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The significance of a helicopter patrol procedure directed toward prevention of home burglaries was evaluated from experimental and cost-benefit perspectives. The helicopter patrolled one city zone from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for two 12-day periods. Each 12-day period was separated by a baseline period in which only normal patrol-car levels were maintained. Significantly reduced burglary levels during the intervention periods, compared to baseline periods, documented the experimental significance of the helicopter procedure. The cash costs of implementing the patrol procedure were compared to two estimates of the resulting cash benefits. This latter cost-benefit analysis was supplemented by a discussion of the intangible costs and benefits of the helicopter procedure. Taken together, these analyses documented that the marginal costs of the helicopter intervention were exceeded by all estimates of benefits.  相似文献   

The effects of a carefully monitored and increased police patrol on the report of crime were examined in four patrol zones. Overall patrol movement was increased to four times normal levels and slow patrol movement (under 20 mph) to around 30 times normal levels for 10 days. The patrol was active in two zones between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and in the other two zones between 7:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. A multiple-baseline design and time-series statistical analyses showed statistically reliable changes in reported levels of Part I crime (such as robbery, burglary, and aggravated assault) during both night patrols, but not in the day patrols. In both night-patrol zones, there were also reliable increases from saturation patrol to postsaturation patrol in report of Part I crime after the night patrol was terminated. Neither of the day patrols showed significant crime report changes on termination. Despite statistically reliable decreases in report of crime during nighttime hours, the value of saturation patrolling as a crime-prevention technique was questioned on cost/benefit grounds.  相似文献   

Criminal history narrative studies reveal an escalation in sexual offender behaviour from non‐contact to contact offending, with an ever‐increasing likelihood of sexual violence and homicide. In particular, researchers have found that sexual offenders often have a history of committing burglaries prior to contact offences. Accordingly, researchers have suggested that burglaries may be associated with an increased likelihood of future sexual offending, particularly when they have a sexual element to them. However, to date, there has been little quantitative research focusing on the mechanisms of escalation in sexual offences. This paper seeks to study factors associated with sexual offence escalation in terms of changes in offence seriousness and frequency. Specifically, case evidence was gleaned from a series of fetish burglaries and subsequent sexual assaults and murders committed by the former Canadian Colonel David Russell Williams (RW). Cluster analysis, chi‐square, ANOVA, and regression analyses were conducted on the crime scene information of RW's 82 cases of fetish burglary. Analyses revealed a significant escalation in the frequency and seriousness of RW's fetish burglary offences prior to committing acts of sexual violence and ultimately sexual homicide. Recommendations for future research predicting escalation of sexual offending by frequency and seriousness of offending behaviour are discussed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to determine if readily available information about commercial and residential serial burglaries, in the form of the offender's modus operandi, provides a statistically significant basis for accurately linking crimes committed by the same offender. Logistic regression analysis is applied to examine the degree to which various linking features can be used to discriminate between linked and unlinked burglaries. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis is then performed to calibrate the validity of these features and to identify optimal decision thresholds for linking purposes. Contrary to crime scene behaviours traditionally examined to link serial burglaries, the distance between crime site locations demonstrated significantly greater effectiveness as a linking feature for both commercial and residential burglaries. Specifically, shorter distances between crimes signalled an increased likelihood that burglaries were linked. Thus, these results indicate that, if one examines suitable behavioural domains, high levels of stability and distinctiveness exist in the actions of serial burglars, and these actions can be used to accurately link crimes committed by the same offender. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of a comprehensive residential direct-care staff training program on staff knowledge, record keeping, habilitation delivery, and turnover. A 40-hour training course was presented to 18 direct-care staff employed in three community residential facilities (CRF), while 18 staff in three other CRFs were placed on a waiting list. Sixteen of 18 trained staff (89%) increased use of habilitation activities, averaging 35.44% programming after training. Only six (33%) of the staff on the waiting list increased programming. The effectiveness of training was assessed against the gains of developmentally disabled (DD) consumers. In the training group, 31 of 36 (86.11%) residents increased on-task behavior while only 7 of 22 (31.6%) of the waiting list residents increased on-task behavior. Training also yielded improved client program records and a 50% decrease in staff turnover. Follow-up over 12 months showed behavior maintenance. Results suggest that training based on clear learner objectives, presented using behavioral procedures, and taught to the entire staff including managers improves staff performance and client benefit.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the applicability of methods that use spatial interaction modelling to predict the most probable area for an offender's residence. Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan and is divided into 1507 square-kilometre zones, was selected as the study area. We analysed 4316 criminal trips to commit residential burglaries by 1089 offenders who lived in Tokyo. The following neighbourhood-level factors, and a distance-decay effect between zones, were incorporated into the proposed model: the size of the residential population aged 15–59 years in origin zones, the numbers of households living in detached houses, newcomers, the number of police facilities in destination zones, and the spatial structures of the criminal trips. Search areas calculated by the proposed model were smaller than previous models, suggesting that neighbourhood-level factors are important for predicting the location of an offender's residence.  相似文献   

A helpful component for comprehensive residential services for developmentally disabled persons is volunteer assistance. This investigation involved the evaluation of a program developed to increase the amount of volunteer assistance provided to a public residential facility. The program consisted of three types of related procedures: systematic volunteer recruitment steps, specific volunteer activities at the facility, and consequence/recognition for the volunteer assistance. The program was successively implemented to involve students as volunteers from two local universities, and resulted in an increase in new students volunteering from both universities. Additionally, the frequency with which the students volunteered at the residential facility increased substantially from both universities relative to control periods during which the volunteer program was not in effect. Results are discussed in terms of the benefits of volunteers and continued research to increase involvement of other prospective groups of volunteers.  相似文献   

This study compared the ability of seven statistical models to distinguish between linked and unlinked crimes. The seven models utilised geographical, temporal, and modus operandi information relating to residential burglaries (n = 180), commercial robberies, (n = 118), and car thefts (n = 376). Model performance was assessed using receiver operating characteristic analysis and by examining the success with which the seven models could successfully prioritise linked over unlinked crimes. The regression‐based and probabilistic models achieved comparable accuracy and were generally more accurate than the tree‐based models tested in this study. The Logistic algorithm achieved the highest area under the curve (AUC) for residential burglary (AUC = 0.903) and commercial robbery (AUC = 0.830) and the SimpleLogistic algorithm achieving the highest for car theft (AUC = 0.820). The findings also indicated that discrimination accuracy is maximised (in some situations) if behavioural domains are utilised rather than individual crime scene behaviours and that the AUC should not be used as the sole measure of accuracy in behavioural crime linkage research.  相似文献   

Data collected at two law enforcement agencies were used to address three specific issues concerning the development and implementation of frame-of-reference rater training. First, the prototype-anchored rating system was presented as a comprehensive method for generating an appropriate frame of reference in an organizational setting. Second, sensitivity and threshold analyses were used to demonstrate a method for identifying idiosyncratic raters (i.e., raters deviating from the appropriate frame of reference) in the rater population. Finally, areas of performance where supervisors and subordinates were likely to disagree on the frame of reference were identified. Concerning this latter issue, analyses indicated supervisors viewed poor-performance incidents more severely than did patrol officers on several dimensions of performance. To a lesser degree, supervisors and patrol officers also differed on their perceptions of the importance of poor-performance incidents. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to the development and implementation of frame-of-reference rater training.  相似文献   

Whilst case linkage is used with serious forms of serial crime (e.g. rape and murder), the potential exists for it to be used with volume crime. This study replicates and extends previous research on the behavioural linking of burglaries. One hundred and sixty solved residential burglaries were sampled from a British police force. From these, 80 linked crime pairs (committed by the same serial offender) and 80 unlinked crime pairs (committed by two different serial offenders) were created. Following the methodology used by previous researchers, the behavioural similarity, geographical proximity, and temporal proximity of linked crime pairs were compared with those of unlinked crime pairs. Geographical and temporal proximity possessed a high degree of predictive accuracy in distinguishing linked from unlinked pairs as assessed by logistic regression and receiver operating characteristic analyses. Comparatively, other traditional modus operandi behaviours showed less potential for linkage. Whilst personality psychology literature has suggested we might expect to find a relationship between temporal proximity and behavioural consistency, such a relationship was not observed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Theory and research on social support have paid little attention to the existence of important macrosocial variables determining level and content of social relationships. This study examines variations in social integration as a function of social class and residential area characteristics. Results for 234 subjects living in high and low risk neighbourhoods indicated that differences between higher and lower social class groups follow different patterns in different residential areas. Also, same social class position appeared to have different significance as a function of residential area characteristics. The levels of three social integration measures—community integration and satisfaction, community association and participation, and contribution in community organizations—were significantly higher for lower class in low risk neighbourhoods than in high risk ones. However, significant differences were found in only one measure for higher social class groups, with higher levels of community association and participation in high risk neighbourhoods than in low risk ones. The discussion examines a ‘social impoverishment’ hypothesis for high risk environments, and proposes possible protective factors for higher status residents. Relations between formal and informal sources of support, and implications for social intervention strategies are also considered.  相似文献   

Using data on residential burglaries and residential burglars in The Hague, this study addresses the issue of whether solitary offenders choose their target areas differently from the way offender groups do. It is hypothesised that, in general, burglars are attracted to neighbourhoods that are nearby their homes, nearby the city centre, affluent, physically accessible, and characterised by social disorganisation. In addition, differences between solitary burglars and co‐offending burglar groups regarding the strength of these criteria are assessed. The results support the postulated relevance of physical accessibility and proximity to the offenders' homes for both single offenders and co‐offending groups. However, solitary burglars and burglar groups seem to agree on what constitutes an attractive target area, because no evidence for the postulated differences between them is found. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of the Positive Environment Program (PEP) on the behaviors of residents and staff in a state‐operated residential facility during a 2½ year period. The participants included 19 adult residents with profound cognitive and physical disabilities and 11 staff members who worked with them. Data were collected on alertness, leisure material availability, engagement, staff interactions, and resident affect during two samples of data collection six months prior to implementation of PEP. Training was then provided to staff on positive interaction skills. Following the training, researchers implemented a monitoring program and a staff incentive program. The results of this project showed improvements in staff interactions, resident interaction with leisure materials, improved levels of alertness, and increases in a ‘happiness index’. The benefits and limitations of this project as well as future research are discussed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with how pre-intervention data were gathered from a sample of junior high school students to whom a smoking prevention program was addressed and how these data were used in the creation of trigger films which were an important element in the prevention program. The coping techniques used by students who are successfully able to withstand social pressures to smoke were determined from pre-intervention group interview-role-playing sessions with samples of students from two schools representative of the intended target population of the smoking prevention program. These data were used in the production and editing of ten-minute, sound, color films which reflected simulations of the student responses in the interview-role-playing sessions. Assessment of the impact of these filmed social-inoculation coping strategies indicates that they appear to be a promising component of smoking deterrent programs for adolescents.  相似文献   

Performance feedback was used on the job as the primary procedure to train four direct-care staff at a large state residential facility to administer a comprehensive set of teaching behaviors while they taught self-care skills to developmentally delayed residents. All trainees improved their teaching when provided feedback on the job, but maintained their skills to a lesser extent after a two month follow-up assessment. Residents made modest progress toward independence. Implications for designing methods to promote acquisition and maintenance of staff teaching skills and to provide more effective learning experiences for residents are discussed.  相似文献   

A specialized residential unit was assembled at a state residential facility for mentally retarded residents in order to provide services for individuals who lacked functional speech but who were capable of learning manual signs. Program development focused on four areas. First, a routine was designed to engage residents in functional training activities throughout the day. Second, opportunities to teach signed verbal behavior within all components of the routine were identified. Third, structured training sessions were developed to augment training within normal daily living activities. Fourth, multiple staff training strategies were initiated. Initial outcome data indicate that signing skills of both staff and residents improved.  相似文献   

The relationship between organizational control and normalization in treatment program design was examined in 30 community-based settings for juvenile offenders. Although these two dimensions were hypothesized to be converging indicators of the institutionality of a setting, the findings indicated that they are only marginally related. More hierarchical models of decision making were not associated with more depersonalized, isolating programming, and involvement of residents and line staff in decision making did not covary with autonomy and personalization in programming. The results are discussed as evidence that institutionality is a multidimensional construct, and that future investigations must distinguish between organizational decision making and characteristics of treatment program design when assessing the institutional quality of residential service settings.  相似文献   

In the current study we investigated the extent to which neighbourhood preferences could be used as a base to group people in order to explore their residential and travel choices. The basic idea of this study was that the preferences people would have for their residential and travel choices might be a robust predictor of their actual travel behaviour, and that the neighbourhood preferences might distinguish people in terms of the characteristics of their living environment. We used a moderation model to test whether the effect of built environment on travel behaviour varied in terms of resident’s type. A total of 3403 inhabitants of the city of Tampere in Finland participated in the study. A web-based public participation GIS survey combining the questionnaires with a map (SoftGIS technique) was used to collect the data. We identified two distinct groups of residents in terms of general neighbourhood preferences. The findings showed that clustering residents based on neighbourhood preferences moderated the association between some features of density measures and travel behaviour. We found significant differences between the two clusters in both the frequencies and the distance of pedestrian and bike travel. The findings revealed that inhabitants of neighbourhoods with a larger percentage of green surroundings had a greater perception of neighbourhood stability than did the residents of neighbourhoods with a smaller percentage of green surroundings.  相似文献   

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