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The major Rorschach stimulus dimensions were varied by E. E. Baughman in a 1954 study leading to the conclusion that only form affects responses. In 1958 his review of the literature in this area led to the same conclusion. The next year he reversed his position on the basis of the most definitive study of Rorschach stimulus modification yet published. However, close examination of the 1954 study demonstates that, contrary to Baughman's original conclusion, it, too, supports the effect of stimulus characteristics.  相似文献   

Twenty-four pigeons learned a successive discrimination between 500 mmu (S+) and 574 mmu (S-). When tested in extinction, some birds received stimuli around S+, with no S- presentations. These birds showed a positive peak shift, with maximum responding not at 550 mmu, but displaced to 538 mmu and 544 mmu. Other birds were tested with stimuli around S-, with no S+ presentations. These birds showed a negative shift, with least responding not at 574 mmu, but at 586 mmu. Though the first group was tested around S+ and the second around S-, total responding between groups did not differ. When retested on the other half of the continuum, however, birds that had gone from the S+ half to the S- half responded fewer times than those that had gone from the S- half to the S+ half. In a second experiment, reducing stimulus spacing from 6 mmu to 2 mmu produced flatter gradients and decreased the amount of positive shift. In a third experiment, birds were tested across the whole continuum with stimuli presented in serial order. A sequence from 538 mmu to 586 mmu produced no responding after the first part of the session; a sequence from 586 mmu to 538 mmu produced responding throughout the session.  相似文献   

In two experiments, squirrel monkeys were exposed to centrifugally generated, artificial gravity and trained to respond for food reinforcement at selected gravity (g) levels. Experiment I involved a single g value; in Exp. II, subjects were trained to discriminate among two or three g values. After training, generalization tests were administered over a 1.1-g to 2.1-g range. The major findings were as follows: (a) single-stimulus training yielded a linear relationship between percentage of responding and magnitude of gravity. (b) Two-valued discrimination training produced gradient peaks which were shifted from S(D) in a direction away from S(Delta). This effect was cancelled when S(D) was located equidistant between two S(Delta) stimuli. (c) Gradient form was independent of the S(D)-S(Delta) difference, but related to continuum location and/or intensity of discriminative stimuli.  相似文献   

Before tests for click-frequency generalization, pigeons had been reinforced for keypecks during one click frequency (S+). Some Ss received S+ training only, whereas other Ss also received unreinforced (S?) trials, during which the clicks were either absent (Experiments 1-3) or presented at some other frequency (faster or slower than S+: Experiment 4). When training included S+ trials only, birds responded approximately equally to all generalization test frequencies (0.0 to 53.5 pulses/sec, pps). Most Ss that had received both S+ and S? training trials responded fastest not during S+ but during click frequencies even further away from S? along the click-frequency dimension (peak shift). Complex bimodal gradients were obtained after training with S+ (1.6 pps) vs S? (0.0 pps); maximal responding generally occurred near S+ and at approximately 14.2 pps. Among other factors, the “nonorthogonality” of click absence (0.0 pps) to the click dimension seems crucially involved in producing these complex effects.  相似文献   

The use of discrimination learning paradigms in the study of attentional transfer is discussed. The technique of go/no-go discrimination learning followed by stimulus generalization testing is contrasted with the more familiar simultaneous learning paradigm followed by a shift in the relevant cues. In the former paradigm the effect of training a discrimination on one dimension on the slope of the stimulus generalization gradient on an independent gradient dimension (extra-dimensional training) is assessed. A steepening of the gradient relative to appropriate control procedures is taken as evidence of positive attentional transfer. The relevance of the technique to the detailed study of attentional transfer in educationally subnormal (severely) (ESN(S)) children is considered. In Expt. I nine ESN(S) children were trained in a go/no-go discrimination involving stimuli differing in orientation, and were generalization tested on a dimension that was orthogonal, namely hue. Of the six subjects who learnt the discrimination five showed clear decremental gradients on the hue dimension. In contrast a Pseudo-Discrimination group (PD) of eight subjects matched to those in the TD group showed no gradients. These subjects were not trained in the orientation discrimination, but were reinforced for responding on 50 per cent of each of the S+ and S- stimulus presentations. They thus received equal exposure to, but no differential training on, the orientation dimension. An S+ only group of four subjects who received no exposure to the orientation stimuli showed no gradients when stimulus generalization testing on the hue continuum was carried out. The result is discussed in terms of transfer deriving from stimulus control by relational aspects of the stimuli; in terms of control by constant irrelevant stimuli; and in terms of the study of stimulus control in ESN(S) children. In Expt. II the influence of the codability of the colours on the location of the peak of the stimulus generalization gradients in the TD group is investigated.  相似文献   

A group of snake phobic Ss were desensitized to the first 5 items of a standard 7 item snake fear hierarchy in which the items were ordered on the basis of distance from a snake. This group and a no-treatment control group (which did not receive the desensitization) were treated for fear of all the hierarchy stimuli in terms of ratings both before and after the desensitization. The Ss rated their fear responses to all the stimuli as presented to them in (1) real form (2) by slide, and (3) in imaginal form. The results verified all four experimental hypotheses: (1) The experimental Ss showed greater fear reduction than the control Ss to both the training stimuli (the stimuli on which desensitization done) and the generalization stimuli (the other two stimuli), (2) The systematic desensitization (SD) group showed (a) more fear reduction to the last training stimuli than to the lower generalization stimulus and (b) more to the latter than to the higher generalization stimulus, (3) The SD group showed less fear reduction to the generalization stimuli in their real form than in both the slide and imaginai modalities (in the desensitization each stimulus presentation was done first in slide form and then in imaginal form), and (4) There were significant overall individual differences in generalization of fear reduction to the generalization stimuli.  相似文献   

Five rats were exposed to an intradimensional discrimination by associating two tones of different frequency with the components of a multiple random-time 30-sec, extinction schedule of food presentation. After schedule-induced polydipsia developed and the intermittent schedule of food presentation established stable differential licking rates during the stimuli associated with the multiple schedule, a stimulus generalization test was conducted. When generalization testing was conducted by presenting stimuli that varied on the frequency dimension during the random-time 30-sec component of the multiple schedule, all five rats demonstrated moderately sloping symmetrical gradients. Thus, schedule-induced polydipsia can be brought under the control of stimuli other than the food pellet.  相似文献   

Undergraduates responded under a variable-ratio 30 schedule in the presence of a 25-mm long line and on a differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate 6-s schedule when a 13-mm long line was present. Following this, a line-length continuum generalization test was administered under a fixed-interval 6-s schedule (Experiment 1) or extinction (Experiment 2). In both experiments, obtained generalization gradients conformed to typical postdiscrimination gradients. Responses were frequent under stimuli physically similar to the 25-mm line and infrequent under stimuli physically similar to the 13-mm line. The generalization gradients were generally asymmetric with peak response rates occurring at line lengths greater than 25 mm.  相似文献   

Stimulus generalization of conditioned responses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Recent studies involving nonlinear discrimination problems suggest that stimuli in human associative learning are represented configurally with narrow generalization, such that presentation of stimuli that are even slightly dissimilar to stored configurations weakly activate these configurations. The authors note that another well-known set of findings in human associative learning, cue-interaction phenomena, suggest relatively broad generalization. Three experiments show that current models of human associative learning, which try to model both nonlinear discrimination and cue interaction as the result of 1 process, fail because they cannot simultaneously account for narrow and broad generalization. Results suggest that human associative learning involves (a) an exemplar-based process with configural stimulus representation and narrow generalization and (b) an adaptive learning process characterized by broad generalization and cue interaction.  相似文献   

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