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Ash A  Palmisano S  Kim J 《Perception》2011,40(2):155-174
We examined vection induced during physical or simulated head oscillation along either the horizontal or depth axis. In the first two experiments, during active conditions, subjects viewed radial-flow displays which simulated viewpoint oscillation that was either in-phase or out-of-phase with their own tracked head movements. In passive conditions, stationary subjects viewed playbacks of displays generated in earlier active conditions. A third control, experiment was also conducted where physical and simulated fore-aft oscillation was added to a lamellar flow display. Consistent with ecology, when active in-phase horizontal oscillation was added to a radial-flow display it modestly improved vection compared to active out-of-phase and passive conditions. However, when active fore-aft head movements were added to either a radial-flow or a lamellar-flow display, both in-phase and out-of-phase conditions produced very similar vection. Our research shows that consistent multisensory input can enhance the visual perception of self-motion in some situations. However, it is clear that multisensory stimulation does not have to be consistent (i.e., ecological) to generate compelling vection in depth.  相似文献   

Three experiments were performed to examine the role that central and peripheral vision play in the perception of the direction of translational self-motion, or heading, from optical flow. When the focus of radial outflow was in central vision, heading accuracy was slightly higher with central circular displays (10°–25° diameter) than with peripheral annular displays (40° diameter), indicating that central vision is somewhat more sensitive to this information. Performance dropped rapidly as the eccentricity of the focus of outflow increased, indicating that the periphery does not accurately extract radial flow patterns. Together with recent research on vection and postural adjustments, these results contradict theperipheral dominance hypothesis that peripheral vision is specialized for perception of self-motion. We propose afunctional sensitivity hypothesis—that. self-motion is perceived on the basis of optical information rather than the retinal locus of stimulation, but that central and peripheral vision are differentially sensitive to the information characteristic of each retinal region.  相似文献   

Three experiments were performed to examine the role that central and peripheral vision play in the perception of the direction of translational self-motion, or heading, from optical flow. When the focus of radial outflow was in central vision, heading accuracy was slightly higher with central circular displays (10 degrees-25 degrees diameter) than with peripheral annular displays (40 degrees diameter), indicating that central vision is somewhat more sensitive to this information. Performance dropped rapidly as the eccentricity of the focus of outflow increased, indicating that the periphery does not accurately extract radial flow patterns. Together with recent research on vection and postural adjustments, these results contradict the peripheral dominance hypothesis that peripheral vision is specialized for perception of self-motion. We propose a functional sensitivity hypothesis--that self-motion is perceived on the basis of optical information rather than the retinal locus of stimulation, but that central and peripheral vision are differentially sensitive to the information characteristic of each retinal region.  相似文献   

Advances in medical technology now permit children who need ventilator assistance to live at home rather than in hospitals or institutions. What does this ventilator-dependent life mean to children and their families? The impetus for this essay comes from a study of the moral experience of 12 Canadian families--parents, ventilator-dependent child, and well siblings. These families express great love for their children, take on enormous responsibilities for care, live with uncertainty, and attempt to create "normal" home environments. Nevertheless, they experience social isolation, sometimes even from their extended families and health care providers. Their lives are constrained in many ways. The challenges faced by parents of technology-dependent children raise questions of justice within society and within families.  相似文献   

G Moraglia  B Schneider 《Perception》1990,19(5):581-593
Conditions under which binocular unmasking (BU), as an analogue of binaural unmasking, occurs have been explored. Observers were to detect through a stereoscope a Gabor signal in patches of two-dimensional broadband gaussian noise surrounded by a frame of uniform noise. The right-eye gaussian field was displaced relative to the left eye so that it appeared either in front of or behind the frame. Performance when signal disparity was equal to that of the noise--a condition functionally equivalent to monocular processing--was compared to that obtained when signal disparity was zero--a case in which BU should occur. Enhanced signal detectability of up to 12 dB and of nearly constant magnitude was observed in the latter condition when uncrossed disparities of up to 67.60 min visual angle and display durations of 1 s were employed. Signal detectability declined appreciably with increasing disparity (both crossed and uncrossed) when display duration was reduced to 90 ms, thus preventing the occurrence of compensatory vergence eye movements. It is suggested that BU effects may result from a process of linear summation of monocular inputs.  相似文献   

When words at study are divided into to‐be‐remembered and to‐be‐forgotten ones, people recall more of the former than of the latter in a surprise memory test for all words. In this study, we also tapped memory for word identity at study (forget or remember) by asking participants to reproduce in memory selected portions of the original words. We found word identity to be parasitic on word reproduction. As a result, there is a noted tendency to recall forget‐words from study as remember‐words in the memory test more than vice versa.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of extraretinal information in the perception of absolute distance. In a computer-simulated environment, monocular observers judged the distance of objects positioned at different locations in depth while performing frontoparallel movements of the head. The objects were spheres covered with random dots subtending three different visual angles. Observers viewed the objects ateye level, either in isolation or superimposed on a ground floor. The distance and size of the spheres were covaried to suppress relative size information. Hence, the main cues to distance were the motion parallax and the extraretinal signals. In three experiments, we found evidence that (1) perceived distance is correlated with simulated distance in terms of precision and accuracy, (2) the accuracy in the distance estimate is slightly improved by the presence of a ground-floor surface, (3) the perceived distance is not altered significantly when the visual field size increases, and (4) the absolute distance is estimated correctly during self-motion. Conversely, stationary subjects failed to report absolute distance when they passively observed a moving object producing the same retinal stimulation, unless they could rely on knowledge of the three-dimensional movements.  相似文献   

Wertheim AH  Mesland BS  Bles W 《Perception》2001,30(6):733-741
On the basis of models of otolith functioning, one would expect that, during sinusoidal linear self-motion in darkness, percepts of body tilt are experienced. However, this is normally not the case, which suggests that the otoliths are not responsive to small deviations from the vertical of the gravito-inertial force vector acting on them. Here we show that this is incorrect. Subjects usually know on what kind of linear motion device they are (going to be) moved, having seen it prior to experimentation. This may result in a cognitive suppression of such otolith responses. In the present study, subjects were kept completely unaware of how they were moved and were asked to report on how they thought they moved. About 50% of the reports included tilt percepts almost immediately. It is concluded that this reveals the presence of otolith responsiveness to even small and short-lived deviations of the gravito-inertial force vector from verticality, a responsiveness which is suppressed when (prior) cognitions exist that the motion path is purely in the horizontal plane.  相似文献   

The human channel capacity for identifying sensory stimuli is compared with channel capacities based on neurophysiological findings. Studies have shown that cells in the postsubiculum (PoS) and the anterior dorsal thalamus (ADN) of the rat discharge as a function of the animal’s head direction in the horizontal plane. We compute the statistical properties of the firing rates of head direction (HD) cells and the potential amount of information transmitted by these cells according to two theoretical models. Thecell response model for single cells indicates that information transmitted is much less than 0.5 bits. Thepopulation response model developed for cell ensembles generates values in the range of 1–3.2 bits, suggesting that a cell population can distinguish between two and nine head directions, depending on the value used for the standard deviation of directions over which a cell fires. These values are similar to those found in human psychophysical studies of the channel capacity for unidimensional sensory attributes.  相似文献   

The human channel capacity for identifying sensory stimuli is compared with channel capacities based on neurophysiological findings. Studies have shown that cells in the postsubiculum (PoS) and the anterior dorsal thalamus (ADN) of the rat discharge as a function of the animal's head direction in the horizontal plane. We compute the statistical properties of the firing rates of head direction (HD) cells and the potential amount of information transmitted by these cells according to two theoretical models. The ceU response model for single cells indicates that information transmitted is much less than 0.5 bits. The population response model developed for cell ensembles generates values in the range of 1-3.2 bits, suggesting that a cell population can distinguish between two and nine head directions, depending on the value used for the standard deviation of directions over which a cell fires. These values are similar to those found in human psychophysical studies of the channel capacity for unidimensional sensory attributes.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that preschool children have difficulty using relational information in spatial tasks. The present study investigates whether this difficulty is due, in part, to children's inability to deal with situations of conflict where both objective and egocentric cues are available and point to different responses. Two studies were conducted to compare performance in the presence versus absence of conflicting cues. In Study 1, 40 four-year-olds had to locate an object in a single layout presented from different perspectives. In Study 2, 39 four-year-olds had to transfer locational information between two unaligned layouts. The presence of conflict significantly affected children's performance in both studies. The results are discussed in the context of similar findings in other cognitive domains.  相似文献   

Children between the ages of 5 and 12 years were tested with dichotic listening tests utilizing single syllable words and random presentations of digits. They produced a higher prevalence of left ear dominance than expected, especially among right-handed children when tested with words. Whether more children demonstrate the LEA because of right hemisphere dominance for language or because there is less stability in ear advantage direction at younger ages cannot be fully resolved by this study. When ear advantages were measured by subtracting each child's lower score from the higher score without regard to right or left direction, an age-related trend toward lower measures of ear advantage was evident. This trend was greater for dichotic words than for dichotic digits. Structural factors that may be related to these results and possible influences of attention and verbal workload on the two kinds of dichotic stimuli are discussed.  相似文献   

The contribution of retinal flow (RF), extraretinal (ER), and egocentric visual direction (VD) information in locomotor control was explored. First, the recovery of heading from RF was examined when ER information was manipulated; results confirmed that ER signals affect heading judgments. Then the task was translated to steering curved paths, and the availability and veracity of VD were manipulated with either degraded or systematically biased RF. Large steering errors resulted from selective manipulation of RF and VD, providing strong evidence for the combination of RF, ER, and VD. The relative weighting applied to RF and VD was estimated. A point-attractor model is proposed that combines redundant sources of information for robust locomotor control with flexible trajectory planning through active gaze.  相似文献   

An auditory Eriksen-flanker task was used to study how conflicting information interferes with selective attention to task-relevant differences in pure-tone frequency. Across the observation intervals of the discrimination task, the relevant frequency differences between target tones were positive, but within an observation interval, they could appear to be small or negative relative to conflicting differences in flanker tones leading or trailing the target. Being correct required attending to the between-target and ignoring the target–flanker pitch relation (across and within observation-interval, respectively). The interference index was an elevation of conflict-laden frequency discrimination thresholds (FDTs), relative to no-conflict FDTs. When conflicting differences in frequency or level (but not in duration) trailed the relevant differences, interference (i.e., FDT elevation) was large and persistent, increased with the target–flanker time proximity, but decreased with extensive training. Interference occurs when the target–flanker pitch relation is more prominent than the one between targets, and the physical and/or perceptual effects of relevant and conflicting differences tend to cancel one another, as with the above conflicting differences. With untrained participants, the target–flanker pitch relation is most prominent in conditions fostering both the perceptual grouping of the target and flanker (e.g., close time proximity), and the recency and salience of the conflicting differences (e.g., trailing conflicting difference); conversely, by lessening such grouping and salience, prolonged training decreases or nullifies the interference. The interference observed herein does not arise because the relevant and the conflicting differences each prompt separate decisions or responses that are in mutual conflict; instead, it arises from the early-stage interaction between their perceptual effects.  相似文献   

Following substantial bleaches, the specific form and hue thresholds were measured during dark adaptation with a test stimulus of 1 x 2 degrees at 40 degrees extrafoveally. The wavelength of the test field was varied between runs. The results show that both thresholds started to rise at about the cone-rod break of the dark-adaptation curve, irrespective of wavelength used in the test. Furthermore, the specific threshold for form was found to rise when a scotopic stimulus was superimposed on a photopic test flash. On the other hand, both thresholds remained at the cone-plateau level when the test flash was confined within the rod-free fovea. In order to explain the rise in the specific thresholds, it is suggested that signals from rods generated directly in response to the test stimulus may suppress both cone-mediated form and colour. It is also suggested that this type of rod-cone interaction represents a general characteristic involved in several kinds of visual information processing.  相似文献   

The empirical question of whether or not the lightness of a region is accounted for purely by the average luminance of its surround has a complex answer that depends on whether such a region is an increment, a decrement, or intermediate relative to the luminances of the contiguous surfaces. It is shown here that a new model of lightness, based on anchoring principles, predicts and clarifies such intricacies. In this model, the luminance of the target region determines its lightness in two ways: indirectly, by causing it to group with parts of its surround and thus defining the nested frameworks to which it belongs; and directly, by anchoring it to the highest luminance and to the average surround luminance in each of these frameworks. Inter- and intraindividual differences in lightness assessment are shown to emerge under grouping conditions that create unstable, conflicting frameworks.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between two sources of interference in human information processing: the Stroop effect and the Simon effect. Forty subjects pressed a left- or right-hand key in response to a Stroop color word located on the left or right side of a screen. For one group, ink color was the relevant cue and, for another group, word meaning was the relevant cue. Independent variables were: congruence, i.e., agreement or lack thereof between the ink color and meaning of the Stroop word; spatial correspondence, i.e., agreement or lack thereof between the location of the Stroop word and the location of the key used to make the response; and stimulus duration, i.e., 400 or 100 ms. Each of these variables had a significant effect on RT, and there were no significant interactions. According to Sternberg's additive-factor logic, these findings suggest that the Stroop effect (congruence) and the Simon effect (spatial correspondence) involve separate stages of processing. If one assumes that manipulation of stimulus duration effects the encoding stage, then results also suggest that neither the Stroop effect nor the Simon effect involves the stimulus encoding stage.  相似文献   

The role of central information processing for the acquisition of information about locations in a large-scale environment was investigated in two experiments. Subjects with and without a concurrent backwards counting task traversed a locomotion path repeatedly attempting to learn the locations of six reference points designated along the path, then estimated direction and distance numerically to these reference points when traversing the same path further times in a subsequent test phase. The main dependent measures were the latencies and the constant and variable errors of the estimates. The results indicated that acquisition of information about the locations was disrupted when central information processing was interfered with. However, central processing seemed to be less critical for long-term storage of information about the locomotion path. The latter type of information could thus be used by the subjects with the concurrent task when estimating the locations. Finally, the results suggested that information about the path was used also by the subjects without any concurrent task when the test phase required them to remain oriented relative to several reference points at the same time.  相似文献   

Ss watched a videotaped nonpolitical speech by a male political candidate that conveyed either a favorable or an unfavorable image. Then they heard an excerpt of a radio program in which the candidate was described as holding either conservative positions or liberal positions on a series of specific issues. The impact of the candidate's speech on evaluations of him decreased over time. However, Ss used the speech as a basis for judgment only when the candidate's issue stands had unfavorable implications. When Ss learned the candidate's issue stands 24 hr after they heard the speech, they based their evaluations on their personal agreement with these stands. When Ss learned the candidate's issue positions immediately after the speech, however, they based their evaluations on the ideological implications of the issue stands instead.  相似文献   

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