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This article aims to show how the alternating trainings have been treated by researchers using social psychology approaches. It identifies the theoretical models used, the main researches and some of their results. It comes to the idea that psychology appears as an essential discipline to understand the evolutions of the individuals in these work and training situations but it not sufficiently used. Then, some topics for future researches are designed. The alternating training appears as a very rich situation which allows to understand the individual as well as organizational transformations and the different levels of interrelations of the individual with his/her environment.  相似文献   

Conclusions L'étude des faits, dont nous n'avons pu donner que quelques échantillons, ne laisse pas de doute sur la découverte tardive de la notion de hasard et la formation progressive du raisonnement probabiliste. On aurait pu s'attendre à trouver une intuition de la probabilité: la realité quotidienne offre le spectacle d'un mélange inextricable de faits et de séquences causales. Ce n'est qu'en théorie ou encore dans une certaine mesure en laboratoire que les faits et relations causales sont simplifiés et dissociés au point de nous permettre des déductions certaines. Dans la vie courante on est plus souvent réduit à deviner et à baser ses prévisions sur des fréquences empiriques que sur des lois et équations simples et rigoureuses. Et pourtant l'expérimentation psychologique prouve que l'attitude probabiliste, quoique suggérée et entretenue par les faits, n'est pas primitive; bien au contraire, elle ne se construit qu'à partir d'un certain niveau de raisonnement et en interdépendance étroite avec celui-ci. La notion de hasard est étrangère à toute mentalité primitive, aussi bien celle du jeune enfant que celle dite du primitif et de l'obsédé en état de régression pathologique, qui chargent volontiers les événements fortuits de significations subjectives et miraculeuses. La notion de hasard et le raisonnement probabiliste en général ne sont accessibles qu'à une mentalité objective et rationnelle, capable de discerner, grâce à des mécanismes opératoires, le domaine du déductible de celui du fortuit et à structurer ce dernier par la méthode combinatoire en un système de probabilités, dont la méthode génétique permet d'analyser le processus et l'évolution.  相似文献   

The fire departments in France currently experience a growing need in volunteer stuff. At the same time the turnover rate among volunteers remains high. Intention to leave was mainly examined on the population of permanent workers, while the antecedents of intention to leave among volunteers are still undervalued. We suggest the existence of specific effects different from those previously coined out in standard organisational settings. Thus, the present study seeks to identify first- and second-order factors of intention to leave among volunteer fire-fighters. The literature review leads us to the proposition of three conceptual models that vary in terms of main mediators. Either job satisfaction, or organisational commitment, or both of them are envisaged as having the main mediating effect in the model. One hundred and thirty-nine volunteer fire-fighters returned completed questionnaires. The data was further analysed via path analysis in LISREL 8.80. The results partly confirm the model, according to which job satisfaction mediates the effects of organisational commitment, job involvement, perceived organisational support and motivation. Two variables – satisfaction with supervisors and length of service – are identified as main predictors of intention to leave. Job involvement and perceived organisational support are confirmed as second-order mediators of the effects exercised onto turnover intention by affective and normative commitment, satisfaction with colleagues and work, as well as intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The results also indicate the necessity to examine the role of different dimensions of organisational attitudinal variables independently. Thus, the most salient dimension of satisfaction refers to the relationship with supervisors. As regards organisational commitment, its calculate dimension appears to have no significant effects at all; while affective one is characterised by a weak effect on intention to leave contrary to the results previously reported. The only individual variable having a significant effect on intention to leave is the volunteer fire-fighter's length of service. We conclude that instead of seeking to identify the appropriate selection criteria helping to reduce the existing turnover rate among volunteer fire-fighters, it is time to focus further research on the practices of organisational socialisation in order to reduce the current level of turnover. The main conclusion of the study emphasises the role the attitudes towards organisation plays in the decision of a volunteer fire-fighter to resign.  相似文献   

《Psychologie appliquee》1980,29(4):534-540
Psychologie ergonomique appliquée aux situations de conduite
Psychopédagogie de la conduite et de la circulation
Psychosociologie de la communication sociale en matière de sécurité  相似文献   

The present research aims at defining factors linked with the level of olfactive annoyance felt by residents living near an industrial site and to estimate their importance, which could predict the annoyance. One hundred and ninety-nine residents answered a questionnaire about quality of life, various annoyances found on the place of dwelling, as well as about factory and their odors. The results underline the link between the level of annoyance, characteristics of the odors and some individual and contextual factors. Moreover, the regression analysed apply at these variables show four predictive factors in the prediction of odor annoyance which are perceived olfactive sensitivity, estimated pollution level of the industrial site, unpredictability and intensity of odors.  相似文献   

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