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Right-handed subjects participated in a visual half-field experiment using “clock” stimuli. For the Categorical task, subjects indicated whether the long and short hands of a clock were above or below the horizontal midline of the dial. For the Coordinate task, they indicated whether the long and short hands of a clock formed an angle that is more or less than 60°. For both tasks, clock stimuli were either analog clocks (Visual version) or digital clocks from which subjects generated images of analog clocks (Imagery version). The results indicated that for both the Visual and Imagery versions, there was a nonsignificant trend toward a left hemisphere advantage in the Categorical task, whereas there was a significant right hemisphere advantage in the Coordinate task. Implications of the results were discussed from the viewpoints of task factors in hemispheric processing of visual imagery, Kosslyn's (1987, 1994) computational model of vision and visual imagery, and vision/imagery isomorphism.  相似文献   

Visual asymmetry patterns related to skill were examined during a target–probe matching task in 24 skilled medical technologists and 24 matched controls. On each of 240 test trials, digitized replicas of specimens commonly encountered in medical laboratory diagnostics were shown centrally for 500 msec. Each target was immediately followed by a lateralized probe item for 120 msec that was either an exact copy (positive probe) or a distorted version (negative probe) of the target. Difficulty level of target–probe matching was manipulated on negative probe trials; half of the negative items consisted of difficult discriminations which were selected to assess the effects of domain-specific experience on detecting small differences in salient morphological features. Medical technologists exhibited a right visual field advantage, but were not different from the control subjects in speed or accuracy to positive probes or to easy negative probes. The observed left-hemisphere advantage in skilled visual processing is attributed to the beneficial effects of experience on the development of domain-specific visual analysis skills.  相似文献   

视觉表象产生的大脑半球专门化效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
游旭群  宋晓蕾 《心理学报》2009,41(10):911-921
采用Kosslyn单侧视野速示技术, 以英文字母图片为学习材料, 通过三个实验考察了视觉表象产生的大脑半球专门化效应。实验一提出在两种类型的视觉表象产生任务中, 有两种截然不同的加工起作用, 但却不能直接证实这两种不同加工机制的存在。实验二和实验三则进一步证实了两种表象产生任务具有不同的认知加工机制, 并表现出不同的大脑半球专门化效应。上述研究表明: 大脑两半球均参与产生视觉心理表象, 但分工不同, 并表现出不同的单侧化效应: 大脑左半球通过运用类别空间关系产生表象更有效, 大脑右半球运用数量空间关系产生表象更有效。结果进一步拓展了Kosslyn关于视觉空间关系加工的大脑半球专门化观点。  相似文献   

20世纪末的研究证据显示,对Navon等级刺激的整体/局部加工中半球功能不对称效应发生在早期还是晚期阶段,研究者存在着争论。近期的电生理和功能成像研究资料表明,整体/局部加工的半球不对称效应可能是一个受到多种因素调节的复杂动态系统;早期信息表征的半球功能不对称效应可能主要受知觉因素的影响,而注意控制和反应冲突可能主要调节晚期知觉加工的半球功能不对称  相似文献   

采用事件相关电位,运用无启动的同一字判断(靶字延迟反应)范式,以大学生为被试探讨汉字刺激质量和频率是否具有交互作用。行为结果显示,刺激质量和频率在反应时上存在交互作用。脑电结果显示,重度模糊诱发了更大的N250和N400,且刺激质量和频率在N400上存在交互作用。结论是,汉字刺激质量和频率在反应时和N400上存在交互作用,表明在汉字识别中存在串级加工,支持IA模型。  相似文献   

Observers identified consonant–vowel–consonant trigrams with the letters arranged vertically by pronouncing the stimulus (treating the bottom letter as the first letter) and spelling it from bottom to top. On each trial, the trigram was presented to the left visual field/right hemisphere (LVF/RH), to the right visual field/left hemisphere (RVF/LH), or to both visual fields simultaneously (BILATERAL trials). Quantitative and qualitative visual field differences were identical to those found when observers used a more natural response output order, treating the top letter of the trigram as the first letter. The results suggest that, regardless of output order, attention is distributed across the three letters in a relatively slow, top-to-bottom fashion on LVF/RH and BILATERAL trials, whereas attention is distributed more rapidly and evenly across the three letters on RVF/LH trials.  相似文献   

A computational theory of hemispheric asymmetries in perception (double filtering by frequency) is described. Its central tenet is that the cerebral hemispheres first perform symmetric filtering of visual and auditory information. Functional hemispheric asymmetry arises from a second filtering stage (containing filters skewed in different directions in the two hemispheres). The first stage selects a range of task-relevant spatial or auditory frequencies from the absolute values. This range is passed to the asymmetric filters. In this way, the hemispheric difference becomes one of relative rather than absolute information. Behavioral deficits due to unilateral lesions in neurological patients and neuroimaging and electrophysiological measures in normal subjects implicate posterior cortex in these hemispheric differences.  相似文献   

The research investigated whether there are hemispheric differences in processing for words acquired early in childhood (early AoA) and words acquired later in childhood (late AoA). We hypothesized that because of recent evidence suggesting that there is a right hemisphere dominance in early childhood, early AoA words would be represented in the right hemisphere, and late AoA words would be represented in the left hemisphere. This hypothesis differs from an early view that late AoA words would be represented in the left hemisphere, and early AoA words would be represented in both hemispheres (Gazzaniga, 1974). We report two experiments using the divided visual field (DVF) technique. The results showed that there was a right visual field (RVF)/left hemisphere (LH) advantage only for late AoA words. For early AoA words, there was a left visual field (LVF)/right hemisphere advantage (RH). Implications for theories of hemispheric differences in word processing are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of spatial frequency and temporal transition of sine-wave grating onset and offset were assessed using measures of reaction time, visual persistence, and temporal order judgments. The stimuli were lateralized fields, separated by 1° of visual angle. Slow temporal transition resulted in significantly poorer performance than did abrupt onset and offset, but spatial frequency had a minimal effect. Thus, the latency, temporal resolution, and temporal ordering of events are mediated by a mechanism that is sensitive to abrupt temporal transients. The stimulus conditions employed did not result in a shift in the point of subjective simultaneity.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the effects of age and domain-specific experience on the speed and accuracy of visual inspection performance. In Experiment 1, young (M age = 26.5 years) and middle-aged (M age = 45.7 years) medical laboratory technologists (MTs) and matched novices were tested on a domain-specific version and on a domain-general version of a probe recognition task. Middle-aged subjects were slower than younger subjects on both versions, and MTs were more accurate but slower than controls on the domain-specific task. In Experiment 2, MTs and controls were tested on the same tasks under single-task and dual-task conditions. Middle-aged adults were slower and less accurate than young adults under dual-task conditions in the general version. For the domain-specific version, the response times and error data suggested that skilled performance is less demanding of age-limited general-purpose processing resources.  相似文献   

In order to enhance the effect of spatial frequency on the hemispheric asymmetry of visual evoked potentials (VEP), the response amplitudes to ON-OFF modulated gratings were compared with the responses to pattern reversal stimulation. Sinusoidal gratings of different spatial frequencies were presented to six righthanders. VEPs were recorded from temporal leads on each hemisphere. In the left hemisphere, the amplitude was constant for the two modes of presentation and independent of spatial frequency. In the right hemisphere, the response amplitude was larger to the ONSET stage of ON-OFF stimulation than to reversal and presented the characteristic spatial frequency tuning curve. This asymmetry is assumed to reflect a difference in sensitivity of the two hemispheres to the spatiotemporal characteristics of the stimulus. The relevance of these findings is discussed in relation to the other hemispheric specialization models.  相似文献   

Training strategies to reduce the well-documented (e.g., Lim & Petersen, 1985; Voyer, Voyer, & Bryden, 1995) gender difference in visual spatial ability were investigated. Participants (21 men, 21 women) were trained under 1 of 2 conditions to estimate the orientation angle of a ship viewed on a submarine periscope simulator. The data were analyzed in a 3 by 2 by 2 (Training Conditions by Gender by Test Session) mixed design with repeated measures over the last variable. A significant Training Condition by Gender interaction revealed large performance differences in favor of men in the control group and the group trained using an instruction manual. However, no significant gender difference was found for participants trained with repeated practice accompanied by feedback. This suggests that even a brief training session, using an appropriate instructional strategy, may be all that is required to increase the mental rotation performance of women to the level of men on a specific task. The benefit of the instruction was still evident when tested 3 weeks later; the gender difference was still absent.  相似文献   

Native Japanese speakers identified three-letter kana stimuli presented to the left visual field and right hemisphere (LVF/RH), to the right visual field and left hemisphere (RVF/LH), or to both visual fields and hemispheres simultaneously (BILATERAL trials). There were fewer errors on RVF/LH and BILATERAL trials than on LVF/RH trials. Qualitative analysis of error patterns indicated that there were many fewer errors of first-letter identification than of last-letter identification, suggesting top-to-bottom scanning of the kana characters. In contrast to similar studies presenting nonword letter trigrams to native English speakers, qualitative error patterns were identical for the three visual field conditions. Taken together with the results of earlier studies, the results of the present experiment indicate that the ubiquitous RVF/LH advantage reflects a left-hemisphere superiority for phonetic processing that generalizes across specific languages. At the same time, qualitative aspects of hemispheric asymmetry differ from one language to the next and may depend on such things as the way in which individual characters map onto the pronunciation of words and nonwords.  相似文献   

音乐的时间维度在音乐艺术中具有重要的作用。已有研究表明, 对音乐时间维度的加工受制于许多方面, 一方面, 音乐构成要素的特征影响着人们对音乐时间的加工; 另一方面, 听者的年龄、注意、工作记忆、音乐训练以及对音乐的熟悉性等因素也影响着他们对音乐时间加工的深度和广度。未来的研究应进一步确定音乐时间加工的影响因素及其相对重要性, 并对音乐时间加工中基因与环境的关系以及发展的敏感期等问题进行研究。  相似文献   

Five outlined geometric figures of equal contour length were presented monocularly below the fixation point (FP); an upright equilateral triangle (upright triangle), an inverted equilateral triangle (inverted triangle), an upright square (square), a 45°-tilted square (diamond) and a circle. The angular separation between FP and the top of the figures was held constant. Transient visual evoked potentials (VEPs) were recorded monopolarly from inion, 4, 7, 10 cm above it (l, l4, l7, l10) and Cz for ten subjects. The grand-averaged subtracted waves were obtained between the figure and blank (control) conditions. N1 (mean peak latency: 155 ms) and P2 (240 ms) waves were identified. ANOVAs were conducted for the latency and amplitude values. Main results were as follows: On the N1 amplitude at l4 and l, the upright triangle, inverted triangle and diamond figures evoked significantly larger responses than did the square and the circle. However, no significant difference was found among the former three figures. These findings on the N1 amplitude suggest that the effect of a triangle is orientation-free and that of a square is orientation-bound.  相似文献   

In visual search tasks, spatial attention selects the locations containing a target or a distractor with one of the target's features, implying that spatial attention is driven by target features (M.S. Kim & K. R. Cave, 1995). The authors measured the effects of location-based grouping processes in visual search. In searches for a color-shape combination (conjunction search), spatial probes indicated that a cluster of same-color or same-shape elements surrounding the target were grouped and selected together. However, in searches for a shape target (feature search), evidence for grouping by an irrelevant feature dimension was weaker or nonexistent. Grouping processes aided search for a visual target by selecting groups of locations that shared a common feature, although there was little or no grouping by an irrelevant feature when the target was defined by a unique salient feature.  相似文献   

The authors conducted 4 experiments to test whether hemispheric lateralization occurs for the processing of geometric word–shape combinations. In 3 experiments, participants responded to geometric shapes combined with geometric words (square, circle, triangle). In the 4th experiment, stimuli were combinations of geometric shapes and nongeometric words. The authors predicted that it would take longer to respond in incongruent conditions (e.g., the word “square” combined with the shape of a circle) than in congruent conditions. The authors found the strongest incongruency effects for the dominant hemisphere—that is, the left hemisphere for responding to words and the right hemisphere for responding to shapes. A Shape Interfering Properties hypothesis (SIP) is a possible explanation for these results.  相似文献   

Template theories of visual pattern recognition assume the operation of preprocessing routines to deal with irrelevancies such as discrepancies in stimulus size. In three experiments where size was an irrelevant dimension, observers classified pairs of forms as either “same” or “different”. In Experiment I, the classification “different” was required when the stimuli shared the same form but a different orientation, and “same” when the stimuli shared the same form and orientation. Under these conditions RT was an increasing function of the magnitude of the size disparity between stimuli with equal slopes for “same” and “different” judgements. In Experiment II, “different” classifications were made to stimuli that had different forms, and “same” to figures with the same form. This stimulus set produced a size disparity function that interacted with response type; “different” responses had a shallower slope. Experiment III consisted of a mixed stimulus set drawn from both Experiment I and II. Stimuli that produced additive effects of size disparity and response type in Experiment I now produced an interaction between these two factors similar to the one observed in Experiment II. The results of these experiments are interpreted as evidence that previous contradictory results reported in the literature stem from differences in the way the stimulus set is constructed, and that size transformations can not be a necessary operation, at least when “different” judgements are made. The results are problematic for the view that size disparity effects in matching tasks are easily interpretable in terms of a primitive size normalization stage that precedes any comparison operations.  相似文献   

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