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We present an ambiguous motion paradigm that allows us to quantify the influence of aspects of form relevant to the perception of apparent motion. We report on the role of bar element orientation in motion paths. The effect of orientation differences between bar elements in a motion path is small with respect to the crucial role of the orientation of bar elements relative to motion direction. Motion perception between elements oriented along the motion direction dominates motion perception between elements oriented perpendicularly to motion direction. The perception of apparent motion is affected by bar length and width and is anisotropic.  相似文献   

Tilt invariably involves the factor of displacement. A clockwise rotation of a rod, for example, results in the top being displaced to the right and the bottom to the left. The question was raised as to which is primary, displacement or tilt. Through a series of experiments, apparent tilt was found to be the perceptual outcome of phenomenal displacement. In addition, gravity seemed to play no significant role in determining the visual upright. Therefore, the conventionally accepted field theory of apparent verticality was rejected and the visual upright was interpreted according to principles which govern the perception of motion and radial direction.  相似文献   

To overcome certain disadvantages of the tilted-mirror situation as a technique for separating visual and postural determinants of the perceived upright, a new procedure was developed. The S was presented with a small tilted room, on the back wall of which was a rod which he had to adjust to the true upright. In a first test, judgments of the rod were obtained with body upright, and under three different conditions of the field: (a) The S, standing at a distance from the tilted scene, viewed it through a tube which restricted his view to the interior of the scene. (b) The S stood directly in front of the scene without a tube. (c) The S stood at a distance from the scene, without a tube, so that he saw not only the tilted scene but the outer upright room as well. Under all three conditions the perceived vertical and horizontal were displaced significantly in the direction of the axes of the tilted scene. When an outer upright field was present, as in the third condition, the effect of the tilted scene upon the perceived upright diminished. In another experiment, judgments of the rod were obtained with body tilted, both to the same side as the field and to the opposite side. It was found that tilting the body resulted in an increased tendency to accept the tilted field as a basis for judging the upright. Not only were the perceived vertical and horizontal displaced further in the direction of the tilted scene, but a number of Ss perceived the tilted scene as fully upright. In another experiment there was found a tendency for the tilted scene to right itself with prolonged observation. In some cases the righting was complete, so that at the end of the observation period, the tilted scene was perceived to be fully upright. Under all conditions, striking individual differences were found in the extent to which the perceived upright was affected by the surrounding tilted field. There is evidence of considerably consistency in a person's performance under the different conditions employed.  相似文献   

In order to assess the role of blur in a rod-and-frame task, an afocal blurring technique was developed that restricted the blur to the frame. Three levels of blur were investigated, along with a nonblurred, directly viewed frame. Results showed a significant drop in the rod-and-frame effect (RFE) with increasing blur (decreasing spatial frequency), but spatial frequencies even as low as .092 cpd failed to reduce the RFE to zero. Decreasing luminance was correlated with increased blur, but control studies showed that variation in luminance levels between .007 and .0015 cd m?2 had no effect on RFE. The finding of a spatial frequency dependency in the rod-and-frame task permits the development of a neuropsychological theory of individual and gender differences typically found in studies of static spatial orientation.  相似文献   

According to Rock [1990, in The Legacy of Solomon Asch (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates)], hierarchical organisation of perception describes cases in which the orientation of an object is affected by the immediately surrounding elements in the visual field. Various experiments were performed to study the hierarchical organisation of orientation perception. In most of them the rod-and-frame-illusion (RFI: change of the apparent vertical measured on a central rod surrounded by a tilted frame) was measured in the presence/absence of a second inner frame. The first three experiments showed that, when the inner frame is vertical, the direction and size of the illusion are consistent with expectancies based on the hierarchical organisation hypothesis. An analysis of published and unpublished data collected on a large number of subjects showed that orientational hierarchical effects are independent from the absolute size of the RFI. In experiments 4 to 7 we examined the perceptual conditions of the inner stimulus (enclosure, orientation, and presence of luminance borders) critical for obtaining a hierarchical organisation effect. Although an inner vertical square was effective in reducing the illusion (experiment 3), an inner circle enclosing the rod was ineffective (experiment 4). This indicates that definite orientation is necessary to modulate the illusion. However, orientational information provided by a vertical or horizontal rectangle presented near the rod, but not enclosing it, did not modulate the RFI (experiment 5). This suggests that the presence of a figure with oriented contours enclosing the rod is critical. In experiments 6 and 7 we studied whether the presence of luminance borders is important or whether the inner upright square might be effective also if made of subjective contours. When the subjective contour figure was salient and the observers perceived it clearly, its effectiveness in modulating the RFI was comparable to that observed with luminance borders.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the contribution of the orientation of moving objects to perception of a streaming/bouncing motion display. In three experiments, participants reported which of the two types of motion, streaming or bouncing, they perceived. The following independent variables were used: orientation differences between Gabor micropatterns (Gabors) and their path of motion (all the experiments) and the presence/absence of a transient tone (Experiment 1), transient visual flash (Experiment 2), or concurrent secondary task (Experiment 3) at the coincidence of Gabors. The results showed that the events at coincidence generally biased responses toward the perception of bouncing. On the other hand, alignment of Gabors with their motion axes significantly reduced the frequency of bounce perception. The results also indicated that an object whose orientation was parallel to its motion path strengthened the spatiotemporal integration of local motion signals along a straight motion path, resulting in the perception of streaming. We suggest that the effect of collinearity between Gabors and their motion path is relatively free from the effect of attention distraction.  相似文献   

The perception of orientation in the left and right visual half-fields has been investigated. No evidence for interfield differences was obtained for the discrimination of single lines by line matching or in magnitude of the systematic orientation distortion in orientation contrast and rod-and-frame experiments. Furthermore, increasing the time interval between test and comparison lines in successive matching provides no evidence for a differential operation of short-term spatial memory in the two hemispheres. It is concluded that hemispheric asymmetries do not arise at the level of sensory processing of spatial signals.  相似文献   

Our study examined whether perception of novel emotions, as with perception of novel objects, elicits a cardiac orientation reaction. Using a habituation-dishabituation paradigm, data from 11 adult subjects showed that orientation to both novel emotions and novel objects elicited a heart-rate deceleration. Results suggest that the orientation reaction may be an integral part of perception of emotion. Perception of emotions, therefore, is a complex, multistep process that includes an early orientation reaction.  相似文献   

A new theory, called the tilt constancy theory, claims that the Ponzo illusion is caused by the misperception of orientation induced by local visual cues. The theory relates the Ponzo illusion-along with the Z?llner, Poggendorff, Wündt-Hering, and cafe wall illusions-to the mechanisms that enable us to perceive stable orientations despite changes in retinal orientation or body orientation. In Experiment 1, the magnitude of the misperception of orientation was compared with the magnitude of the Ponzo illusion. In Experiment 2, predictions of the tilt constancy theory were compared with accounts based on (1) low spatial frequencies in the image, (2) memory comparisons (pool-and-store model), and (3) relative sizejudgments. In Experiment 3, predictions of the tilt constancy theory were tested against predictions of the assimilation theory of Pressey and his colleagues. In the final experiment, the orientation account was compared with theories based on linear perspective and inappropriate size constancy. The results support the tilt constancy theory.  相似文献   

The haptic perception of vertical, horizontal, +45°-oblique, and +135°-oblique orientations was studied in adults. The purpose was to establish whether the gravitational cues provided by the scanning arm—hand system were involved in the haptic oblique effect (lower performances in oblique orientations than in vertical—horizontal ones) and more generally in the haptic coding of orientation. The magnitude of these cues was manipulated by changing gravity constraints, and their variability was manipulated by changing the planes in which the task was performed (horizontal, frontal, and sagittal). In Experiment 1, only the horizontal plane was tested, either with the forearm resting on the disk supporting the rod (“supported forearm” condition) or with the forearm unsupported in the air. In the latter case, antigravitational forces were elicited during scanning. The oblique effect was present in the “unsupported” condition and was absent in the “supported” condition. In Experiment 2, the three planes were tested, either in a “natural” or in a “lightened forearm” condition in which the gravitational cues were reduced by lightening the subject’s forearm. The magnitude of the oblique effect was lower in the “lightened” condition than in the “natural” one, and there was no plane effect. In Experiment 3, the subject’s forearm was loaded with either a 500- or a 1,000-g bracelet, or it was not loaded. The oblique effect was the same in the three conditions, and the plane effect (lower performances in the horizontal plane than in the frontal and sagittal ones) was present only when the forearm was loaded. Taken together, these results suggested that gravitational cues may play a role in haptic coding of orientation, although the effects of decreasing or increasing these cues are not symmetrical.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that the perception of limb orientation depends on inertial eigenvectors against the alternative that it depends on the center of mass. In all experiments, each participant pointed at visible targets with his or her occluded right arm while center-of-mass and inertial eigenvectors were manipulated independently. In Experiments 1 and 2, the arm was constrained to rotate exclusively about the shoulder, whereas in Experiment 3, the arm was allowed to rotate freely about both the shoulder and the elbow. The mechanical manipulations were applied either in the horizontal (Experiments 1 and 3) or vertical (Experiment 2) plane. Across experiments, pointing direction was affected by the center of mass and not by the inertial eigenvectors, albeit that simultaneous manipulation of both resulted in a more pronounced pointing bias than the isolated center-of-mass manipulation. These findings challenge the inertial eigenvector hypothesis and suggest that the center of mass plays a generic role in the perception of limb orientation.  相似文献   

Several past studies have considered how perceived head orientation may be combined with perceived gaze direction in judging where someone else is attending. In three experiments we tested the impact of different sources of information by examining the role of head orientation in gaze-direction judgements when presenting: (a) the whole face; (b) the face with the nose masked; (c) just the eye region, removing all other head-orientation cues apart from some visible part of the nose; or (d) just the eyes, with all parts of the nose masked and no head orientation cues present other than those within the eyes themselves. We also varied time pressure on gaze direction judgements. The results showed that gaze judgements were not solely driven by the eye region. Gaze perception can also be affected by parts of the head and face, but in a manner that depends on the time constraints for gaze direction judgements. While “positive” congruency effects were found with time pressure (i.e., faster left/right judgements of seen gaze when the seen head deviated towards the same side as that gaze), the opposite applied without time pressure.  相似文献   

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