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A computer program was developed to simulate long-duration behavior. The program generated data by using two time-series models linked together by a covariance parameter. By varying the parameters of the program, the characteristics of the simulated behavior were altered, including the mean and variance of the durations of behavior, the mean and variance of the interresponse time, and the degree of relationship within and between durations of behavior and interresponse times. Four data-collection methods were applied to the simulated data: whole interval, partial interval, momentary time-sampling, and continuous measures. The accuracies of the first three recording measures were judged by comparing them to the continuous measure. The results indicated that only the momentary time-sampling approach yielded unbiased results. The degree of bias for the whole and partial interval measures was a function of the ratio of the interval recording length to the sum of the mean duration of behavior and the mean interresponse time. Unfortunately, it was concluded that researchers cannot estimate the magnitudes of these latter two parameters for most behaviors of interest and, consequently, are unable to choose an appropriate interval length. Therefore, it was recommended that the use of interval recording approaches be greatly restricted and that momentary time-sampling be substituted where possible.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to compare the accuracies obtained from whole interval, partial interval, and momentary time-sample recording procedures. Two types of accuracies were defined. Between-methods accuracy is the degree to which an observer using a particular recording method agrees with a standard using a continuous recording method. Within-methods accuracy is the degree to which an observer and a standard agree when both use the same recording method. Fifty-four undergraduate students viewed a videotape of a woman twisting her hair and recorded the occurrence or nonoccurrence of the behavior using one of the three recording methods. Tapes were divided into segments with low, intermediate, and high rates of behavior. Partial and whole interval recording obtained poorer between-methods accuracies than momentary time sampling. Results showed that whole interval and momentary time-sampling procedures yielded higher within-method accuracies than partial interval recording. Thus, momentary time-sampling recording provided the advantages of both greater representativeness and as few or fewer observer errors than whole or partial interval recording procedures. Use of the interval recording methods by researchers must be justifiable within this framework.  相似文献   

In the current study, momentary time sampling (MTS) and partial-interval recording (PIR) were compared to continuous-duration recording of stereotypy and to the frequency of self-injury during a treatment analysis to determine whether the recording method affected data interpretation. Five previously conducted treatment analysis data sets were analyzed by creating separate graphic displays for each measurement method (duration or frequency, MTS, and PIR). An expert panel interview and structured criterion visual inspection were used to evaluate treatment effects across measurement methods. Results showed that treatment analysis interpretations based on both discontinuous recording methods often matched those based on frequency or duration recording; however, interpretations based on MTS were slightly more likely to match those based on duration and those based on PIR were slightly more likely to match those based on frequency.  相似文献   

We compared the accuracy of momentary time sampling (MTS) and partial interval recording (PIR) in estimating both absolute behavioral levels and relative change. A computer randomly generated runs of pseudobehavior varying in duration and rate and simulated MTS and PIR of each run. Results indicated that when estimating absolute behavioral levels, duration rather than rate should be used as the dependent measure, and MTS is more accurate than PIR. In contrast, PIR is the more sensitive method for detecting relative changes in behavioral levels, although, at high rates, PIR tends to underestimate the degree of change.  相似文献   

The dual‐criteria (DC) and conservative dual‐criteria (CDC) methods allow clinicians and researchers to quantify the occurrence of false‐positive outcomes within single‐case experimental designs. The purpose of the current study was to use these DC and CDC methods to measure the incidence of false positives with simulated data collected via discontinuous interval methods (i.e., momentary time sampling, partial‐interval recording) as a function of data series length. We generated event data to create 316,800 unique simulated data series for analysis. In Experiment 1, we evaluated how changes in relevant parameters (i.e., interval sizes, event durations, IRT‐to‐event‐run ratios) produced false positives with momentary time sampling procedures. We also assessed the degree that the CDC method produced fewer false positives than the DC method with simulated interval data. In Experiment 2, we used similar procedures to quantify the occurrence of false positives with partial‐interval recording data. We successfully replicated outcomes from previous research in the current study, though such results only highlight the generality of the procedures relating to false positive (and not false negative) outcomes. That is, these results indicate MTS and PIR may adequately control for false positives, but our conclusions are limited by a lack of data on power.  相似文献   

A successive matching-to-sample procedure that entails the sequential presentation of sample and test stimuli and the monitoring of response rates in a go/no-go discrimination of matching and nonmatching stimuli was studied as an alternative to the familiar delayed-matching paradigm of animal short-term memory. Three within-subject experiments studied the effects of sample duration (1 to 12 seconds), intertrial interval (5 to 50 seconds), and retention interval (1 to 50 seconds) on the pigeon's successive-matching performance. The results revealed that retention was (a) an increasing function of sample duration and intertrial interval, and (b) a decreasing function of retention interval. These results were in accord with those of more traditional short-term memory paradigms, and reveal the suitability of the successive-matching procedure for studying memory processes.  相似文献   

文章采用模拟研究, 分别在混合多层模型假设满足和违背的情境下, 比较了混合多层模型方法与标准化残差系列方法在识别不努力作答和参数估计方面的表现。结果显示:(1)不存在不努力作答或其严重性低时, 各方法表现接近; (2)不努力作答严重性高时, 固定参数迭代标准化残差法普遍更优, 混合多层模型法仅在假设满足且两种作答反应时差异大的条件下表现较好。建议实际应用中优先选择固定参数迭代标准化残差法。  相似文献   

Many researchers face the problem of missing data in longitudinal research. Especially, high risk samples are characterized by missing data which can complicate analyses and the interpretation of results. In the current study, our aim was to find the most optimal and best method to deal with the missing data in a specific study with many missing data on the outcome variable. Therefore, different techniques to handle missing data were evaluated, and a solution to efficiently handle substantial amounts of missing data was provided. A simulation study was conducted to determine the most optimal method to deal with the missing data. Results revealed that multiple imputation (MI) using predictive mean matching was the most optimal method with respect to lowest bias and the smallest confidence interval (CI) while maintaining power. Listwise deletion and last observation carried backward also scored acceptable with respect to bias; however, CIs were much larger and sample size almost halved using these methods. Longitudinal research in high risk samples could benefit from using MI in future research to handle missing data. The paper ends with a checklist for handling missing data.  相似文献   

习惯研究的现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
李斌  马红宇 《心理科学》2012,35(3):745-753
习惯是一种由某特定线索引发并指向某特定目标(包括外显目标与内隐目标)的自动化反应。它具有过去有行为的重复、环境线索的稳定与自动化的反应等特征。关于习惯的测量方式主要采取自我报告法(如自我报告过去行为频率、自我报告习惯频率、自我报告习惯索引等)和反应频率测量法。对习惯的形成的理论解释主要有环境促进、态度促进、目标促进等几种观点。未来研究应继续深入探讨习惯的本质、整合形成机制的相关理论及开发更可靠方便的测量工具。  相似文献   

According to behavioral momentum theory, preference and relative resistance to change in concurrent-chains schedules are correlated and reflect the relative conditioned value of discriminative stimuli. In the present study, we explore the generality of this relation by manipulating the temporal context within a concurrent-chains procedure through changes in the duration of the initial links. Consistent with previous findings, preference for a richer terminal link was less extreme with longer initial links across three experiments with pigeons. In Experiment 1, relative resistance to change and preference were related inversely when responding was disrupted with response-independent food presentations during initial links, replicating a previous finding with rats. However, more food was presented with longer initial links, confounding the disrupter and initial-link duration. In Experiment 2, presession feeding was used instead and eliminated the negative relation between relative resistance to change and preference, but relative resistance to change was not sensitive to relative terminal-link reinforcement rates. In Experiment 3, with more extreme relative terminal-link reinforcement rates, increasing initial-link duration similarly decreased preference and relative resistance to change for the richer terminal link. Thus, when conditions of disruption are equal and assessed under the appropriate reinforcement conditions, changes in temporal context impact relative resistance to change and preference similarly.  相似文献   

翁纯纯  王宁 《心理科学进展》2020,28(9):1478-1492
在探索时距知觉的脑机制的过程中, 相对于人类被试相关研究, 动物研究可以提供较多的药理学、分子生物学、单个神经元电生理学以及光遗传等方面的研究证据。目前较为常用的时距知觉动物研究范式包括时间二分法、峰值间隔法以及低比率差别强化法等。根据不同的研究需求, 动物研究的范式常会进行调整。对时距知觉的动物研究的探讨将基于两方面展开:(1) 常用的时距知觉动物研究范式的介绍及比较; (2) 基于动物研究范式的时距知觉神经机制研究进展, 旨在为深入探索时间知觉的心理学相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Four rats were exposed to variable-interval schedules specifying a range of different reinforcement frequencies, using sucrose of two different concentrations and distilled water as the reinforcer. With sucrose, the rates of responding of all four rats were increasing negatively accelerated functions of reinforcement frequency, the data conforming closely to Herrnstein's equation; this was also true of the data from three of the four rats when distilled water was used as the reinforcer. The values of both constants in Herrnstein's equation were related to the sucrose concentration: the asymptotic response rate decreased, and the reinforcement frequency corresponding to the half-maximal response rate increased, with decreasing sucrose concentration.  相似文献   

Three rats were exposed to variable-interval schedules specifying a range of different reinforcement frequencies, using three different volumes of .32 molar sucrose (.10, .05, and .02 milliliters) as the reinforcer. With each of the three volumes, the rates of responding of all three rats were increasing, negatively accelerated functions of reinforcement frequency, the data conforming closely to Herrnstein's equation. In each rat the value of the constant KH, which expresses the reinforcement frequency needed to obtain the half-maximal response rate, increased with decreasing reinforcer volume, the values obtained with .02 milliliters being significantly greater than the values obtained with .10 milliliters. The values of the constant Rmax, which expresses the theoretical maximum response rate, were not systematically related to reinforcer volume. The effect of reinforcer volume upon the relationship between response rate and reinforcement frequency is thus different from the effect of the concentration of sucrose reinforcement: In a previous experiment (Bradshaw, Szabadi, & Bevan, 1978) it was found that sucrose concentration influenced the values of both constants, Rmax increasing and KH decreasing with increasing sucrose concentration.  相似文献   

Six pigeons were trained in a concurrent-chain procedure with constant variable-interval 6-s variable-interval 12-s terminal links. Five groups of conditions were arranged. Within a group of conditions, the duration of one initial-link schedule was held constant and the duration of the other initial link was varied. The duration of the varied initial link was always longer than, or equal to, the constant initial-link duration. The duration of the shorter initial link was varied across groups of conditions from 5 s to 70 s. The data from each group were well described by the generalized matching law. Sensitivity (a) to the terminal-link entry ratio increased as the shorter initial-link duration increased, but appeared to reach an asymptote at shorter initial-link durations greater than 32 s. Terminal-link bias did not change with changes in shorter initial-link duration for the response-allocation data, but showed a small increase with increasing shorter initial-link duration for the time-allocation data.  相似文献   

Four pigeons performed on three types of schedules at short (i.e., 10, 30, or 60 s) interreinforcement intervals: (a) a delay-dependent schedule where interreinforcement interval was held constant (i.e., increases in waiting time decreased food delay), (b) an interreinforcement-interval-dependent schedule where food delay was held constant (i.e., increases in waiting time increased interreinforcement interval), and (c) a both-dependent schedule where increases in waiting time produced increases in interreinforcement interval but decreases in food delay. Waiting times were typically longer under the delay-dependent schedules than under the interreinforcement-interval-dependent schedules. Those under both-dependent schedules for 1 subject were intermediate between those under the other two schedule types, whereas for the other subjects waiting times under the both-dependent procedure were similar either to those under the delay-dependent schedule or to those under the interreinforcement-interval-dependent schedule, depending both on the subject and the interreinforcement interval. These results indicate that neither the interreinforcement interval nor food delay is the primary variable controlling waiting time, but rather that the two interact in a complex manner to determine waiting times.  相似文献   

Four rats were exposed to variable-interval schedules specifying a range of different reinforcement frequencies. The effects of two doses of d-amphetamine (1.6 and 3.2 mumol/kg) upon performance maintained under each schedule were examined. In the case of each rat, the response rates observed under control conditions (no injection or injection of the vehicle alone) were increasing, negatively accelerated functions of reinforcement frequency, the data conforming closely to Herrnstein's (1970) equation. In each rat, d-amphetamine (3.2 mumol/kg) significantly reduced the value of the constant Rmax, which expresses the theoretical maximum response rate. In each rat, the value of KH, which expresses the reinforcement frequency needed to obtain the half-maximal response rate, was also reduced, although this only achieved statistical significance in the case of one rat. When the proportional change in response rate in the presence of the drug was plotted against the response rate under control conditions on double logarithmic co-ordinates, linear functions of negative slope were obtained; in each rat the slope was steeper and the value of the control response rate at which d-amphetamine exerted no effect was lower in the case of the higher dose (3.2 mumol/kg) than in the case of the lower dose (1.6 mumol/kg).  相似文献   

Pigeons pecked two keys in a probability matching situation in which four two-peck sequences were intermittently reinforced: left-left, left-right, right-left and right-right. In Phase 1, relative reinforcement rate was varied with respect to the first response of a sequence: reinforcers were differentially assigned for left-left and left-right sequences as opposed to right-left and right-right sequences. The second response of reinforced sequences occurred equally on the left and right keys across conditions. In Phase II, relative reinforcement rate was varied for sequences that involve an alternation as opposed to those that did not. The relative outputs of the different sequences matched the relative reinforcement rates for the different sequences in both phases. Relative response rates for key pecks did not always match relative reinforcement rates. The intertrial interval separating responses was varied in both phases; increases in the intertrial interval affected the relative frequency of different sequences. The results demonstrate that response sequences acted as functional units influencing choice and thus support a structural account of choice. At the same time, the matching of relative sequence proportion and relative reinforcement rate supports a matching account.  相似文献   

The research published in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (1968 to 1975) was surveyed for three basic elements: data-collection methods, reliability procedures, and reliability scores. Three-quarters of the studies reported observational data. Most of these studies' observational methods were variations of event recording, trial scoring, interval recording, or time-sample recording. Almost all studies reported assessment of observer reliability, usually total or point-by-point percentage agreement scores. About half the agreement scores were consistently above 90%. Less than one-quarter of the studies reported that reliability was assessed at least once per condition.  相似文献   

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