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Numerous studies have shown the positive consequences of work engagement for both organisations and employees experiencing it. For instance, research has demonstrated that work‐engaged employees have lower levels of turnover intentions than non‐engaged employees. However, in this research, we examined whether there is a dark side of work engagement. More precisely, we investigated whether the relationship between work engagement and employees' turnover intentions might be non‐linear. Based on two different samples, our results indicated that the relationship between work engagement and employees' turnover intentions is curvilinear. The theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Current Psychology - Research exploring feedback in the form of workplace performance appraisals or in educational contexts, is common. However, there is a dearth of research to inform...  相似文献   

杜健 《心理科学进展》2020,28(10):1751-1761
自我概念一致性已经被证明对于享乐的和自我实现的幸福感具有促进作用。然而文化可以影响它们之间的关系。西方人崇尚个人主义, 具有独立型自我构念和低水平的辩证思维, 因此他们的自我概念一致性较高, 且对幸福感具有强烈的促进作用。而东方人崇尚集体主义, 具有互依型自我构念和高水平的辩证思维, 因此他们的自我概念一致性较低, 且对幸福感的促进作用微弱。未来的研究需要在特质以外的人格水平上, 检验不同分类标准下的自我概念一致性与文化和多种类型的幸福感间的关系。并且探索文化发挥作用的其他机制, 解析文化与自我概念相互作用, 共同影响幸福感的深层机制。  相似文献   

The present study tested the hypothesis of a curvilinear relationship between preference for complexity and each of two components of creativity—originality and fluency—for four complexity levels within the upper half of the complexity distribution The hypothesis was based on an interpretation of extremely high complexity levels as emphasizing rejection of conventionality more than fondness for novelty and tolerance of ambiguity The results not only supported the main hypothesis of a curvilinear relationship but also suggested that originality and fluency declined beyond the second level of complexity studied. Question is cast on the assumption that increasing complexity is necessarily productive of increasing creativity Lastly, the results were interpreted as also being consistent with Berlyne's (1967) hypothesis that moderate increases in arousal are most conducive to learning  相似文献   

In their quantitative review of the literature, Healy, Lehman, and McDaniel [Healy, M. C., Lehman, M., & McDaniel, M. A. (1995). Age and voluntary turnover: A quantitative review. Personnel Psychology, 48, 335–345] concluded that age is only weakly related to voluntary turnover (average r = −.08).However, with the significant changes in mobility patterns among employees over the last two decades, the strength of the age–turnover relationship may have changed as well. In a meta-analysis of studies published between 1990 and 2008 (49 studies, N = 71,053), we found that the age–voluntary turnover relationship was in fact stronger (−.14) than what Healy et al. (1995) found. In addition, moderator tests revealed that race, tenure, and education level help explain differences in effect sizes across studies linking age to turnover. That is, the age–turnover relationship is stronger when there are more racial minorities in the sample (−.16), when organizational tenure is higher (−.18), and when education level is lower (−.20). In addition, the relationship is strongest when the timeframe for measuring turnover behavior is 1–2 years and when the research is conducted with U.S. samples.  相似文献   

The relationship between hyperactivity and neuropsychological test performance at different age levels was examined. It was found that for young children (6 to 8 years of age, n=90), there was no significant association between hyperactivity/attentional problems (as measured by the Hyperactivity scale of the Child Behavior Checklist) and performance on neuropsychological tasks thought to contain an attentional component (WISC-R Coding, Arithmetic, and Digit Span; WRAT Arithmetic; and the Benton Visual Retention Test). However, for older children (9 to 12 years of age, n=92), there were significant and large negative correlations between CBC Hyperactivity scores and Coding, WRAT Arithmetic, and Benton VRT scores. Multiple regression analyses supported the above results (for Coding and WRAT Arithmetic), indicating that hyperactivity/inattention has a particularly deleterious effect on test performance (relative to sameage peers) as age increases.Aspects of the research reported in this article were presented at the 1987 meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society in Washington, D.C. The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of William Ingram and Lisa Rosa in the data collection.  相似文献   

Studies of electrophysiological indices of performance monitoring, such as the error-related negativity (ERN), posterror positivity (Pe), and N2 components of the event-related potential (ERP), suggest that increased ERN and Pe amplitudes and decreased N2 amplitudes are associated with better cognitive flexibility and cognitive control abilities; however, few studies have directly examined the relationship between cognitive performance and ERP indices of performance monitoring. We examined the neuropsychological profile of 89 healthy individuals who performed a modified flanker task. The neuropsychological domains tested included memory, verbal fluency, and attention/executive functioning. Pearson’s correlations and multiple regression analyses showed a significant relationship between measures of attention/executive functioning and ERN amplitude, even when negative affect, reaction time interference, and posterror slowing were controlled. N2 amplitude related only to posterror slowing. The amplitude of the Pe was not significantly related to any cognitive domains. These findings are consistent with recent work indicating that performance monitoring requires attention skills and cognitive flexibility. Implications for the conflict-monitoring and reinforcement-learning theories are discussed.  相似文献   

张淑华  刘兆延 《心理学报》2016,48(12):1561-1573
本研究采用元分析方法探索了组织认同与离职意向的关系。通过文献搜索与筛选, 获得了59项研究和71个独立效应量, 共包含23180名被试。根据数据特点, 采用随机效应模型对两者关系进行了分析, 结果表明, 整体上组织认同与离职意向呈现高等程度的负相关(r = −0.453); 不同维度内容的组织认同测量工具、被试从事的行业类型对组织认同与离职意向的关系具有调节效应, 但不同认知结构的离职意向测量工具、文化背景的调节效应不显著。上述结果证明了组织认同对离职意向的影响作用, 同时, 也强调了科学研究中测量工具使用的科学性。  相似文献   

近年来,关于"宗教与文化关系"问题的讨论引起人们的关注和议论,宗教文化的内涵是什么、怎样认识宗教与文化的关系、执政党如何对待和处理宗教与文化的关系问题……对这一涉及宗教工作的重要理论问题,还需要进一步从马克思主义宗教观角度进行较为深入系统的基础性研究。  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that both personality and motivation are important factors in student academic performance. This study examined how the interactions between the Big Five personality traits and self-determination motivation orientations affect students' academic performance. The hypotheses were empirically tested using cross-sectional data collected from 249 primary school students in China. The correlation analysis found that self-determined motivation and four of the five personality traits (not emotional instability) were significantly positively related to academic performance in English. The hierarchical regression analysis revealed that, after controlling for gender, openness to new experience and conscientiousness both positively predicted English performance. Significant interaction effects were found between agreeableness and self-determined motivation, and between conscientiousness and self-determined motivation. However, conscientiousness and agreeableness only positively predicted academic performance when the student's self-determined motivation was low.  相似文献   

Difficult tasks are commonly equated with complex tasks across many behaviors. Motor task difficulty is traditionally defined via Fitts’ law, using evaluation criteria based on spatial movement constraints. Complexity of data is typically evaluated using non-linear computational approaches. In this project, we investigate the potential to evaluate task difficulty via behavioral (motor performance) complexity in a Fitts-type task. Use of non-linear approaches allows for inclusion of many features of motor actions that are not currently included in the Fitts-type paradigm. Our results indicate that tasks defined as more difficult (using Fitts movement IDs) are not associated with complex motor behaviors; rather, an inverse relationship exists between these two concepts. Use of non-linear techniques allowed for the detection of behavioral differences in motor performance over the entire action trajectory in the presence of action errors and among neutrally co-constrained effectors not detected using traditional Fitts’-type analyses utilizing movement time measures. Our findings indicate that task difficulty may potentially be inferred using non-linear measures, particularly in ecological situations that do not obey the Fitts-type testing paradigm. While we are optimistic regarding these initial findings, further work is needed to assess the full potential of the approach.  相似文献   

Leaders are encouraged to show benevolence to followers in paternalistic cultures. Yet, there remains debate about whether the influence of increasingly benevolent leadership on follower outcomes is linearly favorable. Grounded in the too‐much‐of‐a‐good‐thing effect and resource allocation theory, we developed and tested a model considering a potential curvilinear relationship between benevolent leadership and team performance while also examining the mediating role of team action processes. We further reasoned that this curvilinear indirect effect would be moderated by team commitment, which could neutralize the diminishing performance returns resulting from excessive benevolent leadership. To test these ideas, we carried out two studies. In the first study, multisource and time‐lagged data collected from 381 employees working in 104 research and development teams showed that benevolent leadership exhibited an inverted U‐shaped relationship with team performance, but this curvilinear relationship disappeared in teams with high team commitment. In the second study, we replicated and extended our results using a sample of 417 employees from 101 hotel management teams of a large hotel chain. Specifically, we found an inverted U‐shaped relationship between benevolent leadership and team action processes, which mediated the inverted U‐shaped relationship between benevolent leadership and team performance. Moreover, this indirect curvilinear effect only held in teams with low team commitment. We discuss the implications of our findings for both theory and practice.  相似文献   

Fifty-three national level cyclists completed competitive rides under both laboratory and field conditions to investigate the relationship between pre-competition anxiety and performance. A total of 39 males and 14 females participated in the study, ranging in age from 19 to 26. The objectives of the study were to, (a) measure the relationship between state anxiety and performance, (b) investigate differences in the anxiety-performance relationship under laboratory versus field conditions, and (c) examine the effect of trait anxiety on the state anxiety-performance relationship. State anxiety was measured using the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2; Martens, Vealey, & Burton, 1990), and trait anxiety with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI; Spielberger, Gorsuch, & Lushene, 1970). Results indicated that anxiety was strongly correlated with performance on the field test, but that the anxiety-performance relationship was weaker under laboratory conditions. Results also showed that trait anxiety interacted with the relationship, as low and high trait-anxious subjects had differential response patterns to pre-competition anxiety. The findings are discussed in terms of their relevance for both practitioners and researchers.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between regular aerobic activity and cognitive performance under stress when personality and inherent aptitude were statistically controlled. Aerobically conditioned subjects have been shown to mediate the physiological response to stress under physical challenge. Would aerobically conditioned subjects also respond more efficiently to psychological stress under cognitive challenge? Forty volunteers completed a battery of personality and aptitude measures and then completed two cognitive tasks (written tests of logic), one under a condition of no stress, the other while being verbally pressured by a test monitor. Heart rate and blood pressure were measured during and after each cognitive task. Contrary to the experimental hypothesis, aerobic activity was related to inferior cognitive performance and to elevated blood pressure under stress. Inherent cognitive aptitude and personality traits emerged as far more important correlates of cognitive performance under stress than did the level of exercise.  相似文献   

This experiment explores a suggestion by [Maxwell, J.P., Masters, R.S.W., Kerr, E., Weedon, E. (2001). The implicit benefit of learning without errors. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology A 54, 1049-1068] that an initial bout of implicit motor learning confers beneficial performance characteristics, such as robustness under secondary task loading, despite subsequent explicit learning. Participants acquired a complex motor skill (golf putting) over 400 trials. The environment was constrained early in learning to minimize performance error. It was predicted that in the absence of explicit instruction, reducing error would prevent hypothesis testing strategies and the concomitant accrual of declarative (explicit) knowledge, thereby reducing dependence on working memory resources. The effect of an additional cognitive task on putting performance was used to assess reliance on working memory. Putting performance of participants in the Implicit-Explicit condition was unaffected by the additional cognitive load, whereas the performance of Explicit participants deteriorated. The relationship between error correction and episodic verbal reports suggested that the explicit group were involved in more hypothesis testing behaviours than the Implicit-Explicit group early in learning. It was concluded that a constrained, uninstructed, environment early in learning, results in procedurally based motor output unencumbered by disadvantages associated with working memory control.  相似文献   

Previous findings on the relationship between procrastination and academic performance are inconsistent. We conducted a meta-analysis of 33 relevant studies involving a total of 38,529 participants to synthesize these findings. This analysis revealed that procrastination was negatively correlated with academic performance; this relationship was influenced by the choice of measures or indicators. The use of self-report scales interfered with detection of a significant relationship between procrastination and academic performance. The demographic characteristics of participants in individual studies also affected the observed relationship. Implications of this meta-analysis are discussed.  相似文献   


The relationship between the sense of coherence (SOC) and the intensity of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was examined in order to determine its nature and to resolve the inconsistencies between (1) a growing body of empirical research that indicates a linear relationship between these variables, and (2) the schema-based theories of PTSD that suggest a curvilinear relationship between cognitions and the intensity of PTSD. In this cross-sectional study an attempt was also made to identify some psychological factors that moderate this relationship. Participants were a sample of 1132 motor vehicle accident (MVA) survivors. The results showed that gender and temperamental predisposition to PTSD constituted moderator variables of the relationship between SOC and the intensity of PTSD. This supported both the empirical evidence on the linear and negative relationship between SOC and the intensity of PTSD and the theories that postulated the curvilinear relationship.  相似文献   

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