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镜像神经元系统的研究回顾及展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
镜像神经元系统的发现使得研究者从一个较为统一的神经机制层面了解人类多个层次的社会认知活动。在猕猴大脑F5区发现的镜像神经元可以在抽象的层面上帮助猕猴理解他人行为的意图。利用脑成像技术,研究发现人类的镜像神经元系统能够匹配外界的知觉表征和内在的动作表征从而通过“居身模仿”这一过程来进行模仿、语言理解、理解他人的意图及情绪这些重要的社会认知活动。另外,镜像神经元系统在社会交往中也起着重要作用,最后,就镜像神经元系统在心理理论中的作用、了解自我-他人问题和镜像神经元系统的关系、动机、经验等因素对镜像神经元系统活动的调控等问题对未来的研究方向进行了展望  相似文献   

Two sets of brain areas are repeatedly reported in neuroimaging studies on social cognition: the Mirror Neuron System and the Mentalizing System. The Mirror System is involved in goal understanding and has been associated with several emotional and cognitive functions central to social interaction, ranging from empathy to gestural communication and imitation. The Mentalizing System is recruited in tasks requiring cognitive processes such as self-reference and understanding of other’s intentions. Although theoretical accounts for an interaction between the two systems have been proposed, little is known about their synergy during social exchanges. In order to explore this question, we have recorded brain activity by means of functional MRI during live social exchanges based on reciprocal imitation of hand gestures. Here, we investigate, using the method of psychophysiological interaction, the changes in functional connectivity of the Mirror System due to the conditions of interest (being imitated, imitating) compared with passive observation of hand gestures. We report a strong coupling between the Mirror System and the Mentalizing System during the imitative exchanges. Our findings suggest a complementary role of the two networks during social encounters. The Mirror System would engage in the preparation of own actions and the simulation of other’s actions, while the Mentalizing System would engage in the anticipation of the other’s intention and thus would participate to the co-regulation of reciprocal actions. Beyond a specific effect of imitation, the design used offers the opportunity to tackle the role of role-switching in an interpersonal account of social cognition.  相似文献   

Itisveryclearthateyemovementdatahavebeenextremelyinfluentialinshapingwhatamodelofskilledreadingshouldbelike[1,2].Eyemovementdatahavealsoyieldedvaluableinsightsconcerningthemostappropriatewaystoteachreading[3,4].Giv鄄enthatmyownresearchhasinvolvedtheuseofeyemovementdataformanyyears,Iamoftenaskedwhatthemostsignificantfindingsthathaveemergedfromourlab.Inthisarticle,IwillfocusonwhatIviewtobethemostimportantfindingsanddevelopmentsfromtheresearchthatwehavedoneoverthisextended30yearperiod.Becauseou…  相似文献   

Modern psychology has, to all intents and purposes, become synonymous with cognitive psychology, with an emphasis on the idea that the brain is a form of computer, whose job is to take in sensory input, process information, and produce motor output. This places the brain at a remove from both the body and environment and denies the intimate connection that exists between them. As a result, a great injustice is done to both human and nonhuman animals: On the one hand, we fail to recognize the distinctive nature of nonhuman cognition, and on the other hand, we continue to promote a somewhat misleading view of human psychological capacities. Here, I suggest a more mutualistic, embodied, enactive view might allow us to ask more interesting questions about how animals of all kinds come to know their worlds, in ways that avoid the (inevitable) anthropocentric baggage of the cognitivist viewpoint.  相似文献   

Results are presented from an experiment in which subjects' eye movements were recorded while they carried out two visual tasks with similar material. One task was chosen to require close visual scrutiny; the second was less visually demanding. The oculomotor behaviour in the two tasks differed in three ways. (1) When scrutinizing, there was a reduction in the area of visual space over which stimulation influences saccadic eye movements. (2) When moving their eyes to targets requiring scrutiny, subjects were more likely to make a corrective saccade. (3) The duration of fixations on targets requiring scrutiny was increased. The results are discussed in relation to current theories of visual attention and the control of saccadic eye movements.  相似文献   

Modern readings of the Dionysian corpus often subordinate its hierarchical treatises to its theological treatises. Two unfortunate consequences follow: one, the thetic positions and aphairetic removals of the Divine Names and Mystical Theology bypass or transcend the hierarchical ranks and hierurgical rituals of the Celestial Hierarchy and Ecclesiastical Hierarchy. Second, the return to God occurs through apophatic abstraction rather than sacramental performance. This article interprets the Dionysian corpus differently, offering four arguments why Dionysian negative theology is not the means by which ranks and rituals are negated or abandoned but rather a means by which they are affirmed and accomplished.  相似文献   

Many writers have implicitly or explicitly stated that nonparametric tests are free from the assumption of homogeneity of variance. Nonparametric tests for difference in central tendencies generally involve the assumption of homogeneity of variance. The assumption of homogeneity of variance for the t test and for nonparametric tests serves the same purpose: it allows the user to draw more specific inferences when the null hypothesis is rejected.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, we evaluated relations between postural activity and the amplitude of visually guided eye movements. Participants shifted their gaze to follow horizontal oscillation of a visible target. The target moved with amplitude 9° or 24°. In different experiments, the frequency of target oscillation was 0.5 Hz or 1.1 Hz. In both experiments, the variability of head and torso motion was reduced (in the anterior-posterior axis) when participants viewed moving targets, relative to sway during viewing of stationary targets. Sway variability was not influenced by the amplitude of target motion. The results are compatible with the hypothesis that postural activity was modulated relative to the demands of suprapostural visual tasks.  相似文献   

视觉表象操作加工的眼动实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张霞  刘鸣 《心理学报》2009,41(4):305-315
本研究通过视觉表象旋转和扫描的眼动实验探讨表象的心理表征方式。实验一结果表明,眼动指标具有与反应时相类似的旋转角度效应。实验二结果显示,表象扫描的反应时和眼动指标都具有与知觉扫描加工一样的距离效应。由此可以认为,表象眼动与知觉眼动模式具有相似性;表象具有相对独立的心理表征方式并有其特殊的加工过程;表象的心理表征可以是形象表征,而非一定是抽象的命题或符号表征  相似文献   

曹晓华  曹立人 《心理科学》2007,30(2):316-319
通过眼动数据的分析,探讨人脸图形识别的取样特征。实验为2×2的被试内设计,自变量为显示条件(良好显示和不良显示)和显示方式(旋转显示和非旋转显示)。实验的因变量有反应时、总注视时间、注视比率、首视点注视时间、注视点数量、扫视总距离、扫视平均距离、正确率等8个指标。被试为12名大学生,刺激材料为10幅中国人脸部图形,主要实验设备是一台Eyelinkll型服动仪。结果发现,显示条件和显示方式对人脸图形识别绩效的影响显著;随着作业难度加大,被试图形识别的首视点注视时间显著增加;人脸图形识别中,显示条件对信息取样注视比率影响显著.而显示方式显著影响信息取样点数量.  相似文献   

This study investigates how speed of motion is processed in language. In three eye‐tracking experiments, participants were presented with visual scenes and spoken sentences describing fast or slow events (e.g., The lion ambled/dashed to the balloon). Results showed that looking time to relevant objects in the visual scene was affected by the speed of verb of the sentence, speaking rate, and configuration of a supporting visual scene. The results provide novel evidence for the mental simulation of speed in language and show that internal dynamic simulations can be played out via eye movements toward a static visual scene.  相似文献   

图画知觉过程的眼动研究进展   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
陶云 《心理科学》2001,24(2):194-196
阅读和图画知觉是眼动研究中的两个主要的课题。随着眼动研究的深入,人们逐渐发现,虽然阅读与图画知觉过程之间的眼动有许多相似之处,有关阅读眼动过程的一些研究结论可以在图画知觉过程中推广应用;但是二者之间也存在着重要差异,一些在阅读过程中所获得的眼动结论,并不都适用于图画知觉过程。为了进一步考察阅读与图画知觉过程  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial coupling of point of gaze (PG) and movements of the finger, elbow, and shoulder during a speeded aiming task were examined. Ten participants completed 40-cm aiming movements with the right arm, in a situation that allowed free movement of the eyes, head, arm, and trunk. On the majority of trials, a large initial saccade undershot the target slightly, and 1 or more smaller corrective saccades brought the eyes to the target position. The finger, elbow, and shoulder exhibited a similar pattern of undershooting their final positions, followed by small corrective movements. Eye movements usually preceded limb movements, and the eyes always arrived at the target well in advance of the finger. There was a clear temporal coupling between primary saccade completion and peak acceleration of the finger, elbow, and shoulder. The initiation of limb-segment movement usually occurred in a proximal-to-distal pattern. Increased variability in elbow and shoulder position as the movement progressed may have served to reduce variability in finger position. The spatial-temporal coupling of PG with the 3 limb segments was optimal for the pick up of visual information about the position of the finger and the target late in the movement.  相似文献   

One nearly ubiquitous assumption in models of linguistic comprehension and of eye movement control in reading alike is of partial modularization between word-level and sentence-level processing: that the outcome of word recognition, and thus the input to sentence-level comprehension, is a categorial representation. Yet such a partial modularization throws away residual uncertainty regarding word identity that might potentially be of value to the comprehender further downstream in the sentence. Here I describe a line of research combining computational modeling with experimental eye-tracking work to explore the consequences of removing this partial modularity assumption.  相似文献   

文章从笛卡尔的身心交感论开始,探讨了松果体在身心交互中的重要地位,并分心理主义、行为主义、认知主义三个阶段,描述了心理学回答"心灵如何被感知"的两条途径:心灵内省与行为反映。最后,文章特别描述了新近发现的镜像神经元,认为它可能是当代心理学体系内的"笛卡尔式松果体",是沟通身体活动与心理状态、自我与他人心理状态的桥梁。未来,镜像神经元在心理学研究中的地位,可能与松果体在笛卡尔体系内的地位一样重要。  相似文献   

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