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Superimposition of response-independent reinforcement   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Studies that have superimposed response-independent reinforcement (or reinforcers scheduled by contingencies placed on the absence of responding) upon conventional response-dependent schedules are reviewed. In general, providing alternative sources of reinforcement reduced response rates below the levels observed when alternative reinforcement was absent. However, response-rate elevation was sometimes found, particularly when rates of superimposed response-independent reinforcement were low. Superimposition of schedules providing reinforcers contingent on the absence of responding usually produced more severe response-rate decrements than superimposition of response-independent reinforcement. A variant of Herrnstein's equation, which assumes that some of the alternative reinforcers function as if they were delivered by baseline response-dependent source of reinforcement, is in qualitative agreement with the overall body of results obtained, and can predict both increases and decreases in response rate as resulting from superimposed reinforcers.  相似文献   

Schedules of response-independent conditioned reinforcement   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Rates and patterns of responding of pigeons under response-independent and response-dependent schedules of brief-stimulus presentation were compared by superimposing 3-min brief-stimulus schedules on a 15-min fixed-interval schedule of food presentation. The brief-stimulus schedules were fixed time, fixed interval, variable time, and variable interval. When the brief stimulus was paired with food presentation, its effects depended upon the schedule and ongoing rates. Fixed- and variable-interval brief-stimulus schedules enhanced the low rates normally occurring early in the 15-min interval, whereas fixed- and variable-time schedules suppressed these rates. Although the overall rates later in the interval were not affected to any great extent, the fixed brief-stimulus schedules generated patterns of positively accelerated responding between stimulus presentations. These patterns appeared less frequently under the variable brief-stimulus schedules. Initially, when not paired with food delivery, presentations of the brief stimulus produced relatively little effect on either response rate or patterning. However, once the stimulus had accompanied food presentation, the original performance under the nonpaired condition was not recovered. The effects were more like those occurring when the stimulus was paired with food.  相似文献   

Pigeons received food when they emitted the number of responses specified by a fixed-ratio schedule, and the time specified by a fixed-time schedule had elapsed. The order of meeting the response and time requirements was irrelevant. In different conditions, stimuli signalled completion of one, both, or neither requirement. Ratio size interacted with stimulus condition to determine performance. When a stimulus signalled the end of the fixed-time period, under all ratios the birds tended to respond after the stimulus appeared. When stimuli followed both components, small ratios produced responding during the fixed-time period, and other ratios resulted in responses after the time period had elapsed. With either no stimulus changes, or with a stimulus correlated with completion of the ratio alone, responding first increased and then decreased as the ratio increased. Low and high ratios produced stable response frequencies and patterns in successive intervals. Intermediate ratios resulted in two types of performance. Intervals with long initial pauses and few responses during the fixed-time period were followed by intervals with short pauses and numerous responses and vice versa. The source of these dynamic effects was hypothesized to be number of responses per reinforcer in one condition and response-reinforcer contiguity in the other.  相似文献   

Avoidance of timeout from response-independent reinforcement   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Responses on a lever by rats postponed scheduled timeouts, or periods during which the delivery of response-independent food was withheld. The effects of a number of experimental variables were examined and the conclusions drawn are that the functional relations describing free-operant avoidance of timeout from response-independent reinforcement are similar to those for avoidance of electric shock and that both phenomena are sensitive to the same parametric manipulations. Results suggest that high frequency of food delivery in timein maintains a higher rate of timeout avoidance than low frequency. The evidence argues against an interpretation in terms of adventitious food-reinforcement of the timeout avoidance response. Finally, the effects of scheduling timeouts independently of responding and of omitting timeouts confirm the view that timeouts can be aversive and may act as punishment for responding.  相似文献   

Fixed and variable schedules of response-independent reinforcement   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
After response-dependent reinforcement established key-pecking as the predominant response, pigeons received schedules in which reinforcements occurred without reference to responding. These response-independent schedules involved either a reinforcement every 5 min, or reinforcements at irregular intervals that averaged 5 min. The response-independent schedules generated characteristic patterns of responding. The fixed schedule produced positively accelerated responding between reinforcements, and the variable schedule produced either steady rates, erratic, or negatively accelerated patterns. The patterns developed independent of the distribution of responses existing when the schedule was first imposed. The rate of responding varied for the three birds, but, for all, response-independent schedules decreased the rates below the level maintained by response-dependent reinforcement. Although the rate of responding was affected primarily by the events contiguous with reinforcement, the pattern of responding appeared to be determined mainly by the presentation of reinforcements in relation to time.  相似文献   

Rats trained to lever press on a fixed-interval limited-hold avoidance schedule maintained a pattern of responding similar to that maintained by fixed-interval limited-hold schedules of positive reinforcement. But this positively accelerated pattern of behavior was maintained only when the occurrence of reinforcement was signalled by the presentation of a brief flash of light. This result suggests that the discriminative function of the reinforcer in avoidance is less pronounced than the discriminative function of the reinforcer in escape or positive reinforcement. It also suggests that the distinction between positive reinforcement and avoidance is not superfluous. Although the schedule of reinforcement is an important variable in determining the pattern of behavior, other variables, such as the nature (i.e., stimulus presentation, termination, or omission) of the reinforcer, are also potent determinants of behavior.  相似文献   

Pigeons were first exposed to a schedule providing food when the time between successive key pecks (the interresponse time) exceeded a specified duration. When food then was presented at regular intervals independent of responding (fixed-time schedule), responses typically occurred at a steady rate in the periods between successive food presentations. Once the birds had been exposed to a fixed-ratio schedule, however, response rate under fixed-time schedules was positively accelerated. Variations in the sequence of conditions given different subjects indicated that the changes in patterning were due to the fixed-ratio schedule, rather than to the number of transitions from a response-dependent to the response-independent fixed-time schedule, to changed parameter values, or to prolonged experience with the fixed-time schedule. The effects of fixed-time schedules on patterning depended upon experimental history.  相似文献   

The responses of five pigeons were reinforced on concurrent variable-interval variable-interval reinforcement schedules in which changeover key responses changed the stimulus and reinforcement schedules associated with the food key. While the reinforcement availability in one component remained unchanged throughout the experiment, the reinforcement availability in the other component was, during several conditions, signalled by the onset of an additional discriminative stimulus. During unsignalled conditions, both the relative frequency of responding and the relative time spent in each component approximated the obtained relative reinforcement frequency in each component. The effect of signalling reinforcer availability in one component was to (1) reduce responding in the signalled component to near-zero levels, and (2) increase the relative time in the unsignalled component, without a corresponding increase in the obtained relative reinforcement frequency. The magnitude of the increase in relative time in the unsignalled component decreased as the overall frequency of reinforcement increased. This deviation in the matching relation between relative time and the obtained relative reinforcement frequency was eliminated if the overall reinforcement frequency was increased before the signal was introduced and then, without removing the signal, gradually reduced.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of the effects of variable-interval, variable-time, and tandem variable-interval fixed-time schedules on key-peck responding of pigeons. The variable-interval component of the tandem schedule retained the response-reinforcement dependency; the fixed-time component allowed the temporal proximity between responding and reinforcement to vary, constrained only by the duration of the fixed-time interval. Response rates were highest during the variable-interval and lowest during the variable-time schedule. Intermediate response rates occurred during the tandem schedule. The results of a yoked control condition showed that the effects of the tandem schedule were not due simply to changes in reinforcement distribution or frequency. The results suggest that substantial reductions in responding occur when reinforcement is response-dependent but not necessarily contiguous with the response required to produce reinforcement.  相似文献   

The effects of extinction and of response-independent (free) reinforcement in decreasing rates of key pecking by pigeons were compared in single schedule (Phase 1) and multiple (Phase 2) conditions. In both phases, response rates decreased more rapidly with extinction than with free reinforcement conditions. Behavioral contrast was obtained from subjects trained in a multiple schedule involving extinction in Phase 2, whereas subjects trained in a multiple schedule involving free reinforcement showed a slight negative induction effect. Whether subjects experienced extinction or free reinforcement under single stimulus conditions did not affect subsequent performance in the discrimination situation of the second phase. Disinhibition testing was carried out at the end of both phases, but there was no evidence for disinhibitory effects under any condition.  相似文献   

Presentations of grain to three pigeons were determined by two response-independent schedules. Interpresentation intervals varied with a mean interval of 1.5 min for each schedule. Both were concurrently operative, but grain was presented by one only when the chamber was illuminated with blue light and by the other only during amber illumination. A response on a white key, the only key in the chamber, alternated the stimulus conditions and the effective schedule. Grain presentation durations associated with the illumination conditions were varied from 1.5 to 4.5 sec. The proportion of the total session time spent in an illumination condition closely approximated the relative grain presentation duration provided in that illumination. For two of the birds, the proportion of the total number of grain presentations obtained in an illumination condition was an increasng function of the presentation duration in that illumination.  相似文献   

Four Asian quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) were exposed to concurrent-chain schedules, the terminal links of which were either variable-interval 30 sec and variable-time 30 sec, or fixed-interval 30 sec and fixed-time 30 sec. Except for one bird that exhibited a preference for the variable-interval schedule over the variable-time schedule, no consistent preferences were demonstrated for response-dependent or response-independent schedules. However, response rates were three times greater on response-dependent than on response-independent schedules. The discrimination between terminal-link schedules was rapidly recovered after the schedule positions were reversed. Casual observations revealed that the birds engaged in stereotypic circling and pecking while the response-independent schedules were operative.  相似文献   

In three experiments, behavior maintained by fixed-interval schedules changed when response-independent reinforcement was delivered concurrently according to fixed- or variable-time schedules. In Experiment I, a pattern of positively accelerated responding during fixed interval was changed to a linear pattern when response-independent reinforcement occurred under a variable-time schedule. Overall response rates (total responses/total time) decreased as the frequency of response-independent reinforcement increased. Experiment II showed that the response-rate changes in the first experiment were controlled by the response-reinforcer relation, but the changes in patterns of responding were similar whether concurrently available reinforcement at varying times was response-dependent or response-independent. In the final experiment, the addition of response-independent reinforcement at fixed times to a fixed-interval schedule resulted in changes in both local and overall response rates and in the occurrence of positively accelerated responding between reinforcements. These results suggest that the temporal distribution of reinforcers determines response patterns and that both the response-reinforcement dependency and the schedule of reinforcement determine overall response rates during concurrently scheduled response-dependent and response-independent reinforcement.  相似文献   

On one key, pigeons' pecks were reinforced according to a variable-interval schedule in the presence of vertical lines, and were not reinforced in the presence of oblique lines. On a second key, pecks were reinforced according to a variable-interval schedule in the presence of blue, according to a signalled variable-interval schedule in the presence of red, and were not reinforced in the presence of white. Subsequently, during extinction, stimulus-control gradients were obtained by presenting eight different line orientations on the first key concurrent with each of the three colors on the second key. On the first key, line-orientation gradients tended to be lower, narrower, and less shifted in peak or area when the second-key stimulus was blue or red, the stimuli respectively correlated with unsignalled and signalled reinforcement, than when it was white, the stimulus correlated with extinction. Thus, the effect on first-key line-orientation gradients depended on second-key stimuli correlated with concurrent reinforcement, whether or not these stimuli were also correlated with concurrent responding. As a function of first-key line orientation, an inverted gradient was obtained on the second key during blue; during both red and white, rates of pecking on the second key were near zero.  相似文献   

Reinforcements were arranged independently of the pigeon's behavior by concurrent variable-interval schedules. The reinforcements arranged by one of the schedules occurred when the chamber was illuminated with amber light, and the reinforcements arranged by the other schedule occurred when the chamber was illuminated with blue light. Both schedules functioned concurrently, but reinforcers were delivered by each only in the presence of the appropriate stimulus condition. A response on a white key, the only key in the chamber, alternated the stimulus condition and the effective schedule. The results of this procedure were similar to those obtained with concurrent response-dependent variable-interval schedules of reinforcement. The proportion of the total session time spent in the presence of a schedule component approximated the proportion of the total number of reinforcements in the component. Changeover rate was a decreasing function of the changeover delay and of the difference between the relative rates of reinforcement for each pair of concurrent schedules.  相似文献   

Two groups of six rats received discrimination training with two auditory stimuli differing in intensity. During one stimulus, the schedule was variable interval; during the other, it was either variable time or extinction. Both the variable time and extinction schedules resulted in differential rates of responding in the presence of the two stimuli. Extinction resulted in an earlier and more stable difference. Stimulus generalization gradients obtained along the noise-intensity dimension revealed peak shift with both procedures. In addition, a secondary peak to stimuli in between the two training stimuli occurred with the variable-time schedule.  相似文献   

In two experiments, animals were initially exposed to response-dependent schedules of food before exposure to response-independent reinforcement matched for overall rate and temporal distribution of reinforcers to the preceding condition. In Experiment I, response decrements during the response-independent phase were smaller after delayed reinforcement training than after a comparable immediate reinforcement schedule, for both doves and rats. In Experiment II variable-interval and variable-ratio schedules, both with either immediate or delayed reinforcement, were used with rats. Both the delayed reinforcement schedules produced resistance to subsequent response-independent reinforcement, but response decrements were larger after either of the immediate reinforcement conditions. It was concluded that the critical factor in response maintenance under response-independent reinforcement was the type of response-reinforcer contiguities permitted under the response-dependent schedule rather than perception of response-reinforcer “contingencies”. If the response-dependent schedule was arranged so that behaviours other than a designated operant (key pecking or lever pressing) could be contiguous with food, responding was maintained well under response-independent schedules.  相似文献   

Four pigeons received pre-training that included presentation of the reinforcer independently of behavior and then baseline training on a variable-interval schedule of reinforcement. With the introduction of a multiple schedule, in which the first stimulus was associated with a response contingent and a second stimulus with a response independent, 1-min variable-interval schedule, a reduction in response rate was obtained in the second component, which was not accompanied by a behavioral contrast effect in the first component. A further three pigeons were given the same pre-training and baseline training before the introduction of an otherwise identical multiple schedule, in which no reinforcement occured in the second component. Behavioral contrast was obtained from all three subjects. The results indicated that under conditions of constant reinforcement density a reduction in responding is not a sufficient condition for the occurrence of behavioral contrast.  相似文献   

Pigeons were exposed to two equal, concurrent variable-interval schedules of reinforcement on two response keys. One key was continuously illuminated. Pecking on that key produced reinforcements of constant duration. The other key was normally dark, except that availability of reinforcement was signalled by illuminating the key. The duration of access to a grain reinforcer was varied on the key that signalled reinforcement. Rate of response on the first key, the one that did not signal reinforcement, was found to vary inversely with duration of signalled reinforcement on the other key. The latency between the signal and the peck that produced signalled reinforcement remained about constant. These results show that responding on one key in concurrent variable-interval schedules depends on the reinforcement delivered by both schedules and is independent of responding on the other key.  相似文献   

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