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PEAK (Promoting the Emergence of Advanced Knowledge, 促进高阶知识涌现)关系训练系统是全球首个同时整合了斯金纳的《言语行为》和后斯金纳主义的“关系框架理论”, 促进孤独症谱系障碍(Autism spectrum disorders, ASD)患者的语言、学习、社交等核心技能发展的语言行为评估训练系统。截至2018年底, PEAK关系训练系统由以下4个模块组成:直接训练模块、泛化模块、等价关系模块、功能转化模块。每一模块依据难易程度分别设置了184个目标能力的评估方法及训练课程。已发表的多项实证研究表明, PEAK关系训练系统打破了《语言行为里程碑评估及安置程序》(Verbal Behavior Milestones and Placement Program, VB-MAPP) 对ASD患者进行里程碑评估时出现的“天花板效应”, 有望比VB-MAPP提供更全面、高阶的语言行为评估体系。此外, PEAK关系训练系统表现出的评估工具的信效度良好、多项效果研究显著、实践中易操作等特性, 使其不仅适用于专业人员教学, 未来在ASD患者家庭干预模式中也有潜在的应用价值。  相似文献   

孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)个体存在视觉-空间工作记忆加工缺陷,主要表现在4个方面,即随认知负荷增大而缺陷加重、工作记忆容量不足、工作记忆加工过程中的注意功能失调和对刺激进行整体组织的能力缺乏。神经机制研究显示,ASD个体存在明显的额-顶工作记忆网络激活异常,以及相关脑区的脑结构、白质连接异常。另外,作为基础性的认知加工过程,ASD个体的视觉-空间工作记忆各加工环节与言语工作记忆、执行功能、社会认知等因素均存在交互影响。纵观目前研究成果,未来研究可从研究手段、机制探究和干预训练三方面入手,着眼于研究方法的生态化和多元化,揭示客体和空间工作记忆的机制分离,并着力开发更具针对性的干预训练模式。  相似文献   

自闭症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorders, ASD)是一种广泛发展障碍, 以社会交往障碍、言语和非言语交流缺陷、兴趣狭窄和行为刻板等为主要临床特征。对ASD的准确诊断是早期干预的关键, 也对患者的康复及其家庭幸福产生积极作用。日渐增长的发病率促进了对早期识别、诊断评估、以事实为基础干预的重视。在探索药物治疗ASD的基础上, 中国传统医学方法, 尤其是“靳三针”治疗ASD获得越来越多的实证支持。可以根据Simpson等人(2005)提出的指标体系对各种干预和治疗方法的疗效进行评价。今后研究将从认知神经科学的视角, 尤其是将眼动技术与ERP、fMRI相结合, 探索ASD的核心症状表征以及各亚类的特异性。  相似文献   

认知控制是一项高级的认知能力,是个体执行功能的一部分。包括认知控制在内的执行功能缺陷被认为是自闭谱系障碍的主要原因之一。本研究基于双重认知控制模型,通过非社会性和社会性两个领域的任务比较了自闭谱系障碍儿童(ASD)与正常发展儿童(TD)的认知控制能力的差异。结果发现:(1)ASD儿童在非社会性领域的认知控制上不存在缺陷,ASD儿童在社会性领域的认知控制上仅表现出了主动性认知控制缺陷,不存在反应性认知控制缺陷;(2)ASD儿童的主动性控制并不像TD儿童一样出现两个领域的加工分化,他们没有像TD儿童一样,表现出社会性领域的主动性控制的优势;(3)社会性领域的主动性控制和反应性控制可以显著从负正两个方向上预测自闭症状的严重程度。本研究认为,可以把ASD看成是一种主动性的社会认知控制缺陷。社会性领域的认知控制指标可为ASD的诊断与训练提供重要参考。  相似文献   

婴儿心理理论发展研究是探索人类社会认知起源、发生和发展的重要领域.从联合注意、情绪理解、意图理解、愿望理解和错误信念理解等方面分析了几个月至3岁左右的婴儿心理理论发生和发展的研究现状.为了探讨3岁以下婴儿心理理论的发展过程,研究者发展了一些适合婴儿语言和行为发展特征的非言语和言语测试任务,包括非言语自发—反应错误信念任务、言语自发—反应错误信念任务,同时也采用眼动技术和事件相关电位技术来考察心理理论发展水平和发展机制.婴儿心理理论的发生和发展在不同测试任务上表现出一定的年龄特征.这与认知功能(如语言、执行功能)的发展、环境因素(如家庭、同伴、文化)以及神经系统发育有关.也有一些最新研究从心理理论发生和发展的基因、激素水平进行了探讨.最后提出了该领域未来研究可以进一步探讨的问题.  相似文献   

三岁前儿童语言发展的研究和有关的理论问题   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
本文是对我们从1955年到1995年(其间1966-1977年停)所做三岁前儿童言语发展追踪研究的总结,也包括一些横断研究和实验研究.文中对三岁前儿童言语发展的过程、阶段、特点、规律以及影响因素等方面作了分析;并在这些研究材料的基础上对语言发展的普遍性、儿童语言获得的理论和语言发展与认知(思维)发展关系等有关理论问题进行了探讨,提出了自己的观点.  相似文献   

脑可塑性指人脑会因为环境刺激、认知需求和行为经验而产生功能或结构改变。近10年来的单双语者对比和语言训练研究结果表明, 不论儿童、青年或老年人, 第二语言学习和使用都能改变其脑运行模式并带来相应结构变化, 包括灰质(GM)体积和白质(WM)密度增加, 且长期持续的双语经验还能形成认知优势, 帮助抵制由老化导致的负面认知影响。基于脑可塑性概念及其研究证据, 从双语经验与语言训练两方面, 对比分析了长期和短期第二语言学习引起脑功能或结构变化及其内在机制, 并对未来相关研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

语言伴随性手势是人类语言交流的一个普遍的特征, 它可以发挥信息交流的功能。依据产生目的以及适用范围的不同, 手势可以分成表象性手势和非表象性手势。多数研究者认为, 语言和手势动作是“近亲”, 具有“家族相似性”。来自语言发展、认知心理学和认知神经科学的证据均表明, 手势和语言共享同一个交流系统。当手势动作和发音单词意义相同时, 手势动作受到单词发音的干扰, 同时引发发音共振峰2 (F2)的放大。手势和言语之间遵循互相作用理论, 它们作用的基础是语义一致性, 镜像神经系统完成了两者语义一致性的传递。由于语言伴随性手势和语言之间的关系是语言和行为结合良好的特例, 因此, 对语言伴随性手势的研究将有助于对人类心智有一个更深层次的认识和理解。  相似文献   

近年来大量研究发现音乐训练对认知能力的具有积极影响,一些理论认为音乐训练的广泛迁移效应是通过执行功能起中介作用,但音乐训练与执行功能的关系至今仍存争议。研究将执行功能分为抑制控制、工作记忆和认知灵活性三个子成分,并将抑制控制进一步细分为注意抑制和反应抑制,同时区分工作记忆中主动性控制和反应性控制两种认知过程。通过对比音乐组和控制组在执行功能各任务(Go/No-go, Stroop, AX-CPT, Task-switching)上的行为表现来系统考察音乐训练与执行功能的关系。结果表明音乐训练对执行功能不同子成分的影响具有差异性,其促进效应主要体现在抑制控制中的注意抑制和工作记忆中的主动性控制,对抑制控制中的反应抑制、工作记忆中的反应性控制和认知灵活性影响较小。  相似文献   

自闭症谱系障碍(autism disorder, ASD)的核心症状之一是持续性的社会功能障碍。近年来大量的研究表明触觉输入可以通过调控催产素系统影响社会功能。同时,近年来提出的催产素的社会显著性理论认为,催产素可以通过增强对应脑区的激活程度从而提高社会信息的显著性。在此理论框架下,当社会互动发生时,触觉输入会增强催产素的合成与分泌,同时催产素也会提高触觉信息的显著性,从而进一步促进社会互动的进行。基于催产素的社会显著性理论,ASD患者的触觉敏感性异常以及催产素系统异常可能破坏触觉与催产素系统之间的相互调控机制,这可能是其社会功能缺陷的原因之一。探究触觉、催产素系统和社会功能三者的关系有助于我们了解社会功能障碍的发病机制,为未来的预防和干预手段提供新的思路。  相似文献   

侯文文  苏怡 《心理科学进展》2022,30(11):2558-2569
孤独症语言障碍的表现之一是词汇发展滞后, 可能与其注意和记忆损伤有关。当前研究结果表明, 孤独症儿童在学习词汇时难以利用社会注意提供的有效信息, 且其注意易受到无关刺激干扰, 这可能导致其形成的物体-词汇的联结不稳定, 影响其进一步将这种联结整合到心理词典并保存在记忆中。未来研究应探究联合注意影响孤独症儿童词汇学习的发展轨迹和机制, 儿童的词汇知识对其词汇记忆的影响, 并关注自然场景中孤独症儿童的词汇学习过程和个体差异。  相似文献   

以往上下级关系研究大多聚焦于关系的实然特征, 缺乏对关系应有特征或模式的探讨。上下级关系图式是个体对上下级之间关系应有模式或特征的内隐认知, 这种内隐认知有助于揭示上级与下属之间的互动过程, 并为促进上级和下属的积极心理与行为提供理论启示。经过对文献的系统梳理, 将上下级关系图式与内隐关系理论、追随力认知图式、关系自我和关系认同等概念进行区分。个体传统性和现代性、依恋风格、领导行为以及文化因素能够预测上下级关系图式; 上下级关系图式能影响领导的态度与行为、下属忠诚、下属工作绩效、角色外行为、领导评价(道德领导)以及上下级关系评价; 移情的社会认知模型、泛家族主义、社会学习理论、信息加工理论解释了上下级关系图式的前因后果。未来可以从识别预测因素、拓展后果研究以及挖掘作用机制等方面推动上下级关系图式的研究。  相似文献   

Statistical learning is characterized by detection of regularities in one's environment without an awareness or intention to learn, and it may play a critical role in language and social behavior. Accordingly, in this study we investigated the electrophysiological correlates of visual statistical learning in young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) using an event‐related potential shape learning paradigm, and we examined the relation between visual statistical learning and cognitive function. Compared to typically developing (TD) controls, the ASD group as a whole showed reduced evidence of learning as defined by N1 (early visual discrimination) and P300 (attention to novelty) components. Upon further analysis, in the ASD group there was a positive correlation between N1 amplitude difference and non‐verbal IQ, and a positive correlation between P300 amplitude difference and adaptive social function. Children with ASD and a high non‐verbal IQ and high adaptive social function demonstrated a distinctive pattern of learning. This is the first study to identify electrophysiological markers of visual statistical learning in children with ASD. Through this work we have demonstrated heterogeneity in statistical learning in ASD that maps onto non‐verbal cognition and adaptive social function.  相似文献   

Three- and four-year-old children were trained on an oddity task with the use of picture stimuli. After criterion was reached the Ss were presented 12 new stimuli. The four-year-olds learned faster than the three-year-olds and showed superior performance on the transfer trials. Differences in oddity acquisition between a weak (6/6) and strong (12/12) criterion present in three-year-olds' data, and their precriterion level of responding, suggested that many of the younger children were aware of the stimulus relations present before they were able to reach the 12/12 criterion but were unable to maintain stable performance based on the relational oddity cue. The poorer transfer shown by the three-year-olds also suggests some difficulties of consistent relational choices even after a strong relational learning criterion had been met.  相似文献   

Behavior analysis is a field dedicated to the development and application of behavioral principles to the understanding and modification of the psychological actions of organisms. As such, behavior analysis was committed from the beginning to a comprehensive account of behavior, stretching from animal learning to complex human behavior. Despite that lofty goal, basic behavior analysis is having a generally harder time finding academic support, and applied behavior analysis has narrowed its focus. In the present paper we argue that both of these trends relate to the challenge of human language and cognition, and that developments within clinical behavior analysis and the analysis of derived relational responding are providing a way forward. To take full advantage of these developments, however, we argue that behavior analysts need to articulate their unique approach to theory, to develop more flexible language systems for applied workers, and to expand their methodological flexibility. This approach, which we term contextual behavioral science, is meant as an evolutionary step that will allow behavior analysis to better capture the center of modern psychological concerns in both the basic and applied areas. Clinical behavior analysis is showing a way forward for behavior analysis to regain its vision as a comprehensive approach to behavior.  相似文献   

Recommendations for achieving generalized instructional outcomes often overlook the capacity for generative learning for most verbally competent humans. Four children (ages 5–8) participated in this project. In Study 1, we provided decontextualized discrete trial teaching to establish arbitrary relations between colors, pictures of characters, and researcher motor actions. All participants engaged in derivative responding, providing evidence of relational framing. Subsequently, we demonstrated that, with no additional instruction, these derivatives contributed to effective action within a socially valid context (i.e., Candyland gameplay). Study 2 extended the demonstration by teaching frames of opposition. Following teaching, all participants engaged in novel and contextually appropriate responding that entailed the derivation of both coordination and opposition between untrained stimuli. This outcome demonstrates how teaching simple relations can result in learning that manifests at higher levels of complexity (i.e., relational networking), providing some evidence that there can be socially valid benefits to decontextualized discrete trial instruction.  相似文献   

Lexical ambiguity resolution was investigated in 9- to 17-year-olds with language impairment (LI, n=20), autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) plus language impairment (ALI, n=28), ASD and verbal abilities within the normal range (ASO, n=20), and typically developing children (TD, n=28). Experiment 1 investigated knowledge of dominant and subordinate meanings of ambiguous words. The LI and ALI groups knew fewer subordinate meanings than did the ASO and TD groups. Experiment 2 used a modified version of the paradigm to investigate contextual facilitation and suppression of irrelevant meanings. All groups demonstrated contextual facilitation, responding quickly and more accurately to words following a biased context. However, children with ALI and LI did not use context as efficiently as did their peers without language deficit. Furthermore, for the LI and ALI groups, errors in the suppression condition reflected poor contextual processing. These findings challenge the assumptions of weak central coherence theory and demonstrate the need for stringent language controls in the study of autistic cognition.  相似文献   

Men and women learned to discriminate between two different size angles presented to them as objects within a real-world task. During Experiment 1, participants in group 50 were trained to choose a 50° angle and participants in group 75 were trained to choose a 75° angle. During testing, both groups were provided with a choice between their training angle and one of a set of test angles that was either smaller or larger than the training angle. Results showed a generalized pattern of responding, with group 50 showing increased responding to test angles smaller than 50° and group 75 showing increased responding to test angles larger than 75°. Further analysis of the response patterns revealed that participants in group 50 showed evidence of absolute learning, whereas participants in group 75 showed evidence of relational learning. During Experiment 2, a third group of participants (group 25) trained to choose a smaller angle (25°) was included in addition to group 50 and group 75. Participants were trained with three angles present and tested with just two, one being their training angle and the other being one of a set of novel test angles. Similar to the participants from Experiment 1, group 75 showed evidence of relational learning. Group 50, for which no relational rule could be applied during training, showed an absolute learning pattern with no response shift to test angles smaller or larger than their training angle. Group 25 showed evidence of absolute responding that was more pronounced than that found for the smallest training angle during Experiment 1. These findings suggest differential learning of geometric angles based on amplitude with smaller angles perceived as more distinct and thus more resistant to broader generalization than larger angles. Implications of these results are that certain geometric properties may be subject to different learning processes based on the specific magnitude of that property.  相似文献   

The rapidity with which children acquire language is one of the mysteries of human cognition. A view held widely for the past 30 years is that children master language by means of a language-specific learning device. An earlier proposal, which has generated renewed interest, is that children make use of domain-general, associative learning mechanisms. However, our current lack of knowledge of the actual learning mechanisms involved during infancy makes it difficult to determine the relative contributions of innate and acquired knowledge. A recent approach to studying this problem exposes infants to artificial languages and assesses the resulting learning. In this article, we review studies using this paradigm that have led to a number of exciting discoveries regarding the learning mechanisms available during infancy. These studies raise important issues with respect to whether such mechanisms are general or specific to language, the extent to which they reflect statistical learning versus symbol manipulation, and the extent to which such mechanisms change with development. The fine-grained characterizations of infant learning mechanisms that this approach permits should result in a better understanding of the relative contributions of, and the dynamic between, innate and learned factors in language acquisition.  相似文献   

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