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Twelve subjects performed a high signal rate vigilance task, once after a night's sleep, and once after a night without sleep. Raw scores were transformed into the signal detection parameters, d' and β. After sleep deprivation, detection performance was significantly impaired. This was reflected in a fall of d', whereas β was not significantly altered. Analysing the control data alone for comparison with other vigilance studies revealed a decrement in % signals detected and d', and an increase in β from the first to the second half of the test.  相似文献   

A lexical decision task was used in a paradigm testing the effects of sleep loss and fatigue on performance during a 72-h period of sleep deprivation. The data were partitioned into categories of response lapses, response accuracy, and the signal detection measures of discriminability (d’) and bias (β). Response lapses increased as a function of sleep loss and were fitted best by a composite equation with a major linear component and a minor rhythmic component. Response accuracy decreased as a function of sleep loss, with the rate of decrease being greater for nonwords than for words. Although d’ was higher for right visual field (RVF), it decreased for both fields almost linearly as a function of sleep deprivation. The rate of decrease for RVF stimulation was greater than for left visual field (LVF) stimulation, β did not change monotonically as a function of sleep loss, but showed strong circadian rhythmicity, indicating that it was not differentially affected by sleep loss per se.  相似文献   

The following three studies of single-probe recognition memory set out to show the effect on the signal-detectability measures of d' and β (Tanner and Swets, 1954) of variations in the acoustic similarity of interfering material, which may either precede or follow the item to be remembered (proactive or retroactive interference --PI or RI). The first experiment studies a situation employed by Wickelgren (1966a), who reported that acoustically similar RI substantially reduced d'. It is shown that this effect could have been due to biases in Wickelgren's original designs, and that when a bias-free design is used, the fall in d' is only of borderline significance.

To investigate this problem further, a design was evolved in which two items were presented for memorizing, which varied in acoustic similarity to each other, and (after a distracting task) a probe was presented with one of three questions: Was this the first item of the pair? Was it the second? or, Did it occur in either position? In the first case, recognition-memory with RI of varying acoustic similarity was being studied, and as in the first experiment, it was found that similarity slightly reduced d'. With the second question, PI effects were being studied, and here negligible differences were found. With the third type of question, a “location-free” test, no effects of similarity were found. The last result rules out Posner's (1967) “acid-bath” explanation of similarity effects in interference: an explanation in terms of “differentiation” (or “filtering”) was also invalidated by the results of a third experiment, in which the same effects were found even though similarity varied only between stimulus items and interference, and not between these and the probe. Wickelgren's (1966b) associative model appears to have least difficulty in accommodating these results, though even this needs certain ad hoc assumptions to be able to do so.  相似文献   

There are both monotonic and rhythmic factors in the patterns of change seen in physiological, psychological, and performance variables during sleep deprivation. These monotonic and rhythmic factors can be orthogonal, or they may interact with each other, with various task variables, or both. The importance of separating the rhythmic from the monotonic factors and of elucidating their interactions is discussed. Experimental methods and types of analysis appropriate to evaluating these factors are examined, with special emphasis on the complex demodulation time series analysis applied to group or individual subject data. The discussion is accompanied by data illustrations. It is suggested that sleep deprivation research should be designed so as to generate physiological and behavioral data that include information on both monotonic and rhythmic factors, the nature and extent of their interaction, and how they interrelate with systematically manipulated independent variables.  相似文献   

Affective disorder has often been associated with disturbances of circadian rhythmicity. The present study addressed the question of the specificity of this relationship. Two groups of subjects, a “depression-prone” and a control group, were selected on the basis of their scores on two widely-used depression questionnaires. For a period of 4 consecutive weeks circadian rhythmicity was recorded by means of log-booklets, which the subjects used to keep daily records of their hours of sleep, subjective sleep quality, and subjective alertness, mood and oral temperature. The results showed significantly lower values of subjective sleep quality and estimated sleep efficiency for the “depression-prone” group. Moreover, for the latter group nonparametric spectral analysis revealed a significantly weaker circadian rhythmicity of subjective alertness, mood, as well as oral temperature. It was concluded that these results argue against the specificity of the amplitude reduction, as often reported to be the most consistent circadian abnormality in affective disorder.  相似文献   

Listeners were required to detect increments of intensity or frequency in trains of pure tone bursts under different conditions of attention. The data were analysed taking into account contralateral events when more than one stimulus train was present. Marked changes in d' and β were found and the changes were positively correlated.

If targets are rare and attention is divided the values of β and d' are the same as in undivided attention provided that the contralateral event is a correct rejection, but fall if the contralateral events are hits or false alarms. If targets and non-targets are equi-probable no such difference is found. The data suggest that the observers can make use of the statistical properties of the stimulus sources. The results are compared with those in recent experiments using pure tones in a discrete trial paradigm and in experiments using semantic stimuli.  相似文献   

Both working and immediate memories were assessed every 4h by specific short-term memory tasks over sustained wakefulness in 12 patients with obstructive sleep apnea and hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) and 10 healthy controls. Results indicated that OSAHS patients exhibited lower working memory performances than controls on both backward digit span and complex Sternberg tasks. Speed and accuracy on Sternberg tasks were affected by memory load in both groups. However, immediate memory was not impaired in OSAHS patients. Diurnal and nocturnal SaO(2) were correlated with speed and accuracy high-speed memory scanning performance on Sternberg tasks in patients. These results suggest specific working memory deficits associated with OSAHS over sustained wakefulness with a possible deficiency in the central executive responsible for the higher information processing, in addition to a potentially insufficient storage capacity. Among OSAHS patients, working memory ability involved in high-speed memory scanning may be impaired by chronic hypoxemia.  相似文献   

Facilitation of memory for discriminative learning in young chicks is enhanced following exposure to a synthesized rhythmic auditory stimulus. Increased arousal, mediated by noradrenergic activation, is believed to underlie this effect. In this report we examine whether ethologically relevant rhythmic auditory stimuli produce the same noradrenaline-mediated memory enhancement in neonate chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus). Maternal hen attraction calls which contained a rhythmic pattern were found to facilitate retention. Intracerebral injection of noradrenaline or the beta(2)-adrenergic antagonist propranolol demonstrated that this enhancement is likely to be mediated by noradrenergic activation of central beta(2)-noradrenergic receptors. In contrast, a rhythmic alarm call inhibited retention. Subcutaneous injection of the alpha(1)-adrenergic antagonist prazosin revealed that this impairment may be due to higher arousal levels resulting in activation of alpha(1)-noradrenergic receptors. It is concluded that the maternal hen calls of domestic chickens can influence the memory ability of the offspring via noradrenaline release in the brain. The current data suggest that call meaning and rhythmicity interact to yield the appropriate levels of beta(2)-adrenergic activation required to facilitate retention for a discriminative task.  相似文献   

Four experiments using a yes-no recognition task with snapshots examined (1) the effect of presenting not one but two items simultaneously, either both targets or both distractors, for a single judgment at a retention test trial; (2) the rate of forgetting; (3) the interaction between retention interval and the exposure duration at acquisition; (4) acquisition as a function of the number of times a picture was presented. In each case performance was assessed by calculating the discriminability index d'. The results supported the hypotheses that trace strength is lognormally distributed, that forgetting is exponential, and that in acquisition trace strength is a linear function of the number of presentations.  相似文献   

The effects of item familiarity in memory have been variously ascribed to differences in storage or retrieval efficiency, response availability, and response bias. The experiments reported here attempted to discriminate between these explanations, using a model of the response process based on signal-detection theory. Memory for English surnames varying in frequency of occurrence was tested under free recall and recognition conditions. In both conditions, common names appeared more often among the incorrect responses, reflecting a response bias in their favour; but storage and/or retrieval of these names, as measured by the parameter d', was less efficient than for uncommon ones. The finding of similar results in recognition and recall shows that the effect remains even when differences in response availability are removed by the use of a probe.  相似文献   

Freedom from restrictive assumptions and ease of psychological interpretation are two basic criteria for a satisfactory measure of recognition performance. The A-index (Brown, 1965a) comes close to fulfilling these criteria. It is based on the proportion of wrong choices rejected in a multi-choice test as revealed by the number of choices required to select the correct choice. It can be transformed into the d' measure of signal detection theory (SDT) if the standard assumptions of this theory hold, but not in general. Two experiments on the recognition of words-in-noise are described. In the first there were 3, 5, 8 or 16 choices. They were typed on a card which was displayed to the listener during the presentation of a word. On both measures 5-, 8- and 16-choice recognition did not differ significantly, while 3-choice recognition was slightly, but significantly, superior. The second experiment concerned the effect of delaying the display of the card until 2 sec. after presentation. No evidence for an effect was obtained. In both experiments, there was suggestive but not conclusive evidence that the d' measure tended to overestimate recognition efficiency.  相似文献   

A number of studies have provided evidence that the visual system statistically summarizes large amounts of information that would exceed the limitations of attention and working memory (ensemble coding). However the necessity of working memory resources for ensemble coding has not yet been tested directly. In the current study, we used a dual task design to test the effect of object and spatial visual working memory load on size averaging accuracy. In Experiment 1, we tested participants’ accuracy in comparing the mean size of two sets under various levels of object visual working memory load. Although the accuracy of average size judgments depended on the difference in mean size between the two sets, we found no effect of working memory load. In Experiment 2, we tested the same average size judgment while participants were under spatial visual working memory load, again finding no effect of load on averaging accuracy. Overall our results reveal that ensemble coding can proceed unimpeded and highly accurately under both object and spatial visual working memory load, providing further evidence that ensemble coding reflects a basic perceptual process distinct from that of individual object processing.  相似文献   

Three research methods were used to investigate the hypothesized mediational influence of working memory on age-related differences in integrative reasoning. Results from all three procedures were consistent with the hypothesis because (1) statistical control of an index of working memory attenuated the age differences in reasoning accuracy, (2) young adults were more accurate than older adults in a measure reflecting the preservation of information during processing, and (3) young adults performing the task with a concurrent memory load exhibited a qualitative pattern of performance similar to that of older adults performing the task without a concurrent memory load.  相似文献   

工作记忆与认知灵活性是执行功能的两个核心成分,但两者之间的关系并不清晰。本研究在一个数字大小交替比较任务中操纵工作记忆负荷,考察转换代价在不同记忆负荷下的差异。结果显示与非转换条件相比,转换条件下的反应时更长,正确率更低。另外,高记忆负荷下的转换代价显著高于低记忆负荷下的转换代价。这些结果表明工作记忆负荷越大,转换越难,代价越大。  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that the efficiency of selective attention depends on the availability of cognitive control functions, including working memory. Here we examined the role of working memory in another task involving executive control, namely, a go/no-go task. Participants performed the Sustained Attention to Response Task, which requires withholding a prepotent response to an infrequent target, when at the same time placing a low or high load on an unrelated working memory task. Working memory load had the effect of reducing accuracy on the go trials, when at the same time increasing accuracy on the no-go trials. We interpret these findings to suggest that high working memory load led to a shift to a more conservative response criterion.  相似文献   

有氧运动是氧气充足时运用大型肌肉群进行有节奏的持续运动。有氧运动可以加快工作记忆任务中的反应速度;在记忆编码前和记忆巩固阶段进行高强度有氧运动有助于提升情景记忆;高强度有氧运动可以促进内隐记忆。有氧运动可以促进神经营养因子的产生,引起长时程增强,激活海马等与记忆相关的脑区并促进神经元再生。未来可探究有氧运动开始和持续时间的影响、有氧运动强度和认知参与的影响、有氧运动对不同年龄性别群体的影响以及脑源性神经营养因子的中介作用,从而深入揭示有氧运动对记忆的影响及其神经生物学机制。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to investigate whether sleep problems might account for the increased working memory deficits observed in school-aged children with neurological conditions. A novel, transdiagnostic approach to the investigation was chosen, and sleep is treated as a process that can potentially account for working memory difficulties across a range of neurological conditions. Prevalence estimates of sleep problems are also examined. Archival data of 237 children aged 6 to 11 years were collected from a Western Australian statewide neuropsychological service for the period 26 July 2011 to 14 January 2014. Measures of parent-reported sleep quality, snoring, and daytime sleepiness were obtained, in addition to objective measures of verbal and spatial working memory, storage capacity, and processing speed. The results of the data analysis reveal that over one third of participants reported having clinically-significant levels of sleep problems and that poor sleep quality is significantly associated with verbal working memory difficulties. This association remains after partialling out the variance contributed to performance by storage capacity and processing speed, suggesting that sleep is impacting upon an executive component of working memory. No other significant associations are observed. The results suggest that poor sleep quality is associated with an executive component of verbal (rather than spatial) working memory in children with neurological conditions. This has implications for the biological mechanisms thought to underlie the relationship between sleep and cognition in children. The results also demonstrate the clinical utility of a transdiagnostic approach when investigating sleep and cognition in children with neurological conditions.  相似文献   

任衍具  孙琪 《心理学报》2014,46(11):1613-1627
采用视空工作记忆任务和真实场景搜索任务相结合的双任务范式, 结合眼动技术将搜索过程划分为起始阶段、扫描阶段和确认阶段, 探究视空工作记忆负载对真实场景搜索绩效的影响机制, 同时考查试次间搜索目标是否变化、目标模板的具体化程度以及搜索场景画面的视觉混乱度所起的调节作用。结果表明, 视空工作记忆负载会降低真实场景搜索的成绩, 在搜索过程中表现为视空负载条件下扫描阶段持续时间的延长、注视点数目的增加和空间负载条件下确认阶段持续时间的延长, 视空负载对搜索过程的影响与目标模板的具体化程度有关; 空间负载会降低真实场景搜索的效率, 且与搜索画面的视觉混乱度有关, 而客体负载则不会。由此可见, 视空工作记忆负载对真实场景搜索绩效的影响不同, 空间负载对搜索过程的影响比客体负载更长久, 二者均受到目标模板具体化程度的调节; 仅空间负载会降低真实场景的搜索效率, 且受到搜索场景画面视觉混乱度的调节。  相似文献   

Biological rhythms in infants are described as evolving from an ultradian to a circadian pattern along the first months of life. Recently, the use of actigraphy and thermistors with memory has contributed to the understanding of temporal relations of different variables along development. The aim of this study was to describe and compare the development of the rhythmic pattern of wrist temperature, activity/rest cycle, sleep/wake and feeding behavior in term and preterm newborns maintained in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).MethodsNineteen healthy preterm and seven fullterm newborns had the following variables monitored continuously while they were in the NICU: activity recorded by actigraphy, wrist temperature recorded with a thermistor and observed sleep and feeding behavior recorded by the NICU staff with diaries. Subjects were divided in 3 groups according to their gestational age at birth and rhythmic parameters were compared.ResultsA dominant daily rhythm was observed for wrist temperature since the first two weeks of life and no age relation was demonstrated. Otherwise, a daily pattern in activity/rest cycle was observed for most preterm newborns since 35 weeks of postconceptional age and was more robust in term babies. Feeding and sleep/wake data showed an almost exclusive 3 h rhythm, probably related to a masking effect of feeding schedules.ConclusionsWe found that wrist temperature develops a daily pattern as soon as previously reported for rectal temperature, and with acrophase profile similar to adults. Moreover, we were able to find a daily rhythm in activity/rest cycle earlier than previously reported in literature. We also suggest that sleep/wake rhythm and feeding behavior follow independent developmental courses, being more suitable to masking effects.  相似文献   

Three experiments assessed the role of verbal and visuo-spatial working memory in supporting long-term repetition priming for written words. In Experiment 1, two priming tasks (word stem completion and category-exemplar production) were included with three levels of load on working memory: (1) without memory load, (2) memory load that involved storing a string of six digits, and (3) memory load that involved storing a graphic shape. Experiments 2 and 3 compared the effects of a verbal (Experiment 2) or a visual (Experiment 3) working memory load at encoding on both an implicit (word stem completion) and an explicit test (cued recall). The results show no effect of memory load in any of the implicit memory tests, suggesting that priming does not rely on working memory resources. By contrast, loading working memory at encoding causes a significant disruptive effect on the explicit memory test for words when the load is verbal but not visual.  相似文献   

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