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This paper considers the impact of desexualization of the maternal on the development of female sexuality. A “chance encounter” revealing a desire in the female analyst, previously unsuspected, disrupts a female patient's prior sense of homoerotic immersion with the analyst. I argue that a girl's would-be oedipal competition is encased within a patriarchal structuring of sexuality where the mother is rendered solely reproductive and preoedipal, not erotically sexual. I examine the meanings for a patient of internalizing a female figure, her analyst, who is viewed as both maternal and sexual. I suggest that a female sense of genital inadequacy and inferiority may have a component of not being able to link the mother's (and in the transference, the analyst's) use of her genitals with her use of her mind/maternal function. I unfold a thesis regarding maternal desexualization that I believe, given mother–infant symbiosis, has rather extensive applicability, and that can lead to viewing any third party as a “dark” interloper.  相似文献   

When patients present in a deadened state, the analyst may feel a sense of futility and shame in his efforts to have impact. This may cause him to withdraw and contribute to an enactment in which both participants purge themselves of wanting anything from the other, sapping the treatment of purpose and aliveness. The author presents a model in which the analyst can reawaken his desire for recognition and connection and utilize it to introduce the patient to his or her own dissociated longings. This involves fortitude on the therapist’s part, since he must withstand the rejection that had caused him to withdraw in the first place, and also be sensitive to the patient’s fear of retraumatization. But if the analyst can do this, he can not only break through the impasse, but enliven the patient and infuse the treatment with a sense of purpose and hope.  相似文献   

H Omer  A C Elitzur 《Suicide & life-threatening behavior》2001,31(2):129-39; discussion 140-3
This anti-suicide text provides potential helpers (professional and lay) with clear guidelines for communicating with a declared suicidal person, particularly in real-time situations, when time is crucial and the act cannot be physically prevented. The text also may have a preventative effect when diffused to the public as an anonymous address to potential suicides.  相似文献   


The paper examines, from a behavior analytic perspective, the mechanisms through which change occurs within the context of the therapeutic relationship in individual psychotherapy. The analysis focuses upon the therapist’s shaping of the client’s behavior through subtle nonverbal cues and explicit verbal analyses. In the relationship, therapists modify behavior that has created difficulties for the client in the natural environment, and clinical change is dependent upon the extent to which those in the natural environment will reinforce functionally similar response classes. Ferster’s distinction between natural and arbitrary reinforcement and Skinner’s distinction between contingency-shaped and rule-governed behavior are also used to describe the manner through which change occurs. The goal of the paper is to stimulate behavior therapists to look more closely at the therapeutic relationship as a mechanism of clinical change and to help those of other perspectives see how their effectiveness within the relationship can be understood using the principles of learning.


王岩  田兆军 《学海》2002,1(5):65-69
政府与自由有着十分密切的关系 ,人类最终就是在政府与自由的矛盾中获得解放、步入自由王国的。自由作为一种理想形态或价值观 ,逐渐由政治领域步入经济领域 ,且往往与“市场”一词具有相同的含义。本文从西方政府理论的基本思想出发 ,通过对近现代以来西方政治哲学关于政府与自由关系的系统考察 ,来探讨我国市场经济条件下政府应有模式、市场经济中人的自由 ,这对于社会主义市场经济建设有着重要的意义  相似文献   

The “I Said, You Said” technique leads the couple through a series of communication exercises that emphasizes the power of verbal and non-verbal cues. Initially, non-verbal cues that a couple uses to interpret each other’s spoken words are decreased to reduce the outside influences of attributed meaning. This allows the couple to focus on the clarity of the spoken message. Additional steps in this technique include restructuring speaker and listener roles, education about communication patterns, and learning how to communicate with more clarity and effectiveness, even when topics are emotionally laden. A brief vignette using the intervention follows this discussion.  相似文献   

《Media Psychology》2013,16(2):159-188
This study examined the effects of exposure to television programming that contains both violent actions and macho portrayals of male characters on subsequent self-reports of aggression and hostility. Experimental results showed that those exposed to a violent and hypermasculine television program had a larger increase in reports of aggression and hostility compared to those exposed to a nonviolent, hypermasculine television program. Self-reports of higher levels of hypermasculinity prior to exposure led to larger increases in aggression and hostility after exposure. Predicted interactions between exposure to the stimulus and prior hypermasculinity occurred for many of the aggression/hostility dimensions. The theory of neo-associationism and priming is discussed to explain the patterns of results.  相似文献   


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) impacts not only the child with ASD, but also the entire family system, including siblings. The present study examined perceptions of the sibling relationship in brothers and sisters of children with ASD, as well as how understanding of autism (symptoms, long-term implications of the disorder) in siblings of children with ASD is related to the sibling’s perceptions of quality of the sibling relationship. Siblings (N?=?44, Mean Age?=?10.4 years, SD?=?2.6) of children with ASD were administered an interview assessing their understanding of ASD and self-report questionnaires measuring their perception of the sibling relationship quality. The more siblings understood about ASD, the more hostility they reported by their sibling with ASD. Age of the sibling, conversely, was negatively associated with both hostile and warm behavior by the brother or sister with ASD towards the sibling. More understanding of autism may be associated with more contention within the sibling relationship, whereas older siblings may spend less time with their brother or sister with autism. Results have implications for improving sibling relationship quality, as well as elucidating the complexity of sibling relationships. These findings have further implications for the development of support systems with use of coping skills for improving the quality of the sibling relationship.


This study explores the relationship between wife's employment, sex-role traditionalism, and the reported division of household tasks and decisions. Data were collected from three samples of currently married women between the ages of 18 and 49 in Los Angeles County. Sex-role traditionalism was positively related to wives' relative performance of feminine tasks, but generally unrelated to masculine task performance and decision-making between spouses. Employed or professional women took primary responsibility for relatively fewer feminine tasks than did nonemployed or nonprofessional women. The findings suggest that despite differences among women in sex-role traditionalism and employment status, most women say that they and their spouses divide tasks in a traditional sex-role fashion.  相似文献   

Religious participation has been shown to increase certain factors thought to be protective of health, including social support and positive health habits. The current study considers whether religious participation may likewise have a positive influence on health by increasing forgiveness and diminishing hostility. A structural equation analysis of data collected from a national survey of 1,629 participants supported the hypothesized model that (a) religiosity is related to greater forgiveness, (b) greater forgiveness, in turn, is related to reduced hostility and finally, (c) reduced hostility is related to better subjective health.  相似文献   

The abstinence approach to sex education remains influential despite its demonstrated ineffectiveness. One bill forbids the “promotion” of “gateway sexual activity,” while requiring outright condemnation of “non-abstinence,” defined so loosely as to plausibly include handholding. Bioethics seldom (if ever) contributes to sex-ed debates, yet exploring the pivotal role of medical discourse reveals the need for bioethical intervention. Sex-ed debates revolve around a theory of human flourishing based on heteronormative temporality, a developmental teleology ensuring the transmission of various supposed social goods through heterosexual marriage (Halberstam, 2005). Heteronormative temporality also constitutes a moralized discourse in which the values of health and presumed certainties of medicine serve to justify conservative religious dictates that otherwise would appear controversial as the basis for public policy. Overall, this analysis explores how moralized medical discourses compound existing injustices, while suggesting bioethics’ potential contributions to moral and political analysis of sex-ed policies.  相似文献   

This paper aims to insert the contrasexual archetype into the dynamic narrative of the Oedipus complex. Jung used the terms 'anima' and 'animus' to classify observed phenomena but did not explore the developmental origins of these phenomena in terms of personal history and experience. Some typical manifestations of anima and animus are described and shown to be rooted in the vicissitudes of Oedipal development. The contrasexual archetype is initially mediated by the oedipally loved parent and subsequent manifestations bear the imprint not only of the parent himself or herself but of the entire complex of object relationships in which Oedipal love is embedded. Successful resolution of the Oedipus complex depends on freeing the anima/animus from its Oedipal bonds so that its function as a bridge to the unconscious can be realized. This function is connected with the emergence of a symbolic capacity through which anima and animus can be recognized and valued as imaginal rather than external realities. The clinical material explores the damaging impact of a split parental couple on this process and the positive role of idealization as a stimulus to psychic development.  相似文献   

Reacting to a general distrust of government and authority that many people are feeling these days, this paper follows some developments of trust and of its betrayal in both the normal and clinical situations. It suggests that many are profoundly anxious about betrayal and that adequate parenting helps us learn how to overcome inevitable betrayal traumas and continue without losing hope. It recalls Freud’s own feelings of betrayal when he learned that hysterics lie and later when Dora stopped treatment, and it suggests that these betrayals may have been one factor in his turn from the clinical to the theoretical. It discusses trust in the clinical situation through the lens of the Freud–Ferenczi controversy and with special emphasis on early trauma and the kind of setting that may be necessary for the reestablishment of basic trust.  相似文献   

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