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个体化用药--医药治疗的革命   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
遗传药理学和药物基因组学的发展,促进了药物反应种族差异的发现及其机制的阐明,使药物治疗模式开始由过去的诊断导向治疗向根据个体的遗传机构实行基因导向性治疗的新模式转换.  相似文献   

介绍合理药物治疗的手段及其对临床治疗产生的影响.指出把治疗药物监测和药物基因组学方法相结合应是以后药物治疗的最佳模式.  相似文献   

儿童白血病是小儿发病率最高的恶性肿瘤。随着分子生物学、遗传学、免疫学的发展,抗白血病的新药物不断被发现,新的治疗方法不断被采用。在选择治疗方法时,应用哲学思想进行指导,显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

儿童白血病是小儿发病率最高的恶性肿瘤.随着分子生物学、遗传学、免疫学的发展,抗白血病的新药物不断被发现,新的治疗方法不断被采用.在选择治疗方法时,应用哲学思想进行指导,显得尤为重要.  相似文献   

高血压是抗血管生成靶向药物最常见的副作用之一,其机制和管理受到重视。本文就靶向药物导致高血压的机制进行了探讨,考虑可能与抗血管生成药物的作用靶点有关,即影响了血管内皮生长因子的功能所致;介绍临床如何进行高血压管理并建议在抗血管生成靶向药物使用过程中规范地监测、控制血压,开展相关研究。  相似文献   

许多专家预测 ,遗传学将是下一次医学革命爆发的重要领域。的确 ,人类基因组计划 ,这一试图揭示人类全部DNA序列的庞大计划 ,已经逐步开始对未来的临床诊断和治疗学的探索产生积极的意义[1] 。人们了解到基因医学的研究能使人们更好地预防疾病 ,并通过基因治疗或应用特异性的药物弥补潜在的遗传缺陷。近年来 ,随着一门崭新学科———药物基因组学的出现 ,基因学研究的另一医学意义展现在了我们面前 ,即根据个体的基因学特点 ,量体裁衣 ,合理选择药物的种类和剂量 ,可以产生更高效低毒的治疗效果 ,这一课题的研究将具有更大的临床价值和社…  相似文献   

高血压是抗血管生成靶向药物最常见的副作用之一,其机制和管理受到重视.本文就靶向药物导致高血压的机制进行了探讨,考虑可能与抗血管生成药物的作用靶点有关,即影响了血管内皮生长因子的功能所致;介绍临床如何进行高血压管理并建议在抗血管生成靶向药物使用过程中规范地监测、控制血压,开展相关研究.  相似文献   

首先通过改变生活方式进行干预,药物治疗首先要排除精神压力引起的血压过度反应,干预难治性高血压通过联合用药与改变用药的时间。  相似文献   

难治性高血压的干预   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先通过改变生活方式进行干预,药物治疗首先要排除精神压力引起的血压过度反应,干预难治性高血压通过联合用药与改变用药的时间.  相似文献   

为了提高高血压患者的降压达标率、最大程度地降低靶器官损伤,一方面应强化生活方式的改变,包括戒烟限酒、低盐饮食、减轻体重和适量运动,另一方面,由于原发性高血压的发病是由多种复杂因素的不同组合引起,应根据不同个体的高血压发病机制及病因的差异,在指南的指导下,应用不同种类抗高血压药物(单用或联合用药),采用针对个体的优化治疗,才能更有效地使降压治疗达标。  相似文献   

80岁以上高龄老年高血压患者的降压治疗随着人口老龄化而越来越受关注。评估高龄高血压患者降压治疗的获益与风险,在循证医学基础上进行个体化治疗,依据全身情况和耐受程度调整血压控制水平,慎重选择药物,平稳缓慢降压,将使高龄高血压患者最大程度受益。  相似文献   

高血压,即使是经过了治疗,仍较正常人有较高的心血管并发症的发生。高血压有关的并发症对患者的生活质量及预后有较大的影响。其首要死亡原因是缺血性事件。阿司匹林是经过大量安慰剂对照、随机临床试验证实、可降低首次心肌梗死及缺血性脑卒中危险的抗血小板药物。近年来有关阿司匹林在防治缺血性心血管病方面的循证医学证据逐渐增多,国内及国际的心血管病防治指南均推荐应用阿司匹林。随着卒中预防领域内几项关键性的临床试验(ESPRIT、CHARISMA及WHS)的公布,美国心脏协会/美国卒中协会写作委员会对2006版指南的内容进行了更新。本文结合新的临床试验的证据,对阿司匹林在高血压治疗中的意义进行了分析,以期能更适当地应用阿司匹林,减少与高血压有关的缺血事件,提高人口的生存质量及寿命。  相似文献   

Only one-third of patients with hypertension under pharmacological treatment achieve the recommended blood pressure goals. Psychological factors could partially account for poor hypertension control through the existence of personality traits related to treatment compliance (e.g., self-discipline, deliberation, impulsiveness), and the fact that stress and some personality traits (e.g., anxiety, depression, anger expression, Type A) are involved in the etiology of some hypertension cases. This study was aimed at examining the differences in personality and stress between patients taking antihypertensive medications with controlled and uncontrolled hypertension. Results revealed that after controlling sex, age, and traditional variables associated with poor hypertension control, the uncontrolled hypertension group showed higher scores on impulsiveness, depression, anger expression-out, and stress, with differences ranging between medium and large (Hedges' g effect size = 0.77 to 1.08). These results support the hypothesized relationship between psychological factors and poor hypertension control.  相似文献   

老年高血压降压不易达标及降压质量低的原因分析及对策   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
老年高血压降压不易达标或降压质量低,原因在于老年高血压的特殊性,如多发收缩期高血压、血压波动大、易发生体位性低血压、合并多脏器功能损害等。在老年高血压的治疗中,应充分认识其特殊性,开展健康教育、改善生活方式,正确选择降压药,在降压达标治疗的基础上,提高降压质量,最大限度降低患者靶器官损害,减少心血管终点事件的发生。  相似文献   

睡眠呼吸暂停综合征是以睡眠过程中反复呼吸暂停进而引起慢性间歇性低氧、二氧化碳潴留为特征的常见睡眠呼吸障碍性疾病。阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停与高血压密切相关,睡眠呼吸暂停相关性高血压为一常见的特殊患病人群,多导睡眠图是诊断睡眠呼吸暂停相关性高血压的“金标准”,其治疗在一般生活方式改变基础上,持续气道正压通气治疗是其重要治疗方法。  相似文献   

Direct biofeedback of blood pressure was compared with frontal EMG biofeedback and with self-instructed relaxation for the treatment of essential hypertension in a controlled group outcome study. Patients were followed up for four months after the end of treatment. Generalization of treatment effects was assessed through pre- and posttreatment measurements of blood pressure under clinical conditions in a physician's office. There were no significant reductions in diastolic blood pressure. The systolic blood pressure (SBP) of the patients receiving blood pressure biofeedback decreased 8.1 mm mercury (p = 0.07) and the SBP of the patients in the relaxation condition decreased 9.5 mm mercury (p = 0.05). In the generalization measures, there were significant reductions in SBP for the relaxation group. The results are discussed in terms of the general lack of replicability within the area of biofeedback treatment of hypertension.  相似文献   

Clinical genetic testing is available for mutations in BMPR2 associated with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). The aim of this study is to assess attitudes of individuals affected by or at risk for PAH regarding genetic testing. Structured telephone interviews were conducted with 119 individuals affected by or at risk for PAH recruited from pulmonary hypertension clinic at Vanderbilt, Vanderbilt familial PAH registry, attendees at 2006 PHA meeting, and a local PAH support group. Sixty-four percent reported knowing little or nothing about BMPR2 testing. Predictors of greater self-assessed knowledge included having an affected family member and learning about BMPR2 testing through the internet. Most respondents reported that while they spent some time thinking about being tested for BMPR2, they had little trouble deciding. The most frequently cited reason for testing was to provide information for their children. About 20% said they had been tested, even though <5% have actually received clinical testing. Although patients with PAH and their at-risk relatives typically feel relatively uninformed about testing for mutations in BMPR2 and at times are confused about their testing status, they nonetheless report that it is easy to decide about testing.  相似文献   

高血压是由多种病因和发病机制引起的一种慢性疾病,可以导致多种靶器官功能损害,并最终导致严重的心、脑血管并发症,危及人类的健康和生命。如何做到有效的预防和治疗是目前面,临的问题。本文分析了高血压控制的现状,以矛盾的特殊性原理为指导,从高血压的病因和发病机制、临床特点以及药物对个体的敏感性等诸多方面出发,阐述了高血压患者个体差异性。高血压患者个体差异性决定每一个个体综合控制策略的不同,运用“具体问题具体分析”的方法,为每一个个体制定个体化的血压控制方案,以期达到理想的高血压整体控制水平。  相似文献   

An exploratory study on the development of beliefs about symptoms as signals of arterial hypertension. In spite of hypertension is known as an asymptomatic health problem, most of the people with such a diagnosis are convinced of experiencing very specific symptoms associated to specific changes in blood pressure (BP). In addition, such beliefs may affect treatment adherence. Previous studies have shown that hypertensive patients use the information they considered right about BP symptoms to regulate the type of decisions they follow in adhering to treatment. The aim of this study is to explore specific variables related with the formation of beliefs about symptoms in a sample of 171 hypertensive patients. Results show that 81,3% of the patients perceived specific symptoms related to changes in hypertension as well as that variables related with the development of these beliefs were mostly: (1) the presence of symptoms during the diagnosis process, (2) the occurrence of hypertensive crisis, and (3) the information provided by others concerning the relationships between symptoms and BP changes. The importance of paying attention to the beliefs of specific symptoms as well as to the circumstances related with the formation process of such beliefs is discussed.  相似文献   

高血压是造成心血管疾病最重要的可逆性危险因素之一,但大多数患者仍未采取合适治疗,或未达到合适的血压控制目标。循证医学证实,联合使用降压药物不仅是控制血压达标的主要手段,而且是保护靶器官的重要措施,可明显减少心、脑、肾等重要靶器官损害,降低心血管疾病的发病率、病死率和致残率。高血压的联合用药应得到高度重视。  相似文献   

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