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司布真  李肇琳 《天风》1994,(2):19-19
我的主啊,求你使我成为你的使者。在憎恨之处,撒下仁爱;在伤痕之处,撒下宽恕;在怀疑之处,撇下信心;在幽暗之处,撒下光明;在绝望之处,撒下希望。使我少求别人的关怀,而成为别人的慰藉;使我少求别人的爱,而付出真爱。在舍去之时,我们就真正得着;在赦免之时,我们就必蒙赦免。  相似文献   

在竞技场上,冠军跑到终点之后;在演艺剧场,艺人结束了精彩表演;在科研战线,科学家公布了科研成果;在工程领域,大楼盖好,桥梁修成,掌声才骤然响起,鲜花才会献上。而在这之前的刻苦训练,潜心努力,卧薪尝胆,宵衣旰食,一般是不会引人注意的,更不会换来掌声和喝彩。掌声总在成功后,冠军跑在掌声前,是古今中外一条普遍规律。因为世人大都是功利的,在没看到你拿出的"真金白银"时,是不会给你掌声  相似文献   

在禅宗的传统里面,定和慧不分,两个是等持,就是齐修。在佛陀教授的修学次第里,是由戒生定,由定发慧,先有定才有慧。那么在禅的修行里,六祖大师讲:“善知识!我此法门,以定慧为本。大众勿迷,言定慧别。定慧一体,不是二。定是慧体,慧是定用。即慧之时定在慧,即定之时慧在定。”  相似文献   

透过阳光,很多尘埃,纷纷扰扰,像是密集的鱼儿,游弋在光束里。上下错落,有的飞升得很高,有的悄悄地落下。飞在树上,飞在云里,飞在光阴里;落在草尖,落在我的鼻翼,落在低开的花瓣和泥土上。这么微小,这么轻,这么不经我意的微尘。  相似文献   

在城市里,看见草,人的眼睛都绿了。草在城市是珍贵的,点缀在风景区,犹如在硕大的王冠上镶几颗绿宝石。草在乡下是低贱的,七月的乡村,目光所及,草覆盖了无垠的原野。草是锄头的敌人,农民扛起锄头,干吗去?去锄草。农民一生  相似文献   

陈小鲁 《天风》2002,(5):46-47
马丁·路德热爱音乐,是个出色的歌手,在作曲方面也十分在行。无论在故乡、在修道院、还是在德国的其他地方,回荡在他耳边的除了弥撒曲或经文歌以外,就是民歌。因而在如何营造理想的新教圣乐方面,路德无疑是从民歌那里受到莫大的启发。在当时的众多作曲家里,路德给予最高评价的是路德维希·森夫尔(Ludwig Senfl,约1489—  相似文献   

在一个建筑工地,一个搬运砖头的工人,带着他八九岁的女儿一起生活。平常,父亲在建筑工地干活,女儿就在工地附近的小学里读书,父女俩相依为命。每逢周末,女儿就带着作业本到父亲工间休息的工棚里写作业。女儿很懂事,在班里总是考第一名。  相似文献   

随着生活一年一年地逝去,社会经济的发展在进步。人们的物质生活不断地提高、消费水平及享受意识也在增长,各个年龄段的人也在不断地替换。一代代的青少年将对整个社会的发展起着决定性作用,他们是未来社会的主力,所以对青少年的培育及塑造是相当重要的,未来的社会交在他们手中,可相对地,他们又生活在当今的社会状态中。我们怎样栽种、培植他们,将来也会在他们身上收获相应的果实。在这个“变”的社会浪潮下,生活在变,环境在改善,人心也在变,什么都是讲“提速”,可最应提速的是人的素质。在受造界,环境可变,可改善,但唯一不变且应该提高的是…  相似文献   

《存在与时间》主要是对此在伦理生活的描述。关于此在,海德格尔持的观点是完善论,确切地说,此在所要完善的是本真的自己。然而,此在的本真状态首先和通常是受物和常人遮蔽的。畏则具有揭示(还原)功能,在畏中,死亡的逆意向性构成了本真的此在,使此在得以认识到本真的自己。对于此在来说,这是被动发生的还原。但这只是认知上的还原。第二重还原是采取行动向本真自我的引回(还原)。但基于此在的本质规定性以及此在对存在的归属关系,此在的最终完善是无法达成的,但它可以朝向最终的完善而不懈努力。  相似文献   

以个人的角度说,在远离城市的地方生活,其实是一种幸事。那就意味着,你有太多的机会和时间与植物生活在一起。生动的植物,它们土生土长,完全去人工化,甚至时间雕琢的痕迹也没有。从第一眼看到,你就坚定地相信,它们是一直生活在那里的,与生俱来,从未迁移。它们是原居民。那些植物,要么奇怪,要么平淡,要么灿烂,要么素净。在水边,山边,路边,田边。在林子深  相似文献   

African-American women experience disproportionately higher rates of obesity than do Caucasian women. The stress African-American women encounter from experiences of discrimination may influence their eating behaviours, which could contribute to weight gain. Emotional eating theory suggests some people increase their intake of high-calorie foods to cope with stressful experiences. We investigated the effects of social exclusion by other African-American women or by Caucasian women for African-American women’s distress and food consumption using a laboratory paradigm. As hypothesised, there were main effects of ostracism and interactions between ostracism and race, although not all of the interactions took the expected form. As hypothesised, African-American women ate more potato crisps after being excluded by Caucasians than by African-Americans. Unexpectedly, African-American women who were excluded by other African-American women self-reported more emotional distress than did African-American women excluded by Caucasian women. These findings suggest that ostracism by both in-group and out-group members are disturbing, although people may respond to in-group and out-group exclusion in different ways. Directions for future research are suggested that could elucidate the circumstances under which different emotional and behavioural coping responses are employed.  相似文献   

Written questionnaires including a 70-item adjective checklist, a value sort, the "Who Am I?" Twenty Statements Test, measures of morale, and questions about attitudes toward marriage and demographic characteristics were administered to samples of 66 childless, never-married women and 37 currently married women, 29 of whom had children. The purpose was to explore the differences and similarities in the self-concepts of single and married women. There was little difference in morale between the groups. Single women had more psychiatric symptoms characteristic of the obsessive-compulsive personality type. Although the single women valued personal growth and achievement, the married women valued personal relationships. Single women were higher on assertion and poise clusters of adjectives. On the "Who Am I?" test, the married women were more likely to identify with ascribed characteristics, kinship roles, and household activities, whereas the single women identified as self-determined.  相似文献   

Identity status and self-esteem were determined for 88 undergraduate college women. Identity status was measured two ways: with the sexual values questions included, and with the ORP (occupational goals, religious ideology, and political ideology) interview alone. Significant differences in self-esteem as measured by the Texas Social Behavior Inventory (TSBI) were found for women in the four identity statuses. These differences were significant on the basis of both methods of identity assessment. Achievement women scored higher than Moratorium and Diffusion women, but not Foreclosure women. Moratorium women had the lowest self-esteem in the sample. Results were discussed as supportive of the notion that achievement of identity is enhancing of self-esteem in women, and that nontraditional areas of identity development are becoming more important determiners of adjustment in women. The differential adaptability of Moratorium and Foreclosure statuses for women was discussed.  相似文献   

Levy  Gary D.  Sadovsky  Adrienne L.  Troseth  Georgene L. 《Sex roles》2000,42(11-12):993-1006
Perceived competencies of men and women in gender-typed occupations, perceptions about how much money men and women earn in gender-typed occupations, and affective reactions regarding growing up to have gender-typed occupations were examined in 55 primarily White middle-class preschoolers and primary school children. Children (particularly boys) viewed men as more competent than women in masculine occupations, and rated women as more competent than men in feminine occupations. Children believed men earned more than women across occupations, but that men earned more money than women in masculine occupations, and women earned more money than men in feminine occupations. Children's affective reactions to growing up to have gender-role-consistent occupations were more positive than their reactions to having gender-role-inconsistent occupations. Results suggest children perceive differential competencies of men and women regarding gender-typed occupations, and differences in pay for men and women within gender-typed occupations, at ages younger than previously determined.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to examine the prevalence and correlates of psychological distress among older women living with HIV in comparison to their male counterparts and younger women and to identify the sociodemographic and disease-related factors associated with psychological distress. The sample consisted of 508 HIV-infected patients (65 older women, 323 women aged below 50 years, and 120 older men) recruited from 10 Portuguese hospitals. Data regarding psychological distress were collected using the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). Seven older women (10.8%), eight older men (6.7%), and 61 younger women (18.9%) reported a T-score ≥ 63 for global severity index (GSI), indicative of a need for further psychological evaluation. Overall, younger women reported significantly higher psychological distress than older men. The odds of having clinically significant psychological distress score were significantly lower for older women reporting sexual transmission, while for younger women, having other co-infections was a significant correlate of higher psychological distress. Younger women were 2.67 (95% CI: 1.22–5.84) times more likely to report psychological distress than were older men. The odds were not significantly different from older women. This study shows that older women do not differ substantially from younger women and older men in terms of psychological distress. The results reinforce, however, that mental health interventions should be tailored to reflect individuals’ circumstances as well as developmental contexts. Moreover, they draw attention to the importance of examining resilience characteristics in older adults to understand the mechanisms behind ‘successful ageing’ while living with HIV.  相似文献   

Two studies examined the effects of individual differences identified by the Confluence Model of aggression against women [Malamuth Linz, Hevey et al., 1995] and the General Aggression Model [GAM: Anderson and Carnagey, 2004] as predictors of male-on-female aggression. Study 1, a correlational study, found that hostile masculinity predicts self-reported sexual aggression independently of nonsexual aggression against women, and is itself predicted by proneness to general hostility, masculine gender role stress, and violent attitudes toward women. Furthermore, hostility toward women independently predicted sexual and nonsexual aggression against women, above the effects of general attitudes toward violence and general levels of hostility and aggression. Study 2, an experimental study, found that under high provocation, high hostility toward women predicted increases in male nonsexual aggression against women and slight decreases in male aggression against men. This effect remained significant even after controlling for general attitudes toward violence and for general levels of hostility and aggression, indicating that males who are highly hostile toward women specifically target women and that their aggression toward women generalizes beyond sexual aggression. The findings are discussed in terms of a model that integrates the Confluence Model with GAM.  相似文献   

Dimitrovsky  Lilly  Levy-Shiff  Rachel  Perl  Galit 《Sex roles》2000,43(9-10):593-604
Cognitive appraisals of mothering as a challenge and threat, coping strategies, affect balance, and depression were studied in 91 married gender-typed, cross-gender typed, and androgynous primiparous middle-class Israeli mothers of infants aged 3–5 months. The results indicated that gender-typed and androgynous women had significantly higher challenge scores and lower threat scores than did cross-gender typed women. With regard to coping strategies, gender-typed and androgynous women used more support-seeking than did cross-gender typed women. Gender-typed women also used less problem-focused strategy and more emotion-focused strategy than did cross-gender typed women. Gender-typed and androgynous women manifested more positive affect balance and less depression than did the cross-gender typed women.  相似文献   

We examined whether priming achievement causes lower self-esteem and more negative mood in women who believe they are overweight and 0whether it does so by increasing women's dissatisfaction with their bodies or with their performance. Thirty-five self-perceived overweight women and 43 self-perceived normal weight women participated in the experiment. Half of the women read a message stressing the importance of achievement pursuits, and the other half read a message stressing the importance of nonachievement pursuits. All women then completed a measure of global self-esteem, read a message about the negative effects of being overweight, and completed several dependent measures. Controlling for initial self-esteem, overweight women who read the achievement prime had lower mood and global self-esteem and lower performance self-esteem but not lower appearance self-esteem or greater body dissatisfaction when compared to the overweight women who read the nonachievement prime and the normal weight women regardless of prime type.  相似文献   

At the end of the 19th century, psychology was among the most hospitable of the sciences in admitting women to its ranks. Among this so-called first generation of women psychologists were a number of individuals who aggressively challenged the prevailing stereotypes concerning the psychological characteristics of women and men. Further, many of these women actively promoted equal educational and professional opportunities for women.  相似文献   

We compared 118 egalitarian women (subscribers to the Dutch feminist magazine Opzij ) with 118 traditional women (subscribers to the widely read Dutch women's magazine Margriet ). On average, egalitarian women had a more equal division of household labor at home than did traditional women but experienced more discontent about the division of labor in their relationship. Egalitarian women with an unequal division of labor experienced more discontent than did traditional women with an unequal division of labor. Relative to traditional women, egalitarian women more often compared their own contribution to housework with their partner's contribution (relational comparison) and with other women's division of labor (referential comparison). Compared to traditional women, egalitarian women gave higher prevalence estimates of both the percentage of Dutch women doing virtually all housework and the percentage of women unhappy with the division of labor.  相似文献   

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