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The analytical process of a male patient is herein described, the main focus being on the phase when the transference develops and transference projections are modified, leading to a transformation of the personality, which was previously characterized by severe obsessional defences. The specific aim of the discussion is to evaluate when and what to interpret, in relation to the importance of the transferential patterns and with regard to the role of the analyst as a container.  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
Covington, Coline. 'Learning how to forget – repeating the past as a defence against the present'.
Grotstein, James. 'Bion, the Pariah of O'.
Hinshelwood, R. D. 'The elusive concept of "internal objects" (1934–1943): its role in the formation of the Klein Group'.
Lippmann, Paul. 'On dreams and interpersonal psychoanalysis'.
Renik, Owen. 'Conscious and unconscious use of the self'.
Schaverien, Joy. 'Men who leave too soon: reflections on the erotic transference and countertransference'.
Williams, Gianna, 'Reflections on some dynamics of eating disorders: "no entry" defences and foreign bodies'.
Slavin, Malcolm & Kriegman, D. 'Why the analyst needs to change: towards a theory of conflict, negotiation, and mutual influence in the therapeutic process'.  相似文献   


This paper suggests that the interplay between transference and countertransference is considered to be a valuable channel of communication. The author puts an emphasis on the containing function of the analyst. The patient strives for an experience of an object (analyst) that tolerates and copes with the patient's projections. There are some moments when analysts feel themselves to be invaded, controlled or abused by their patient's products. As Bion has postulated, this situation takes the form of a sojourn in the analyst's psyche. Clinical vignettes are given to provide support for the ways in which the analyst contains and elaborates the projections of the patients in his or her own mind and the therapeutic role that these processes have.  相似文献   

Book reviews     

Eldercare by James Kenny&;Stephen Spicer. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1988, 152 pages, $11.95 paper

Lonely All the Time: Recognizing, Understanding and Overcoming Sex Addiction, for Addicts and Co-dependents by Ralph Earle&;Gregory Crow with Kevin Osborn. New York: Pocket Books, 1989, 337 pages, $19.95

The Imperfect Therapist: Learning from Failure in Therapeutic Practice by Jeffrey A. Kotter&;Diane S. Blau. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1989, 188 pages, $19.95

Families with a Difference: Varieties of Surrogate Parenthood by Michael Humphreys&;Heather Humphreys. New York: Routledge, 1988, 177 pages, $45.00

Between Husbands and Wives: Communication in Marriage by Mary Anne Fitzpatrick. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1988, 283 pages, $35.00 hardbound, $16.50 paperback  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Ulanov, Ann & Barry., Transforming Sexuality. The Archetypal World of Anima and Animus.
Ulanov, Ann Belford., The Functioning Transcendent: A Study in Analytical Psychology.
Von Franz, Marie-Louise., Archetypische Dimensionen der Seele. [Archetypal Dimensions of the Soul.]
Stevens, Anthony & Price, John., Evolutionary Psychiatry: A New Beginning.
Field, Nathan., Breakdown and Breakthrough: Psychotherapy in a New Dimension.
Tacey, David J., Remaking Men: Jung, Spirituality and Social Change.
Lopez-Pedraza, Rafael., Anselm Kiefer: 'After the Catastrophe'.
Diamond, Stephen A., Anger, Madness and the Daimonic: The Psychological Genesis of Violence, Evil and Creativity.  相似文献   

This paper sets out to describe the search for solutions as the complexity of the teacher’s role with vulnerable pupils gradually became apparent. The aim is to demonstrate how the application of psychoanalytic theories examining the unconscious processes in individuals and their influence on classroom behaviour enhanced the capabilities of the teacher and helped her to look beyond mere management of behaviour in the classroom. The use of these theories provided a ‘thinking’ space for the teacher whereby teacher–pupil relationships and behaviours could be thought about and ‘contained’ thereby facilitating the teaching process for both teachers and pupils. Examples of classroom practice are provided whereby an applied psychoanalytic framework proved to be a potent source of renewal and increased capacity in the teacher. The active participation of the teacher in her own learning process of applying psychoanalytic concepts contributes to an ongoing, developing project with her pupils.  相似文献   

Changes in the therapeutic environment can elicit intense and unpredictable responses from patients, who then react to the new elements with their own unique thoughts, fantasies, emotions and behaviours. When the change is very specific, and when it entails implications for the treatment itself, these patient responses can coalesce around more profound experiences of the transference as well as of the countertransference. The author, as a candidate or analyst-in-training, purchased an analytic couch for his office and observed the unfolding of what this new couch meant for existing treatments. Using clinical examples, he describes the three most common patient responses that occurred: rejecting, ambivalent, and embracing. The richly variant ideas and fantasies related to the analytic couch are described, and the couch's history within Freudian and Jungian contexts is reviewed. Personal determinants that could lead to the decision of whether to use a couch as part of analysis are considered from the standpoint of the analyst's preferences and own experience with the couch. The couch is discussed as a signifier of the analytic process with cultural meanings alluding not only to familiar stereotypes, but also to psychological healing and self-development.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Two experiments were conducted with US college students to determine whether affective states influence cross-cultural empathy. Participants read about a target who experienced distress and assumed a perspective that was consistent or inconsistent with US norms. When evaluating targets with a dissimilar (versus similar) cultural perspective, participants in neutral affect (Experiments 1 and 2) or negative affect (Experiment 2) conditions exhibited less perspective taking and emotional empathy. However, those differences were not observed for participants in a positive affect condition. Indeed, students in the positive (versus neutral or negative) affect condition exhibited greater perspective taking and feelings of compassion and sympathy for the dissimilar target. Results support (Fredrickson, B.L. (1998). What good are positive emotions? Review of General Psychology, 2, 300–319; Fredrickson, B.L. (2001). The role of positive emotions in positive psychology: The broaden and build theory of positive emotions. American Psychologist, 56, 218–226) broaden and build theory, suggesting positive affect promotes open-minded, flexible thinking and builds social resources.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Current research on medically unexplained somatic symptoms (MUSS) shows a renewed interest in psychodynamic approaches. Patients with MUSS lack the capacity to mentalize about their feelings. They have an attachment history characterized by insecure attachment relationships. They have a personality trait that can be best described as self-critical perfectionism. Their insecure early attachment relations have had a negative impact on the development of their stress regulatory system. Staff of Psychotherapeutisch Dagcentrum, affiliated with the Department of Psychiatry of a general hospital in Tilburg, found dynamic interpersonal therapy (DIT) a suitable treatment model for the treatment program that was run for patients with MUSS. DIT was developed by Lemma, Fonagy, and Target in the UK for the individual treatment of patients suffering from depression. Subsequently, a variant of DIT was developed in order to make it suitable for application in a multidisciplinary group setting.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Books reviewed:
Hauke, Christopher Jung and the Postmodern. The Interpretation of Realities.
Covitz, Joel Visions in the Night: Jungian and Ancient Dream Interpretation.
Ferro, Antonino The Bi-Personal Field. Experiences in Child Analysis.
Keve, Tom Triad: the physicists, the analysts, the kabbalists.
Segal, Robert A. (ed.). Hero Myths: A Reader.
Green, André & Stern, Daniel Clinical and Observational Psychoanalytic Research: Roots of a Controversy.
Singer, Thomas (ed.). The Vision Thing: Myth, Politics and Psyche in the World.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Shamdasani, Sonu. Cult Fictions: C. G. Jung and the Founding of Analytical Psychology
Shamdasani, Sonu. Cult Fictions: C.G. Jung and the Founding of Analytical Psychology
Sandner, Donald F. & Wong, Steven H. (eds.). The Sacred Heritage: The Influence of Shamanism on Analytical Psychology
Bion, W. R. War Memoirs 1917–1919
Mitrani, Theodore, Mitrani, Judith et al. (eds.). Encounters with Autistic States
Spensley, Sheila. Frances Tustin
Symington, Neville. The Making of a Psychotherapist.
Killick, Katherine & Schaverien, Joy (eds.). Art, Psychotherapy and Psychosis.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Books reviewed:
Zoja, E. P. Transl. by Henry Martin. Abortion: Loss and Renewal in the Search for Identity.
Bomford, Rodney. The Symmetry of God.
Fisher, James. The Uninvited Guest. Emerging from Narcissism towards Marriage.
Rutzky, Jacques. Coyote Speaks: Creative Strategies for Psychotherapists Treating Alcoholics and Addicts.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Kast, Verena. Father-Daughter, Mother-Son: Freeing Ourselves from the Complexes that Bind Us
Edinger, Edward F. Melville's Moby-Dick: An American Nekyia
Edinger, Edward F. The New God Image: A Study of Jung's Key Letters Concerning the Evolution of the Western God Image
Dreifuss, Gustav & Riemer, Judith. Abraham, The Man and the Symbol
Storr, Anthony. Feet of Clay: A Study of Gurus
Taylor, Eugene. William James on Consciousness Beyond the Margin
Shulman, Helene. Living at the Edge of Chaos: Complex Systems in Culture and Psyche  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Books reviewed:
Hauke, Christopher and Alister, Ian (eds.) Jung and Film: Post-Jungian Takes on the Moving Image
Meador, Betty de Shong Inanna Lady of Largest Heart: Poems of the Sumerian High Priestess Enheduanna
Barnes, Fiona Palmer and Murdin, Lesley (eds.) Values and Ethics in the Practice of Psychotherapy and Counselling
Mitrani, Judith L. A Framework for the Imaginary: Clinical Explorations in Primitive States of Being
Mitrani, Judith L. Ordinary People and Extra-Ordinary Protections: A Post-Kleinian Approach to the Treatment of Primitive Mental States
Aulagnier, Piera The Violence of Interpretation: From Pictogram to Statement  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Books reviewed:
Gaillard, Christian. Le Musée Imaginaire de Carl Gustav Jung.
Young-Eisendrath, Polly & Dawson, Terence (eds.). The Cambridge Companion to Jung.
Stevens, Anthony. Ariadne's Clue: A Guide to the Symbols of Humankind.
Stein, Murray. Transformation: Emergence of the Self.
Stein, Murray. Jung's Map of the Soul: An Introduction.
Christopher, Shelley (ed.). Contemporary Perspectives on Psychotherapy and Homosexualities.
Marlan, Stanton (ed.). Fire in the Stone: The Alchemy of Desire.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
D. E. M. Gardner: Susan Isaacs: A First Biography. Methuen Educational Ltd., 1972. Price £1.50.

Marion Milner: On Not Being Able to Paint. Heinemann Educational Books Ltd., London, 1971. Price 90p

Paul Nordoff and Clive Robbins: Therapy in Music for Handicapped Children, with a foreword by Benjamin Britten. Victor Gollancz, London, 1971. Price £1.80.

The Mental Health Book Review Index: an Annual Bibliography of Books and Book Reviews in the Behavioural Sciences, Vol. 17, 1972, XXVI. Price $10.00. Published by the Council on Research in Bibliography, Inc., c/o Research Center for Mental Health, New York University, New York, N.Y. 10003. (Address orders to: Mental Health Book Review Index, c/o Paul Klapper Library, Queens College of the City University of New York, Flushing, New York 11367, U.S.A.)  相似文献   

Book reviews     
This paper begins with a critical evaluation of British counselling psychology's aspirations for a scientific basis and considers some of the consequences in terms of theoretical assumptions and research practice. Through identifying certain empirical, theoretical and ideological problems inherent in the dominant tradition of quantifying inferred cognitive constructs (using the example of trainee self-talk), an alternative framework of discursive psychology is simultaneously introduced. the argument is made for a discursive study of storied meanings by trainee counselling psychologists about themselves and their work. This would potentially address two pivotal research areas. First, it affords both a personal and yet socially embedded framework for an increased understanding and more sensitive evaluation of the training process (with its acquisition of skills, knowledge, experience, competencies, etc.). Second, it offers an alternative approach to the problematic area of understanding unique and generic interactions between practitioners and their preferred psychological model(s) of therapy, thus challenging the theoretical and research cul-de-sac of competing modernist visions of purism, eclecticism and integration. Extending from these observations two research possibilities are suggested.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Wilfred Bion is regarded as a psychoanalytic purist and his austere portrayal of the analytic aim and attitude is often considered to make impossible demands on patient and analyst alike. Not surprisingly, the applicability of Bion's theory and recommended practice to once-weekly psychotherapeutic work is often questioned. Bion is thus ambivalently regarded by psychotherapists as the embodiment of an analytic ideal, whose developmental theories are important, but whose practical utility is doubted, especially in the context of the typical therapeutic setting. This paper seeks to challenge these assumptions by presenting the once-weekly therapy of a woman with attenuated mentalizing capacity and a tendency to destructive acting out. The therapy was guided by the application of central concepts, models and ‘technical’ principles emerging from my understanding of Bion's work. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate that Bion's utility is not confined to formal psychoanalytic settings and that his work may be usefully applied in more modest psychotherapy contexts.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Books reviewed:
Dale Mathers, An Introduction to Meaning and Purpose in Analytical Psychology
Jane Cabot Reid (ed. & narrator), Jung, My Mother, and I: The Analytic Diaries of Catharine Rush Cabot
Heather Formaini (compiler), Landmarks. Papers by Jungian Analysts from Australia and New Zealand
Neil Russack, Animal Guides in Life, Myth and Dreams: An Analyst's Notebook
Rose–Emily Rothenberg, The Jewel in the Wound
Judith Edwards (ed.), Being Alive, Building on the Work of Anne Alvarez  相似文献   

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