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进化心理学:心理科学的未来发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“Evolutionary psychology is an approach to psychology, in which knowledge and principles from evolutionary biology are put to use in research on the structure of the human mind” (Cosmides & Tooby, 2001, p.1). The approach can be used to study and to provide broad theoretical framing of nearly all of the  相似文献   

当代心理学发展的一种新取向--进化心理学   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
许波  车文博 《心理科学》2004,27(1):236-238
进化心理学是近年在西方心理学中出现的一种新的研究取向,目前仍没有一个明确的概念和系统的理论。其基本主张是:过去是理解心理机制的关键;功能分析是理解心理机制的主要途径;心理机制是在解决问题的过程中演化形成的;模块性是心理机制整体组织的特性;人的行为是心理机制和环境互动作用的结果。进化心理学的发展既有意义同时也存在局限。其意义是:其发展与当代科学发展趋势相一致;它的研究促进了对人性和心理的进一步思考。局限是:具有遗传决定论的倾向;方法论存在一定的缺陷,忽视了文化对进化的意义等等。  相似文献   

进化心理学以进化论为理论基础,用适应的观点来解释人类的心理机制及其行为方式。本文通过阐明进化心理学的产生背景,重点论述了进化心理学的思维方式及其与心理学主要学科分支的联系,并指出了进化心理学对当代心理学发展的影响。  相似文献   

Evolutionary Psychology: The Wheat and the Chaff   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Evolutionary approaches are on the rise in the social sciences and have the potential to bring an all–encompassing conceptual framework to the study of human behavior. Together with neuroscience, which is digging the grave of mind–body dualism, evolutionary psychology is bound to undermine the still reigning human–animal dualism. If a Darwinian reshaping of the social sciences seems inevitable, even desirable, this should not be looked at as a hostile takeover. The underlying theme of this essay is that it is time for psychologists to join the Darwinian revolution, yet the essay also critically reviews current evolutionary psychology. It questions the loose application of adaptationist thinking and the fragmentation of the genome, behavior, and the brain. From biology we learn that not every species–typical trait is necessarily advantageous, and from neuroscience we learn that not every psychological ability or tendency necessarily needs to have its own specialized brain circuitry. But even if the concept of adaptation is hard to apply, psychologists would do well to start looking at human behavior in the light of evolution.  相似文献   

国外关于进化心理学的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
许波 《心理学探新》2004,24(1):16-19
进化心理学是近年在西方心理学中出现的一种新的研究取向,目前仍没有一个明确的概念和系统的理论。其基本主张是:过去是理解心理机制的关键;功能分析是理解心理机制的主要途径;心理机制是在解决问题的过程中演化形成的模块性是心理机制整体组织的特性;人的行为是心理机制和环境互动作用的结果。进化心理学从诞生之日起,就引起了各种各样的争议,赞成者认为:①心理学会成为更多的达尔文主义的理论建构;②进化心理学将使心理学走向统一;③进化心理学向传统社会科学提出了挑战。反对者认为:①进化心理学是一种不成熟的科学;②进化心理学是一种貌似科学的研究取向。  相似文献   

进化心理学的过去和现在   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
进化心理学这个术语是90年代出现的,它从社会生物学演化而来,声势逐渐壮大。但它的思想起源却可以向前追溯一个多世纪。进化心理学否定了标准社会科学模式,注重对平常问题的研究。解释取向的进化心理学是比较成功的,它作为一种思想方法,已经渗透进心理学之外的许多领域,成就突出的是经济学领域。对进化心理学的批评主要集中在它非经验主义的方法上,但它仍然有巨大潜力。  相似文献   

心理学研究工具与心理学的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在考察心理学发展与研究工具的关系基础上,总结了心理学研究工具的定义和分类,并重点探索了心理学研究工具在心理学发展过程中的作用。并指出在未来心理学研究中新的研究工具和方法将起到越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

探讨了抑郁症的进化机制。由进化机制支配的依恋和社会地位行为可能是某些严重抑郁症的基础,尤其是与长期压力相关的抑郁症。虽然抑郁症有不同的性质,但某些核心症状是为了调节行为、情绪以及传达对威胁的敏感性而进化形成的,如行为退缩、低自尊、快感丧失等。  相似文献   

Human nature has a dark side, something important to religions. Evolutionary psychology has been used to illuminate the human shadow side, although as a discipline it has attracted criticism. This article seeks to examine the evolutionary psychology’s understanding of human nature and to propose an unexpected dialog with an enduring account of human evil known as original sin. Two cases are briefly considered: murder and rape. To further the exchange, numerous theoretical and methodological criticisms and replies of evolutionary psychology are explored jointly with original sin. Evolutionary psychology can partner with original sin since they share some theoretical likenesses and together they offer insights into the nature of what it means to be human.  相似文献   

有关进化心理学局限性的理论思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
叶浩生 《心理学报》2006,38(5):784-790
进化心理学是现代西方心理学的新取向之一。这一新取向吸引了众多的追随者,但是它自身的核心假设、方法论和认识论方面却存在着局限性。文章从三个方面分析了这种局限性:第一,进化心理学的核心假设是心理的模块性观点。依据这种观点,心灵由大量功能各异的心理模块组成,但是来自于心理学和生物学的研究都表明这种观点是缺乏科学依据的。第二,进化心理学从过去的角度理解现在,所依据的事实大多是推测性的,更多的是一种历史叙事,从方法论的角度来说,这种研究不具备可证伪性,不符合科学方法论的基本原则。第三,在认识论方面,进化心理学继承了社会生物学的传统,有意或无意地夸大了基因的作用,贬低了个体发展过程中其它因素,现代生命科学的研究已经证明了基因决定论的虚假性  相似文献   

亲缘利他的不对称性:进化视角的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内含适应性理论是进化生物学和进化心理学中最重要的理论之一。该理论假设, 个体的亲属是其适应性的载体, 但亲属们的价值有所不同。大量研究发现, 亲属的利他行为表现出不对称性, 即遗传相关系数相同的亲属表现出不同的利他倾向。如祖父母对孙辈的投资中, 外祖母往往投入最多, 外祖父和祖母次之, 祖父投入最少。研究者用内含适应性理论来解释这种亲缘利他差异, 进而提出了“父亲身份不确定性”等具体的进化假设。未来研究中, 国内研究者应在正确理解内含适应性理论的基础上, 更多关注亲缘利他的不对称性, 采用多种数据采集方法和统一的评定指标。  相似文献   

进化发展心理学:发展中的人类本性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进化发展心理学研究社会能力与认知能力发展背后的基因与环境机制,以及基因与环境机制在特定社会文化中的表现。进化发展心理学探讨的主要问题与设计到的主要概念包括:(1)自然选择在毕生发展的早期阶段发挥作用;(2)进化发展心理学特别重视适应在婴儿期及儿童期发展中的作用;(3)儿童期的延长有助于儿童学习人类社会的复杂性;(4)发展背景的方法可以用来理解成人外显行为的进化起源;(5)基因与环境因素相互影响约束个体发展;(6)认知能力与行为活动敏感于早期环境,但二者发展也具有可塑性  相似文献   

Alice H. Eagly  Wendy Wood 《Sex roles》2013,69(9-10):549-556
The Special Issue on feminism and evolutionary psychology published by Sex Roles (Smith and Konik 2011) has elicited responses that advance understanding of the debate between evolutionary psychology and feminist perspectives concerning the origins of similarities and differences in the behavior of women and men (Smith and Konik 2013). The further challenges to evolutionary psychology mounted in these responses suggest that the Special Issue has intensified the debate more that it has resolved it. Moving forward requires that feminist psychologists not only add to the considerable body of empirical evidence that challenges evolutionary psychology but also produce alternative evolutionary theories that transcend the nature-nurture controversy that underlies the current debate. To this end, we refer readers to our biosocial constructionist theory in which culture and biology are intertwined in both distal evolutionary processes that shaped human psychology and proximal mechanisms that underlie differences and similarities in male and female behavior (Wood and Eagly 2012).  相似文献   

The Role of Macroeconomic Psychology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Evolutionary Psychology of Facial Attractiveness   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The human face communicates an impressive number of visual signals. Although adults' ratings of facial attractiveness are consistent across studies, even cross-culturally, there has been considerable controversy surrounding attempts to identify the facial features that cause faces to be judged attractive or unattractive. Studies of physical attractiveness have attempted to identify the features that contribute to attractiveness by studying the relationships between attractiveness and (a) symmetry, (b) averageness, and (c) nonaverage sexually dimorphic features (hormone markers). Evolutionary psychology proposes that these characteristics all pertain to health, suggesting that humans have evolved to view certain features as attractive because they were displayed by healthy individuals. However, the question remains how single features that are considered attractive relate to each other, and if they form a single ornament that signals mate quality. Moreover, some researchers have recently explained attractiveness preferences in terms of individual differences that are predictable. This article briefly describes what is currently known from attractiveness research, reviews some recent advances, and suggests areas for future researchers' attention.  相似文献   

论进化心理学的“心理机制”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“心理机制”是进化心理学的核心概念。对这一概念的理解直接影响着对整个进化心理学理论的理解。该文尝试从心理学其它相关学科的角度,对这一概念的性质进行充分的解读与分析,同时也指出进化心理学“心理机制”理论之明显误区,并在此基础上对进化心理学价值之所在给予充分的彰显。  相似文献   

Two experiments tested hypotheses about gossip derived from an evolutionary perspective. In the first experiment, 128 people ranging in age from 17 to 62 years ranked the interest value of 12 tabloid stories about celebrities differing in age and gender. In the second experiment, 83 college students ranked the interest value and likelihood of spreading gossip about male or female professors, relatives, friends, acquaintances, or strangers based on 12 different gossip scenarios. The results of these experiments confirmed a consistent pattern of interest in gossip marked by a preference for information about others of the same age and gender. Exploitable information in the form of damaging, negative news about nonallies and positive news about allies was especially prized and likely to be passed on. The findings confirm that gossip can serve as a strategy of status enhancement and function in the interests of individuals, and that it does not just function as a means of social control within groups.  相似文献   

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