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The present study evaluated the hypothesis that major life events differ from daily life hassles in the extent to which a person receives social support and seeks social support. Specifically, it was expected that the experience of major life events would be associated with the greatest social support. The subjects were 320 students (160 men, 160 women). Each subject read a scenario describing a male or female target person who had experienced either major life events or daily hassles. Subjects then rated the amount of emotional support and the amount of practical support that the target person would receive and would seek from significant others. The analyses confirmed that targets who had suffered severe events in the form of major life events were rated higher in both seeking and receiving social support from significant others. These differences were present for the ratings of emotional support and practical support. Overall, the findings suggest that the greater negative influence of daily hassles on psychological adjustment may be due, in part, to the reduced social support associated with the experience of daily life hassles. The implications of the findings are discussed with particular reference to help seeking in therapeutic contexts.  相似文献   

This study examines the roles of life stress, hassles, and self-efficacy in the prediction of adjustment in aging. Twenty-six men and 26 women between the ages of 65 and 75 participated in an initial structured interview and a follow-up interview one year later. Measures of negative life change events, daily hassles, and self-efficacy were used to predict depression, psychosomatic symptoms, and negative well-being both in concurrent and time-lag designs. Frequency of hassles was the strongest predictor, showing significant relationships with depression and psychosomatic symptoms both concurrently and one year later, even when initial distress was controlled. Perceived self-efficacy was also shown to be predictive of current and subsequent depression, even after initial depression was controlled. Frequency of negative life events was a weak predictive factor. The only area where life events related significantly to health was in time-lag analyses with negative well-being, even when initial distress was controlled.  相似文献   


This study addressed the relationship between daily stress, intimacy, and marital quality in mature marriages in which the ages of husbands and wives ranged from 55 to 75 years. Four hundred and seventy-two individuals married to each other and randomly sampled from all fifty states completed the Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale, the Personal Assessment of Intimacy in Relationships, and the Hassles and Uplifts Scale. Findings indicated that daily stress was negatively related to marital quality for both wives and husbands, and that intimacy mediated the relationship between stress and marital quality for both husbands and wives. Implications for marriage and family therapy practice are explored.  相似文献   

杨心德  蔡李平  张莉 《心理科学》2005,28(6):1403-1409
为探讨神经质特质、大学生宽恕行为、焦虑型依恋及攻击型幽默风格之间的关系,选取550名大学生为被试,采用大五人格问卷、情景宽恕问卷、成人依恋问卷及幽默风格量表进行测试。结果表明:(1)神经质对大学生宽恕行为有显著的正向影响,并间接地通过焦虑型依恋对大学生宽恕行为产生作用;(2)攻击型幽默风格在神经质对大学生宽恕行为的影响中起显著的调节作用,具体而言,在高攻击型幽默风格水平下,神经质对大学生宽恕行为的预测更强。  相似文献   

The current study examined dimensions of perfectionism, stress, hopelessness, and suicidality in a sample of adolescent psychiatric patients diagnosed with depression. This study evaluated the unique contribution of perfectionism in predicting suicidality after considering other predictors (i.e., hopelessness, depression) and it also examined the diathesis-stress model of perfectionism and suicide. A sample of 55 adolescents (41 females, mean age = 15.53, 25.5 % ethnic/racial minorities) who were psychiatric patients completed measures including the Child-Adolescent Perfectionism Scale, subjective and objective indices of life stress, daily hassles, depression, hopelessness, suicide ideation, prior attempts and suicide potential. In addition, other informants (i.e., adolescents’ parents) completed a diagnostic interview and an interview assessing major stressful experiences. Socially prescribed perfectionism (i.e., the perception that others require perfection of oneself) predicted concurrent levels of suicide potential and this association with suicide potential held even after controlling for the variances accounted for by depression and hopelessness. Hierarchical regression analyses provided partial support for the diathesis-stress model, that is, socially prescribed perfectionism interacted with daily hassles to predict concurrent suicide potential even after controlling for depression, hopelessness, and prior suicide attempt. Together, these findings suggest that socially prescribed perfectionism acts as a vulnerability factor that is predictive of suicide potential or risk among clinically depressed adolescents.  相似文献   

Hassles, health, and personality   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
College undergraduates (N = 211) responded to a "decontaminated" hassles scale plus measures of trait anxiety, reactivity, perceived stress, psychiatric symptomatology, and minor physical ailments. All but the anxiety and reactivity scales were time referenced to the past month. Major findings were as follows: (a) Hassles and trait anxiety both contributed positively to perceived stress, jointly accounting for 58% of the variance; (b) hassles and reactivity both had a significant positive impact on minor ailments, together explaining 23% of the variance; and (c) hassles and trait anxiety had a significant interactive effect on psychiatric symptomatology, which along with the nonsignificant marginal main effects accounted for 67% of the variance. The positive impact of hassles on psychiatric symptomatology increased as trait anxiety rose; likewise, the pathogenic effect of trait anxiety increased with greater exposure to hassles.  相似文献   

This research examined the relation between dispositional optimism and judgments of future life events and whether this relation is moderated by affective states. In this study the moderating role of experimentally induced affective states, using film clips (N = 259), was investigated. After filling in the questionnaire for dispositional optimism, the participants were randomly assigned in the experimental conditions in order to induce positive versus negative affective states. Finally, the participants filled in the affective states and judgments of future life events scales. The results indicated that the participants with a higher level of optimism had the tendency to judge positive events as more likely and negative events as less likely to happen in the future. We found evidence for affective states as moderators; the association between dispositional optimism and judgments of future positive events depended on experimentally induced affective states. Specifically, in positive affective state condition, the association between dispositional optimism and judgments of future positive events was weaker than in both negative affective state and control conditions. The implications of these findings for understanding the role of optimism and affective states, in determining the judgments about the likelihood of future events are discussed.  相似文献   

A perceived availability of social support measure (the ISEL) was designed with independent subscales measuring four separate support functions. In a sample of college students, both perceived availability of social support and number of positive events moderated the relationship between negative life stress and depressive and physical symptomatology. In the case of depressive symptoms, the data fit a “buffering” hypothesis pattern, i.e., they suggest that both social support and positive events protect one from the pathogenic effects of high levels of life stress but are relatively unimportant for those with low levels of stress. In the case of physical symptoms, the data only partially support the buffering hypothesis. Particularly, the data suggest that both social support and positive events protect one from the pathogenic effects of high levels of stress but harm those (i.e., are associated with increased symptomatology) with low levels of stress. Further analyses suggest that self-esteem and appraisal support were primarily responsible for the reported interactions between negative life stress and social support. In contrast, frequency of past social support was not an effective life stress buffer in either the case of depressive or physical symptomatology. Moreover, past support frequency was positively related to physical symptoms and unrelated to depressive symptoms, while perceived availability of support was negatively related to depressive symptoms and unrelated to physical symptoms.  相似文献   

Adult volunteers (N = 234) responded to a “decontaminated” hassles scale plus measures of trait anxiety, perceived stress, psychiatric symptomatology, and minor physical ailments. All but the anxiety scale were time-referenced to the past month. Major findings were as follows: (1) Hassles and trait anxiety contributed positively to perceived stress, both individually and interactively, accounting altogether for 55% of the variance; highly anxious subjects showed lower increments in perceived stress with increasing hassles-exposure than did low anxious subjects. (2) Hassles and trait anxiety had a positive synergistic effect on psychiatric symptomatology which, along with the nonsignificant marginal main effects, accounted for 64% of the variance. (3) Hassles and trait anxiety had a positive synergistic effect on minor physical ailments in men; however, highly anxious women, who showed very high levels of illness under even low hassles-exposure, responded less to incremental stress than did low-anxious women. The significant Sex x Hassles x Trait-Anxiety interaction effect and all the implicated lower-order effects jointly accounted for 22% of the variance in minor ailments.  相似文献   

This study tested a motivational model of daily hassles, physical symptoms, and future work intentions with a sample of 122 police officers. In agreement with self‐determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985, 2002), path analyses showed that police officers who perceived their immediate supervisor as highly supportive of their autonomy were found to report higher levels of self‐determined motivation toward work. In turn, higher levels of self‐determined motivation were found to be associated with higher future work intentions and lower levels of reported daily hassles. Finally, daily hassles were found to be positively associated with reported physical symptoms. Contrary to our hypotheses, perception of competence support from supervisors was not found to be significantly associated with self‐determined motivation. Instead, competence support was found to be negatively associated with daily hassles.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship among creative problem solving (PS) and problem generation (PG) abilities, stress and daily hassles, and coping skills in a sample of college undergraduates. Heirarchical regression analyses indicated that separate sets of both PS and PS task scores were predictive of scores on certain coping scales even after the variance accounted for by indices of stress and hassles was removed. Specifically, PG and PS abilities were negatively related to such coping processes as confrontation, distancing, escape-avoidance tendencies, and excessive acceptance of responsibility, and positively associated with more general adaptive qualities. The findings strongly suggest that PS and PG abilities are important components of an individual's overall capacity to cope with both major and minor stresses of life.  相似文献   

Historically, researchers have searched extensively for biological explanations regarding causes of psychopathy and its theorized developmental precursor, callous-unemotional (CU) traits (i.e., lack of empathy/guilt, shallow affect). In consequence, environmental factors such as exposure to negative life events and posttraumatic stress that often follows have been relatively overlooked. The present study tests whether exposure to negative life events and related symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are associated with CU traits among a sample of 238 incarcerated boys. Additionally, youth high on CU traits were disaggregated into primary and secondary variants based on the presence of anxiety to examine differences in their experiences of negative life events and PTSD symptoms. Results suggest that CU traits are significantly positively associated with both the experience of negative life events as well as PTSD symptomatology. Additionally, high-anxious youth scoring high on CU traits (secondary variant) were significantly more likely to report a history of negative life events and PTSD symptoms than were lower anxious boys scoring high on CU traits (primary type) and non-psychopathic youth. Thus, study findings warrant further exploration of how trauma might impact or maintain the development of CU traits over time and indicate that issues of differential diagnosis must be considered in order to more effectively tailor treatment for trauma-exposed CU youth.  相似文献   

Pairs of monozygotic (n = 41) and same-sex dizygotic (n = 29) twins were administered the Pleasant Events Schedule, the Unpleasant Events Schedule (Lewinsohn & Amenson, 1978), and the Life Experiences Survey (Sarason, Johnson, & Siegel, 1978). These provided indices of both the frequency of and the emotional response to mood-related events. Monozygotic twins resembled one another more than dizygotic twins on all subscales of these measures, and the greater similarity was statistically significant for most of the subscales. This suggests that there may be a genetic influence on affect, which is expressed through both the frequency of engagement in and the emotional response to mood-related events. The results are discussed in the context of studies of genetic influences on subclinical levels of depression and other emotions.  相似文献   

组织中的情绪情感研究逐渐成为了学界关注的热点, 情感事件理论的出现为该领域研究提供了一个整合的框架。情感事件理论认为员工在工作中的情感反应由特定的工作事件引发, 这些情感反应会进一步影响员工的态度与行为。该理论区分了情感反应与工作满意度的差异, 并在对工作满意度解构的基础上提出了情感驱动型和判断驱动型两类不同性质的行为。情感事件理论对研究组织成员情感反应的作用机制具有重要的指导意义, 但另一方面它也需考虑团体层次情感机制及测量方法等因素, 在更加具体的情境中进一步验证和完善。  相似文献   

Research on meaning in life has generally focused on global meaning judgments. This study examined how people's daily experiences, represented by events that occur in daily life, influence their perceived sense of meaning on a daily basis. One hundred sixty‐two college students completed daily reports for 2 weeks. We examined the relationships among daily social and achievement events, daily positive and negative affect, and daily meaning in life. In addition, we tested the possible moderating influence of depressive symptoms on these relationships. Positive daily social and achievement events were related to greater daily meaning, above and beyond the contributions of daily positive and negative affect. Negative social and achievement events were related to less daily meaning, and negative achievement events covaried with daily meaning above and beyond positive and negative affect. Depression moderated the relationships between positive events and meaning, such that people who reported more depressive symptoms had greater increases in daily meaning in response to positive social and achievement events than individuals who reported fewer symptoms. These findings suggest the important role that daily events may play in fluctuations in people's affective experiences and sense of meaning in life.  相似文献   

Life Events and Social Support in Suicide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a conceptual framework of suicide process, literature on life events and social support in suicide is reviewed. Few studies have centered on these issues, and the existing research has many methodological ambiguities. However, it can be concluded that life events play an important role in suicide process as risk and precipitating factors. The findings on disintegration of social networks and poor social support indicate lack of protective factors. Implications for future research are discussed. Further research focusing on more specific questions on the role of life events and social support as well as their interactions is needed.  相似文献   

The relationship between maladaptive self-schemas, negative life events, and psychological distress was assessed. The model tested was based on Young's (J. Young, 1990) diathesis–stress conceptualization of maladaptive schemas, which are believed to represent the cognitive diathesis underlying Axis II personality pathology. Young's model predicts that schemas are chronically activated in individuals with maladaptive schemas. Therefore, the experience of salient negative life events is less likely to exacerbate the level of distress experienced by those having maladaptive schemas. A nonclinical sample (N = 93) was assessed using the Schema Questionnaire (SQ), a measure of maladaptive self-schemas, a measure of negative life events, and several measures of psychological distress. Support was found for this prediction indicated by a Schema × Negative Life Events interaction in which the distress level of High SQ participants was less affected by negative life events compared to Low SQ participants.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore the relationship of spirituality and older adulthood, especially focusing on factors that may result in an increased spirituality among the elderly. Older adulthood, as the accumulation of insight gleaned from difficult lessons learned through life, offers the opportunity to embrace human finitude, to recognize life’s continuity and to grow in clarity about God and God’s presence. Wisdom gained through the experiences of vulnerability and transition serves as a resource to self and others. This article draws on the reflections of William M. Clements, Ph.D., Edna and Lowell Craig Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling at the Claremont School of Theology.  相似文献   

Considerable research shows that social relationships, attachments, and support systems promote emotional well-being. The present study adds to this literature by examining the connection between attachments to God and psychological distress. Analyzing longitudinal data (two waves) from a study of Presbyterian (PCUSA) elders and rank-and-file laypersons, results show that: (1) a secure attachment to God at baseline is associated with a decrease in distress over time; (2) a secure attachment to God buffers against the deleterious effects of stressful life events on distress; and (3) an anxious attachment to God exacerbates the harmful effects of stress. In these analyses, a secure attachment to God is a more robust predictor of changes in distress than many, more commonly studied variables including race, gender, SES, and church attendance. Future research should therefore replicate and extend this line of promising scholarship by examining additional outcomes such as psychiatric illness, physical health, and even mortality risk.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to present the current status of the literature related to stress in clinical psychology trainees (CPTs), and to offer research directions for investigating stress in this population and ways to enhance self‐care in these individuals. The following conclusions emerge from the review: (1) CPTs are vulnerable to elevated stress; (2) undue stress can negatively impact CPTs' personal and professional functioning and, in turn, result in less than optimal standards of care for clients; (3) there is a dearth of studies on stress in this population and no published intervention studies; (4) incorporating self‐care strategies into clinical psychology training is recommended; and (5) “third‐wave” cognitive behaviour therapy stress management interventions have been efficacious in comparable populations. In view of the potential costs of elevated stress to trainees themselves and their clients, research on stress and stress management in this population is of a high priority. Broad research agendas are proposed for these two domains. Modifications to clinical training programmes to reduce trainee stress are required and should be evidence‐based and systematically revaluated.  相似文献   

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