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Winch's readings of Wittgenstein and Weil call for a significant rethinking of the relation between “metaphysics” and “ethics.” But there are confusions, perhaps to be found in all three of these writers, that we may slip into here. These are linked with the tendency to see idealist tendencies in Wittgenstein, and with his remark that giving grounds comes to an end, not in a kind of seeing on our part, but in our acting. The sense that we think we see in this suggestion is dependent on a distorted conception of “justification.” Getting clear about this involves coming to appreciate just how much of our nature as ethical beings is engaged when we do philosophy.  相似文献   

In the Beginning     
Chris Mortensen 《Erkenntnis》2003,59(2):141-156
In this paper, a survey is made of some of the contributionsto the interpretation of Hartle and Hawking's theory of thewave function of the universe and its beginning. It is arguedthat there are considerable difficulties with the interpretationof the theory, but that there is at least one interpretationhitherto not found in the literature which survives existingphilosophical objections.  相似文献   

A review is provided for the creation of the Psychometric Society in 1935, and the establishment of its journal, Psychometrika, in 1936. This document is part of the 80th anniversary celebration for Psychometrika’s founding, held during the annual meeting of the Psychometric Society in July of 2016 in Asheville, NC.  相似文献   

The author argues that the psyche crafts an affective metaphor for death out of the separation drama of infancy. Emergence of self from the mother–infant dyad can accomplish cohesion of fragmentary unconscious mentation strong enough, following Winnicott, to make possible a belief in God. Through developmental synergy between female and male elements, a sense of participation in an eternal principle of being can be achieved, sustaining the ego against anxieties over disintegration, and death as its analog. Myths of the child god illuminate the equation of fragmentation with death of self. Christianity expresses how the cohered self can transcend fragmentation.  相似文献   

魔由心生,神由人造.有时一些怪异不可解释的传言,实是人们以常理解释所为,实不知常理之外有偶然,这偶然事人们不知其缘故则目为神奇,一旦澈然知之,那么偶然事也在常理中.更有一些迷信的流行,是由于人们局于时地的限制,难以窥见它产生的全过程,断见之识以为真知,见豹尾摇则谓豹至,岂不知人持豹尾摇以骇人.还有一批愚昧之人,思想中先有神鬼观念,不能明辨是非,盲目从众,人云亦云,为捕风捉影事推波助澜,这样狗生双翅,寻常之事变为神怪.……  相似文献   

一个初冬的夜晚,我在离家四十华里的工地上接到了父亲病死的噩耗,哀悼悲恸之情迫使我深夜往家里赶.狂风在山岭上啸叫,愈是夜间刮得愈猛烈,天上一轮圆月被风沙裹挟着,象桔黄色的杏子在山尖上,透过灰黄色的迷雾,发出冷淡的黄澄澄的光,借着这迷雾与月色,当我翻过三道岭之后,来到一片形似乱葬岗的地方.我的脚下是枯草落叶铺成的羊肠小径,因抄近路,我走的实际已是人迹罕至的蜿蜒古道.……  相似文献   

民间流传的相面术对宣传迷信起了很大的作用,是应当——研究加以澄清,从而来有效的破除迷信。这种工作难度较大,很少有人来做。而且,著名辞书的有关辞条的简单的解释,在客观上也实际起了宣传迷信的作用。本文以著名的“口有饿  相似文献   

The growth and development of infants and children is examined from the perspective of parenting. White presents research evidence on early childhood development to substantiate his claim that educators and mental health specialists ignore these findings in their intervention approaches. The author sees the family as the first educational delivery system for the child, and presents concrete suggestions to aid educators and mental health specialists in their role. White concludes by favoring an educational approach to parenting over traditional social service work.  相似文献   

我舅舅在农闲时靠贩梨挣钱,这次,他去外地贩梨归来,津津有味地向我外公介绍起他的奇遇--   那天,我拉一架子车梨去安徽省界首市贩卖,到了闹市区,天眼看要黑下来,也找不着店可住了.我把车子拉到路边,正在发愁,听到路边一户人家里传出哭声.看到门前有烧的纸灰和摔碎的“老盆“,我便知这家刚埋了死人.于是,我背着双手,在这家宅院前左瞅瞅右看看,然后自言自语地说:“哼,不死人才怪呢!“要进这家帮忙的一位中年人被我的话吸引住了.他恭敬地问道:“您会看宅子?““懂点!“我说.那人慌慌张张地跑进院子去了.……  相似文献   

This essay deals with a commonly voiced concern with Barth's theology as expressed in the form that his theology illegitimately secures itself from critique, polices its narrow location assiduously and only lets in a few carefully vetted others when convinced that they can be useful. In contrast, through exploring John Milbank's distinction between dialogue and conversation it becomes possible to critique James Barr's and Clark Pinnock's understandings of “conversation” in a way that serves to hear Barth, and what it entails for theology to be “conversational”, significantly differently. Indeed, it will be maintained that “conversation” is an appropriate metaphor to apply to what Barth was doing with his theology.  相似文献   

In the beginning was the "name"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

为了认真学习和贯彻中央关于“八荣八耻”社会主义荣辱观的精神,中国无神论学会、中国反邪教协会联合中国科技馆、中国科普研究所、中国科普作家协会专家学者,于2006年6月26日上午在京召开了“以崇尚科学为荣,以愚昧无知为耻”的学术讨论会。出席会议的有:中国反邪教协会的副理事长何祚庥、郭正谊、王渝生同志,中国反邪教协会的常务理事、理事、会员;中国无神论学会副理事长杜继文、张新鹰、段启明同志,中国无神论学会的理事;中国科技馆馆长徐延豪同志,中国科技馆党委书记赵有利同志;中国科普研究所雷绮虹副所长和科普所的研究人员;中国科普…  相似文献   

《Humanistic Psychologist》2013,41(3):213-246
Two concepts form the basis of this study: a collaborative research design and a qualitative analysis of data. Participants and investigators were partners in the study, with the expectation that all would benefit from the joint effort. A qualitative analysis of the data was employed to arrive at a process-oriented, contextualized, dynamic perspective on relationships. Females, randomly paired into dyads, met for 1 hour per week for 9 weeks, individually writing commentaries of their experiences talking together and building relationships. The investigators' analyses focus on similarities-differences, self-disclosure, emotion, and intimacy, illustrating the complexities of relationship formation that emerge when examining the data with a multidimensional lens.  相似文献   

2006年12月12~13日,中国无神论学会在北京召开了“科学与宗教”学术研讨会。来自大专院校和科研院所专家学者共50余人,发言和交流论文17篇。中国无神论学会理事长任继愈到会并对会议表示祝贺;副理事长何祚庥、杜继文、郭正谊等,中国社科院世界宗教研究所所长卓新平,中国反邪教协会副理事  相似文献   

Mácha  Jakub 《Topoi》2022,41(5):939-953
Topoi - Both Hegel and the later Wittgenstein were concerned with the problem of how to begin speculation, or the problem of beginning. I argue that despite many differences, there are surprising...  相似文献   

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