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为了了解剖宫产患者产后抑郁的发生情况,对剖宫产患者进行抑郁状况的调查,并对其影响因素进行分析,对抑郁组与非抑郁组的一般情况构成比比较,并采用抑郁自评量表(SDS)、应付方式评定量表(YFFS)、社会支持问卷(ISSI)进行测评。结果显示,应付方式评定量表中的主观支持(P〈0.05),社会支持问卷中退避倾向性进入回归方程,提示应付方式及社会支持是影响剖宫产患者产后抑郁的重要因素。  相似文献   

了解抑郁对癌症患者生活质量的影响,探讨抑郁与社会支持、应对方式的相关性。对238例癌症患者分别用抑郁自评量表(SDS)、应付方式评定量表(YFFS)、社会支持问卷(ISSI)、生活质量问卷(QLQ-C30)进行测评。癌症抑郁组患者的生活质量、社会支持低于非抑郁组,更多使用自责、退避等消极应对方式;抑郁与癌症患者生活质量高度相关,抑郁与社会支持、应对方式显著相关。帮助患者提高社会支持,采用积极的应对方式,有利于减轻癌症抑郁反应,提高生活质量。  相似文献   

支气管哮喘伴发抑郁与人格、应对和社会支持的关系分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究分析支气管哮喘伴发抑郁与人格、应对和社会支持的关系。对216例支气管哮喘患者应用自评抑郁量表、大五人格量表、特质应对方式问卷和社会支持评定量表进行调查,对收集到的数据进行Pearson相关分析、多元逐步回归分析和路径分析。结果显示49.1%的支气管哮喘患者存在不同程度的抑郁情绪;哮喘患者的抑郁程度、人格、应对方式和社会支持之间存在着不同程度的显著相关;人格、应对和社会支持都是影响支气管哮喘伴发抑郁的影响因素,人格的神经质是其重要的预测因素,它除了能直接影响哮喘患者的抑郁程度,还能通过社会支持和应对方式对其起间接的作用。研究提示人格的神经质、公正严谨性和消极应对方式是支气管哮喘伴发抑郁的直接的预测因素。  相似文献   

本研究对失眠症患者的压力应对特征进行调查与分析。按照CCMD-3诊断标准,试验组失眠患者52例,在社区分层抽样52人作为对照组,用匹茨堡睡眠指数量表、防御方式问卷、应对方式问卷、社会支持评定量表进行测量。试验组不成熟型防御方式明显高于对照组,成熟型防御方式低于对照组;应对方式试验组以消极应对为主;试验组社会支持总体高于对照组,其中客观支持较高而主观支持和社会支持利用度较低。这些因素共同作用形成了失眠症迁延不愈的主要病理心理机制。心理治疗中要运用恰当的心理治疗方法,引导患者用成熟的、积极的应对方式应对各种压力源。  相似文献   

汶川地震两年后,采用小五人格问卷、应对方式问卷、社会支持问卷和创伤后成长问卷对497名中学生进行调查,探讨青少年创伤后成长与情绪性人格、应对方式和社会支持的关系。结果显示:(1)青少年创伤后成长的年龄、性别差异不显著;青少年创伤后成长的三个维度之间存在显著差异:人际体验的改变分值最高,其次是自我觉知的改变,得分最低的为生命价值的改变;(2)积极应对方式在情绪性人格与创伤后成长之间起完全中介作用,消极应对方式则不发挥直接的中介作用;(3)情绪性人格与创伤后成长之间的中介效应受到社会支持的调节,低社会支持组的个体情绪性人格越高,越容易采取积极认知、寻求支持等积极的应对方式,从而产生更高的创伤后成长。  相似文献   

基于心理应激理论、素质-压力三模式以及社会支持主效果模型考察领悟社会支持、积极应对方式和消极应对方式在压力与抑郁关系中的链式中介效应,使用压力量表、领悟社会支持量表、应对方式量表和抑郁量表对抽取的641名大学生进行调查。研究显示:(1)领悟社会支持中介了压力对大学生抑郁的影响;(2)积极应对方式、消极应对方式中介了领悟社会支持对大学生抑郁的影响。因此,领悟社会支持以及应对方式在压力与大学生抑郁之间起链式中介作用。  相似文献   

对发展性团体心理咨询在改善和提高大学生应对方式及能力方面的可行性及有效性进行了研究。将按照入组条件选出的28名大学生随机分为实验组(14名)和对照组(14名)。实验组接受发展性团体心理咨询干预两个月,对照组不予处理。三个月后对实验组成员进行追踪随访。采用应对方式问卷、抑郁自评量表、焦虑自评量表和社会支持评定量表进行评估。结果表明,发展性团体心理咨询明显改善了团体成员的应对方式,在提高团体成员的社会支持程度和减少情绪问题(焦虑、抑郁)方面有良好的作用。  相似文献   

女性犯罪者的人格、应付方式、情境因素与犯罪行为研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨慧芳 《心理科学》2004,27(2):355-357
采用问卷法,对434名6类犯罪女性的人格、应付方式、情境因素(社会支持、负面生活事件)与犯罪行为的关系进行研究。结果表明,女性犯罪者的人格、应付方式、负面生活事件对不同犯罪类型的女性犯罪行为有不同预测力,不同女性犯罪类型有不同的回归方程;社会支持对女性犯罪行为的影响不显著。  相似文献   

本研究使用宿舍人际关系问卷、抑郁自评量表和宿舍冲突应对方式问卷,采取整群随机抽样的方法,从武汉市三所大学抽取了876名大一至大四的本科生进行调查,旨在考察宿舍冲突应对方式在大学生宿舍人际关系与抑郁之间的中介作用以及性别的调节作用。结果表明:(1)宿舍人际关系与抑郁显著负相关;宿舍冲突应对方式中的竞争、回避与抑郁显著正相关,合作与抑郁显著负相关;(2)竞争与合作在大学生宿舍人际关系与抑郁之间中介效应显著;(3)性别调节了宿舍人际关系通过竞争影响抑郁的中介过程的前半段路径。本研究以宿舍人际关系和宿舍冲突应对方式为切入点考察它们对抑郁的影响机制,这为预防和干预大学生抑郁提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

脑卒中后抑郁的影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨脑卒中后抑郁的影响因素,找出预防脑卒中后抑郁的有效措施。采用汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)及神经功能缺损量表(SSS)对患者分别进行抑郁状态及疾病严重程度的评分,同时针对可能的影响N素制定问卷并进行问卷调查。卒中后抑郁的发生与神经功能的缺损程度、病程、负性生活事件及脑损害是否为部位优势半球有关。卒中后抑郁的发生可能是...  相似文献   

This study investigated weight stigmatization as a predictor of adjustment in samples of 100 undergraduates and 99 bariatric patients. Coping strategies (emotion‐focused coping, problem‐focused coping, disengagement coping) were tested as moderators of this relation. Weight stigmatization predicted depression, anxiety, and antisocial behavior when controlling for the effects of stressful life events. Problem‐focused coping weakened the association between weight stigmatization and depression. Emotion‐focused coping augmented the relation between weight stigmatization and antisocial behavior. The results support weight stigmatization as a meaningful predictor of adjustment difficulties. Engendering a problem‐focused coping style over an emotion‐focused coping style might benefit patients reporting weight stigmatization. Further work is necessary to understand what specific elements of these coping styles impact adjustment.  相似文献   

We examined the potentially mediating effects of negative affectivity (NA) on the hope–depression relationship among a sample of postpartum women. We also assessed the social support reported by these women and examined the possible mediating effects of NA on the social support–postpartum depression relationship. Correlational analyses of data obtained from women (N = 98) who had given birth in the previous 6 months revealed that NA did not mediate either hope or social support in the prediction of postpartum depression. Hope accounted for a significant degree of variance in postpartum depression. These data suggest that hope has palliative effects among women following childbirth and these effects are not nullified or explained by emotional predispositions.  相似文献   

Patients undergoing rehabilitation have been evidenced to improve in different ways depending on their coping styles. Amplifiers, Repressors, and Social Copers are examples of patients who present differently in rehabilitation settings and tend to have differing levels of success in their response to treatment. The current study examined the differential treatment outcomes of three coping style groups undergoing multidisciplinary rehabilitation. A sample of 59 patients suffering from injuries associated with chronic pain were assessed using the Multidimensional Pain Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory, and Beck Anxiety Inventory before, during, and after multidisciplinary pain management treatment. Coping style groups derived from the Millon Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic consisting of Amplifiers, Repressors, and Social Copers were compared with regard to reductions in depression, anxiety, pain, functional impairment, and associated outcomes. Repeated measures ANOVA revealed that Amplifiers, Repressors, and Social Copers had varying levels of success in the treatment program. Hierarchical linear modeling analyses revealed the coping style groups to have significantly different change curves from pre to post-treatment in depression, anxiety, pain severity, functional impairment, affective distress, life control, social support, and soliciting help from others. These findings support prior research emphasizing the value of tailoring treatments in rehabilitation settings toward patients’ coping styles in order to maximize outcomes. A program (provided in either SAS or SPSS syntax) that will compute MBMD coping style group membership will be provided upon request. Request by e-mail to: dcipher@hsc.unt.edu or by fax to: +1-817-7352270.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to investigate the mediating role of coping strategies in the relationships between neuroticism, social support, and depression in two groups of adolescents: earthquake group and examination group. Adolescents facing earthquake stress (earthquake group, N=219) completed measures of neuroticism, perceived social support, coping strategies, and self-rating depression. Similarly, adolescents facing examination stress (examination group, N=241) completed the same measures. Results indicated that the earthquake group reported more use of secondary control engagement coping, whereas the examination group reported more use of primary control engagement coping. In addition, neuroticism was more strongly associated with coping in earthquake group and coping strategies explained significantly larger part of the relationship between neuroticism and depression. In contrary, perceived social support was more strongly associated with coping in examination group, and coping strategies explained significantly larger part of the relationship between perceived social support and depression.  相似文献   

崔丽霞  刘娟  罗小婧 《心理科学》2014,37(4):980-984
本研究旨在探索预先应对和积极情绪在社会支持和抑郁间的中介作用。采用两个时间点的纵向数据搜集方式对181名大学生施以量表,然后通过路径分析对假设的中介模型进行拟合度检验,结果表明:(1)预先应对是社会支持和积极情绪之间的部分中介变量;(2)积极情绪是社会支持和预先应对与抑郁间的中介变量。结论:社会支持是预防抑郁的重要途径,提升预先应对策略和积极情绪的体验可以进一步增进社会支持对抑郁的缓解作用。  相似文献   

Well-being at work has been shown to be influenced by job characteristics and individual differences in coping styles. This study investigated the relationships between job demands, control, social support, efforts, rewards, coping, and attributional style in predicting anxiety, depression, and job satisfaction in a sample of 307 university employees from the UK. Results were compared to those from a sample of 120 members of the general population. Workplace demands, intrinsic and extrinsic effort, and negative coping and attributional behaviors were associated with high levels of depression and anxiety and low job satisfaction in university employees. Rewards, social support, job control, and positive coping and attributional behaviors were associated with lower levels of depression and anxiety and high job satisfaction. The study adds to the growing research on university samples by showing that a transactional approach should be adopted. This has implications for interventions and suggests that rather than just trying to change job characteristics one should identify at-risk individuals in this population and help them adopt appropriate positive coping styles.  相似文献   

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