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After preliminary variable-interval training, one group of pigeons was trained on a series of multiple variable-interval low-rate reinforcement schedules, while another group was trained on a series of multiple variable-interval fixed-ratio reinforcement schedules. Contrast effects were observed as variable-interval baseline rate changed in a direction away from the change in reinforcement frequency in the other component. The effects of the variable-interval component on performance in the low-rate and fixed-ratio reinforcement components in the multiple schedules were assessed by comparing the birds' performances on each of these schedules alone. Fixed-ratio reinforcement schedules showed a susceptibility to contrast effects, low-rate reinforcement schedules did not. The rate of reinforcement in fixed-ratio schedules at which no interaction occurred in the multiple schedules was higher than that in variable-interval 1-min schedules, suggesting that pigeons may prefer time-based, rather than response-based, reinforcement.  相似文献   

Behavioral contrast in chained schedules   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In each of two experiments, the rate of key pecking maintained by a variable-interval food reinforcement schedule was measured, first when that schedule was studied in isolation, and then when it was correlated with the second component of a two-component chained schedule. In the first experiment, the first component of the chained schedule was correlated with a fixed-interval schedule; in the second experiment it was correlated with a variable-interval schedule. In both experiments, behavioral contrast was demonstrated in the second component of the chained schedule. Compared to the rate of responding on the food-reinforcement schedule when it had operated in isolation, the rate of responding on the food-reinforcement schedule when it was correlated with the second component was higher, while the rate on the schedule of the first component was lower. The results are discussed with reference to the determinants of contrast.  相似文献   

Pigeons were placed on multiple variable-interval 15-second variable-interval 15-second and on multiple variable-interval 15-second extinction schedules in which treadle presses produced food reinforcers. Positive behavioral contrast occurred. That is, rates of responding were higher during the variable-interval 15-second component when the other component was extinction than when it was another variable-interval 15-second schedule. These results contradict the findings of other studies, which failed to find positive contrast when pigeons pressed treadles for food reinforcers. They may also question the additive theories of behavioral contrast that predict that contrast should not occur in this situation.  相似文献   

Behavioral interactions in multiple variable-interval schedules   总被引:9,自引:9,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In Experiment I, two groups of four pigeons each were exposed to multiple schedules in which one component was always a variable-interval schedule with a mean interreinforcement interval of 30 or 180 seconds. The other component was either an equal variable-interval schedule or extinction. Response rates in the unchanged component always increased when reinforcement was no longer scheduled in the changed component, and decreased in seven of eight cases when the variable-interval schedule was re-introduced. The per cent rate change in the unchanged component was inversely related to the frequency of reinforcement and to the ongoing response rate in the unchanged component. Rate changes in the unchanged component were not consistently correlated with changes in any single feature of the relative-frequency interresponse-time distributions. In Experiment II, the same pigeons were exposed to variable-interval schedules and multiple variable-interval variable-interval schedules with equal mean interreinforcement intervals. Response rates were similar under both conditions.  相似文献   

Defining behavioral contrast for multiple schedules   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Two different definitions of behavioral contrast have been used for multiple schedules. One, interschedule, definition identifies contrast as changes in the rates of responding which occur when subjects move from one multiple schedule to another. The other, intraschedule, definition emphasizes changes in the rates of responding which occur relative to a baseline rate of responding. The baseline is the rate of responding emitted during a multiple schedule that supplies equal rates of reinforcement in the two components. The distinction between these two definitions is important for empirical and theoretical reasons. For example, theoretical confusion has arisen when the interschedule definition has been used to test and reject theories which implicitly define contrast by the intraschedule definition.  相似文献   

Negative behavioral contrast on multiple treadle-press schedules   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Eight pigeons pressed treadles for food reinforcers delivered by several multiple variable-interval schedules. The rate of reinforcement for responding during one component schedule was held constant at 30 reinforcers per hour. The rate of reinforcement for responding during the other component varied from 0 to 120 or 240 reinforcers per hour. The schedules were presented in different orders for different subjects. The rate of responding emitted during the variable component schedule varied directly with the rate of reinforcement it provided. The rate of responding during the constant component did not increase consistently when the rate of reinforcement obtained from the variable component decreased from 30 to 0 reinforcers per hr. The rate of responding emitted during the constant component decreased when the rate of reinforcement obtained from the variable component increased from 30 reinforcers per hour to a higher rate. That is, negative but not positive behavioral contrast occurred. The failure to find positive contrast is consistent with one of the predictions of the additive theories of behavioral contrast. Finding negative contrast has ambiguous implications for the additive theories.  相似文献   

Undermatching and contrast within components of multiple schedules   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Six multiple variable-interval schedules each comprised one variable-interval sixty second component and an alternated component which was varied. Four pigeons' responses were recorded in five successive subintervals of each component. Response rate changes across subintervals revealed instances of local contrast and small local induction effects in the changed component. In the constant component, smaller local contrast and larger local induction effects obtained. Accordingly, the magnitude of behavioral contrast, defined as an inverse relation between response rate in the constant component and reinforcement rate in the changed component, did not change reliably across subintervals of the constant component. Ratios of response rates in initial subintervals were highly sensitive to reinforcement ratios. Sensitivity decreased sharply over the first two-fifths of the components and remained constant for the remainder. The results demonstrated that changes in multiple schedule sensitivity are a function of time since the alternation of successive components.  相似文献   

A re-examination of local contrast in multiple schedules   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Pigeons were presented with multiple schedules of alternating 90-sec components. When components in which grain was never presented alternated with components in which grain was presented on a variable-interval schedule, the average rate of responding in the variable-interval components increased, showing overall positive behavioral contrast. Unlike previous reports, this study found that the response rates for all birds increased toward the end of the variable-interval components as training proceeded. This increase in local response rate disappeared when the multiple schedule was composed solely of variable-interval components and reappeared when the variable-interval components were again alternated with extinction. This finding cannot be predicted or explained by recent theories of behavioral contrast based on autoshaping, and thus questions their sufficiency. We suggest that this local response-rate increase results from the predictable change from high to low density of reinforcement at the end of the fixed-duration component. Thus, the present effect apparently illustrates a different type of interaction between components of a multiple schedule than that described by previous theories of contrast. In a given procedure, either or both types of interaction may occur; neither provides a complete account of behavioral contrast.  相似文献   

An analysis of contrast effects in multiple schedules   总被引:9,自引:9,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Some phenomena of behavioral contrast in multiple schedules are reviewed, and three accounts of contrast are considered. Rate changes within a constant schedule component (transient contrasts) are distinguished from rate changes across successive schedule cycles (sustained contrasts). Pigeons were exposed to a three-component multiple schedule, in which a stimulus correlated with a constant variable interval schedule of reinforcement was preceded by a stimulus correlated with more frequent variable interval reinforcement, or by an extinction stimulus. If the preceding stimulus was correlated with more frequent reinforcement, the response rate in the constant component was low and increased with time. If the preceding stimulus was correlated with extinction, the rate in the constant component was high and decreased with time. Similar transient contrasts were observed in a two-component multiple schedule with different variable interval schedules in the two components. The transient contrast effects in the three-component schedule were shown to depend on differential reinforcement frequency rather than differential response rate in the preceding component. Such transient contrasts were not sufficient to account for sustained contrast effects observed in these experiments. The relation of these findings to the concepts of excitation and inhibition is discussed.  相似文献   

Schedule-induced licking during multiple schedules   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Schedule-induced polydipsia was studied in rats bar pressing under two-component multiple schedules of food reinforcement. The first component of the multiple schedule was a variable-interval 1-min schedule throughout the experiment. The schedule comprising the second component was varied over blocks of sessions in terms of rate and magnitude of reinforcement, and was either variable-interval 3-min (one pellet), variable-interval 3-min (three pellets), variable-interval 1-min (one pellet), or extinction. Water intake per session varied with the rate of reinforcement in the schedule comprising the second component and was highest when the schedule was variable-interval 1-min. Both bar-pressing behavior and licking behavior showed behavioral interactions between the two components of the multiple schedules. With magnitude of reinforcement held constant, a matching relationship was observed between lick rate and reinforcement rate; the relative frequency of licks in the constant component matched the relative frequency of reinforcement in that component. Bar pressing, however, showed only a moderate degree of relativity matching. During the schedule-induced licking, a burst of licking followed each delivery of a pellet (post-prandial drinking). The duration of these bursts of licking was observed to be a function of the inter-reinforcement interval.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the interaction between response rate and reinforcement frequency in multiple random-interval avoidance schedules. Responses cancelled delivery of shocks that could be scheduled at different random intervals in each component. When shock-frequency reduction was taken as the measure of reinforcement, the relationship between response rate and frequency of reinforcement was described by the same equations used by Herrnstein (1970) to describe responding with positive reinforcement.  相似文献   

McSweeney and Weatherly (1998) argued that differential habituation to the reinforcer contributes to the behavioral interactions observed during multiple schedules. The present experiment confirmed that introducing dishabituators into one component of a multiple schedule increases response rate in the other, constant, component. During baseline, pigeons and rats responded on multiple variable interval 30-s variable interval 30-s schedules. During experimental conditions, subjects responded on the same schedule except that a dishabituating stimulus (manipulation of a light) was also presented randomly during one of the components. Constant-component responding was faster during the experimental than during the baseline conditions. This difference in responding grew larger across the session. The within-session pattern of responding was similar for the two components of each multiple schedule. Qualitatively similar results were observed for rats and pigeons. These results suggest that behavioral interactions sometimes arise from a change in reinforcer effectiveness between the baseline and experimental phases of the experiment, rather than from an assessment of reinforcer relativity (a comparison of reinforcers delivered during the two components in the experimental phase). Behavioral contrast and induction are sometimes produced by similar factors.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Rats' lever pressing was reinforced with a sucrose solution. In the presence of a tone pressing one lever was reinforced on a FR 40 schedule, in the absence of the tone pressing another lever was reinforced on a FR 20 schedule. The components alternated every fourth minute. In both components, the duration of pauses in lever pressing after reinforcement was positively correlated with the duration of licking the empty sucrose-delivery mechanism. In the FR 40 component, the duration of pauses was also positively correlated with the number of presses on the non-reforced lever. Licking and non-reinforced lever pressing were decreased when the rate of reinforced lever pressing was high. The response interactions were similar to those described for concurrent reinforcement schedules.  相似文献   

Rats were trained on three- and four-component multiple schedules in which two of the components were correlated with identical reinforcement schedules that remained unchanged throughout training. These target components differed in terms of whether their respective following schedules were either higher or lower in value. Unlike corresponding experiments previously reported with pigeons, higher response rates occurred in the target component followed by a higher valued schedule than in the target component followed by the lower valued schedule. Overall contrast effects occurred independently of these sequential effects, but were inconsistent across subjects. The results suggest that the effects of a following schedule of reinforcement are opposite for pigeons and rats, and that one reason previous studies have often failed to show contrast effects with rats is that the effects of the following schedule in rats are in competition with contrast dynamics.  相似文献   

A three-ply multiple schedule assessed responding in a standard component as a function of the just-preceding schedule. The principal experimental condition was the difference among the wavelengths signaling the schedule components. Only the pigeons working in a narrow wavelength range showed persistent positive local contrast; that is, response rate during the standard component was higher when that component followed extinction than when it followed itself. Birds in both narrow- and medium-range groups showed persistent negative local contrast; that is, rate was lower following a relatively rich component. The dissipation of positive contrast appeared to be most clearly related to the establishment of differential responding. Negative contrast was inversely related to wavelength differences. Theories pertaining to contrast must account for the role of discrimination in both positive and negative types.  相似文献   

Matching in concurrent variable-interval avoidance schedules   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
After pretraining with multiple variable-interval avoidance schedules, two rats were exposed to a series of concurrent variable-interval avoidance schedules. Responses on two levers cancelled delivery of electric shocks arranged according to two independent variable-interval schedules. The ratio of responses and time spent on the two levers approximately matched the ratio of shocks avoided on each. Matching to the number of shocks received was not obtained. Concurrent variable-interval avoidance can therefore be added to the group of positive and negative reinforcement schedules that can be expressed in the quantitative framework of the matching law.  相似文献   

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