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虚拟化身(virtual avatar)是玩家在视频游戏中的虚拟自我呈现方式, 通过操控虚拟化身, 玩家可扮演不同的角色, 并拥有新的身份。作为现实自我的投射和展示, 虚拟化身会影响个体的自我认同, 并带来自我的变化。近年来, 越来越多的研究开始关注虚拟化身对个体自我的影响。大量研究表明, 在视频游戏中操纵虚拟化身进行行为和身份模拟会影响个体的自我概念。相关理论从不同视角解释了虚拟化身影响自我概念的原因。另外, 已有研究表明虚拟化身与自我概念的关系受到化身线索、视频游戏特征及个体因素的影响; 自我临场感和化身认同是虚拟化身影响自我概念的内在心理机制。未来研究应关注虚拟化身对自我概念的深层次影响和长期影响, 化身形象和行为两种线索的交互影响, 以及虚拟化身带来的自我概念改变对现实行为的影响, 并加强该领域的应用研究。  相似文献   

虚拟化身是个体在虚拟环境中的自我呈现,化身形象是与特定刻板印象相联系的虚拟化身的外在表象。虚拟化身与攻击性的关系已得到证实,但还有一些问题尚需探讨。本研究通过2个实验,采用线索启动的方法,考察了化身形象、游戏暴力性和玩家性别对化身认同和攻击性的影响,以及化身认同和攻击性之间的关系。实验1结果表明:化身形象与游戏暴力性交互影响化身认同和攻击性。在暴力游戏中,化身形象对化身认同和攻击性有显著影响;在非暴力游戏中,化身形象对化身认同的影响边缘显著,但对攻击性无显著影响。对不同化身形象的认同会诱发不同的攻击性,但受游戏暴力性的影响。实验2结果表明:在暴力游戏中,化身形象与玩家性别交互影响化身认同和攻击性。女性在化身认同方面比男性更易受化身形象影响;男性在攻击性方面比女性更易受化身形象影响。对不同化身形象的认同会导致不同的攻击性,但受性别的影响。  相似文献   

相对剥夺感:概念、测量、影响因素及作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
相对剥夺感(relative deprivation,RD)是指个体或群体通过与参照群体比较而感知到自身处于不利地位,进而体验到愤怒和不满等负性情绪的一种主观认知和情绪体验。目前,相对剥夺感的测量模型主要有个体–群体RD与认知–情感RD的二维垂直结构模型、认知–情感RD的双维结构模型、个体–群体RD的双维结构模型以及RD的三维结构模型。影响相对剥夺感的相关因素主要包括人口统计学变量、个体特征变量和社会环境变量。影响效应方面,相对剥夺感与心理健康、个体行为等个体水平变量以及群际态度、集群行为等群体水平变量的关系是当前关注的焦点。今后研究的重点应包括完善相对剥夺感的概念与结构、注重青少年及特殊群体研究、丰富研究内容和视角、强化纵向干预研究以及本土化和跨文化研究等。  相似文献   

基于自我差异理论,在现实-理想自我差异和游戏化身认同的视角下,采用问卷法对421名初中生进行调查,探讨了现实-理想自我差异(AISD)对青少年游戏成瘾的影响及其作用机制。结果表明:(1)现实-理想自我差异与化身认同、沉浸感和游戏成瘾均呈显著正相关;(2)现实-理想自我差异对化身认同和游戏成瘾均有显著的正向预测作用;(3)现实-理想自我差异不仅可以通过化身认同的单独中介作用,还能通过化身认同和沉浸感的序列中介作用对游戏成瘾产生影响。本研究结果表明,游戏化身在成瘾者的自我概念中有重要作用。这些发现为青少年游戏成瘾的干预和治疗提供了一个新视角,可通过分析成瘾者对游戏化身的认同,了解其现实和理想自我的特征,并改善其对现实自我的接纳和认同,从而预防和控制游戏成瘾。  相似文献   

主管忠诚是指下属在心理上认同主管、内化主管的价值观,并表现依附行为,愿意将主管的利益置于个人利益之上,并且主动为主管付出的行为。目前,主管忠诚构念主流的测量模型包括西方的情感性、规范性和持续性三维结构模型,华人学者陈镇雄提出的认同、内化、奉献、依附、努力五维模型,以及姜定宇等学者提出的认同内化、牺牲奉献、服从不二、业务辅佐、主动配合五维度模型。影响主管忠诚的相关因素主要包括个体特征因素、领导因素和情境因素。在结果变量方面,主管忠诚与员工绩效、员工工作态度和员工工作行为等个体水平变量之间的关系是当前学者们关注的焦点。今后研究的重点包括人格因素对主管忠诚的影响、主管忠诚的负面效应、探索员工主管忠诚的动态演化以及从"以人为中心"的角度研究主管忠诚等。  相似文献   

采用方便抽样法,通过问卷测量了山西省太原市某高校268名大学生,探讨神经质人格与MMORPG游戏成瘾的关系,同时考察叙事传输和化身认同在其中的中介作用。结果发现:(1)神经质人格可以显著预测叙事传输和MMORPG游戏成瘾。(2)叙事传输在神经质人格与MMORPG游戏成瘾之间起部分中介作用。(3)叙事传输和化身认同在神经质人格与MMORPG游戏成瘾之间起链式中介作用。研究结果表明高神经质人群的确存在较高的网络游戏成瘾风险,且叙事传输和化身认同在其中起重要作用。  相似文献   

道德推脱的概念、测量及相关变量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道德推脱是指个体产生的一些特定的认知倾向, 这些认知倾向包括重新定义自己的行为使其伤害性显得更小、最大程度地减少自己在行为后果中的责任和降低对受伤目标痛苦的认同。对道德推脱的概念、测量进行了介绍, 并对其影响因素、影响后果的实证研究进行了系统性的总结。最后, 指出未来研究应该重视完善测量工具、构建道德推脱影响因素模型、强化纵向研究范式和加强道德推脱的干预研究。  相似文献   

文化认知理论旨在从个体层面研究与文化因素相关的个体风险感知差异。它以"格-群"维度划分文化世界观,"格"维度衡量社会的制度化程度,"群"维度衡量社会群体对个体的影响程度,由此编制文化认知量表以测量个体文化理念差异。目前已验证认同保护认知、偏见同化与群体极化、文化易得性、文化可信性、文化认同确认五种作用机制,并在情感启发式研究的基础上引入文化冲突模因作为中介变量建立理论模型。后续研究可推进文化认知测量工具的跨文化检验与本土化修订,并在具体风险主题研究的基础上探索切实可行的公共风险管理对策。  相似文献   

暴力视频游戏是一种新兴的娱乐媒介, 是指含有描绘个体试图对其他个体造成伤害等内容的视频游戏。亲社会性是人类区别于动物的重要特征, 包括在人际交往中个体所表现出的利他、助人等一切使他人受益的认知、情感和行为。本文采用元分析的方法整合国内外已有研究, 分析暴力视频游戏对玩家亲社会性影响的主效应, 并重点考察各调节变量在暴力视频游戏与亲社会性的关系中产生的作用。通过文献检索, 纳入符合要求的文献24篇, 包含63个效应值(effect size), 总样本量18554人。研究结果显示:暴力视频游戏与亲社会性总效应值显著, 但相关较弱(r = -0.10)。调节效应分析表明, 暴力视频游戏与亲社会性的关系受到被试性别、被试类型、被试年龄、测量类型与亲社会性测量指标的调节。未来研究可以进一步采用一般攻击模型与一般学习模型等理论模型指导暴力视频游戏对亲社会行为影响研究, 同时优化实证研究中测量亲社会性的实验范式, 并且需要重点考察个体差异对暴力视频游戏与亲社会性关系的影响。  相似文献   

日常烦心事研究概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
日常烦心事是一种常见的日常压力源, 是压力研究的重要方面。目前主要使用量表法、访谈法和日记法来测量烦心事。个体的人格特征、性别、年龄以及事件特征等是日常烦心事产生的主要影响因素。日常烦心事引起消极情绪, 从而影响身体及心理健康, 目前日常烦心事对健康的作用机制存在两大模型: 一般模型和特定模型, 一般模型强调压力反应的一般性, 而特定模型则强调不同的压力源会引发不同的身心反应。未来研究在探讨日常烦心事的机制、结构和测量工具编制的同时, 还应特别重视日常烦心事的预防和疏解。  相似文献   

This article proposes a scale for measuring player identification in massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs). Three dimensions have been derived from the literature, avatar identification, group identification, and game identification, whereby avatar identification is a second-order factor consisting of similarity identification, wishful identification, and embodied presence. Based on the results of a cross-sectional survey of 544 World of Warcraft players, the measurement instrument's proposed factorial structure was confirmed and the constructs were successfully tested for convergent validity. Subsequently, support for nomological validity was gathered by testing nine theoretically rooted hypotheses linking the identification constructs to motivations for playing MMOGs. The results show that avatar identification is positively associated with roleplay, customization, and escapism; group identification with socializing and relationship; and game identification with escapism, discovery, advancement, and mechanics. These findings indicate that the Player Identification Scale provides a reliable measure of identification in online games ready to be used and further validated in subsequent research.  相似文献   

The present paper is composed of two studies. The first study explored the variables influencing the purchase of avatar-related products through the avatar users' survey research. This proposed a theoretical model of the purchase of avatar-related products using attitude toward an avatar, subjective norm, self-presentation, identification, and immersion. Although significant relationships were found for the individual links, the model was not supported. The second study focused on which variables predict the intention to use avatar-related products. A model was tested with avatar non-users. Results indicated that all relationships among variables in the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), such as perceived ease of use of avatar, perceived usefulness of avatar, attitude toward using avatar, and intention to use avatar-related products, were strongly supported, as was the link between Internet self-efficacy and perceived ease of use of avatar. Also, the peer groups' subjective norm component which was a unique variable successfully predicted intention to use avatar-related products. Overall, all hypotheses were supported and the data were judged to be consistent with the model.  相似文献   

Video game developments allow players to design their own personalized avatars. Previous research has shown that this capability increases levels of aggression within socially acceptable forms of violence. Using the general aggression model (GAM), the current study examined the effect of avatar personalization on behavioral aggression within a violent video game. Participants who played a violent video game and designed their own avatars were significantly more aggressive than those who played the same violent video game with a generic avatar, and were also more aggressive than those who played the nonviolent video game, regardless of whether or not they designed their own personalized characters. Limitations and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite much research on consumers' brand identification, researchers remain divided regarding the conceptualization of the dimensions underlying social identity and how these dimensions impact marketing outcome variables. Further, previous studies have failed to examine the underlying psychological process driving this effect. The current research is the first to assess the importance of affective social identity as the mediator through which cognitive social identity impacts consumers' purchase intentions by ways of emotional and social value. Results show that affective social identity mediates the relationship between cognitive social identity and emotional value, where affect is the main driver in the formation of purchase intention. This study highlights the need to model cognitive and affective social identity separately and provides insight into how consumers' social identification influences their perceptions of identity‐linked products. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Little is known about the effects of playing sexualizing video games on adolescent boys’ and girls’ self-objectified body image. Early and middle adolescents (N = 115; Mage = 12.63, SD = 0.85) participated in a between-subjects experiment testing the effect of playing with a sexualized male or female avatar as compared to a control condition. We revealed that playing a video game with a sexualized avatar increased self-objectification among adolescents. This effect occurred regardless of the gender of the adolescent and, thus, did not support the gender congruency hypothesis. In contrast to the activation frequency hypothesis and video game literature on sexualization, the effect of playing with a female sexualized avatar was not moderated by game frequency. Given the adverse consequences of self-objectification in adolescence, the current study results highlight the need for research on how these effects may be countered.  相似文献   

Drawing on the self-concept activation and goal-priming account of the priming effect, this study examined how self-concept—i.e., ideal self, ought self, and actual self—can be harnessed as a model for avatar customization in digital games to promote healthy-eating behavior. Female participants (N = 133) customized an avatar in a digital game to reflect either the ideal, ought, or actual self. Participants then selected food items for their avatar within the digital game as well as food items for themselves to eat afterward. Results suggest that for participants using an ought-self avatar, the extent to which they were conscious of their health was positively related to healthier food choice both within and after playing the game. No such effect emerged for participants who used an ideal- or actual-self avatar, indicating that participants formed the goal of being healthy only with regard to the ought self. This study demonstrates that avatar customization in a digital game can serve a regulatory function by representing individuals’ duties and responsibilities, thus, causing them to adopt such attributes manifested in their avatar during and after the game.  相似文献   

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