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Although childhood generalized anxiety disorder is generally understudied, worry, the cardinal feature of GAD, appears to be relatively common in youth. Despite its prevalence, there are few conceptual models of the development of clinical worry in children. The current review provides a framework for integrating the developmental psychopathology perspective, models of worry in adults, and data available on worry in children. General risk factors for the development of worry are considered, as well as potential pathways including genetics, temperament, cognitive, emotional and parenting influences, as well as the influence of cognitive development. Based on this review, it appears unlikely that main effects models will be able to explain the development of GAD or clinical worry in children and that a broad, complex model incorporating a number of factors and their interactions will best describe etiological and maintaining factors. With this perspective in mind, a number of suggestions for future work are offered.  相似文献   

Despite growing interest in the development of alternative diagnostic classification systems for psychopathology in young children, little is known about the adequacy of the DSM symptom structure for describing psychopathology in this population. This paper examines the fit of the DSM-IV emotional (ED) and disruptive behavior disorder (DD) symptom structure in a community sample of 796 4-year-old children. Using the parent-report Child Symptom Inventory (CSI), the best model fit for ED included separate factors for Social Phobia, Separation Anxiety Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Major Depressive Disorder. For DD, the best model included separate Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder-Inattentive type (ADHD-I), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder-Hyperactive/Impulsive type (ADHD-HI), and Oppositional Defiant Disorder diagnoses. These findings support using DSM-IV nosology to classify EDs in a community sample of preschool children, and suggest differentiation of ADHD into ADHD-I and ADHD-HI.  相似文献   

《Developmental science》2001,4(3):345-357

Diagnostic criteria and empirical research suggests an intimate connection between low self-esteem and psychopathology. The purpose of the present work is to provide a review of the literature that focuses on the interconnections between self-esteem and psychopathology. The most prominent explanations for this link are explored including the vulnerability model (low self-esteem increases the probability of psychopathology) and the scar model (low self-esteem is a consequence of psychopathology rather than a cause). Recent advancements in the self-esteem literature concerning distinctions between secure and fragile forms of self-esteem are discussed in terms of their potential implications for psychopathology. Finally, the role of self-esteem in psychotherapeutic interventions is reviewed.  相似文献   

Cultural and ethnic issues commonly surface as important therapeutic themes among many minority patients. Identity formation, self-concept, perception, and the effects of migration on the aetiology of psychiatric symptomatology are reviewed. Trauma resulting from migration, stress, and prolonged affect-laden situations in the precipitation and onset of physical disease and illness is discussed. A clinical presentation of a 68-year-old Nicaraguan man is presented to highlight the aforementioned issues, i.e., traumatization, the development of psychopathology, and the onset of physical illness as a result of forced migration.  相似文献   

The relationship between parental alcohol dependence (with and without comorbid psychopathology) and adolescent psychopathology was examined in a sample of 665 13-17 year-old adolescents and their parents. Results indicated that adolescents who had parents diagnosed with alcohol dependence only did not significantly differ from adolescents who had parents with no psychopathology in regard to any of the measures of psychological symptomatology (substance use, conduct disorder, and depression) or clinical diagnoses (alcohol dependence, marijuana dependence, conduct disorder, or depression) assessed. In contrast, adolescents who had parents diagnosed with alcohol dependence and either comorbid drug dependence or depression were more likely to exhibit higher levels of psychological symptomatology. In addition, adolescents who had parents diagnosed with alcohol dependence, depression, and drug dependence were most likely to exhibit psychological problems. These findings underscore the importance of considering parental comorbid psychopathology when examining the relationship between parental alcoholism and offspring adjustment.  相似文献   

The figure of the "double" or the other self is an important topic in the history of literature. Many centuries before Jean Paul Richter coined the term, "doppelg?nger," at the beginning of the Romantic Movement in the year 1796, it is possible to find the figure of the double in myths and legends. The issue of the double emphaszses the contradictory character of the human being and invokes a sinister dimension of the psychological world, what has been called in German as "umheimlich." However, does multiciplicity always involve pathology? Related to this figure in literary history, a new perspective from clinical psychology called "dialogical self" defines the self as a multi-voice reality. Along the same line, postmodernist psychology considers the self a discursive construction. From these perspectives, the "self" is situated a long way away from the classical essential conception of the self. In this paper, we review briefly some important landmarks of the figure of the double in the literature, and we compare the coincidences of the "double" experiencies described in literature with the experiences of our patients. Finally, we discuss how this literary tradition can help us to understand new psychological perspectives.  相似文献   

The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) was administered to a group of security guard applicants to determine its retest reliability after a moderate (9-month) interval. All of the Pearson correlations for specific test scales were lower than the reliabilities reported by the test's authors. These data raise questions as to the usefulness of the 16PF for the prediction of security guard behavior.  相似文献   

Two constructs were hypothesized to be of importance in psychological disorders: persistence (the ability to keep going to reach a goal, even when the task is difficult or drawn out) and perseveration (the tendency to continue a behavior, even when it ceases to be effective or rewarding). These are contrasted with perfectionism (having high standards for oneself or others). A measure was developed to address these constructs (the Persistence, Perseveration and Perfectionism Questionnaire; PPPQ). The PPPQ was administered to 325 nonclinical participants, alongside a measure of psychological disturbance. Factor analysis resulted in a 22-item version of the measure, consisting of subscales with good psychometric properties corresponding to the 3 theoretical constructs. Persistence was associated with lower levels of psychopathology, whereas perseveration was associated with higher levels of psychopathology. Perfectionism was weakly associated with psychopathology. Further work is needed to develop these constructs with clinical groups, but the findings support the hypothesis that persistence is an adaptive construct whereas perseveration is maladaptive.  相似文献   

The variation observed in individual differences for normal and psychopathological behaviors has genetic factors as a major contributor at the most distal end of a complex gene-to-behavior pathway. Research into the etiologies of such major mental diseases as schizophrenia is facilitated by adopting the approach used for complex adaptive systems as pursued by those who study coronary artery disease and diabetes. Putative risk factors for developing the liabilities to the major disorders can be inferred from population genetic strategies using twins, families, and adoptees. Weights to indicate the relative importance of such risk factors require a perspective from the use of effect sizes and odds ratios so as to make the most efficient use of scarce resources. The challenge to the field of psychology is to join in with cross-disciplinary ventures and to adapt to rapid changes with innovations in research strategies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Alcohol dependence, drug dependence, childhood conduct disorder, and adult antisocial behavior commonly occur in combination. Data from multiple literatures, including twin/family studies and electrophysiological studies, suggest that the overlap of these disorders is largely due to a shared genetic liability that contributes to a spectrum of externalizing psychopathology. These findings suggest that some genes will not be specific to any one externalizing disorder but will predispose individuals broadly to a spectrum of externalizing psychopathology. Here we review evidence for specific, identified genes, GABRA2 and CHRM2 , that follow this pattern and confer risk for a spectrum of externalizing disorders. These findings confirm the etiological structure of psychopathology suggested by psychological research and suggest exciting new roles that psychologists can play in understanding the pathways underlying associations between genes and behavior.  相似文献   

This article is a radical restatement of the predominant psychopathology, which is characterized by nosological systems and by its approach towards a neurobiological conception of the so-called mental disorders. The "radical" sense of this restatement is that of radical behaviorism itself. As readers will recall, "radical" applied to behaviorism means total (not ignoring anything that interests psychology), pragmatic (referring to the practical sense of knowledge), and it also derives from the Latin word for "root" (and thus implies change beginning at a system's roots or getting to the root of things, in this case, of psychological disorders). Based on this, I introduce the Aristotelian distinction of material and form, which, besides being behaviorist avant la lettre, is used here as a critical instrument to unmask the hoax of psychopathology as it is presented. The implications of this restatement are discussed, some of them already prepared for clinical practice.  相似文献   

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