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一、老子对“道”的诠释“道”是老子哲学的基本范畴。“道”在老子哲学逻辑结构中有生成论、本体论二重含义。生成论意义上的“道”似万物之宗 ,是天地万物赖以产生的本根 ;本体论意义上的“道”是天地万物之为天地万物之根据。关于宇宙生成论之“道” ,亦即天地万物赖以产生的本根 ,老子提出道为“天地之始”、“万物之母”、“似万物之宗”的思想。此种生成之“道” ,指先天地而生且混沌未分的实体性存在。这里说“实体性存在”而不说“具体性存在” ,宜作辨析。具体性存在是已经生成之物 ,此具体之物具有质的规定性和时空的有限性 ;实体…  相似文献   

世界本体与价值渊源合一,宇宙法则与治世规范统一,乃是中国传统哲学的重要特征。“《老子》,明道之书也。”(明·焦竑:《老子翼·序》)“道”是老子哲学的基本范畴。老子的“道”既是世界的根本,又是他所追求的理想。关于老子“道”的本体论意义,学术界多有论列,而关于其价值论意蕴,则需要作深入探讨。本文将就这一问题,略陈管见。  相似文献   

《道德经》是道教最重要的经典,“道”是《道德经》中最重要的概念。老子将“道”视为根源性的存在,宇宙万物包括生命均根源于此。“道”在《道德经》里被提升到了天地之本的高度,获得了宇宙论和本体论的意义。  相似文献   

老子论教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
米靖 《中国道教》2001,(6):28-31
老子是道家学派的创始人,其教育思想丰富而富有辩证法,是中国古代教育思想的一大渊源。 一、论教育与人、教育与社会 老子将“道”改造成为一个特定的哲学范畴,认为道是世界万物的本原。他说:“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。”(《老子·第四十二章》,以下凡引《老子》只注章数)道“渊兮,似万物之宗”(《第七章》)。不仅如此,老子认为这个“万物恃之以生”的道又是世界万物发展、变化、灭亡莫不遵循的规律和法则。老子把道与天、地、人并为宇宙中的“四大”,并且认为四者的关系是“人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然”(《…  相似文献   

诞生于轴心时代的中国先秦儒道两家,有着不同的理论特点和观照世界的方法。道家的创始人老子与儒家着重从现实人伦和道德修为立论不同,而是从宇宙万物的同一性角度思考世界的本原和存在方式,因而其理论本质上是一种生存论哲学和终极关怀。在这一层面,它与儒家有许多分野:如在宇宙论上,道家属本体论,儒家属生成(衍化)论;在行为根据上,道家提倡"道法自然",儒家崇尚"尊道贵德";在价值观上,道家持"天地不仁,以万物为刍狗"的平等观,儒家主张"天地之性人为贵"、"仁民而爱物"的差序伦理。这些在今天以传统资源应对工业化弊端的舆论场域,往往被纳入"天人合一"的框架笼统视之,这在本文看来是需要作细致分疏和分判的。最为重要的是,老子哲学的现代价值与其说是具体结论,不如说是方法,是其对世界整体构成和生存状态的根本看法。  相似文献   

先秦道家在推论万物的根源与万物、实在与现象、形而上的本体与形而下的器物、存在及其本质和规律以及万物之为万物的终极原因时,提出了“道”与“物”这对范畴。老庄提出的“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物”(《老子》第四十二章)、“道无终始,物有死生”(《庄子·秋水》)、“物物而不物于物”(《庄子·山木》)、“物物者之非物也”(《庄子·在宥》)、“物物者与物无际(《庄子·知北游》)等,都在向人们展示“道”与“物”这对范畴的区别及其相互关系。一“道”的原始意义是道路、坦途。春秋后期的老子将“道”延伸为形而上的、非物质的宇宙…  相似文献   

存在是哲学的恒久主题。尽管追问和沉思的方式可以各异,但哲学之思总是不断地指向存在。作为中国哲学重要的早期文本《老子》同样表现了对存在的关切。以道之总纲,通过终极之道与人的存在、道与德、既定之“有”与未定之“无”、超越在场与守护可能等关系的论析,《老子》展示了对存在的深层思考。一相对于先秦时代儒墨二大显学,《老子》似乎对形而上的问题表现出更为浓厚的兴趣:以道的辨析作为全书的出发点,一开始便展示了一种形而上的视域。而在《老子》哲学的展开过程中,我们确实可以一再看到对形而上学问题的追问和沉思。一般说来…  相似文献   

老子之道是一种本体论意义的道体,这已成为学界共识。那么,这种道体是如何体现的?我们又该如何从完整的意义上理解它,以便更贴近老子道论哲学思想的主旨?笔者认为,老子道论哲学存在着一个坐标体系:如果说其纵坐标是存在本体的话,那么其横坐标则是价值本体;老子之道是存在本体与价值本体的统一。从纵坐标上说,道体作为形而上的存在本体,是相对于形而下的具体存  相似文献   

正中央司法警官学院王素芬教授、河北金融学院丁全忠教授合作的《生态语境下的老子哲学研究》由人民出版社2016年10月出版。全书主要内容有:第一,作者将《老子》五千言浓缩为老子对自然生态、社会生态的学理分析和理想建构。道是老子哲学的根基,也是老子生态智慧的本体论基础。理想的社会生态则通过人的身与心、个人与他人、个人与社会的和谐发展而获得内在规定性。第二,作者认为,老子的"道性思维"强调"天人合道"的整体思维、"直觉  相似文献   

在中国古代哲学中,"道"不只是道家学派创始人老子哲学的核心概念和终极本体,也是儒家学派创始人孔子哲学的基本概念和最高追求。以往学界对孔子之道的人伦日用和社会政治层面研究较多,对孔子之道的形上层面和超越性层面关注不足。细读《论语》《易传》,参审《中庸》及后世儒家的注疏,不难发现孔子在创立儒家哲学之时不仅立足于现世人生之道,更立志于追求超越意义的"形而上者之谓道"的终极本体意义的"道",可以说孔子之道是现实具体的"道"与超越性终极意义的"道"的合一,现实具体的"道"是趋向终极之道的路径和工夫。  相似文献   

道教是惟一的中国土生土长的宗教,它对中国的历史发展起过重要作用。道教伦理思想对当代中国社会主义和谐社会的建设有重要价值。一、道教“天人合一”、“道法自然”的伦理思想,有利于促进人与自然的和谐。二、道教“尊道贵德”、“知足常乐”的伦理思想,有利于促进人物质生活和精神生活的和谐。三、道教“积功累德”、“济世利人”的伦理思想,有利于促进人与人、阶层与阶层之间的和谐。  相似文献   

善是道德价值。它是私意的表达。因此,《老子》认为,善恶是非不分,需要破除。言即知识,是对事实的陈述。它有所限定,即局限性,彼此有别,因此也要放弃。有即万物。有具有主体性。有即现象,为假,不是事物的本来。事物的本来即道。作为本来的道,即本、即生。作为本的道是某种可能性,故不可说。作为生的道,未能成形,故不可说。道不可道。假的有、巧的真、善的名都遮蔽了道:事物的本来。故需要反,即还原。  相似文献   

Marx’s thought of community has experienced three stages in logic and is rooted in the social fundamental contradictions between productive forces and universal communication in content. It reflects the evolution of history into world history and human’s free and all-round development tending towards the unity of individuals and communities. Faced with the profound changes never seen in a century, the thought of building a human community with a shared future inherits and carries forward Marx’s idea of community in three aspects, i.e., the practice of building a social community, the ultimate focus on human destiny, and the grand vision of promoting historical development in human society. In addition, under the historical context of socialism and capitalism coexisting, the thought of building a human community with a shared future creates and shows a new state of Marx’s idea of community in three aspects, namely, dimension remodeling, path reshaping, and value reinterpretation. It presents a new model for historical significance and human civilization of a world of openness, probability and promise to promote the transformation from the modern society to a human society.  相似文献   

In this paper, Lao Tzu's Tao is psychologically reinterpreted in terms of Taoistic cognition, Taoistic objectivity, and Taoistic creativity. All of these three domains are interrelated and are characterized by the attitude of let-be. Taoistic cognition is mainly a kind of intuition or personal knowledge. Taoistic objectivity is interpreted by will-free motivation which allow others to be and to obtain insight. Taoistic creativity involves incubation, syntectic thinking, and the unification through the opposites. Lao Tzu's Taoism is mainly related to artistic creativity, but its influence on mental health and scientific creativity is also discussed.  相似文献   

儒家思想中有丰富的和平文化资源。和谐论是儒家的秩序的和平论的核心。和谐论包括天人和谐、社会和谐、家庭和谐、群己和谐。从此出发 ,可以建立起天人合一的宇宙秩序 ,三纲六纪的社会秩序 ,治国安邦的国家秩序 ,天下一家的世界秩序。  相似文献   

James W. Stines 《Zygon》1985,20(1):59-77
Abstract. Several contemporary writers have found certain correlations between Taoism and modern philosophy of science to be particularly noteworthy because of their usefulness for interpreting world views, implicit or explicit, in each. However, the recent project in science and epistemology–the work of Michael Polanyi–which is probably most fruitfully resonant with Taoism has not yet been explored in that connection. The purpose of the present article is to begin that exploration. The essay provides a preliminary sketch of certain key moments in Polanyi's thought and then turns attention to the Taoist themes of Tao, wu-wei , and tz'u as these illuminate and are illuminated by the Polanyian post-critical epistemology.  相似文献   

Carl G. Jung's fateful meeting with Richard Wilhelm in 1929 has helped to build a bridge of depth psychological understanding between the East and the West. When Jung emerged from his 'confrontation with the unconscious', he felt validated by Wilhelm in his discovery of the healing power of medieval alchemical symbolism for the European psyche. Analytical psychology however offers a scientific, psychological understanding of Chinese wisdom as contained in the I Ching and Taoist alchemy. The Taoist alchemical tradition (also known as the Inner Elixir tradition of which 'The Secret of the Golden Flower' is a sample text) is based on the premise that psychological experience of the Tao can be achieved through mental and physiological means such as breathing and meditative techniques, gymnastics, dietary regimens such as fasting, consumption of medicinal herbs and minerals, and special sexual practices. This tradition incorporates the I Ching and traditional Chinese medicine in the alchemical opus. Taoist alchemy assumes the primacy of the physical body in the process of self-realization. The psychological and cosmic forces of the trigrams of the I Ching are stored in the internal organs of the body and are the basic material for the experience of Tao. The internal organs are the foundation of the material and subtle bodies and through cultivation, the body becomes spiritualized as the spirits are embodied. The body as a reflection of the entire cosmos becomes the residence of the gods. The realization of a new consciousness is symbolized by the hexagram Fu, meaning rebirth. The Chinese notion of Tao coincides with Jung's postulation of the unus mundus, the unity of existence which underlies the duality of psyche and matter, the psycho-physical background of existence. In this light, in the world of inner experience, East and West follow similar paths symbolically.  相似文献   

In the last 150 years, the ambiguous and enigmatic 81 chapters of the Tao Te Ching have been translated, interpreted and adapted into the English language more than 100 times. The Tao and its subtle philosophy is currently being actively assimilated into mainstream western culture as evidenced by the popularity and volume of Taoist works. The purpose of this study was to analyse this phenomenon. First, a database of English translations of the Tao Te Ching was established. This database documents the vast number of Tao Te Ching translations in print from 1868 to the present. Second, specific chapters of selected English translations of the Tao Te Ching were compared using holistic and content analysis. The holistic methods focused on the overall semantic connotation of the selected chapters. The specific (linguistic) analysis methods entailed the use of a computerised content analysis program (hyperRESEARCH for Macintosh). Through these inquiries, a specific understanding of the cross-cultural relationship between East and West was investigated.  相似文献   

在经济全球化、科技一体化、互联网普及化的情境下 ,世界的政治、经济、文明、宗教、制度等仍然持续多元化、多极化的趋势。是全球化的多元化 ,或多元化的全球化。人作为“会自我创造的和合存在” ,是创造世界文明的原动力和原载体。儒家文明孕育了中华民族精神的成长 ,担当着建构民族主体精神的重任 ,绵延着民族生命的智慧。儒家文明一言以蔽之 ,是以治平为本 ,以仁为核 ,以和为贵。从文明冲突到文明对话 ,是价值观念、思维方式、观照视角的转换。文明对话可依照和合学的“融突论” ,而不是二元对立的非此即彼论 ,它以承认、接纳“他者”的存在为前提。儒家文明在化解世界文明冲突中 ,以其“己所不欲 ,勿施于人”的和生、和处、和立、和达、和爱原理 ,发挥着重要的、独特的、整体的作用  相似文献   

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