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The main purpose of this article is to delineate findings from a review of the literature on the empirical basis for the existence of a relationship between Asperger's syndrome (AS) and violence risk. A second aim is to examine whether certain characteristics of the disorder may have a higher violence-triggering potential. Results of this review show that there are very few empirical studies that confirm a stable link between AS and violence. Only 11 studies involving 22 patients and 29 violent incidents met the criteria for inclusion in the review after the search of the literature. However, a qualitative analysis of the studies yielded some indications of possible patterns of dynamics of violence that may prove to be typical of persons with AS. A tentative comparison of AS and psychopathy indicated that there may be qualitative differences in the characteristics of violent behavior between the disorders. Suggestions for further research are presented.  相似文献   

A recent development in video games is that players can design and personalize their own in-game characters. It was predicted that this innovation could lead to elevations in the intensity of the psychological effects of video games. The present study confirmed this hypothesis, revealing that participants who played an aggressive video game using their own, personalized character exhibited higher levels of aggressive behavior than participants who played an aggressive game with a non-personalized character. The aggressive behavior levels of the own-character players also exceeded those of individuals who played a non-aggressive game, regardless of whether or not they used a personalized character. Process analyses revealed that participants playing a violent video game with a personalized game character experienced more arousal and self-activation than they did when playing with an impersonal, default game character, which in turn increased aggressive responses.  相似文献   

It has been shown that spatial perception is not only a function of optical variables but also a function of people’s physiological potential. When this potential is reduced, either due to age or fatigue, individuals have been observed to report hills steeper and distances longer. Two studies have demonstrated that the experience of an actual reduction in capacities is not necessary. After being primed with the elderly category, young participants estimated the gradient of various pathways and that of a hill steeper (Study 1) and distances across a grassy field longer (Study 2) than their non-primed counterparts. The activation of a social category has often been found to result in stereotype-congruent behaviors. The present findings indicate that, in addition to this well-documented behavioral mimetism, this activation also leads to perceptual mimetism. I suggest that it helps facilitate social interactions by investing the partners with a shared vision of their environment.  相似文献   

为考察睾酮素与反社会倾向未成年犯攻击行为的关系,在整合攻击行为生物激素视角和社会认知视角的基础上,探究敌意注意偏向的中介作用与皮质醇的调节作用。对84名未成年犯的激素水平、敌意注意偏向以及攻击行为进行调查。结果显示:(1)敌意注意偏向(注意不稳定性、注意回避)在睾酮素对攻击行为的影响中起完全中介作用;(2)皮质醇调节睾酮素与敌意注意偏向的关系,仅在高皮质醇水平下,敌意注意偏向的中介效应显著。基于生物激素影响攻击行为的中介机制和调节机制,可尝试从增加对敌意刺激的注意回避和提高皮质醇水平两个方面对反社会倾向未成年犯的攻击暴力行为进行干预。  相似文献   

Aggression (e.g., assaulting others, bullying, oppositionality; AGG) and non-aggressive rule-breaking (e.g., lying, stealing, vandalism; RB) appear to constitute meaningfully distinct dimensions of antisocial behavior. Despite these differences, it is equally clear that AGG and RB are moderately-to-strongly intercorrelated with one another. To date, however, we have little insight into the sampling and methodologic characteristics that might moderate the association between AGG and RB. The current study sought to evaluate several such moderators (i.e., age, sex, informant, and society) in a sample of 27,861 parent–adolescent dyads from 25 societies. AGG and RB were assessed with the well-known Child Behavior Checklist and Youth Self-Report (Achenbach & Rescorla, 2001). Results revealed small effects of informant and adolescent sex, such that the association between AGG and RB was stronger for parents’ reports than for adolescents’ self-reports, and for boys than for girls. The association also varied by society. Unexpectedly, the specific operationalization of ‘aggression’ emerged as a particularly strong moderator, such that the association was stronger for a general measure of AGG than for a more focused measure of physical aggression per se. Such findings inform our understanding of similarities and differences between aggressive and non-aggressive antisocial problems.  相似文献   

Psychopathy is a problematic configuration of traits and behaviors that is consistently correlated with aggressive, criminal behavior. Studies have suggested that psychopathy is composed of related but distinct factors that manifest divergent relations with a host of constructs including aggression. In the current study, we used a sample of 126 men to examine whether these psychopathy factors are differentially related to aggression manifested in two conditions (instrumental and hostile/reactive aggression) of a laboratory aggression paradigm. Traits related to an antagonistic interpersonal style and emotional detachment (i.e., Factor 1) were related to aggression in both conditions whereas traits related to negative emotionality, impulsivity, and an antagonistic style (i.e., Factor 2) were related to aggression only in the hostile/reactive condition. Potential explanations for these findings are put forth.  相似文献   

Positive psychology interventions (PPIs) are effective in increasing well-being across the population. Whilst educators are recognising the importance of well-being in the classroom and of its long-term impact on life trajectory, the transformative potential of PPIs in educational settings is yet to be fully realised. This study investigates, for the first time, the effects of a PPI in school children by means of a daily dairy. Self-report questionnaires were used to measure well-being in school children aged 8–11 years. Across two studies, children kept a positive events diary, recording three experiences every day for a week. The intervention led to an increase in happiness and a decrease in depressive symptoms immediately following the intervention and at a three-month follow-up. Children who had unhappier baseline scores benefitted more from the intervention. This study demonstrates significant scope, in school settings, for targeted light-touch interventions to promote well-being in those with the greatest need.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that reactive and proactive aggression likely have distinct underlying mechanisms that uniquely contribute to the perpetration of each as a result of faulty cognitive and emotional processes. Still, very little work has examined the association of the functions of relational aggression with emotion dysregulation and hostile attribution biases. In addition, it is important to examine relational aggression in its pure and co-occurring functions given that past work finds reactive and proactive aggression to occur both jointly and distinctly. Thus, the current study employed a bifactor model to distinguish between pure reactive, pure proactive, and co-occurring relational aggression in emerging adulthood (N = 647, Mage = 19.92, SD = 2.83), a developmental time period for which relational aggression is particularly prominent. To further address gaps in the relational aggression literature, indirect pathway models revealed that relational hostile attribution biases emerged as a concurrent indirect path in the relationship between emotion dysregulation and pure reactive relational aggression. Furthermore, emotion dysregulation was directly positively associated with both pure functions as well as co-occurring relational aggression, and hostile attribution biases for relational provocations were directly associated with both pure functions of relational aggression, though the association was negative for pure proactive and positive for pure reactive relational aggression. Findings highlight the potential influence of emotion dysregulation and attributing hostile intent to social situations on engaging in the different functions of relational aggression.  相似文献   

Maltreatment of children is a chronic community problem that increases the risk of future aggression. Despite several decades of research highlighting this relationship, few studies have explored the potential neuropsychological deficits that are likely to mediate it. This exploratory study aimed to examine how child maltreatment may be associated with aggression via impairment in the developing prefrontal-limbic-autonomic pathways that are implicated in neuropsychological models of aggression. Furthermore, it aimed to investigate the relationship between child maltreatment and both reactive and proactive aggression subtypes. To investigate this non-invasively in an at-risk population, children with a documented protective care history (n = 20) and a community control group (n = 30), aged between 6 and 12 years, were compared on measures of cardiovascular functioning, affect regulation and cognitive functioning aligned with this neuropsychological model. Whilst no group differences were found on cardiovascular functioning (i.e., resting heart rate, heart rate reactivity, heart rate variability), the protective care group performed significantly worse on measures of affect regulation and cognitive functioning (i.e., global intelligence, executive functioning, smell identification and social cognition). The relationship between child maltreatment and aggression was mediated by executive dysfunction and affect dysregulation but not global IQ, social cognition or olfactory identification. The results suggest that interventions targeting aggression in maltreated children will benefit from clinical assessment and psychological strategies that address the executive dysfunction and affect dysregulation that has been associated with this clinical outcome.  相似文献   

Three experiments explore aspects of the dissociable neural subsystems theory of hemispheric specialisation proposed by Marsolek and colleagues, and in particular a study by [Deason, R. G., & Marsolek, C. J. (2005). A critical boundary to the left-hemisphere advantage in word processing. Brain and Language, 92, 251–261]. Experiment 1A showed that shorter exposure durations for lower-case words (13 ms) are associated with reduced right visual field (RVF) advantages compared with longer exposure durations (144 ms). Experiment 1B compared report accuracy for lower case and mixed case words at the same exposure duration (144 ms). The RVF advantage was reduced for mixed case words due to case alternation having more of an adverse effect in the RVF than in the LVF. Experiment 2 tested a different prediction of dissociable neural subsystems theory. Four-letter words were presented in mixed case in the LVF or RVF for 100 ms. They were preceded at the same location by a prime which could be in the same word in the same alternation pattern (e.g., FlAg–FlAg), the same word in the opposite alternation pattern (e.g., fLaG–FlAg), or an unrelated letter string in the same or opposite case alternation pattern (WoPk–FlAg or wOpK–FlAg). Relative to performance in the letter string prime conditions, which did not differ significantly between the two visual fields, there was more of an effect of word primes in the RVF than in the LVF. Importantly, the benefit of a word prime was the same whether the prime was in the same alternation pattern or was in the opposition alternation pattern. We argue that these results run contrary to the predictions of dissociable neural subsystems theory and are more compatible with theories which propose that a left hemisphere word recognition system is responsible for identifying written words, whether they are presented in the LVF or the RVF, and that letters are processed to an abstract graphemic level of representation before being identified by that system.  相似文献   

Research has shown that viewing violence in the media can have a profound impact on aggressive thoughts and behaviors. However, the impact of viewing relational aggression in the media has rarely been examined. This paper presents the results of an experimental study that examines the impact of viewing relational and physical aggression in the media on subsequent aggression. In this study, adult females were shown video clips containing no-aggression, relational aggression, or physical aggression. Their aggressive behavior was measured through the use of a competitive reaction time task (physical aggression) and evaluations of a confederate of the experiment (relational aggression). As a whole, participants viewing either relational or physical aggression behaved similarly. Specifically, participants who viewed either type of aggression were subsequently more physically and relationally aggressive than those who viewed the non-aggressive clip. The results show evidence for a generalization effect of viewing media aggression, in that viewing one form of aggression can influence the manifestation of other forms. This is the first study to show that viewing relational aggression in the media can increase subsequent physical aggression. Implications for parents, media producers, and policy makers are discussed.  相似文献   

Many laboratory studies of aggression use a measure known as the modified Taylor Competitive Reaction Time Test (TCRTT), for which validation studies are lacking. Using sound blasts administered by the participant against a fictional human opponent, the TCRTT also allows for multiple methods of measuring aggression. The validity of the TCRTT was tested in 53 college student participants. Participants took a self-report measure of aggressiveness as well as neuropsychological measures of frontal lobe functioning predictive of aggression. Results were not supportive of the TCRTT's validity and indicated concerns regarding the use of the TCRTT as a measure of aggression. Results suggest that labaratory studies of media violence using the TCRTT are of questionable validity.  相似文献   

Previous research has linked higher levels of hopelessness about one's future to violent behavior during adolescence; however, little is known about this relationship over time for adolescents. Using growth curve modeling, we tested the association between future orientation and violent behavior across the high school years of adolescence in a sample of African American youth (n = 681). Variation based on demographic characteristics (i.e., sex, SES, previous violence) was explored. At baseline, differences in violent behavior varied by demographic characteristics. Overall, violent behavior decreased with age. Higher levels of future orientation were associated with greater decreases in violent behavior over time. Demographic characteristics were not associated with change in violent behavior overtime. Our findings suggest that future orientation can act as a promotive factor for at risk African American youth. Interventions that help support the development of future goals and aspirations could play a vital role in violence prevention efforts.  相似文献   

If the hippocampus plays a role in the detection of novel environmental features, then novelty should be associated with altered hippocampal neural activity and perhaps also measures of neuroplasticity. We examined Fos protein expression within subregions of rat hippocampal formation as an indicator of recent increases in neuronal excitation and cellular processes that support neuroplasticity. Environmental novelty, but not environmental complexity, led to a selective increase of Fos induction in the final “output” subregion of the dorsal hippocampal trisynaptic circuit (CA1) and a primary projection site (layer five of the lateral entorhinal cortex, ERC), as well as in the perirhinal cortex. There was no selective effect of novelty on Fos expression within “input” elements of the trisynaptic circuit (ERC layer two, the dentate gyrus or CA3) or other comparison brain regions that may be responsive to overall motor-sensory activity or anxiety levels (primary somatosensory and motor cortex or hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus). Test session ambulatory behavior increased with both novelty and environmental complexity and was not significantly correlated with Fos expression patterns in any of the brain regions examined. In contrast, the extent of manipulated environmental novelty was strongly correlated with Fos expression in CA1. These results support the prospect that a novelty-associated signal is generated within hippocampal neurocircuitry, is relayed to cortical projection sites, and specifically up-regulates neuroplasticity-supporting processes with dorsal hippocampal CA1 and ERC layer five. Whether novelty-dependent Fos induction in perirhinal cortex depends on this hippocampal output or reflects an independent process remains to be determined.The hippocampus appears to play an essential role in the encoding of configural and temporal relationships between experiential elements thereby supporting memory for environmental contexts and discrete episodes (Rudy and Sutherland 1995). A related hypothesis is that the hippocampus serves as a functional comparator of present and past (stored) experience, and consequently directs attention and mnemonic processes to the novel aspects of present experience (Margulies 1985; Otto and Eichenbaum 1992; Knight 1996; Mizumori et al. 1999; Moser and Paulsen 2001; Vinogradova 2001; Fyhn et al. 2002; Norman and O''Reilly 2003). A comparator capability of the hippocampus seems plausible given the converging parallel neural pathways by which multimodal sensory information is presented to the hippocampus. The entorhinal cortex serves as an anatomical gateway through which the majority of cortically processed information is presented to the hippocampus. This cortical information is relayed directly (via monosynaptic connections) to CA1 neurons (originating primarily from layer three of the entorhinal cortex) or to CA3 neurons (originating primarily from layer two of the entorhinal cortex) (Steward and Scoville 1976; Remondes and Schuman 2004; Witter and Amaral 2004). In addition, CA1 neurons are presented with cortical information (originating primarily from layer two of the entorhinal cortex) that has first been processed by the dentate gyrus and CA3, via the serial connections of the hippocampal formation trisynaptic circuit (Andersen et al. 1971). Although both CA1 and CA3 neurons receive direct and indirect neural input from entorhinal cortex, several hippocampal-circuit models propose that CA1 neurons have unique access to both past (stored) and ongoing experiential neural patterns (Hasselmo and Schnell 1994; Moser and Paulsen 2001; Norman and O''Reilly 2003). Alternatively, other models posit an important role of CA3 neurons (Mizumori et al. 1999; Vinogradova 2001; Lee et al. 2005a) and/or dentate gyrus granule cells (Meeter et al. 2004; Lee et al. 2005a) in the detection of novel features of experience.Implicit in these models of hippocampal function is the assumption that the hippocampus is engaged differently when presented with novel versus familiar stimuli patterns. There is some evidence for experience-dependent differences in rodent hippocampal activity that are manifest by electrophysiological differences in individual or ensemble neuronal activity patterns (Otto and Eichenbaum 1992; Fyhn et al. 2002; Nitz and McNaughton 2004). Neuroimaging studies in humans have detected increased fMRI activity in the hippocampal region during encoding of novel visual stimuli (Stern et al. 1996; Johnson et al. 2008). Moreover, humans with hippocampal damage exhibit altered event-related potentials in response to novel stimuli (Knight 1996).Hippocampal activity that varies with the novelty of an experience may be important for guiding ongoing behavior (e.g., exploratory behavior and vigilance), and if so, should also produce detectable differences in activity of hippocampal efferents. In addition, detection of novelty may be important for altering neuroplastic processes within components of the hippocampus. The goal of our study was to examine across hippocampal formation subregions the levels of a cellular marker of neural activity and neuroplasticity (Fos expression) associated with environmental experiences that vary in novelty and complexity. The expression of the protein product, Fos, of the immediate early gene, c-fos, may be a good molecular indicator of recent increases in general molecular changes that contribute to neuroplasticity. Expression of Fos reflects an intracellular state of cells that varies primarily as a result of recent activation by intercellular signals (e.g., neurotransmitters, hormones, paracrine factors, and adhesion molecules) (Herdegen and Leah 1998). Hippocampal Fos expression is associated with recent increases in neuronal firing, although apparently in a complex fashion (Labiner et al. 1993). Increases in hippocampal Fos is also believed to be an important mediator of activity-dependent neuroplasticity (Sheng and Greenberg 1990).In our study we examined the number of Fos immunopositive cells in the dentate gyrus, subregions of the hippocampus (CA1, CA2, CA3, and CA4), and layers two and five of the lateral entorhinal cortex. In addition, we examined Fos immunoreactivity in the perirhinal cortex. There is accumulating support for this brain region to play a role in the detection of novel stimuli in a configuration independent manner (Brown and Aggleton 2001; Kumaran and Maguire 2007). For comparison purposes, we also examined Fos expression patterns in primary somatosensory cortex, primary motor cortex, and the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN). Fos expression levels in the somatosensory and motor cortex may reflect the varying amounts of somatosensation and motor activity present during the experimental test-day experiences. Fos expression levels in the PVN may reflect the varying amounts of test-day stress and anxiety associated with the different treatment conditions.Several other rat studies have examined the relationship between stimuli novelty (e.g., visual images, extramaze environmental cues, or new learning tasks) and Fos expression in the hippocampus (Hess et al. 1995a; Wan et al. 1999; Vann et al. 2000). Whereas those other studies utilized tasks that had a training phase and operant reward component, our study examined Fos expression in rats placed in a novel or familiar environment with no training components or operant contingencies. The pattern of Fos expression associated with unrewarded exploratory behavior may better reflect the extent to which novelty and complexity differentially and automatically engage the hippocampus than does the pattern of Fos expression associated with various learning regimens and their particular task demands (Kumaran and Maguire 2007).  相似文献   

The present study intended to find out the associated variables of depression and anxiety symptoms for young adults confronted with an academic stress. Ninety-two graduate students, who were actively involved in preparing their thesis, participated in this study. Two regression analyses were conducted to see different variables associated with depression and anxiety symptoms separately. Consistent with the expectations, depression and anxiety had overlapping predictors, such as negative automatic thoughts and hopelessness. However, adequacy of problem-solving abilities seemed to be associated with anxiety symptoms. Findings were discussed in the light of relevant literature. This work has been supported by the Turkish Academy of Sciences in the framework of the Young Scientist Award Program (TG-TUBA-GEBIP/2002-1-11).  相似文献   

《Current Psychology》2005,24(2):123-133
The present study intended to find out the associated variables of depression and anxiety symptoms for young adults confronted with an academic stress. Ninety-two graduate students, who were actively involved in preparing their thesis, participated in this study. Two regression analyses were conducted to see different variables associated with depression and anxiety symptoms separately. Consistent with the expectations, depression and anxiety had overlapping predictors, such as negative automatic thoughts and hopelessness. However, adequacy of problem-solving abilities seemed to be associated with anxiety symptoms. Findings were discussed in the light of relevant literature. This work has been supported by the Turkish Academy of Sciences in the framework of the Young Scientist Award Program (TG-TUBA-GEBIP/2002-1-11).  相似文献   

This study investigated the utilitarian and emotion-related components of morality, both as a function of gender and age and in relation to hostile vs. pro-social behaviors in bullying. We presented 45 primary and 62 middle school students with different types of moral and control dilemmas to assess their acceptance of utilitarian behaviors that did or did not violate moral norms (with high or low emotional involvement) in relation to their propensity to assume hostile and/or pro-social roles. We found greater acceptance of utilitarian solutions to dilemmas in boys, older children and those inclined to take on hostile roles. An inverse association was found between utilitarian styles and pro-social roles, particularly when utilitarian thinking violated a moral norm with high emotional involvement. We discuss these results in terms of different functioning styles in typically developing children.  相似文献   

Two research objectives underlay the present research. First, we tested how frustrated psychological needs caused by the refugee-influx influence the endorsement and selection of refugee-relevant information. Second, we tested how information selection processes contribute to the development of exclusionary attitudes that counteract the integration of refugees into host countries. In a laboratory study (n = 181), frustrated psychological needs decreased participants’ endorsement of a refugee-friendly essay (vs. a control essay). Additionally, frustrated needs led to a biased selection of refugee-hostile over refugee-friendly information and such selection biases, in turn, predicted higher levels of ingroup defense and prejudice toward refugees. The findings imply that host societies’ receptiveness to refugees is influenced by the maintenance of basic psychological needs.  相似文献   

The International Intrusive Thought Interview Schedule (IITIS) was used to assess and compare the unwanted intrusive thoughts (UITs) reported in a group of patients with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and a non-clinical group. Although all participants reported at least one type of intrusion, OCD patients experienced more intrusive thoughts than non-clinical participants, and this difference was statistically significant. In the OCD group, intrusive thoughts were more frequent, interfered more with daily life, were considered to be more important to get out of the mind, and were more difficult to stop than in non-clinical participants. The two groups did not differ significantly in terms of five appraisals of the most distressing intrusive thought. One appraisal (importance) was used far more by the OCD group than the non-clinical group. For three appraisals (intolerance of anxiety, need to control, and intolerance of uncertainty), the difference was smaller. Only two of the strategies for controlling the most upsetting intrusive thought (ritual and avoidance) were of value in differentiating between the two groups. The IITIS (an instrument used to assess intrusions in non-clinical samples) appears to be of value for the assessment of patients with OCD.  相似文献   

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