that weight loss is a principal symptom of depression, several recent studies have suggested that certain people gain rather than lose weight when depressed. The present experiment concerned the effects of experimentally induced mood states on the eating behavior of high- and low-restraint persons. Sixty-eight female undergraduates were randomly assigned to one of three groups each designed to induce a different mood state (depressed, neutral or elated), and were classified as high or low restraint based on their responses to a questionnaire. During the mood induction procedure subjects were provided with the opportunity to eat. High-restraint persons induced into a depressed mood ate significantly more than high-restraint persons induced into neutral or elated moods, and more than low-restraint persons induced into a depressed mood. This effect was most prominent among subjects who scored high on the weight-fluctuation factor of the restraint scale. There was no evidence that this effect occurred among subjects who scored high on the concern for dieting factor. The role of emotional arousal on the self-control over eating behavior of high weight-fluctuation persons, and the implications of these findings for the evaluation of depression were discussed.  相似文献   

Acquisition and relapse rates for 178 enuretic children were examined as a function of varying intermittent alarm schedules ranging from the standard (100%) bell-and-pad conditioning alarm treatment to a variable-ratio (VR) alarm schedule of 30–59%. Median follow-up time was 25 months. Children who experienced multiple wetting (MW) events beyond the third treatment week experienced twice as many wettings to reach dryness criterion as non-multiple wetting (NMW) children. Approximately one-third of the sample proved to be MW children. Optimal relapse results for NMW children were achieved with the 70–79% VR alarm schedule (10% relapse rate). MW children treated with the standard experienced a 100% relapse rate. For MW children the lowest relapse rates were attained with a 60–69% VR schedule (42% relapse). Older children experienced higher relapse rates than younger children, but age differences were eliminated with a 70–79%, VR alarm schedule. Collectively, the results demonstrate optimal VR intermittent alarm schedules for differen: categories of enuretic children.  相似文献   

A survey was carried out of binge-eating behavior in a group of 44 patients who had completed group behavioral treatment for obesity. Obese binge eaters, defined by DSM-III criteria for bulimia, lost significantly less weight immediatedly posttreatment and at 6-month follow-up than non-binge eaters.  相似文献   

Sleep-maintenance insomniacs received either a stimulus-control (n = 7) or a credible placebo treatment (n = 8), administered in small groups for 4 weeks. Self-reports of time awake after sleep onset, total number of arousals and number of arousals exceeding 10 min were collected at baseline, at termination of treatment (post-treatment), and at a 3-month follow-up. Results showed a statistically- and clinically-significant reduction on all three dependent measures from baseline to post-treatment for both groups; these gains were maintained through the follow-up period. However, the results achieved with stimulus-control procedures were not significantly different from reductions found with a credible placebo condition. These findings compare favorably with other reports of behavioral treatments of both onset and maintenance insomnia.  相似文献   

The construct validity of the Willoughby Personality Schedule (WPS) as an index of social anxiety was established in the present study. The WPS correctly identifies social phobics from controls in 88% of the cases.  相似文献   

The development of a scale for assessing social skills with children is reported. The Matson Evaluation of Social Skills with Youngsters (MESSY) was completed on 744 children between 4 and 18 years of age. A self-report form was completed on 422 children while 322 children were rated on a teacher-report measure using a 5-point Likert-type scale. Analyses included test-retest reliability conducted at a 2-week interval using Pearson correlations, factor-analytic procedures and selected analyses of variance and appropriate post-hoc tests. Implications of present findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Most studies which have examined the effects of lack of control have utilized test tasks in which active responding is required, and generally they have found impaired learning. Those few studies which have required passive responding in the test task generally have found facilitation of learning. The present two experiments examined the effects of lack of control in both active and passive avoidance tasks in a primate species (Macaco mulatta) not previously used in this research area. In Experiment 1, although the group without control (IE) tended to be inferior at active and superior at passive avoidance in comparison to the group with control (E), there were no significant differences. In Experiment 2, utilizing a difficult discrimination task in which subjects were required to learn when and when not to respond actively to avoid aversive stimulation, greater group differences were found. Two monkeys from Group IE failed to escape in active avoidance acquisition and, as a whole. Group IE was somewhat slower to respond than Group E. At passive avoidance, however. Group IE was superior to Group E and, as a consequence, more efficiently solved the discrimination problem. Implications of the present results for interpretation of the effects of lack of control as deficits are discussed.  相似文献   

Nocturnal electromyographic (EMG) recordings of masseter muscle activity were performed before and after treatment on 10 heavy bruxism subjects. Treatment consisted of giving the subjects an auditory feedback signal during sleep which occurred when they clenched with moderate force. Each subject additionally had to perform an arousal task every time the signal occurred. Nine of 10 subjects demonstrated a significantly decreased EMG activity using a contingent auditory feedback signal, combining it with an arousal task.  相似文献   

Twenty-four children between the ages of 5 and 10. selected on the basis of fear of water, as determined by parents and swimming teachers, were divided into two experimental groups and one control group. One of the experimental groups was treated with four sessions of in vitro desensitization (gradual imaginal exposure to fear evoking stimuli plus relaxation), followed by four sessions of in vivo desensitization (real-life exposure to fear evoking stimuli plus relaxation). The other group received eight sessions of in vivo desensitization. The control group took part only in the tests, which were administered at the commencement of treatment, after four sessions, and at the end of the course of treatments. In testing, a behavior observation record was used to score the subject's behavior in the given situation; in addition, two teacher's records were used, in which swimming teachers recorded their evaluation of the subject's anxiety in each situation.Better results were achieved by desensitization in vivo than by desensitizalion in vitro or by the control procedure. No differences were found between the latter two groups. It could not be demonstrated that desensitization in vitro increased the effectiveness of subsequent desensitization in vivo  相似文献   

In the present report three separate studies of childhood depression were conducted. First, the internal structure of the Child Depression Inventory (CDI), with 216 children representing various ethnic groups with equal numbers of boys and girls, was evaluated through a factor analysis and by various internal-reliability measures (e.g. split-half reliabilities, Pearson correlations of each item to the total score). Four factors were established and internal reliability of the scale proved to be high. The relationship of the factor structure of the CDI to Kendell's Type A and B categorization of depression are discussed. In Study 2 the relationship of demographic variables to the CDI using the same group of children described for Study 1 was employed. Evaluating the characteristics of depression across age, sex and so on in children has not been frequently studied, and was deemed appropriate for the present investigation. Age proved to be a significant factor in depression scores although race and gender did not. With respect to age, older children tended to display more symptomatology. Comparisons of depressed children to nondepressed children also showed that age was a factor in the obtained scores, and range of severity in both groups. Depressed children differed from nondepressed children on all 27 items indicating that all the items on the CDI seem to be measuring a unitary concept. Study 3 compared CDI scores to a measure of social behavior, the Matson Evaluation of Social Skills with Youngster (MESSY). Seventy-six children (36 girls and 40 boys), ages 4–10 yrs (X? = 7) were evaluated. Appropriate Social Skills was negatively correlated with childhood depression, and Inappropriate Impulsive/Assertiveness was positively correlated with depressive features described under the factor Guilt/Irritability. The implications of these data for further research on assessment, differential diagnosis and evaluation of treatment research are discussed.  相似文献   

Eight hundred and eight children in normal schools between the ages of 7 and 16 yr were rated on Rutter's Teachers' Rating Scale, and completed the EPQ giving Psychoticism (P), Extraversion (E), Neuroticism (N) and Lie (L). The children also reported on their own misbehaviour and social attitudes. Children exhibiting Antisocial behaviours were markedly high on P; also scoring low on L, and reporting non-conforming behaviour and attitudes. Children showing Neurotic behaviours did not have particularly distinctive personality scores, but were rather extraverted and conforming (high L). There was no relationship between Neuroticism as a disorder and Neuroticism as a personality trait. It is suggested that the P scale might usefully assist in the detection of antisocially disturbed children or in the selection of ‘high risk’ groups.  相似文献   

A correlational study was conducted in an effort to examine the relationship between children's level of assertive skill and their social (sociometric) status. The Ss were 15 male and 15 female elementary school children ranging in age from 9 to 11 yr. Each S was administered: (a) positive and negative peer nominations and roster and rating scale sociometrics; (b) self-report questionnaires concerning their assertive behavior; and (c) standardized interviews to assess knowledge of assertive behavior. In addition, teachers' ratings of children's interpersonal behavior were obtained. Results indicated some degree of correspondence between assertion indices and sociometric ratings. However, correlation coefficients generally were in the low-to-moderate range. Also, several scales from children's self-report and teacher's ratings of children's assertive behavior differentiated high- and low-popular children. Results are discussed in terms of: (1) the utility of employing multiple criteria in assessing social functioning of children; and (2) the need to determine empirically the relevance of assertive and other interpersonal skills in childrens' social repertoires.  相似文献   

Self-recording was used as part of a comprehensive package of interventions to treat a case of obsessive-compulsive neurosis. The discrepancy between the self-recording data and other indices of improvement provoked consideration of the value of self-monitoring in light of Rachman's (1976) typology of obsessive-compulsives and the three major theoretical explanations of the reactivity of self-monitoring (Nelson and Hayes, 1981). It is hypothesized that self-monitoring may be countertherapeutic and misleading when there is stimulus/response equivalence or a checker type of obsessive-compulsive client.  相似文献   

This study set out to examine the susceptibility of five extensively used, self-report measures to response set bias. Subjects were requested either to fake good, (give a good impression), fake bad, (give a bad impression), fake mad, (give an impression of mental instability) or respond honestly. Subjects who faked good had significantly higher Extraversion, Lie and Social Desirability scores but lowest Neuroticism, Psychoticism and Social Anxiety scores. Subjects who faked bad had significantly lower Extraversion and higher Psychoticism and Social Anxiety scores. Fake mad subjects scored higher on Self-Monitoring and Locus of Control. Four of the eight scales showed significant differences between subjects faking bad and those faking mad. The results are discussed in terms of questionnaire design and respondent's motivation.  相似文献   

The MFF20 was administered to 617 children aged 7–12yr. The resulting development trends for latency and errors suggest errors decrease to about age 10 yr then level off while a corresponding, though less dramatic, increase in latency was observed. These results were obtained without evidence of ceiling or floor effects or any evidence of a decrease in the relationship between latency and errors after age 10 yr, in contrast to those obtained by Salkind and Nelson (1980).  相似文献   

This paper is divided into two parts. In the first, the rank order stability of individual differences in altruism across situations is examined and it is found that substantial consistency occurs when due regard is given to the principle of aggregation. In the second, a self-report altruism scale, on which respondents rate the frequency with which they have engaged in some 20 specific behaviors, is found to predict such criteria as peer-ratings of altruism, completing an organ-donor card, and paper-and-pencil measures of prosocial orientation. These data suggest there is a broad-based trait of altruism.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the optimum theory of aging. This theory predicts that individuals with different personality types will react differentially to the aging process. In the present study, 60 nursing-home residents were administered the Eysenck Personality Inventory and then randomly assigned to one of two experimental manipulations. Elderly subjects classified as extraverts showed a high level of satisfaction to an experimental manipulation which was of a high activity, interpersonal type; those classified as introverts evidenced more satisfaction with a low activity, non-interpersonal type manipulation. Inspection of records documenting actual participation in programs within the nursing home indicated that introverts were more often involved in low activity, non-interpersonal events whereas extraverts participated more often in high activity, interpersonal events. Implications of these results are discussed in relation to the optimum theory of aging.  相似文献   

Seven wild-reared rhesus monkeys were given two different 6-month follow-up tests to assess for spontaneous recovery of snake fear that had been somewhat reduced following 7 flooding sesions 6 months earlier. Both tests revealed essentially complete spontaneous recovery of fear. In addition, all 7 monkeys received 4 further mixed flooding sessions that involved exposure to real, toy and model snakes, and the 4 most fearful monkeys also received 3 more hours of exposure to the real snake alone. A final behavioral test following these additional flooding sessions revealed a pattern of changes very similar to that observed after the original 7 sessions 6 months earlier. In particular, there were some significant changes in the behavioral avoidance component of the fear but no changes in the behavioral disturbance component of the fear. The results are discussed in the context of earlier studies that purported to demonstrate that snake fear is easy to abolish. It is concluded that these earlier studies erred by not having tests for spontaneous recovery and by only testing for changes in the behavioral avoidance component of fear. Possible reasons for the failure to produce significant changes in the behavioral disturbance component of fear are discussed.  相似文献   

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