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Ce texte presente I'ensemble des articles d'un numero special sur la psychopedagogie. Les auteurs vanes y defendent le point-de-vue que les modtles d'enseignement qui sont couramment utilises dans les systtmes educatifs devraient être reconsiderks de fason drastique, parce qu'ils ont survtcu A leur utilite. Neanmoins, ils sont optimistes sur le fait que la psychopkdagogie est bien placke pour conseiller enseignants, tducateurs et politiciens dans la course A entreprendre. Je poserai en premier lieu la question: pourquoi un changement drastique? Ensuite, je presenterai les differentes notions Cmises par les auteurs et defendrai I'idee que I'acquisition du savoir est un processus graduel qui coQte des efforts et fait jaillir des emotions. Pour conclure je ferai le point sur les nouvelles directions de recherche et de pratique pkdagogique.
This article introduces the papers in the special issue on educational psycho-logy. The various contributions defend the view that instruction models that are currently in vogue in education should undergo drastic changes, because they have outlived their usefulness. Nevertheiess, they are oitimistic that educational psychology is in a position to advise teachers, educators, and policy makers about the course of action that should be taken. I will start with the question: Why is drastic change in order? Next, I will introduce the ideas presented by the various authors, and defend the view that knowledge acquisition is a gradual process that costs effort and elicits emotions. In the concluding section, I will point to some new directions for research and for educational practice.  相似文献   

This study investigated the primary leadership orientations of Christian school leaders and their association with religiosity. To this end, this study adopted two lines of thought and research; the religiosity theory proposed by Batson, Schoenrade, and Ventis (1993) and the leadership theory proposed by Bolman and Deal (1997). Participants of this study were 206 K-12 school leaders affiliated with a Protestant church in the United States. According to the analysis, the human resource frame was the primary leadership frame of the school leaders, and the structural frame was a close second. Quest religiosity was inversely related to the four frames of structural, human resource, political, and symbolic leadership, whereas intrinsic and extrinsic religious orientations were positively related to the frames. Despite this pattern of relationship, in general, the analysis found little statistically meaningful relationship between religiosity and leadership, and this fact engenders an important question whether or not religion has any impact on Christian education, leadership, and behavior.  相似文献   

Epistemology mirrors reality but notperfectly, and in the process molds reality butnot exactly as intended or anticipated. Horizontal interconnections also exist betweenand among epistemology, ideology, theory andpraxiology. However, these relations areneither deductive nor deterministic in naturebut are merely resonant, and then unclear,ambiguous and confounded. In this paper, thepoint is made that we need a grand reflectionon both our paradigms of reality and ourpredicaments of life as lived, to deal with thediscontent of humanity at this moment of thehistory of our civilization, and to engage inpraxis ``to act on our world and to reconstructit' to make it moral, just and more humane. Toundertake such a grand reflection, we need apractical philosophy of knowledge – that is, apractical epistemology – to bridge across themultiple epistemological approaches nowcrowding our discussions. An epistemictriangle formed by systems thinking,constructivist thinking, and dialecticalthinking is offered to serve as the startingpoint of crystallization for building a commonground for epistemologies. It is shown how suchan epistemological diagram could be first usedto develop a minimum ideological consensus andthen to bring orderliness to the chaos ofcontemporary themes of our civilization andissues of education and culture within andacross nations. Finally, an agenda foreducational leadership for educational practiceis offered to fit the needs of the globalcommunity of nations as we enter thetwenty-first century.  相似文献   

《Family process》1982,21(1):137-137

The rediscovery of the sacred needs to take into account the neural underpinnings of faith and meaning and also draw on the insights of the emerging discipline of complexity studies, which explore a tendency toward adaptive self-organization that seemingly is inherent in the universe. Both neuroscience and complexity studies contribute to our understanding of the brain's activity as it transforms raw stimuli into recognizable patterns, and thus "humanizes" all our perceptions and understandings. The brain is our physical anchor in the natural environment— and its human capacities orbit us into the emerging world of culture (including religion), which provides a template for the brain's function of making sense of an ambiguous reality. The humanizing brain holds together scientific causality and religious meaning, working both bottom-up (linking the physical and the experiential) and top-down (beginning with the whole of things, or God). These processes we know as "mind" (experienced as intentionality, subjective consciousness, empathy, imagination, memory, adaptability). We maintain that such processes are not only subjective but built into "the way things really are." Thus, they carry the most privileged information about the nature of reality to which we human beings have access. For not only are we humans observers and logicians, but we are embedded in the larger reality; and as we strive to make sense of it all, we become both Homo sapiens and Homo religiosus .  相似文献   

In this paper we claim educational leadership as an autonomous discipline whose goals and strategies should not mirror those typical of business and political leadership. In order to define the aims proper to educational leadership we question three common assumptions of what it is supposed to carry out. First, we turn to Hannah Arendt and her contemporary critics to maintain that education aims at opening up exceptions within the normal course of events rather than simply preserving it. This way, education is not reduced to an instrument at the service of the reinforcement of a given social and economic system. This leads us to ask what should exactly educational leadership oppose by means of these exceptions. According to Tyson E. Lewis’s wise application to education of Giorgio Agamben’s ontology of impotentiality, the apparently reasonable idea that education must help the subject to develop his potentials is precisely an instrumentalization of education which brings about a desubjectification of the learner. Education should actually make the pupil aware of his right not to carry his potentiality to its actualization and dwell instead in a state of impotentiality. Third and last, we complicate this picture by alluding to Zygmunt Bauman’s critique of the rejection of Western individuals to realize certain possibilities, which they deem too costly. By analysing in conjunction Agamben’s encouragement to suspend one’s potential and Bauman’s insistence on the need of not suspending it, we conclude by defining what, in our opinion, defines the raison d’être of educational leadership.  相似文献   

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III) published in 1980 is increasingly used by counselors. This article discusses and clarifies DSM-III's diagnostic system.  相似文献   

领导学研究的新发展:诚信领导理论   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
诚信领导是一个全新的领导学构念,指的是一种把领导者的积极心理能力与高度发展的组织情境结合起来发挥作用的过程。该文首先分别介绍了诚信领导的概念、特点及测量方法,并比较了诚信领导与其他类型领导的联系和区别;接下来进一步分析了诚信领导在组织中的功效;最后指出该理论尽管强调了一些诸如情绪过程、领导者道德等以往领导理论所忽视的方面,但诚信领导的测量工具、诚信领导与组织结果之间的调节因素等问题仍有待于实证研究的进一步探讨  相似文献   

卢会志  刘永芳  许科 《心理科学》2008,31(1):242-244
以认知心理学理论为基础的内隐领导理论研究近十几年来引起人们极大的兴趣,逐渐成为领导研究的新热点.本文通过对该领域当前最新研究成果的回顾与思考,探讨了内隐领导理论的概念、结构、一致性与影响因素,并提出了实践与未来研究的建议.  相似文献   

The psychiatric survivor movement is a political movement dedicated to fighting for human rights in the mental health system. People who identify as psychiatric survivors have experienced human rights abuses in the mental health system. A small number of psychiatric survivors have chosen to reenter the system as mental health professionals, and the current project focuses on the experiences of people with this dual-identity. The primary goal is to facilitate further dialogues between psychologists and the survivor movement by exploring the implications of identifying with both discourses. I interviewed five survivor-therapists, and asked how their identities as psychiatric survivors influence their approaches to therapy, and the nature of the relationship between these two identities.  相似文献   

Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics -  相似文献   

Followers' implicit leadership theories for new group leaders, including their prototypes of new-leader behavior, consist of organized expectations. If met, these expectations may afford a leader greater influence. Subjects' prototypes for new leaders were assessed by subjecting an 87 x 87 co-occurrence matrix of leader behaviors, based on subjects' similarity classifications, to hierarchical cluster analysis. At the proposed basic level of hierarchy (Rosch, 1978) were 16 categories of expectations for leader behavior, including giving ideas to the group, being responsible, and accepting others, which formed four abstract superordinate categories: learning the group's goals, taking charge, being a nice person, and being nervous. The results are discussed with relation to (a) the synthesis of the universal-trait and situation-contingent-behavior approaches for predicting leadership effectiveness, (b) cross-situational and cross-cultural comparisons of leader categorizations, (c) expectations for established leaders, and (d) leader selection and training.  相似文献   

This paper discusses character assessment from a leadership level perspective. The organization studied is developing a leadership model for the next century. One of the leadership traits identified as essential was character. Approximately one thousand managers in the company were given two character assessment instruments via a Web-based medium. Significant differences were found between early-, mid-, and mature-level managers with an increasing trend in character traits across the levels. This research is consistent with Katz and Kahn's (1976) levels of leadership research.  相似文献   

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