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By combining models of cerebral emotional asymmetry and unilateral hemispheric activation, it was hypothesized that orienting to the right would produce greater personal optimism about future events than would orienting toward the left. This was supported significantly in two experiments which differed from each other in their manipulations, hypothetical future events, means of responding, and settings. The results supported previous research on unrealistic optimism and extended the concept to show the effect of induced lateral orientation. It was proposed that this effect is mediated by mood, and possibly by perceived control, and that this methodology can be extended to other behaviors which have proven amenable to mood manipulation.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the hypnotic state results in a greater relative activation or priming of the right cerebral hemisphere than of the left hemisphere. The experiment reported here employed hypnosis to produce such a priming effect in a visual-detection task. Subjects were required to detect the presence or absence of a gap in outline squares presented either to the left visual field or right visual field, with response time as the primary dependent measure. Those subjects who were hypnotized produced a 50-msec. response time difference favoring squares presented to the left visual field whereas control subjects and simulator-control subjects showed no lateral asymmetries. The result is classified as a material-nonspecific priming effect and discussed with regard to the nature of processing resources.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that in examining hemispheric dominance in dyslexics, investigators must make a distinction between subtypes of the disorder. Using the Denver Reading and Spelling Test, 72 dyslexics were divided into three groups: dysphonetics, dyseidetics, and nonspecifics. Three measures of hemispheric dominance were administered: a dichotic listening test, a hemiretinal test with linguistic stimuli, and a hemiretinal test with spatial stimuli. Results indicated that the three subgroups of dyslexics did not differ from one another on measures of hemispheric dominance. Dyslexics, taken as a group, tended to show an exaggerated right ear advantage on the dichotic listening test, in comparison with that of controls. It was proposed that the dichotic listening test may be confounded by attentional deficits in the dyslexics.  相似文献   

The task was to estimate the position where a click had been superimposed in a spoken sentence. Experiment 1 confirmed Fodor and Bever’s observation of an ear-asymmetry effect: the click is located earlier when it is presented to the left ear and the sentence to the right ear than with the opposite arrangement. In Experiment 2, combinations of monaural and binaural presentations were considered. They made it possible to eliminate interpretations which link the laterality effect to the fact of reaching or not reaching a particular ear and showed that the relevant factor is the relative position of the stimuli in acoustic space. Experiments 3 and 4 explored the relation between spatial separation and perceived sequence in greater detail. The relation involves a plateau: when the click comes to the left of the speech, it is preposed to a degree which depends on the amount of spatial separation; but, when it comes to the right of the speech, separation is irrelevant and the mean error is of the same order of magnitude as in a control condition without separation.  相似文献   

Studies of tactile spatial pattern perception have, for the most part, been carried out using the fingerpad. On the basis of these studies, models have been developed linking spatial pattern identification and resolution with underlying neural structures. It has been suggested that with appropriate scaling, these models would apply to the processing of spatial patterns presented to other sites on the body. Spatial sensitivity was examined on another site on the body, the palm, using two measures, letter identification and grating orientation. The results from these measures were compared with results from similar studies conducted on the fingerpad and with estimates of the density of innervation of the fingerpad and palm. To produce levels of performance similar to those on the fingerpad required letters on the palm 50 mm in height, seven to nine times larger than those used on the fingerpad. Gratings had to be six to more than seven times larger on the palm to produce the same levels of performance achieved on the fingerpad. For the two types of receptor systems sensitive to spatial information, the ratio of density of innervation between the fingerpad and the palm is estimated to be 5.7:1 and 8.8:1. Performance of spatial tasks on the palm can be predicted quantitatively from fingerpad data with a moderate degree of accuracy. Qualitative comparisons between the palm and fingerpad data indicate that spatial patterns are processed similarly at the two sites.  相似文献   

Somatosensory potentials evoked by brief low-intensity electrical pulses delivered separately to the left and right index fingers were recorded from the scalp over the posterior half of the contralateral hemisphere in normal human subjects. In two experiments it was found that the scalp areas enclosed by 75 and 90% of maximum-amplitude isopotential contour lines of the early cortically generated complexes were more restricted over the left hemisphere. This asymmetrical evoked potential distribution supports the proposal by Semmes from her observations of brain-damaged patients that elementary somatosensory representation is focal in the left hemisphere and diffuse in the right.  相似文献   

The ability of subjects to discriminate between directions of a point contact moving across the fingerpad was examined. Subjects were required to report, using an adaptive two-interval, two-alternative forced-choice procedure, whether in two sequential stimuli the direction of motion changed in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. The overall mean orientation-change threshold across eight stimulus orientations was approximately 14°, with the lowest threshold for the point motion toward the wrist. This observed lower threshold in the distal-to-proximal direction is thought to be due to stretching of the skin at the tip of the fingernail, to which one may be particularly sensitive. For all orientations, thresholds were generally more uniform and higher than those reported on vibrotactile linear contactor arrays for horizontal and vertical orientations.  相似文献   

Coney J 《Brain and language》2002,80(3):355-365
Recent neuroimaging studies have revealed neuroanatomical centers of activation that appear to be linked specifically to phonological processes. Furthermore, there is evidence that these centers of activation are more likely to be bilaterally represented in women than in men. However, behavioral evidence of such hemispheric asymmetries or of related sex differences is somewhat inconsistent. Two experiments were carried out to determine whether behavioral correlates of the neuroimaging findings could be demonstrated. The first experiment employed a rhyme-matching task used in a recent neuroimaging study, in which two nonsense words were projected successively to the left or right sides of the visual field. The results indicated that the left hemisphere was superior for this task. An analysis of gender effects, however, revealed that the asymmetry was restricted to men. The second experiment employed a lateralized pseudohomophone detection task that was designed to determine whether the results of the first experiment could be confirmed in the context of a phonological task with a simpler structure. This experiment broadly supported the findings of the first experiment. The results support the specialization of the left hemisphere for phonological processing, and the existence of gender differences with respect to these processes.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to examine the relative ability of the cerebral hemispheres to identify capital letters traced in the palms of the hands. In Experiment 1, letters were presented either right side up or upside down, and the subject's task was to name the letter aloud or point to an identical letter using the stimulated hand. Analysis of the accuracy data revealed that the left palm/right hemisphere (LP/RH) performed this task significantly better than did the right palm/left hemisphere (RP/LH), particularly when the stimuli were presented in the upside-down orientation. In Experiments 2 and 3, subjects performed the same letter identification task; however, on half the trials, they were required to maintain either a spatial or verbal concurrent memory load (i.e., a 24-point Vanderplas & Garvin form or six low-imagery nouns, respectively). In the no-load condition of Experiment 2 (spatial forms), the previously observed LP/RH advantage was replicated. However, in the load condition, this LP/RH superiority was no longer in evidence. In Experiment 3 (low-imagery nouns), the presence of a concurrent verbal task had minimal impact on the previously observed performance asymmetry as the LP/RH advantage was obtained in both the no-load and load conditions. The results of the three studies taken in composite suggest that (1) the operations utilized to identify letters traced in the palms of the hands are primarily spatial in nature and (2) that the observed performance asymmetry may be attributed to a right hemisphere superiority for the analysis and codification of information along a spatial dimension. These findings are discussed in terms of a "process-oriented" model of hemispheric asymmetry.  相似文献   

Lateral differences in habituation of ipsilateral head-turning to repeated tactile perioral stimulation following midline head restriction was studied in 44 full-term neonates. Left-sided stimulation had a significantly greater and faster decremental effect than right-sided stimulation. Even in the absence of tactile stimulation (Control Group), head-turning to the left decreased systematically whereas head-turning to the right did not. The transient efficacy of prior midline head restriction for the elimination of lateral differences in both spontaneous head movements and responsiveness to tactile input suggests that behavioral asymmetry is already well-established in the newborn.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of disruption of the auditory feedback channel on lingual vibrotactile thresholds obtained under skilled and unskilled speaking conditions. Each of 22 adults was asked to read an English (skilled) and French (unskilled) passage under conditions of normal and altered auditory feedback. Bilateral presentation of masking noise was utilized to disrupt auditory feedback. Before each of the experimental sessions and immediately following a reading, lingual vibrotactile thresholds were obtained. Analysis indicated that the mean differences in the pre- and postvibrotactile threshold measurements of the skilled auditory disrupted condition varied significantly from the mean differences in the pre- and postvibrotactile threshold measurements of the three other conditions. The role of feedback in the speech production of skilled and unskilled speakers is discussed.  相似文献   

Two hundred and thirty-three 5-month-old infants and their mothers participated in a study designed to examine the influence of maternal sensitivity and infant neurophysiology, as well as interactions between these, on infants’ regulatory behavior and reactivity to emotional challenge. Maternal sensitivity was measured during two mother–child free-play episodes prior to the challenge task. Infant neurophysiology was derived from a measure of resting EEG asymmetry collected during a baseline episode. Infant regulatory behaviors (mother orienting and distraction) and reactivity to challenge (negative affect) were assessed during an arm restraint procedure. Maternal sensitivity predicted mother-orienting behavior for all infants, regardless of baseline EEG asymmetry. Maternal sensitivity also predicted more distraction behaviors for infants with left frontal EEG asymmetry at baseline. In contrast, maternal sensitivity predicted more negative affect for infants with right frontal EEG asymmetry at baseline. These findings lend support for the hypothesis that maternal sensitivity and infant neurophysiological functioning interact to predict regulatory behavior and reactivity and are discussed in terms of the significance for understanding infant regulatory development in the first year of life.  相似文献   

A group of 20 middle-class women between 20 and 40 yr. of age and in the third trimester of pregnancy was compared with a control group of 20 non-pregnant women for cutaneous sensitivity (to a tickle) and for modifications of body schema which were hypothesized to occur during pregnancy. Latency and actual duration were considered in the perception of the tickle. Body schema were studied using two of Fisher's tests, Body Prominence and Body Cathexis. Pregnancy leads to modifications in sensitivity to tickle, specifically with regard to the right half of the body and to some extent in body schema.  相似文献   

Although it is generally held that speed of processing declines with age, there have been few studies in which tactile temporal processing has been examined with older subjects. In the present study, temporal order judgments were obtained from a group of younger subjects (n = 28, mean age = 23.5 years) and a group of older subjects (n = 93, mean age = 69.8 years). The subjects judged the temporal order of two patterns presented to the same finger, four patterns presented to the same finger, and two patterns presented to different hands. Depending on the task, the average thresholds for the older subjects ranged from two to five times longer than the thresholds from the younger subjects. In absolute terms, the largest difference between the young and older subjects was seen in correctly identifying the order of four patterns, a difference of more than 500 msec. There was some support for the decline in temporal processing being due in part to a slowing in cognitive processing, and, depending on the task, in part to stimulus persistence and difficulty in pattern identification.  相似文献   

Temporal order judgments (TOJs) were obtained for tactile stimuli presented to subjects' fingerpads. In one set of measurements, pairs of spatial patterns were presented successively to a single fingerpad (same-site condition), to two fingers on the same hand (ipsilateral condition), or to two fingers on opposite hands (bilateral condition). The subjects were instructed to report which one of the two patterns was presented first. TOJs were more accurate in the same-site condition than in either the ipsilateral or the bilateral conditions. In the ipsilateral and bilateral conditions, performance improved when judging which one of two locations received a stimulus first, although performance levels were still lower than in the same-site condition. Increasing the size of the pattern set from which the two patterns to be judged were drawn had only a slight effect on same-site performance and no effect on ipsilateral/bilateral performance; however, changing the nature of the patterns had a considerable effect on same-site performance and a smaller effect on ipsilateral/bilateral performance. Introducing an intensity imbalance between members of the pair of stimuli also had a large effect on same-site TOJs: a less intense stimulus tended to be judged as being presented first. In the bilateral condition, however, there was a small effect in the reverse direction: more intense stimuli tended to be judged as being presented first. The intensity imbalance had no effect in the ipsilateral condition. The results suggest that different mechanisms are responsible for TOJs for patterns presented to the same-site and to separate sites and, furthermore, that separate sites may constitute separate channels for spatial information.  相似文献   

Debate remains about whether the same attentional mechanism subserves subitizing (with number of items less than or equal to 4) and numerosity estimation (with number of items equal to or larger than 5), and evidence is scarce from the tactile modality. Here, we examined tactile numerosity perception. Using tactile Braille displays, participants completed the following three main tasks: (1) Unisensory task with focused attention: Participants reported the number (1~12) of the tactile pins. (2) Unisensory task with divided attention: Participants compared the numbers of pins across the upper and lower area of their left index fingers, in addition to reporting the number of tactile pins on their right index fingers. (3) Cross-modal task with divided attention: Participants reported the number of tactile pins and compared the numbers of visual dots across the upper and lower part of a (illusory) rectangle that overlaid the tactile stimuli. We found that performance of subitizing rather than estimation was interfered with in dual tasks, regardless of whether distractor events were from the same modality (tactile modality) or from a different modality (visual modality). Moreover, a further test of visual/tactile working memory capacity revealed that the precision of tactile subitizing, in the presence of a visual distractor, was correlated with the capacity of visual working memory, not of tactile working memory. Overall, our study revealed that tactile numerosity perception is accounted for by amodal attentional modulation yet by differential attentional mechanisms in terms of subitizing and estimation.  相似文献   

Subjects were required to perform perceptual tasks when stimuli were presented simultaneously in the auditory and tactile modalities and when they were presented in one of the modalities alone. The results indicated that when the demands on cognitive processes are small, auditory and tactile stimuli presented simultaneously can be processed as well as when stimuli are presented in only one modality. In a task which required a large amount of cognitive processing, it became difficult for subjects to maintain high levels of performance in both modalities and the distribution of attention became an important determinant of performance. The data were consistent with a theory that cognitive, but not perceptual, processing is disrupted when subjects have difficulty performing two perceptual tasks simultaneously.  相似文献   

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