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This study investigated differences in the self-choice elaboration and an experimenter-provided elaboration on incidental memory of 7- to 12-yr.-olds. In a self-choice elaboration condition 34 second and 25 sixth graders were asked to choose one of the two sentence frames into which each target could fit more congruously, whereas in an experimenter-provided elaboration they were asked to judge the congruity of each target to each frame. In free recall, sixth graders recalled targets in bizarre sentence frames better than second graders for self-choice elaboration condition. An age difference was not found for the experimenter-provided elaboration. In cued recall self-choice elaboration led to better performance of sixth graders for recalling targets than an experimenter-provided elaboration in both bizarre and common sentence frames. However, the different types of elaboration did not alter the recall of second graders. These results were interpreted as showing that the effectiveness of a self-choice elaboration depends on the subjects' age and the type of sentence.  相似文献   

The subjects performed an orienting task involving 3 conditions, followed by unexpected tests which included free recall, name-matching and name-selec tion. Conditions were designed to force self-generated elaboration, self-choice elaboration, and experimenter-provided elaboration. In the self-generated elaboration condition, subjects were presented target sentences, e.g., Nobunaga ODA burned down ENRYAKUJI Temple, and asked to answer an elaborative interrogation, e.g., Why did Nobunaga ODA burn down ENRYAKUJI Temple? about each sentence. In the self-choice elaboration condition, subjects selected one of the alternative answers to an elaborative interrogation about each sentence. In the experimenter provided elaboration condition, subjects were presented an answer which they rated for congruity as the correct answer to the elaborative interrogation. In the free recall test, self generated elaboration led to better performance than the other two conditions for which no difference was observed. However, in the name-matching and name-selection tests, scores were better for self choice elaboration and self-generated elaboration than for experimenter-provided elaboration. These results were interpreted as demonstrating that self choice elaboration, in addition to self-generated elaboration, led to effective encoding in memory.  相似文献   

Subjects performed an orienting task involving 3 conditions followed by an unexpected free recall test. The conditions were designed to force 3 types of corrected elaborations: Generated Correction, Chosen Correction, and No Correction. In the Generated Correction condition the subjects were presented with a target word (e.g., Baby) and a bizarre sentence frame (e.g., "____drinks beer.") and asked to correct the target to a congruous word (e.g., Uncle) to make a common sentence. In the Chosen Correction condition, the subjects were presented with a target and its bizarre sentence frame and asked to choose one of the alternative congruous words (e.g., Uncle, Aunt) to make a common sentence. In the No Correction condition, the subjects were presented with a target and its bizarre sentence frame and asked to rate the congruity of each target to its sentence frame. Generated Correction led to a better performance than Chosen Correction and No Correction, but a difference between the last two correction types was not found. These results were interpreted as showing that, by generating correct information, self-corrected elaboration led to facilitation of incidental memory.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Two experiments were carried out to investigate the changes across age groups in the effects of self-corrected elaboration on incidental memory. Each participant performed an orienting task involving three conditions: self-corrected, self-generated and experimenter-provided elaboration. The orienting task was followed by free recall tests. In Experiment 1, the participants were sixth-grade and second-grade students. For sixth-grade students the self-corrected elaboration led to a better free recall than the other two elaborations, whereas for the second-grade students, no difference was observed between any of the three elaborations. In Experiment 2, using a longer word list than that in Experiment 1, the participants were undergraduates. The self-corrected and self-generated elaborations led to a better free recall than the experimenter-provided elaboration, and no difference between the former two elaborations was observed. The results obtained from these two experiments were interpreted as showing that the effectiveness of a self-corrected elaboration depends on the participants' age.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effect of self-corrected elaboration on incidental memory as a function of types of presentation (massed vs spaced) and sentence frames (image vs nonimage). The subjects were presented a target word and an incongruous sentence frame and asked to correct the target to make a common sentence in the self-corrected elaboration condition, whereas in the experimenter-corrected elaboration condition they were asked to rate the appropriateness of the congruous word presented, followed by free recall test. The superiority of the self-corrected elaboration to the experimenter-corrected elaboration was observed only in some situations of combinations by the types of presentation and sentence frames. These results were discussed in terms of the effectiveness of the self-corrected elaboration.  相似文献   

The present study compared the effects of social memories with those of nonsocial memories on incidental memory. The participants were presented target words on two occasions, and each time they were asked to think of a past episode associated with them in the orienting task, followed by an unexpected free‐recall test. The results showed that the targets that were associated with social memories, episodes including any person, were recalled more often than those with nonsocial memories. Also, the spacing effect was observed only for the recall of target words associated with social memories. These results were interpreted as showing that the inclusion of any particular person in an episode makes an episode itself more distinctive as an effective cue in autobiographical elaboration.  相似文献   

The present study investigated encoding variability in self-generated elaboration on incidental memory as a function of the type of presentation which was either massed or spaced. The subjects generated different answers to a "why" question for the first and the second presentations of a target sentence in a self-generated elaboration condition. In an experimenter-provided elaboration condition they then rated the appropriateness of the different answers provided by the experimenter for the first and second presentations. This procedure was followed by two free recall tests, one of which was immediate and the other delayed. A self-generated elaboration effect was observed in both the spaced and the massed presentations. These results indicated that the self-generated elaboration effect was facilitated, even in the massed presentation because the different answers to the first and the second presentations led to a richer encoding of each target.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the developmental changes in the effects of two types of self-corrected elaboration, namely generated correction and chosen correction, on incidental memory of words. Second and sixth graders performed an orienting task involving two types of correction followed by an unexpected recall test. They were presented with a target and its sentence, and were asked to correct the target to a congruous word in the generated-correction condition, or to choose one of the alternative congruous words in the chosen-correction condition. For second graders, chosen correction led to a better recall than generated correction, whereas for sixth graders the reverse relationship between the two corrections was observed. These results were interpreted as showing the developmental change in the effects of types of self-corrected elaboration on incidental memory.  相似文献   

28 undergraduate, 34 sixth-grade, and 36 second-grade students studied target words embedded in interchangeable or noninterchangeable sentences, and then performed free recall tests. In an interchangeable sentence the word which was to be remembered and its associated word fitted sensibly, whereas in a noninterchangeable sentence the target word fitted sensibly but its word associate did not. Undergraduates recalled the target words in noninterchangeable sentences better than sixth or second graders for whom a difference was not observed (undergraduates > sixth graders = second graders). In interchangeable sentences undergraduates recalled more targets than sixth or second graders, and sixth graders recalled more than second graders (undergraduates > sixth graders > second graders). The results were interpreted as indicating changes across age groups in the semantic constraint of spreading activation of target words in memory.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the effects of elaboration on recognition memory. Subjects were given either simple or complex sentences to learn and were tested for recognition of either an individual target word or the entire sentence. Complex sentences supported better recognition performance only when the test item allowed the subject to easily redintegrate the initial encoding context, either by re-presenting the encoded sentence as the test item or by constructing sentences such that the component words of the sentence could be easily redintegrated from an individual target item. It was suggested that complex, elaborate encoding established a richer trace, but that this richness can be utilized to enhance recognition only when the test conditions permit a reinstatement of the original encoding context.  相似文献   

Competing models of declarative memory were tested with structural equation models to analyze whether a second-order latent variable structure for episodic and semantic memory was invariant across age groups and across noise exposure conditions. Data were taken from three previous experimental noise studies that were performed with the same design, procedure, and dependent measures, and with participants from four age groups (13-14, 18-20, 35-45, and 55-65 years). Two noise conditions, road traffic noise and meaningful irrelevant speech, were compared to a quiet control group. The structural models put to the test were taken from Nyberg et al. (2003), which employed several memory tests that were the same as ours and studied age-groups that partly overlapped with our groups. In addition we also varied noise exposure conditions. Our analyses replicated and supported the second-order semantic-episodic memory models in Nyberg et al. (2003). The latent variable structures were invariant across age groups, with the exception of our youngest group, which by itself showed a less clear latent structure. The obtained structures were also invariant across noise exposure conditions. We also noted that our text memory items, which did not have a counterpart in the study by Nyberg et al. (2003), tend to form a separate latent variable loading on episodic memory.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that older adults have a special deficit in the encoding and retrieval of associations. The current study assessed this deficit using ecologically valid name-face pairs. In two experiments, younger and older participants learned a series of name-face pairs under intentional and incidental learning instructions, respectively, and were then tested for their recognition of the faces, the names, and the associations between the names and faces. Under incidental encoding conditions older adults' performance was uniformly lower than younger adults in all three tests, indicating age-related impairments in episodic memory representations. An age-related deficit specific to associations was found under intentional but not under incidental learning conditions, highlighting the importance of strategic associative processes and their decline in older adults. Separate analyses of hits and false alarms indicate that older adults' associative deficit originated from high false alarm rates in the associative test. Older adults' high false alarm rates potentially reflect their reduced ability to recollect the study-phase name-face pairs in the presence of intact familiarity with individual names and faces.  相似文献   

The effects of age and passage of time on incidental and prospective/intentional everyday memory were examined in this study. Seventy-nine volunteers, men and women between the ages of 23 and 93 years, were tested twice, and 33 of these volunteers were tested three times over an 18-month period. They were asked to recognize or to recall, either in writing or orally, experiences from a 3-day period in which they served as research subjects. Results demonstrated that incidental, but not prospective/intentional, memory appeared to be influenced by age and passage of time. Results imply that salience and context are important factors in aging memory performance, and that certain types of everyday retrospective reports may be reliable.  相似文献   

The present study examined the role of controlled attention in age differences in event-based prospective memory performance across adolescence. The researchers tested whether presenting the prospective memory cue in or out of focal awareness of the ongoing task (resulting in low versus high demands for controlled attention, respectively) might affect age-related prospective memory performance. In total, 119 Chinese participants ages 13 to 20 took part in this study (60 adolescents: age M = 13.26 years, SD = 0.50; 23 boys; 59 young adults: age M = 19.70 years, SD = 0.87; 19 men). Findings demonstrated a significant interaction, F(1, 114) = 6.41, p < .05. No effect of age on prospective memory performance was revealed when a focal cue was used (F < 1), whereas there was a reliable age effect between adolescents and young adults when nonfocal prospective memory cues were presented, F(1, 59) = 16.13, p < .01. This pattern of results suggests that the interplay of both available resources of controlled attention and working memory, along with specific task demands, may contribute to possible age differences in prospective memory performance across adolescence. Results are discussed in the context of the multiprocess theory of prospective memory.  相似文献   

彭明  张雷 《心理科学》2016,39(5):1110-1115
厌恶情绪的产生是为了回避潜在的病菌的威胁。研究发现,相比中性情绪状态下,厌恶情绪让人们更反对违背道德的行为,认为这些行为更错。目前,对于厌恶情绪对道德判断影响的发展还没有相关的研究。本实验以小学一年级,四年级及成人为研究对象来考察厌恶情绪对道德判断影响的发展。实验中被试被随机分入厌恶启动组和控制组,完成厌恶情绪任务和行为的道德判断任务。研究结果显示,在启动厌恶情绪之后,四年级和成人被试对道德违背行为的错误程度判断更为严格,同时四年级被试对行为的回避程度更高。一年级被试在厌恶情绪和控制条件下道德判断差异不显著。研究结果说明厌恶情绪对道德判断的影响是从无到有逐渐发展的。  相似文献   

Transitive inference is a complex task, conducive to the use of multiple strategies. We investigated whether transitive inference accuracy can be improved by biasing strategy choice towards a proposition-based approach that relies on the extraction of relations among stimuli. We biased strategy choice by using familiar stimuli with known relations that tap prior knowledge. Semantic information led to increased accuracy for younger and older adults, and increased awareness of stimulus relations. Increased age was associated with reduced awareness. Awareness accounted for the variability in performance accuracy to a greater extent than age, as aware older and younger adults showed similar accuracies on all conditions. The current work indicates that age differences in performance can be minimized by providing semantically meaningful stimuli that bias participants to use a relational proposition-based approach.  相似文献   

This study examined differential age effects in a young and a middle-aged sample by means of a sequential n-back task with increasing memory load. Participants processed two streams of stimuli either separately as a single task, or simultaneously as a dual task. We investigated age effects as a function of memory load in both the single and the dual-task version. In accuracy, we observed differential age effects as a function of load, which were more prominent in the dual-compared to the single-task versions. That is, middle-aged participants performed poorer than young adults in the dual-task conditions, suggesting that early age-related changes become especially apparent in conditions where task coordination and resource sharing come into play. Regarding latencies, we observed no differential age effect, which we believe is due to characteristics of the sequential n-back task.  相似文献   

Refreshing and elaboration are cognitive processes assumed to underlie verbal working-memory maintenance and assumed to support long-term memory formation. Whereas refreshing refers to the attentional focussing on representations, elaboration refers to linking representations in working memory into existing semantic networks. We measured the impact of instructed refreshing and elaboration on working and long-term memory separately, and investigated to what extent both processes are distinct in their contributions to working as well as long-term memory. Compared with a no-processing baseline, immediate memory was improved by repeating the items, but not by refreshing them. There was no credible effect of elaboration on working memory, except when items were repeated at the same time. Long-term memory benefited from elaboration, but not from refreshing the words. The results replicate the long-term memory benefit for elaboration, but do not support its beneficial role for working memory. Further, refreshing preserves immediate memory, but does not improve it beyond the level achieved without any processing.  相似文献   

First, third, and fifth graders (7.1, 8.8, 11.1 years old) performed semantic, acoustic, and orthographic orienting activities to different words in a list. Without forewarning, their free recall of the words was tested after the orienting activity. The semantic task yielded better recall than the acoustic or orthographic tasks, but the latter two did not differ. Age differences in recall were absent, and the effect of the three orienting tasks did not vary as a function of the child's age. The results support a direct extension of levels of processing theory (Craik, F. I. M., & Lockhart, R. S. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1972, 11, 671–684) to children's memory. An obligatory-optional encoding distinction was suggested as a developmentally relevant addition to the levels of processing framework.  相似文献   

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