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The 19-year stability of personality from late adolescence to early adulthood was examined in a sample of 121 men and women who had participated in an earlier study of articulation and language development (Templin, 1966; Templin & Glaman, 1976). Personality was assessed using the Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI). At the time of retest, personality data were also collected from the participants' mothers. Modest stability of individual differences in personality was observed, consistent with the literature on longitudinal studies of personality during late adolescence and early adulthood. For the Extraversion and Neuroticism scales, offspring means decreased significantly over the 19-year period such that the offspring means were closer to the mean scores of their mothers when they were followed up in adulthood as compared to their first testing in adolescence. There was, however, no change in mother-offspring resemblance from the initial test to retest. Mother-offspring resemblance appears to be due largely to aspects of personality that were stable from adolescence to early adulthood. Implications of these results are discussed in relation to the findings of previous longitudinal studies of adult personality and recent behavioral genetic evidence regarding personality change and stability.  相似文献   

Second-order change is a central concept in Marriage and Family Therapy, but still remains poorly operationalized. We conducted a web-based modified Delphi study with 31 established faculty members currently teaching in COAMFTE-accredited Master's and Doctoral programs in the United States and in Canada to identify consensus regarding second-order change concepts, clinical operationalization, evaluation, and teaching principles. Numerous exemplars of first and second-order change were generated, but consensus on most items was low. Consensus was highest for pedagogy and low regarding concepts and clinical examples of first-order change and evaluation of second-order change. Results suggest clearer definitions and better measurement of systemic change are needed.  相似文献   

为了探讨家庭社会资本在家庭收入对青少年社会适应影响中的中介作用,选取了418名农村小学3-6年小学生作为被试,采用家庭经济压力问卷、同伴提名法、学习成绩、孤独感问卷和家庭社会资本问卷进行研究。结果表明:(1)家庭经济压力与学业成就、同伴接纳存在显著的负相关,与孤独感存在显著正相关;(2)家庭经济压力通过家庭社会资本的完全中介作用影响学业成就(中介效应值为–0.14);(3)家庭经济压力通过家庭社会资本的完全中介作用影响孤独感(中介效应值为0.03);(4)家庭经济压力通过家庭社会资本的完全中介作用影响同伴接纳(中介效应值为–0.07)。研究得出,家庭收入完全通过家庭社会资本来影响青少年的社会适应。  相似文献   

社会关系模型在20世纪80年代被引入至家庭研究领域,并在多种家庭关系的研究中加以应用和拓展.在该领域中,社会关系模型主要采用循环设计,将变异分解为个体水平、关系水平和家庭水平的效应,也可以分析个体水平和关系水平的互惠效应,代际内部和代际之间的互惠效应,以及家庭成员的相似性等问题;其数据分析的方法主要有单个家庭效应值的计算以及结构方程模型的分析方法两种.今后的研究可以在体现家庭关系的复杂性、三人家庭数据的处理、各效应的外部效度指标以及缺失值的处理等方面进行拓展.  相似文献   

本研究将微观发生法设计和虚拟仿真技术相结合,考察了不同特质社会创造性大学生跨情境、跨时间的状态社会创造性的变化特点。结果表明:(1)在四种具体社会问题情境中,个体策略新颖性的变化表现出了跨情境的多样性特点,而策略实用性的变化则主要表现出了跨情境的一致性特点;(2)个体特质社会创造性对其状态社会创造性的表现的影响主要体现在策略的实用性上。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of social division associated with the emergent "race debate" in Australia (and the so-called "Hanson phenomenon") on the consensus of Australian students' stereotypes of their national ingroup. It compares the stereotypes held by a sample of students in 1997 ( N = 20) with those revealed in studies conducted from 1992 onwards ( N = 102). Results provide strong evidence that stereotype consensus was reduced in the current phase of research and post-testing also indicates that participants themselves interpreted this as being the product of political change in Australian society. The findings are consistent with the argument that stereotypes are sensitive to changes in intergroup and intragroup relations, and that they respond to the reality of social division rather than to the rhetoric of unity.  相似文献   

Focusing on the subjective perception of scope, pace, and evaluation of social change, this study investigated how social change is related to psychological well‐being. A theoretical model based on the transactional model of stress was built and tested with the data drawn from Korea using structural equation modeling. The results illustrate that the perceived scope and pace of social change were negatively related to psychological well‐being through the mediation of the evaluation of social change, which also mediated the relationship between coping resources and psychological well‐being. Coping resources also buffered the influence of perceived social change on psychological well‐being. The findings suggest that the subjective perception of social change is a crucial stress factor in understanding psychological well‐being.  相似文献   

泉州是我国民间信仰最为繁盛发达的地区之一,也是改革开放后经济社会急剧转型的地区之一。转型社会的几个典型特征——城市化进程加快、人口流动性加大、经济快速提升以及现代社团组织制度初步确立,给泉州民间信仰以深刻影响。泉州民间信仰因之表现出从传统时代民众的公共性事务,向当代信徒的私人性事务过渡的趋势。  相似文献   

Social desirability has been shown to be stable in samples with higher school education. However, little is known about the stability of social desirability in more heterogeneous samples differing in school education. This study aimed to investigate the stability of social desirability and which factors predict interindividual differences in intraindividual change. As part of a randomized controlled trial, 1,243 job seekers with unhealthy alcohol use were systematically recruited at three job agencies. A total of 1,094 individuals (87.8%) participated in at least one of two follow‐ups (6 and 15 months after baseline) and constitute this study's sample. The Social Desirability Scale‐17 was applied. Two latent change models were conducted: Model 1 tested for interindividual differences in intraindividual change of social desirability between both follow‐ups; Model 2 included possible predictors (age, sex, education, current employment status) of interindividual differences in intraindividual change. Model 1 revealed a significant decrease of social desirability over time. Model 2 revealed school education to be the only significant predictor of change. These findings indicate that stability of social desirability may depend on school education. It may not be as stable in individuals with higher school education as in individuals with lower education.  相似文献   

家户小农:韧性国家的历史社会根基   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家并非一个抽象的制度或者观念的共同体。国家建立在一定的社会基础之上,社会基础决定国家的制度和观念特性。从国家的社会基础来看,中国表现出韧性特征。这种韧性在中国国家形态的长期历史演进中,表现为国家在克服困境应对危机时的适应性、稳定性和自我发展性,以及由此实现的长期延续性。中国的历史是在家户小农的社会基础上长期演化发展而来的。家户小农在长期历史进程中形成了独立生存、自我发展的韧性。具有韧性特质的家户小农,为国家形态的演进提供了延续和稳定的机制,包括小规模生产的适应机制、对国家政权低度依赖所形成的自组织机制、基于血缘延续的稳定机制等。  相似文献   

Chaos theory is an important paradigm shift in science that has significant implications for psychological theory and psychotherapy. The concepts evolving from chaos theory can help clinicians identify patterns in family interactions that are critical if transformations are to occur. This article explores a specific case example from the perspective of chaos theory. Observing how suicidal behavior becomes part of a pattern of family interaction may offer a framework for clinicians to observe the dynamics of chaos.  相似文献   

The Social Dynamics of Cigarette Smoking: A Family Systems Perspective   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper uses family systems concepts and the Family FIRO model to show how cigarette smoking occurs in the context of the important relationships in a smoker's life. Specifically, smoking is viewed as a way a person is included in relationships, is in control in relationships, and perhaps is intimate in relationships. When smoking is well-established in the relationship, predictable interaction patterns surround it. When a person tries to quit or succeeds in quitting, these patterns change and may need to be replaced by nonsmoking alternatives. Partners may respond with support and willingness to create alternative patterns, or with undermining behavior stemming from a perceived threat to the established patterns. The model is offered for its heuristic value in guiding research and clinical experimentation. The paper also describes implications for family therapists as consultants to smoking-cessation programs.  相似文献   

This article portrays the personal strengths of children growing up in same-gendered families from a positive psychological framework. One of the major challenges all children growing up in same-gendered families are faced with is the integration of their family experience with that of the wider society outside the home. A narrative approach was used to explore the experiences of children from their perspectives. Five children from eight families participated in the project. Data were created through interviews and a variety of other supportive qualitative techniques. The data were analyzed using a holistic analysis approach and a narrative was subsequently written to illuminate the uniqueness, the specificity and the individuality of each particular child. This article depicts one of these narratives. From this narrative the following personal strengths emerged: humor, a sense of perceived control, socially intelligent disclosure, agency, okayness and the ability to form positive relationships. I propose that remarkable personal strengths are displayed in the way in which children growing up in same-gendered families engage a heteronormative world.  相似文献   

Building upon the redefinition of exploration as a family process, this study analyses how the processes of family stability and change may favour exploration by members of multiple family relational contexts. Sixty non-clinical family triads (mother, father, child) participated in an experimental observational study and were video-recorded while playing in different interactive configurations. The children (37 females and 23 males) were 4–5 years old (M?=?55 months). The mothers’ ages ranged from 29 to 45 (M?=?38) and the fathers’ ages ranged from 29 to 46 (M?=?39). All the parents were employed and were living together. All participants were Caucasians of Italian nationality. Using the Triadic Interactions Analytical Procedure (TIAP), the family morphostatic processes and the family morphogenetic processes were analysed in relation to the family members’ exploration. Data analyses showed that family stability continual construction (morphostasis) and family change (morphogenesis) involve different interactive and relational dynamics (χ²(8)?=?13.84, p?>?.05; CFI?=?.97, TLI?=?.94, SRMR?=?.06), even if they are intertwined processes (p?<?.001). Both morphostatic and morphogenetic processes were correlated to the level of exploration showed by family members (respectively r?=?.32, p?<?.05, and r?=?.59, p?<?.001), even if the morphogenetic processes had a stronger relation with family exploration (z?=?1.85, p one-tailed ?<?.05).  相似文献   

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